Chapter 5 - Friendship
Harry couldn't believe it, he had only two days to find a date to the ball. Not only that but everyone who wasn't already going to the ball had gone home for the holidays already! He couldn't even ask a first year. He buried his face in his hands, and groaned, he didn't want to think about it but if there was one thing the hospital wing had was spare time.
"Mr. Potter, would you stop groaning like a lovesick mule! I know perfectly well you are not in fact, feeling awful." He peered through his fingers at Madame Pomfrey. She was running diagnostic spells over Hermione having just kicked Ron out a couple minutes ago.
Ron had been repentant for his actions since Halloween. It was nice having him back as a friend but Harry was still a little annoyed. He seemed to have taken it for granted that he could just fall back in with Harry after dropping their friendship. Harry closed his eyes again, head still in his hands. That was another headache.
He liked Ron and he really didn't have that many close friends that he could afford to let one go. But Ron was too fickle in his friendship. This was not the first time that Ron had switched sides as it were and caused discord in their little group of three. Ever since the train in first year, Ron had been at his side. Gah, he'd figure it out later.
Instead he pulled down his hands, and eyed Pomfrey, "Since I'm feeling so good, may I leave?"
Madame Pomfrey paused in her charms work and considered him. "I can't see a reason why not." Harry jumped out of bed quickly pulling robes over his bedclothes. "But you will take it easy." She said sternly, "You will come back here if you feel faint, if you feel anything odd at all. And you will still be sleeping here tonight. If I find out you have done otherwise you will be staying in this room until the holidays are over. Do I make myself clear?"
"Yes Madame Pomfrey." Harry acquiesced. He looked at Hermione, and gestured, "What about her?"
"She'll be fine. It takes some time to recover a core that has been so thoroughly depleted. Normally a nights rest restores a students core, but with hers it'll probably be another day before she wakes. She should be fine for classes to start though so don't you worry."
"Thanks." He set off out of the hospital wing. He didn't have anyplace to go in particular. He didn't want to go back to the Gryffindor common room. Aimlessly he wandered past portraits, considering all that had happened this year. There was so much more yet to come. And honestly, how was he going to get a date? He stared at a painting on the wall dumbstruck. A was feeding his dog a piece of chicken from off his plate. "Sirius!"
He hurried up to his dorm room to get some parchment. He ignored the well wishers in the common room and quickly made it up the stairs. The hangings on his bed were closed. He pulled them open to find a package wrapped up on top of his pillow. Gingerly he picked it up and read the note on top of it. It had two simple words, "Take Care." Opening the package his invisibility cloak fell out. Harry puzzled over this for a moment before giving it up as a bad job. Quickly he threw the cloak on, it fit his mood of wanting to be ignored perfectly. Grabbing a quill and parchment he headed out, quickly sneaking out the common hole following a pair of first years.
The castle was garishly decorated for the holidays. The suits of armor had tinsel and garland wrapped around them, a stark contrast to the plain metal. He just shook his head, honestly it looked foolish. Next thing you know they'd enchant the armor to sing and dance. He groaned as he passed peeves singing merrily from inside a suit of armor cusses twisting the once merry songs.
He stopped in an unused classroom to write his letter to Sirius.
I'm not sure how much Dumbledore has told you about the first task, but I'm doing well now. I only just woke up this morning, a whole month missed! Hermione tried to do something to help that almost killed her, but it seems she will recover as well. She is currently sleeping in the hospital wing. Madame Pomfrey says she won't wake until tomorrow at the earliest.
Now I do have something to ask you for help with. I have to go to a Ball! Now first off, I can't dance, or at least I haven't ever learned. Secondly as I only just woke up today, and the ball is on Christmas I'm in a bit of a bind. They're going to require I open the dance and I don't have a partner! Everyone already has dates! What am I going to do?
If you have any ideas I'd really appreciate the help,
Satisfied he put it in his pocket and wandered down to the kitchens where he acquired some food to send to Sirius. He got to the Owlery and sent three owls off with the food. To Hedwig he gave the letter. "And wait for a response would you girl?" Hedwig nipped his finger affectionately and took off."
