Hey everyone! Here is a new story for you all. I hope you enjoy this and help support me throughout the process of writing this. I promise not to give up on this one. Enoy!

One day, a beautiful woman with the wings of an angel will save our race from extinction. But only if we work together will she become our savior.

~The Prophecy of Vegeta

"Woah..." She gazed up at the unfamiliar machine in front of her. Her hand reached out and ran across the cool metal. "You built this yourself?" Her hand found the area where 'HOPE' had been scratched into the paint.

"Yep. I even mimicked the engraving in memory of Mirai Trunks. Isn't she a beaute?" A young man stood next to her, wiping his greasy hands on a red piece of cloth. His ice blue eyes shone with pride at his creation.

The girl flew up to the glass cover and opened the pod. "Can...Can I test it out?" Her raven hair floated loosly behind her under her favorite orange bandana.

"Pan, you know I can't let you do that..." The man flew up next to her and gently grasped her upper arm. "If you were to get hurt, your father would kill me."

The girl, Pan, pulled her arm out of the man's grasp. "Well, Trunks, I was allowed to fight when we were on a spaceship exploring the universe, I was able to fight Baby when he invaded the minds of our friends, I doubt Dad would mind me going on a test run of a time machine. I'm nearly eighteen for Kami's sake." Pan took both of his hands in hers and looked into his eyes. "Please let me do this..."

Trunks' lips formed a thin line. He could never resist her when she gave him those eyes. But he knew his place. "I'm sorry. I can't. Maybe if you talked to your-"

Her eyes suddenly shifted to ones of annoyance. She dropped his hands and flew a few meterss away from him. "You don't understand, Trunks. You know as well as I do that there is no way Mom and Dad will let me go."

"Then I guess you're out of luck." He descended to the ground to put his tools away. His head snapped up when he heard the engine start. He turned around as the machine lifted off of the floor. "Pan!"

Pan stuck her tongue out at the violet haired man and gave him the peace sign. "I promise this will be quick!" She looked at the control pannel and pressed a few buttons, guessing what buttons did what.

Suddenly she was surrounded by a bright white light. She had to close her eyes against the brightness. The impact was hard, bouncing her around in the pod. She hit the control pannel and sparks flew. The screeching of metal on an unknown surface was deafening to her saiyan ears. When she finally stopped, she tried to open the hatch, but it was stuck closed. She tried to push it open but she was too weak. She began to panic. "T-Trunks... I-I-I'm sorry..." After a minute, an idea pushed itself into her mind. She tried to position herself better to try, but screamed as her shin scraped against a sharp piece of metal. Moving wasn't going to happen. She held her hands out in front of her and charged all of her energy into her hands. A large while blast shot out of the glass, melting a hole into the lid. She held it for as long as she could, hoping someone would see it as a distress signal.

Then the world went black...

"She'll be a burden.. We should have l-"

"Shush. She's waking up."

Her eyes fluttered open slowly. The white light was blinding. Shapes slowly came into view, faces soon after. "Where am I...?"

"You are in the infirmery. Are you feeling alright? Why don't you try walking."

The memory of her cut shin popped into her head. She threw the blanket off of her and examined it. "How long have I been out? It's healed."

"You were found this morning. A man reported a stream of light in the distance and the guards went to scope out the scene. We found you in a busted ship of some sort."

Her heart nearly shut down. "The machine... It-It's broken." How would she get home? What would Trunks do if she did? What were her parents thinking at the moment? She jumped up out of the bed and headed for the door. The back of her gown was grabbed and she was stopped in her tracks.

"Excuse me, but the royal family is waiting to meet you."

She turned around to face him. "The royal family?"

"King Vegeta and the prince. They heard of your coming and want to meet the strange woman who looks so much like our own kind."

She studied the man more closely. At first glance one would not think much of his black hair and similar eyes. But Pan could sense his power. She put two and two together.

"I'm on Planet Vegeta..."

There you have it. Chapter one of my newest story. Thanks for reading and please leave comments for improvements in the reviews. Love you!
