Past: Wall Maria

A month has passed and Levi was a true runt, scavenging through dumpsters, pickpocketing from the rich, stealing fruits from the venders and clothes from the laundry lines. The wind was getting harsher as Levi found a pair of fingerless gloves near the sewers of Wall Maria. He wore mix-matched clothing of a grey sweater, patterned pants and different color socks that had holes in them, but he still kept his white cloth around his neck. Searching deeper along the sewer, Levi memorized the streets inside and out. Picking a tarp near the end of the curb, he overheard a group of thugs feasting on their stolen prize. Levi popped his head over the concrete slab to soak in the smell of real food.

"Cute lil thing," one of the thugs came from behind and slammed Levi's head against the wall.

"Think we can get a few coins from him?" others joined in. Levi squirmed through the dirty hands.

"He bit me!" The thug waved his hand in the air, trying to cool the mark Levi left. He kicked Levi hard in the stomach. He clenched in a fettle position and felt his ribs burn and lungs coughing blood.

"I bet he would teach him a lesson," the fatter thug said smugly. They were smiling mischievously and the last thing Levi remembered were flashes of white lights as he slipped to unconsciousness.


Levi finally woke up and felt his entire body being lugged on someone's shoulders. The bounce and sway made him dizzy and his stomach was still hurting from before. He could see nothing through the brown bag over his head and felt his arms tied tightly behind his back. He cringed at the smell of cheap perfume, gunpowder and filth. There were shouting, running and fighting from afar. Levi took note of each noise and turns they made, till they suddenly stopped and he heard a loud knock. The door creaked open with the waft of tobacco and that's when the bag was lifted from his head.

"Boss, think this lil runt can do something?" the thug threw Levi on the dirt. The Boss raised Levi's head with his foot. He was tall, slim and well built, he had short, coarse-looking dark hair that reaches down to his neck and has a thin beard along his jawline. Wearing a simple white shirt with a black tie that was loose, and a large black overcoat that reaches past his knees. He also wore a bowler have with a white band around it.

"Scrawny and pathetic like the rest," the Boss eyed Levi and the rest of the gang. "Where did you find this kid?" The gang members didn't respond to his question. Levi gained enough strength to push his boots away and grabbed for the knife in the Boss's hands.

"You're pretty quick on your feet, boy," The man laughed and patted is pants. "What's your name?"

"Levi," Levi held the knife with both hands. Kenny studied Levi for a moment and smiled.

"My name is Kenny Ackerman," Kenny scoffed, "keep it, that thing might save our life someday. Come in. Everyone else can leave." He gestured Levi inside his place.

The place looked like a hellhole from the outside, but the inside was decorated with shelves of books, trinkets, weapons and plants. The floorboards squeaked as he dodged most of the items lying everywhere and had to adjust his vision because of the oil lanterns tinting the room with long shadows. The place smelt of spices that dazed him from the maze of hallways. One hallway to the left was the kitchen and to the right was the dining room, but seemed infested with roaches and bacteria that can cause a new disease.

They stopped at a wooden door that led them upstairs and was entirely different from the main level, the place was spacious with a cluster organize feel and had a large frosted window at the end of the room. There was a long wooden table propped in the middle that had parchments of maps and people. Levi was now curious what this man did for a living. Some faces were crossed out with a red marker and he observed the room and saw maps and thumbtacks with red strings attached to another district.

"You might be useful, kid." The Boss leaned on the table and pointed at one the faces. "If you want to be strong, learn how to fight alone." Levi lifted his eyes to meet the man's soulless face. He clutched the knife and nodded.


Kenny brought Levi to his first mission of a man selling counterfeit armory. The scene was quick and easy as he was taught from training. Levi was a quick learner and done things the simple way. Blood stained his cheeks and the body fell with a quiet thud and was dragged off by a nearby wagon. Kenny emerged from the alley and clasped his hands in content as he ruffled Levi's hair in approval. He reached for the armory and Levi watched aimlessly at the jumble of belts and silver containers.

"Do you know what these are?" Kenny threw the armory on the ground. Levi just stared at the mess. "The newest 3DGM." Levi observed it without surprise. Kenny rallied his group and they hauled all of them near his place.

The ride was the same; everyone hid in their broken homes and waited till they were gone. Within the 4 months of training with Kenny, Levi felt a sense of power he had always wanted. Kenny showed him how to survive in the slums, how to cheat, steal, escape and kill the quickest way. Levi respected Kenny, but had no trust in the man. He was ruthless and would kill without hesitation, men, woman and child – he didn't care, as long as the mission was complete. Levi murdered dozens of people, only when needed, but left those who deserve a second chance. He believed second chances are not given to make things right, but are given to prove that they could be better even after they fall. He kept quiet throughout the ride, staring at his blood stained hands.

2 years later, Levi was sitting on a round rock next to a large pond that had an open ceiling that showered sunlight onto the cavern. The place was once filled with trash is now the cleanest in the Underground City and remained that way since Levi has taken over that particular area. He watched birds perched their nests in the open slots of the cavern and waters dance with glitter as the wind pushed them gently. This was Levi's safe haven form the world around him. He stared at the open skies and pondered what it would be like to live outside. What it would be to breathe in fresh air or to feel the breeze on his face. What it would feel like to eat the finest food in the kingdom, but the thought drove him mad as he was tied to his title, the notorious killer.