He wandered some more, A glance out a window overlooking the grounds he saw the quidditch pitch. Unused as it was this year, it reminded him of his firebolt. True to its name, it had burned like so much dry tinder after getting caught in dragonfire. Ron had been distraught at the loss and had proceeded to list off all the competing models that were planned for release in the coming year.
To be honest the loss of the firebolt didn't bother him that much. Sure the broom was great and a gift from Sirius as well, but he just liked to fly. He didn't plan to actually join a quidditch team after graduation. Playing seeker was boring really, great lengths of time spent looking around and small jolts of adrenaline as you dive to get the snitch. He preferred to fly around without the need to constantly be on the lookout for the snitch.
Harry sighed, he wasn't going to be able to put it off much longer. The one bad thing about being asleep for a month, is that the school work doesn't actually go away. Snape would probably be more than willing to give him detention for every assignment not turned in, regardless of the fact he was in the hospital wing. It would be just like him. So he headed off to the library. He'd have to get a few books to bring back to the hospital wing.
He wasn't going to bother trying to catch up in divination or history of magic. They were both useless in his opinion but if he didn't catch up in his other subjects Hermione would chew him out. Not just Hermione either, McGonagall would chew him out if he didn't turn in all his work in what she considered a reasonable amount of time, even if he used being in the tournament as an excuse to skip class. Entering the library, Harry pulled of the cloak. He would need to talk to Mrs. Pince to help find the right books. Ron had not truly been the most helpful in telling him exactly what he needed to study, at least he had managed to point out what topics were covered, even if he didn't have a detailed list of assignments he had completed. He'd be able to get those from Hermione later, for now he could just catch up on the reading.
An hour later he entered the hospital wing arms laden with books and set them down next to his bed. He turned around and left heading to the great hall for dinner. He would much rather have food from the great hall than the typical fare one could get in the hospital wing. For some reason the food never tasted quite the same, even if it was cooked in the same location. The selection was also significantly reduced.
When Harry entered the great hall, there was a hush. The tables were almost full, which was different for the holiday break. Harry calmly walked to the Gryffindor table. Clapping started at the Hufflepuff table. Harry jerked his head around and saw Cedric clapping his approval. The clapping broke into applause that only the Slytherin table didn't partake in. He nodded at Cedric in thanks and took his seat.
"Hiya Harry!" Colin Creevey shouted excitedly from just across the table. "I've got this amazing photo of you talking to the Dragon. Do you think you'd be willing to sign it later?"
He shrugged, "Ask me again later Colin, I'm not really in the mood right now. I'm just hungry."
"Okay!" He sounded a little downhearted, but perked up with some other news, "Did you hear, you made the front page of the papers multiple times! They weren't sure how to continue the tournament. You were supposed to get the egg, and even if you failed you were supposed to be given the egg after the task was complete. But in your case, the egg itself was completely gone!"
Harry rolled his eyes, "And I'm sure they couldn't be bothered to create another egg could they?"
"Exactly! Evidently it wasn't allowed by some rule or another. Instead they've decided that you have to face the next task completely unawares, just like the first task. I'm not sure that's entirely fair. I've heard that the second task usually requires a bit of upfront planning to have any chance of completing but that was hundreds of years ago!." Colin just kept talking, and Harry slowly ate his food. "Roger Davis thought that you should actually get a special hint because you actually survived against your dragon! No one else had nearly as tough a dragon as you, you're flying would have easily gotten around the Fireball. I mean that thing shoots flames but it wasn't nearly as fast as that horntail. I've never seen a dragon move that fast. Not that I've seen that many dragons understand..."
He just kept going and going. Harry nodded every now and then to show he was paying attention. Honestly it was not a bad way to catch up on the gossip around the school. He got to hear all the ins and outs of who was bringing whom to the dance even the latest in unjust punishments handed out by Snape. He also covered all the most just punishments the twins had acquired for their pranks.
