The clouds tonight were almost translucent and the singing of cicada made everything seem peaceful. Teddie gazed up at the faint glimmer of shining stars hiding behind the water vapor and sighed.
He loved this side of the T.V but he still felt like he was always working hard to belong here.
As the motion of the swing slowed to a halt he looked at his bare hands, sometimes he wished he was still surrounded by that bear outfit.
It felt safe, it felt warm, it felt familiar. Nothing in this world felt familiar, the grass was a little too green, the lights a little to dim and the fog a little too dense.
As Teddie contemplated heading back to Yosukes house he noticed a figure approaching.
The figures pigtails were swishing with each step and Teddie knew who it was.
'Hey Teddie!'
She was smiling that cheeky grin as she approached, always smiling.
She dropped onto the free swing next to him with an exuberance only she could master.
'Oh, Hey Rise. What are you doing out this late?'
'Couldn't sleep, and you know, this is my spot'
'Huh? Oh do you want me to leave?'
'Don't be silly Teddie! When I was a little girl my gramps would bring me to this spot when I was sad. We would look up at the stars together and he would say 'this spot is your constant, if you ever get lost in sadness, or lost in life, then just come here and you will find your way'
I've been meaning to come here for ages, but I guess I just got a little too lost'
Rise propelled herself forward and backwards on the swing until she was as high as she could go.
With all her strength she propelled herself off and landed far ahead of the swing set.
The thud of her landing seemed to echo in the silence of the night.
'Hey Rise?'
She turned to face Teddie with an inquisitive expression on her face.
Teddie glanced at the floor nervously and then watched as Rise's swing slowed to a halt 'Do you mind if this can be my place as well? I mean I'm kind of lost and sometimes I just don't know where to go'
Rise smiled out of the side of her mouth and walked closer to Teddie.
'I had no idea you were finding it so hard here. You should have said something!'
Before Teddie knew what was happening arms had appeared around his sides and he was being embraced in his first ever hug.
He soon lost control of his facial muscles as his mouth involuntary turned into a grin.
'Thanks Rise' They sat in the peaceful quite of night for a while, just hugging.