XRWBY A Brave New World Introduction

I do Not own RWBY or XCOM


Name:Ellis Hopeton

Nationality: Britsh


Eye color: Blue

Hair color: Black

Occupation: Freedom fighter/ Soldier

Appearance: A strong fit young man with many scars and old wounds on his body

Bio: Having known nothing but war all his life and has seen his friends and family get killed or worse by the Aliens, Ellis is a very stoic and quiet young man but in a blink of an eye or the sound of a plasma gun being fired he turns into fearless, heartless killer that shows no mercy during battle, and he is a Damn good soldier too.

Main weapon: Plasma Rifle

Secondary weapon: Lazar sniper rifle

Sidearm: Plasma Pistol

Armor: A mixture of both Carapace armor and Titan armor parts melded together. (though he does were a regular army helmet)

IS a MELD Soldier

MELD Ability's...

Neural Feedback


Adrenal Neurosympathy

Bioelectric skin

Adaptive Bone Marrow

IS a Psionic

Psionic ability's


PSI Panic



AN/ Hey Guys got a long ass intro for you, heh I hope you enjoy

Humanity...a beautiful, young and up n' coming race a species that has grown to dominate the Earth, The planet they lived on. Earth itself was a stunning backwater Planet harboring all sorts of glorious and interesting animals and creatures, Humanity among them. The Humans rose and made wonders of their species, made miracle's of science and medicine and made Technology that was far beyond there time but most of all...Humanity was also a strong race filled with wrath, courage and pride.

That was until "They" came...

The Aliens led by the Ethereal's invaded the Earth, abducting Humans at random, terrorizing major city populations and crippling the Humans infrastructure for society, desperate and servilely Outgunned The Humans did the only thing they could do in hopes for victory if not there own survival...

They activated The XCOM Project

The XCOM project was and elite multi national Organization composed of the very best Military units and contry's the world had to offer with a single purpose...protect all Human life from the Aliens, they began to strike back at the Aliens during there abductions and stopping Alien terror attacks...at a heavy price of course it was will known in the early stages of the invasion for casualties to exceed 50% but despite the staggering losses The Humans still continued to fight on and fight off alien creatures like the Sectoid, Thin man, Chrysaild and Floater (to name a few) and using there weapons, technology and physiology to expand and advance our own, They also began to successfully shoot UFO's out of the sky and use the materials and Alien computers to improve our fighter jets and power sources.

Then we discovered MELD and half organic half robotic residue that we could use to either Biologically enhance our soldiers to be more like the aliens to give them a bigger edge or make MECH suits for our soldiers to basically become walking tanks armed with Chainguns, Flamethrowers, The Kinetic strike and eventually the Railgun.

With the MELD and the new Lazer made weaponry the Humans had created with the Aliens tech, Slowly...but Surly The Human's began to turn the Aliens back and even assaulting and capturing there base of operations Earth, However that did nothing but make the aliens much MUCH more Aggressive and sooner or later The Mutons, Mechtoids and Cyberdisks (to name a few more) started to show up and cause REAL hell for the people of Earth, despite this XCOM Still continued to fight.

But them the inevitable happened.

The Aliens managed to find the XCOM headquarters which was located in the middle of the Sahara desert and with bone decisive blow...overwhelmed and destroyed XCOM Headquarters...However that was not the end, not by a long shot unknown to the aliens XCOM had built headquarters in North and south America, Europe and Asia, and there were buliding more in Oceania and The Middle East. by some miracle most of the Xcom staff had managed to survive and take there knowledge, technology and science to these new bases and thus the war continued.

The Humans due to much sacrifice hand managed to acquire and construct Plasma weaponry and were fighting Aliens like The Armored Floater, Muton elite, Sectopod and Even the Ethereal's themselves and once they had captured the device inside the Overseer UFO they were able to locate the Alien Temple ship and with an coordinated, ambitions (and a lot of sacrifice) and Determined attack...destroyed it...

Here's were things got bad

Not long after the temple ship was destroyed 3 more temple ships revealed themselves to the human one was over the Mexican American Border, another was over London in the UK and the third was over the Pacific ocean near China and with the new temple ships they brought a force that totally overwhelmed the Humans The Xcom Bases were one by one found and destroyed rendering Humanity helpless...All seemed lost


Earth had been ravaged by the war between the Human's and the Aliens the once beutiful Blue and Green planet had now become Black and Red...It was a whole new world...The Land was barely Habitable...the air was barley Breathable...Most animals had now become extinct, Humanity had been forced underground and the once over 7 Billion Humans that ruled the earth had now become just over 10 million...And the aliens were still there...still going after them they didn't care about the planet...they just wanted the Humans.

But for one Brave young soldier who had been literally fighting the Alien's all his life, he was about to find himself in a "whole new world"...literally

AN/ so yeah, I hoped you liked it but to be honest im still a little 50/50 on weather i should do this story or not hell the reason why I wrote this intro is to see what you you think so if you want a continuation of this, let me know.

Golden sheath out