Once Harry was pleasantly full he excused himself, "Thanks Colin, it was nice talking with you. I need to be getting back to the hospital wing though. Madame Pomfrey was pretty clear that I had to stay there for the foreseeable future." It wasn't the strictest of truth but Colin had come back around to discussing the tournament and Harry wasn't sure he could take it again.
"Oh, Okay. It was nice talking with you Harry." He almost bounced off his seat. As Harry was leaving he noticed Dennis pounce on his brother and animatedly start asking questions.
Harry smiled inwardly. Some things would never change.
A voice called out as he neared the door to the great hall. Harry grimaced. "Oy Potter!" Malfoy also would hardly change in a month, "How does it feel to be the only champion who couldn't complete their task?" His voice twisted the word champion into a snide insult, "You must be so proud, couldn't even face down a dragon without going stiff as a board and waiting for the dragon to kill you. What lucky star you were born under that you didn't die for that pathetic excuse of a task I'll never know."
Harry turned and faced them instead of leaving. Malfoy was flanked by his two goons. "Malfoy, I'm glad you've managed to ferret out a few new insults. Honestly "Potter Stinks" is rather tame, a first year could have come up with it." He grinned when Malfoy flinched at the mention of ferrets.
"Just wait Potter, next year you won't be winning quidditch! You no longer have your broom as an advantage." Draco seemed proud of this point and stalked out of the hall.
Harry just watched him go, mouth hanging slightly open. Draco was well out of sight before Harry could bring himself to say it, "Is that it? From hoping I die this year it drops to beating me at quidditch next year because of a broom I can replace?"
The soft *thock* of wood on stone announced Mad Eye's presence, "Any trouble there Potter?"
Harry grinned, "Not at all Professor. Just couldn't help but wonder what Slytherin house deems an acceptably devious insult."
"Hah! Don't listen to the ferret, there are plenty from Slytherin who can come up with a good insult you know? I remember from my time here quite a few who could come up with a good laugh."
"You went to Hogwarts Professor? What house were you in?"
He grinned manically, "Wouldn't you and everyone else like to know? I've done a fair job getting rid of that particular bit of information Potter. Wouldn't do to go releasing it now would it." He gestured out the hall, "Now, would you mind if I walked with you a bit, never know if a ferret might be waiting for a chance."
Harry shrugged, "Okay professor. I'm not really worried though, Malfoy hasn't really ever been able to get the jump on me. He hasn't ever really had an advantage in spellwork, he's really rather an average spellcaster."
"Constant vigilance! You never know when an enemy has been hiding their true skills." he paused briefly before nodding, "Though I agree with your assessment of Mr. Malfoy's abilities. Lead the way Potter, don't want to stand around all night." They left the hall, Harry lead them up towards the hospital wing. Mad Eye broke the silence that had developed since they left the hall, "So how are you feeling? Think you're going to be up to the second task?"
Harry shrugged, he really didn't want to think about the tournament. "I'm feeling fine, perfectly normal actually. It's just Madame Pomfrey's opinion that I need to be watched for side effects." Mad Eye's good eye settled on him as he fell silent. Finally Harry admitted, "I'm not really sure about the second task. I'll be going in blind, just like the first task. Who knows, maybe I'll just stand there trying to think up something on the spot."
"Don't give up Potter. You never know what might come out to your advantage. You might be behind in the points, but it's not the points that decide the tournament, it's whomever finishes the final task first."
Harry raised his eyebrows, "You know, I don't really want to compete, let alone win. The only reason I'm even in this tournament to begin with is that supposedly a magically binding contract can be enacted in my name without my consent. Just think of that travesty. And I supposedly can't withdraw my name, so I must compete or I'll lose my magic. Show up for the task, or become a muggle."
Harry stopped dead in his tracks. An idea had just struck him, "Professor, what if we put Voldemort's name in the goblet! He'd have to show up at a location of our choice, at a time of our choice and compete under the conditions of our choice. If he failed to show up he'd become what he hates, a muggle! He doesn't have to approve the contract, he doesn't even have to participate, we can enter for him!"