Spitting on the ground, Levi had enough time to think and left. Walking alongside the garbage of the streets a can of soda appeared from the piles of trash accompanied by a young girl with long red hair tied in two pigtails. Her green eyes smiled and quickly turned defensive when she saw Levi's foot on her can.

"That's mine." She stood up, reaching only to Levi's nose. She pouted her lips and shoved Levi's chest with force, but he didn't budge. "I said that's mine!"

"Here," Levi kicked the can in the sewer water and watched her face fill with anger.

"Stupid!" the red haired girl, held her tears in her eyes and lunged her whole body at Levi. He dodged but didn't except her to spin and grab the knife in his boot. Levi jumped back and saw her throw the knife, missing Levi entirely. "I was sooo close!" She slumped in disappointment. Levi watched her sulk as she threw something from the garbage and missed again.

"Enough!" Levi turned around and left.

"You owe me!" he heard her trail behind him. Levi sighed in annoyance and dashed in the alleyways. For a few minutes, Levi stopped near a dumpster and felt something heavy fall on him. "You can't hide from me! I'm Isabel Magnolia!" She said cheerfully and choke-hold Levi. Levi flipped her over easily and pressed the sharp blade inches from her throat.

"Go ahead! You still owe me in the afterlife!" Isabel pointed her dirty finger at Levi.

"Do you want to die?" Levi said bluntly.

"You still owe me." she kept the same pout on her face and crossed her arms. Before Levi could drop his blade he was called for duty.

Levi walked away and didn't think much of her; he walked back to Kenny's place since he had a spare room. Levi ignored the heavy banging upstairs and went straight to his room. It was organized and clean. His bed pushed to the far wall and the desk right beside it. There wasn't much to look at but stacks of books and a large map of the whole district. Levi unbuckles the 3DGM and kept the belts on since they were a hassle to take off. He flopped on his bed and drifted to sleep when he heard loud knocks. He got up restlessly and saw Kenny holding an envelope.

"There is no time for the dead to sleep." Kenny assured Levi as he slipped the envelope in his hand.


A week later, Levi was crouched behind crates to wait for his target till he was blinded by red long hair, felt his neck being chocked to death by small arms, his shoulder being gnawed off and thin legs wrapped tightly around him.

"You owe me!" she repeated over and over. Levi heard the wagon pull up and had no time to waste on her again.

"Fine!" Levi gritted his teeth and threw her off to finish his mission.

Cleaning his blade he saw the girl pop up from the garbage with her hair swaying side to side with energy. She fidgeted with excitement and waited till Levi noticed her. A loud sigh escaped his mouth and went to the nearest vendor. He heard faint footsteps behind him and felt her tug his belts.

"That one!" she pointed at the red soda can and Levi paid with gold and left. "Hey! Where ya going?" she skipped beside him with a large smile. Levi didn't answer nor looked at her. She walked faster to keep up with his pace and opened the can, bursting in her face and clothes. She stood in silence trying to comprehend what happened and realized her can was nearly empty.

"My soda…" The pout was forming on her face and Levi had enough for one day with the mission. Levi ignored her and kept walking when he heard her complain about the soda. Nearby there was a group of men walking by and noticed Isabel's button up shirt soaked in sticky soda that clung to her small frame and nipples.

"You can dry off at my place, princess," one of the men hooted. Isabel used her arm to cover her body and threw directly at his face.

"You perverted pig!" she shouted, leading the man angry and humiliated.

"C'mere!" the man yelled and Isabel found herself hiding behind the closest thing – Levi.

"Enough." Levi swiftly sliced the man's arm. The others stood in shock but quickly ran and Isabel peeked over with awe. Levi cringed at the blood splatter on his sword and hand.

"You saved me!" Isabel tugged Levi's belt with a larger smile.

"I saved nobody," Levi walked away with a headache.

"Well, I'm nobody," Isabel popped her head in Levi's view. "Now, I owe you!"

Levi groaned and walked faster, but heard her tiny feet catching up and finally he used the last of his gas from the 3DGM to escape.

"Hey! No fair!" she cried out.


Levi was exhausted. He sat on some crates the next day and watched nothing. He started to get paranoid whenever he heard rustles in the garbage, just waiting for that redhead girl to pop up. Levi pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed to himself and heard someone run pass him in a rush. His foot was caught by a scouting region weapon and fell hard on the concrete, spilling gold coins from his pockets.

"P-Please spare me! I was doing this for my family!" the bald man pleaded as three officers ran towards him.

"You are under arrest due to countless crimes over the past week," one of the officers stated and arrested the bald man on sight. The other two were collecting the coins that fell.

"Excuse me, have you seen another man around here?" the blonde officer said. Levi mouth slightly opened as he remembered his face. He had forgotten him, since he thought he was a dead man for crossing the gates. The same piercing blue eyes and blonde hair has grown taller and sharper with looks.

"I am Erwin Smith from the Scouting Legion," he said dryly. Levi swelled with anger, as the blonde didn't remember him and Levi didn't have the courage to confirm that he knew the blonde. "I am looking for a male named Levi. Do you know him?"

"No." Levi stared into the soldier's eyes with rage and left the scene.

"Wait!" the blonde shouted, "Here!" he tossed a gold coin in the air and Levi caught it without hesitation. Levi stared at the coin.

"I don't need your charity!" Levi threw the coin on the floor and dug his nails in his fists as he saw a broken smile form on the blonde's face. Levi left the scene.

What do you guys think: More Isabel and Farlan pop up? or just Erwin and Levi?