"Scor, do- nevermind."

Scorpius paused in the middle of his song and shot a glance at Lily. It had been almost 2 months since their first date and they'd been rather perfect, in Scorpius's mind. Lily was nose deep in her transfiguration notes, as her owl was in the morning, but between her absent gaze and the way she was gnawing on her pen, he could tell she wasn't studying.

"Everything okay Lily?"

She nodded, but her cheeks flushed pink. Oh yeah, she was so not studying. Knowing that he wouldn't be disturbing her, he turned away from the ivory keys and strutted over to where she lounged on a random red couch. She refused to look up from her notes even as he stood by her, so he squatted by her face.

She finally cracked and started to giggle. "What are you doing, I'm trying to study!"

"No you're not." Scorpius challenged with a raised eyebrow. Lily sat up a little more and mirrored his expression.

"Oh yeah? Then what am I doing?"

"You're wanting to ask me something, but you won't for some reason. Do I need to pry it out of you, baby?"

Lily's eyes narrowed quickly. "You wouldn't."

"What were you gonna ask me?"


It was quiet for a few seconds before the tension cracked. Lily tried to jump up and run, shoving at Scorpius in the process, but he grabbed her hips as he fell backwards. His breath was knocked out of him when she landed on top of him, but he was in the perfect postion. As soon as Lily caught her breath he began digging his fingers into her sides, right along her ribs.

"Scor! Heheeyyyy! Scor! Stop it!" Lily giggled on top of him, scrambling but failing to escape his strong hold. He paused when she asked him to and asked, "What were you gonna ask me Lily?"

She hesitated, before stubbornly shaking her head and filling his mouth with thick red hair. "Nothing!"

Scorpius started his attack again, and this time refused to relent until a breathless concession was achieved. "Fine Scor, Fine!"

He sat up, managing to get Lily's thin frame into his lap as he did, and waited. Lily would tell him now, he just had to wait for her to phrase it right.

"I-I don't want to pressure you. Or maybe I'm reading too much into things, maybe you just wanted this for a little while and since the years almost over you're over it but…" Scorpius was totally lost now, and Lily looked almost scared. He interrupted her.

"Over what?"

"Us, Scor. Us."

Now Scorpius was not only confused, but starting to get mad. Where had this come from? Things had been going well, or at least he thought they were. Lily started nibbling her lip, a bad habit she only indulged if she was nervous. And it all clicked.

"Oh Lily… no, Lily, no. I-I'm not sure where this is all going but I want you for as long as you want me." Lily visibly relaxed and that's when Scorpius had had enough. He pulled her close to him and slowly kissed her. Lily was a little slow to respond, but soon her arms were weaving around him and one hand started playing with his hair.

Scorpius loved kissing Lily. She was always so warm, and it was all so natural. This type of kiss was his favorite. It starts innocent, sweet but as it continues it starts to simmer, grow hotter until Scorpius was afraid he'd spontaneously combust. They hadn't done much more than snog, but when your girlfriend was the daughter of The Chosen One and one of the toughest quidditch players in the last fifty years, taking things slow was more than fine. Really though, Scorpius didn't mind. This was more than enough. Though sometimes things did get a little.. er hard.

When Lily pulled away, she was smiling.

"No more doubts, baby?"

She shook her head. "Nope."

Scorpius smiled and rested his head on her shoulder. He knew Lily's smile had broadened the way it always did when he snuggled with her. "Good. So what was that question?"

"Do…" she sighed and gathered her courage again. "I think it's time to tell our parents. I don't want mum and dad to get confused when you're suddenly spending time with me AND Al."

Before Scorpius could help it, he busted out laughing. That was what she was scared of?

"Lily, not only have I already told my parents, but James told your parents weeks ago!"

Lily looked shocked, which only set Scorpius to laughing more.

"How the hell did Jamie find out?"

"How do you think?"

The name was more of a snarl than anything else, and Scorpius was glad that this anger was not directed at him. "Albus."

"Yup. And I actually have been meaning to mention something to you."

Lily was far to angry at her brother to properly listen to him, so her lack of response wasn't surprising. So he softly began kissing her jaw, "My parents are holding a ball in July." He moved to her neck. "It's for charity, one of my mom's." And then he paused and nuzzled against her cheek. "She's rather insisting that you accompany me."

As he knew she would, Lily jolted in his arms. Then she groaned. "Aww shit." Scorpius chuckled and just clung to her even tighter.

"Dude just tell her to forgive me already."

"No. I'm not getting in the middle of my best mate and my girlfriend."

Lily ignored the boys and kept her gaze out the window. She could see the haze of London in the distance and suspected that they had maybe half an hour left. For the past two weeks, Albus had been getting the cold shoulder and of course he was whining about it. It wasn't that she was mad her parents knew. But Lily had wanted to be the one to tell. Though they hadn't said anything to her, Lily knew that at least her dad would be hurt that she hadn't told him. She and her dad were close, and it had just been a conversation she wanted to have in person.

She noticed that the boys had quieted down and turned around. "What-oh."

Both boys were staring out the window, where Lily recognized not only her cousin Rose's rich ginger curls, but she thought that the tall figure that was clutching her mid-snog looked a lot like… "Is that Lorcan or..?

Albus was the one who answered her. "Lysander actually."

"But they hate each other."

Scorpius nodded. "They looked like they were fighting before… that… happened."

"Oh. Well. Albus looks like you're next."

"Shut up Lils."

Albus hopped up and wrenched the door open. "GET A COMPARTMENT."

Over his shoulder, Lily saw the other two jump apart, and faintly heard Lysander stammering, "I- Rose- I have to find my brother." And then he was gone. Rose was flushed and quickly followed Albus back into the compartment.

"Hey Lily. Scorpius."

Scorpius nodded in her direction, but didn't say anything. Rose had taken it upon herself to resume her parent's feud with the Malfoy clan when she started Hogwarts. Though they had made their peace, Rose had said several things that Scorpius had yet to fully forgive. They were polite but friends, not really.

Things quickly became awkward, so Lily took it upon herself to fill the silence. "Rose, will you go dress shopping with me and mum next weekend? Scorpius's mum is holding this party thing."

"Actually Lily, Rose will need a dress too. Mother invited most the higher ranking ministry families."

"Oh I hadn't realized it was at your house. Dad only said that it was for muggleborn orphans."

They continued talking about the charity, and Lily glanced at Albus. He seemed to be staring morosely towards the ground. "Al?"

He jolted and stood up again. "I um. I need to go talk to Rory. I'll find you on the platform later Lily. Rose, want to come?"

"Yeah Albus."

They left the compartment and Lily turned to Scorpius. "What was that?"

Scorpius sighed. "Lil, I'm not sure. Albus will explain himself eventually."

Lily was, once more, confused. But then Scorpius's hand found hers and he smiled. Damn, he's handsome. "I'm excited for you to meet my parents. Properly that is."

Lily thought about the past few times she'd seen his parents. Draco was walking aristocracy. Tall, pale, and confident, Mr. Malfoy never said much. Astoria was the talker. She was elegant, with long, chestnut hair and a figure that Lily could only hope she'd have after raising a 17 year old child. They were intimidating to say the least.

Scorpius loosely snagged her chin and used his thumb to free her lip from her teeth. "Hey, they'll love you. I mean, what's not to?"

Lily smiled and Scorpius kissed her softly. When he pulled back he chuckled low in his chest. "Should I be prepared to dodge a bat-bogey hex?"

Lily giggled and shrugged. "I dunno. But if you keep kissing me like that, and I might consider protecting you."