Mad Eye's roving eye spun around wildly and he leaned in, "That's quite the idea there Potter, and you know what? It might just work. Let me talk to Dumbledore, after this tournament we might just be able to convince the ministry to reset the tournament and draw a few names out of the goblet. If we only enter Voldemort..." He growled, "Anyway, don't tell anyone of this idea, we should keep it quiet. If he knew ahead of time he might try something with the goblet."
Harry nodded, "I'll keep it quiet. Just let me know what he says."
He uncapped his flask and took a quick swig, "Alright Potter, I'll get back to you. Now off with you." He gestured down the hall to the hospital wing. "I'm going to take this to Dumbledore immediately. This could prove to our advantage."
Harry grinned as Mad Eye hobbled off in a fast gait towards the headmaster's office. Perhaps this idea would manage to save them all a lot of trouble. No need to track down a criminal when you can bring them to you or summarily punish them by removing their magic. He turned around and headed into the hospital wing. He eyed the pile of books next to his bed and veered away towards Hermione's bed. Just a quick stop for Hermione, he was not avoiding studying.
He looked down on her face and smiled. He stared at how her hair splayed over the pillow. His hand lifted and stroked her hair and he jerked his hand back. Instead he grabbed her hand, "We'll talk tomorrow." her hand was warm and soft. He didn't want to let go. A cough caused him to drop her hand and take a quick step back, blushing furiously.
Madame Pomfrey raised her eyebrow. He noticed he was tired, his hand covered his mouth as a huge yawn broke through, "Your bed is over there Mr. Potter." Harry nodded. Crossing to his bed he didn't stop to consider his books, or even his robe before he fell onto the bed and was asleep.
Madame Pomfrey rolled her eyes, honestly children these days. She waved her wand and he was suddenly tucked in, robes folded to the side of the bed.
He could hear a voice calling him, "Harry. Harry. Harry!" he grumbled but came awake. His eyes opened to the dark of the hospital wing. "Harry!" His eyes widened in surprise.
"Hermione! You weren't expected to wake until tomorrow morning."
"Oh Harry. Are you alright?" He could hear her sniff, he studiously ignored it and stayed in his bed.
"I'm fine Hermione."
"So, it worked?"
"What worked?"
"The ritual." Her voice was anxious.
Harry grimaced, "Err, what did you think it was going to do?"
"It was supposed to bind your soul to your magic. The medi-wizard said your soul wasn't bound properly." She fell silent, and Harry's thoughts whirled. In a way he was happy, she hadn't known what the ritual could have done. At the same time, that she hadn't known what the ritual could have done was frustrating. She cut off his musings though, having picked up on the train of his thoughts, "What do you mean what did I think it was going to do? What did it do?"
"Hermione, what exactly did it say it would do."
"It would bind a soul to a magical core."
"Well, yours obviously." Her mouth answered before her head caught up, she gasped, "Oh. Oh no!" Her voice warbled in worry, "What did it do? Harry tell me!"
"I'm fine Hermione, but it almost killed you." She gasped, he could hear quiet sobs as it hit home, "Even Dumbledore doesn't know how you lived through it. Using that ritual on a human should have resulted in you becoming a squib."
"What-," she choked off but soon tried again, "What do you mean on a human?"
"Dumbledore said you used a ritual to bond a familiar. You tried to bond me as a Familiar! It's meant to be used on a magical creature. I might be able to use it on Hedwig if she was willing."
"Oh," another realization hit her, her words came out whispered, Harry wasn't sure he caught it. "that's what Krum meant..." her voice wavered in between sobs, she kept repeating, "I'm sorry." Harry closed his eyes, his emotions roiling. He swung his legs off the bed and walked over to Hermione. He put his arms around her into a hug as she sobbed.
"I'm not angry Hermione. I really appreciate it that you care enough to help me." He choked up himself, "I know how you felt you know. I had you in my arms as you were dying. I watched your magic fade, felt the life leaving your body." His voice was rough with emotion, "I didn't like it Hermione. I don't want to feel that way again! I don't want to lose a friend."
Her sobs slowed, she rolled over and hugged him back. "Thank you Harry." She released him, so he let her go. "We should go back to bed, I'm sorry for waking you."
"Are you going to be alright?"
The bed quivered, but her voice was steady, "I will be."
"Goodnight Hermione." Harry went back to his bed and climbed in.
"Goodnight Harry."
Unbeknownst to either of them, Madame Pomfrey quietly slipped back into her office. There wasn't much she could do for emotional scars, for those the warm hug of a friend was more than a capable healer. Harry's words though brought back her own demons. She sat down and opened a panel on her desk. She pulled out a small bottle of scotch which normally she would share with Minerva, but not tonight. She poured herself a small glass, just enough to help burn away the ache in her throat and get her back to sleep. The images of all the deaths she could not stop burned in her mind as she fitfully fell asleep in her chair.
Hermione woke late into the morning. The sun was high in the sky She looked over to see Harry, book propped open on the bed frame, wand in hand casually swishing it this way and that. She smiled as she watched him. His hair was still roguish and unkempt. He was somewhat ungainly really, but his wand movements were precise, although wrong. "You're flicking left too early."
He looked over at her and grinned, "Like this?" he swished his wand.
"Much better." His eyes seemed to sparkle in the morning sun. He looked back at his book waving his wand. Something seemed different, something... She blinked. "Harry!"
"What?" he looked over at her again, confused. "Where are your glasses?"
His hand reached up to his face reflexively, "Right here" his words cut off in confusion as he felt nothing on his face. When had he last had his glasses? In the arena with Ewenia? He hadn't used them last night, or the day before that. No one had said a word. "I... can see?" his voice was strained, confused and exhilarated. "Hermione, I can see!"
She smiled to herself as Harry started to test his eyesight on the signs around the hospital wing. Inside however her curiosity raged, with no small amount of worry. What happened to him in that dragonfire? She had seen his body after it was over, but in between then and the initial blast nothing. "Congratulations." He beamed at her.
Soon he went back to his studying, still smiling like a cat. She watched him as his eyes flicked over the pages. Gingerly she sat up. Her muscles strained and she almost collapsed back onto the bed, clearly she wasn't going anywhere today. She looked around and saw nothing, no books, no parchment or quills. She sighed. "Hey Harry." He looked up at her quizzically, "Why don't you bring that over here, I'll help you study."
"Sure," he picked up the book, and wand in hand walked on over. Gingerly he sat down on her bed, carefully avoiding her legs.
"Now, tell me where you're at and we'll go from there." He grinned, and started to explain.
The day passed quickly, a quick break for lunch and dinner. Harry stuck around and ate the hospital wing fare, which was surprisingly good for some reason, and kept Hermione company. He managed to get a lot of Transfiguration work done today, at least the theory and practical work. He would need to sit down and write the essays still but as long as he could demonstrate it McGonagall would not be too harsh.
The next day flowed much the same way except Harry focused on his Charms work. It wasn't until the morning after that he realized what day it was. "Crap, crap, crap, crap." He muttered over and over.
Hermione watched him concerned. "Whats wrong?"
"Nothing." He corrected himself, "Everything." She just arched an eyebrow, "Oh the stupid Yule ball. I have to go because I'm a champion. I don't have a date! I don't even know how to dance!"
"Oh. Viktor Krum asked me to go with him you know. He was actually quite nice about it. It's a pity," she gestured down at herself, sitting in bed, "I won't be getting up today for any length of time. Least of all dancing."
His ravings were interrupted by an Hedwig winging her way in through the door. Harry swung his head up and his eyes swam with hope while his brow furrowed. Hedwig landed in front of him, and he took the letter. "Thanks Hedwig. Help yourself," He gestured to the leftover breakfast. A couple pieces of bacon were quickly gulped down. Harry tore open the letter and read. His expression relaxed and he started to chuckle. He glanced at her bemusedly, "Hermione, do you know? I'm not sure if I should listen to snuffles or if I should prank him mercilessly." He threw the letter to her, "But, as I am all out of options, I'll listen to him to start, and then I'll prank him mercilessly if anything goes wrong."
Hermione stared at the letter, her jaw open. And then looked back up at him, "You wouldn't! She'll kill you!"
"Oh, I don't know. I mean you heard snuffles. The ladies love me as I..." he paused dramatically, striking a pose, "am a champion!" Hermione couldn't help it, she broke down giggling.
"You still don't know hot to dance do you?"
"Nope." He said proudly.
"You're bed will still be here when you are carted here tonight. I'll make sure Madame Pomfrey's ready."
He chuckled, "We'll see."
He left later that evening to get ready, promising Hermione he'd tell her all about it. It was ten of eight when Harry arrived outside the Great Hall.
McGonagall's voice cut over the crowd, "Ah, there you are Potter. Come come. The champions and their partners are all waiting over here. You'll go in last and have the first dance which will kick off the evening." She instructed the crowd, "Everyone else, enter the hall and find a seat. We're about to begin." Looking back at the Champions she noted "Fleur and Viktor, you'll go in first, Cedric and Cho, you'll be second. Harry and..." she paused, puzzled, "Harry, who did you say your dance partner was?"
Harry grinned at her, "Oh, I didn't. But I'll be going in third is it? Easy enough."
Her voice was biting, "You do have a dance partner don't you Mr. Potter?"
Harry scoffed at her, "Of course I do Professor. I wouldn't want to let the school down. Hogwarts would look so foolish if one of her champions went to the ball stag."
The hall cleared out until just the six of them stood there. McGonagall eyed Harry, "Now really Harry, where is your partner?"
"Oh, I'm sure she'll be here when the time comes. We can wait just a minute or two can't we?"
Fleur cut in, her voice haughty, "Isn't it obvious, he couldn't find a date. He is too young."
"Oh, I didn't say I had a date," replied Harry, "I said I had a dance partner. These are two entirely different things." They all stared at him, so he continued right on, "Imagine having to find a date for a ball two days before the ball begins while being single, and while all the eligible women are taken. It'd be a nightmare. Instead I found someone I could dance with without any romantic attachments."
Fleur couldn't take it, "All you do is prattle boy. Come Viktor, let us leave them to wait for his nonexistent partner." She lead Krum into the hall, the applause started as the champions entered. McGonagall put her hand to her forehead.
"Professor?" Cedric queried, uncertainly.
McGonagall nodded her head and gestured he lead his date in to the ball. Finally she looked up at Harry, and around at the now empty surroundings. Her tone was a little sharp, "And now that you must enter or bring shame upon our school, where is your dance partner?"
She almost fell back as Harry stepped close and bowed hand outstretched. His voice was overly suave, "My lady, would you do me the honor of this dance?"
Her retort was sharp, "What?"
"I said, would you do me the honor of this dance?" His hand was still outstretched.
"I heard what you said. You mean to tell me you intend me as your dance partner? Are you mad?"
"Unabashedly." he looked up at her a funny grin twisting his face, still bowed over, "Unfortunately we don't have all night for you to decide."
"But the press... I..."
"Professor, the press will have a field day either way. Either I enter without a partner, or I enter with you. It'll be fun, just one dance."
She hesitated then took his hand. "You are going to get detention for a month Mr. Potter." For some reason this caused him to grin even wider, "Let's enter before they start without us." McGonagall led a grinning Harry through the doors, arms linked together. Harry couldn't stop the smile on his face and waved merrily at the crowd. The flash of a camera carried through the room as silence fell when everyone realized who he was walking in with.
Two twin voices broke the silence, "How did you-" "-convince her?" "She flat turned us down." Harry just winked at the Weasley twins and they started laughing and clapping. The clapping slowly started up again by now confused crowd.
Harry heard McGonagall mutter to herself, "The board is going force me to resign after this."
Harry grinned, "Relax professor, it's not like they're going to see anything between us." she didn't seem to hear him, and just kept muttering to herself, so he added mischievously, "besides it's not like I know how to dance." Harry supported her as she stumbled and caught herself.
She looked at him sharply, "What do you mean you don't know how to dance?"
"Did you see me at any lessons?" She shook her head, "I assure you, I took none." He smiled at her as she scowled. Now to throw on some flattery, "I heard you're an amazing teacher. I've got seeker reflexes and learn fast, let's see about that first lesson shall we?"
"You're going to get detention for the rest of the year!"
"Oh don't encourage me!"
The music started to play and McGonagall grabbed his hand, placing her other hand on his shoulder. "Hold my waist," Harry nodded, placing his hand on her side and she started to move. The first few steps were awkward, Harry half a beat behind, but soon he was gliding along, carefully staying out of her way and more importantly off her feet. She cooled off a little as they circled around, though she shot the twins a scathing glare for their catcalls. "And why would detentions be encouraging Mr. Potter?"
"An old acquaintance of yours promised me a hundred galleons per day of punishment earned forcing you to be my dance partner. He seemed to think it worth it to get a picture of you and me dancing on the front page of the Daily Prophet." His face split back into his grin, "Detentions for the whole year and I can buy the whole team new firebolts!"
She groaned, considering how she was going to handle his punishment, it brought to mind her other issue, "Not to change topics too much Mr. Potter, but what is your opinion on Mrs. Grangers punishment?"
"She cast a ritual on you Mr. Potter. The only reason I'm asking you instead of expelling her outright is that you, as the person accosted, has some measure of say in the punishment."
"You can't-" Harry was cut off.
"I am perfectly able to, and willing. That ritual was no joke and someone easily could have died. So tell me Mr. Potter, why shouldn't I expel her?"
Harry's mouth gaped for a moment, but he shut it. He didn't answer right away, moving back and forth to the music. Finally, the song wound to a close, the notes slowing and dying away. Harry looked McGonagall in the eyes, "I did not save her from death for her life to be stripped away again. Teach her, correct her, but do not cast her out with the midden." He released her hand, and took a step back and added almost as an afterthought, "besides, I would follow her." He shook his head and bowed, "Thank you for the dance my lady. Another time perhaps?"
She nodded mutely and Harry walked away to the Champions table. He turned and headed over to the table with the faculty. Her mind raced, she had expected Harry would tell her not to expel Hermione. But his eyes were so forceful when he described saving her from death. When had he done that? Better yet, which time? Was it the troll, the basilisk, or the dementors?
The rest of the night passed much more calmly. Though she did notice that Harry seemed to disappear early on. She shrugged it off. If he had stayed around she probably would have actually assigned him detentions out of reflex. It still rankled that he had managed to force hand in that way. No student had managed to do that since his parents were at the school. That brought a smile to her face, looking back on those times, that group of friends was quite entertaining. Not of course in the moment dealing with their chicaneries, but after the fact, it made for interesting memories.
She sighed as Professor Sprout entered the hall, it was now her turn to go clear out the bushes. Honestly why students would pick such obvious a spot to try to get together was a mystery to her. At least she had had the decency to find a proper broom closet and charm it shut when she was in school. She stalked off, preparing her tongue lashing, she would definitely assign some detentions tonight.
Harry entered the Hospital wing in a huff. Hermione was reading a book but looked up as he crossed to his bed and collapsed on top of it.
"Harry, what's wrong?" she inquired, Harry just rolled over with a groan. "You promised to tell me Harry!" He rolled off his bed and started pacing.
"Everything was going fine. Dinner with Percy was a right bore," seeing her confused expression, "he's substituting for Barty Crouch, who's evidently sick and left Percy in charge. Percy couldn't shut up about how much he was trusted by Crouch. But that's not much of a surprise, you remember how he was when he got his head boy badge.
"It didn't even bug me that Fleur kept sending snide remarks my way. Honestly she's pretty creative with them, though she did keep Viktor from talking to me. He seemed rather put out about the situation. But no, that wouldn't have ruined my evening, what ruined it was Ron."
Understanding flitted across Hermione's face. "Oh." She waited for Harry to continue, but when he just continued pacing she prodded him, "What did he do this time?"
"He was making snide remarks all evening about the other champions. He seemed to take it to heart that the only champion worth knowing was the great 'Harry Potter'. He called Krum a traitorous bastard and even tried to pick a fight with him over Fleur." She opened her mouth but Harry forestalled her, "No, he didn't actually get in the fight. Fleur just looked at him and told him where the little boys table was as if he was a lost child.
"He spent ten minutes spewing as much vitriol as he could come up with about her after that. But what really sets me off was when he started in on Neville." he stopped pacing and turned to her, "He couldn't understand how Ginny was having a good time with Neville so he started in on him too. Meanwhile Ron's date was ignored until finally she up and left, he didn't even notice! When did he start becoming so bitter Hermione?"
Harry waited anxiously as she choose her words. "Harry," she bit her lip, "Ron's always been that way."
"No he hasn't, I would have noticed."
She bit her lip a little harder but ploughed on, "Earlier this year, he thought you entered the tournament and was cruel to you."
"Well yeah, but I mean he sort of had a reason," Harry waved it away, "But he's never been this over the top."
She set down her book so her hands could grip the bedding, "Harry," she started softly, "Last year, with the broom." Harry opened his mouth to protest, but she cut him off, "No Harry, let me finish." His mouth closed, waiting. "Last year with the broom he decided it was all my fault and he wouldn't talk to me for weeks. But that's just how he treats his friends. 'Slytherin house is full of snakes.' he says doesn't he?" Harry nodded, "Who else can you name from Slytherin aside from Malfoy and his two goons?" Harry opened his mouth to answer and then scrunched his brow. He closed his mouth, thoughtful.
Hermione continued not waiting for him to come up with something to say, "Not everyone in Gryffindor is courageous, not everyone in Hufflepuff is loyal, not everyone in Ravenclaw is a bookworm, and not everyone in Slytherin is scheming. To Ron, unless you're in Gryffindor, you're not worth his time. Slytherin and he'd likely hex you as soon as look at you. Hufflepuff and you're a duffer not worth his time." She scrunched her hand, "Do you think Cedric is a duffer Harry?" He shook his head mutely, "Ravenclaws he says are a bunch of bookworms." Her voice choked, "You know, he hasn't missed many opportunities to tell me that I should have been in that house. That I study too much to be in Gryffindor. And in Gryffindor he think of our little group as having enough courage to truly be considered Gryffindors. And then only because you do all the crazy adventures.
"How much courage do you think it takes Neville to walk into Professor Snape's classroom every week, knowing he is more than likely to end up in the Hospital wing after enduring the taunts and jeers of his peers and not only from Slytherin." Harry's mouth worked soundlessly, but Hermione kept on. "Ron can be funny to be around, he has his moments," She smiled slightly, "but more than that he is rude and obnoxious. You've always sided with him Harry, he's your best friend. But maybe," her voice caught, and she gripped the bed her hands going white, her voice came out quiet and strained, "... maybe now you can side with me?" He just stared at her, she swallowed a lump in her throat. "I've never had a real best friend before."
Something stirred within Harry as he watched Hermione tensed on the bed. It suddenly clicked into place. He took a few quick strides to her bed and enveloped her in a hug. "Hermione, you're already my best friend." he felt a sob shake her, "You have been since the Goblet. You were the one I relied upon to help me, and..." he tried to find the words, "and I've changed since then. I don't know how to explain it, but I don't think Ron and I can go back to the way we were." He pulled back and looked her in the eyes, "It's much more likely that the 'golden trio' just shifted to being much more studious!"
A small smile flicked across Hermione's face. She quickly scrubbed her eyes drying her tears. "Thanks Harry," she sniffed and then suddenly lifted her eyes to him and squinted, "You never said anything about McGonagall." Hermione didn't notice the forced grin as Harry recounted the adventure of the Yule ball.