ItaSakuFest Day 7: Sweets.

Starlight In Her Eyes


'Cause I'd rather fight with you than laugh with another.

I'd rather freeze in your arms than be warm under covers.

I'd let you hit me before I ever let you hit the floor.

And I'd rather choke than to breath in your absence.

I'd rather feel your wrath than feel another's passion.

I'd rather die on the day that I give you a kiss

Than spend the rest of my life knowing I never did

Private Fears In Public Places

Front Porch Step.

Haruno Sakura hummed as she walked through the recipe section of the bookstore, a few cook books already in her basket as she moved so gracefully. She was thinking, in honour of the holiday season, she would make everyone small gift baskets full of sweets, but what kind is the question. Chocolates, for sure no doubt, and red-velvet cakes. Mochi and dango were some of her favourites, so they were on the list as well, and she bit her lip as she fruitlessly searched for some other things. She had saved up for this, ready to splurge all the money she had collected over the last month on the ingredients to make all of the sweets, from scratch of course.

Her hair was pulled into a high knot, the baggy and colourful, festive above all else, sweater keeping her warm as the snow fell steadily outside, basking the village in the colour of white. It was a pretty sight, all the bare trees and the feet or two of snow, frozen over ponds, and the flowers that seemed ever so lovely in the window of Ino's flower shop. The pink haired girl dressed in red smiled to herself, feeling heat bloom in her chest as she thought about her friends and the past year. The way Naruto smiled so kindly at Hinata, and Sasuke was starting to open up and accept people. It was kind to them, everyone was getting along in their lives, and Sakura took a deep breath, feeling the chill enter her lungs as she walked out with the purchased books.

She might as well get a head start on her life as well.

The market-place was busy, husbands and boyfriends buying last minute gifts for the holiday that was in three days, and Sakura kept tight to her watch, seeing her schedule was tight as is, there was no room for error. Tsunade had given her the holidays off, and for that she was so grateful, because how else would she have all the time to bake all these glorious things for her lovely friends? She knew she had to make Sasuke tomato onigiri, he didn't like sweets, but she was sure his mother would like the gesture. She also knew that Hinata had a soft spot for brownies, so she would make sure to put more of those in hers as well, Chouji would have a variety pack, and she would make them all with low calorie ingredients so even Lee could have some. Maybe she'd make some cookies in the shapes of ladybugs and butterflies for Shino, she was sure she had the cookie-cutters somewhere around her apartment, Kiba would eat anything given to him, and she'd decorate Shikamaru's in the shape of shogi pieces. Ino would be grateful for the gift, and maybe flowers would be included in her basket as well... It was all filling Sakura's head as she moved about the supermarket, putting all the ingredients and tools into her basket, the thing heavy on her strong arm.

She moved on auto pilot, happy for the holiday season, it was kind to her. Christmas day was a party where everyone would get together, and that would be her gift to them, she supposed it was a kind gesture, it would take her hours, probably the rest of the afternoon that same day and the entire following day to complete this mission, but Haruno Sakura never backed down from a challenge!

When she got to the register, she gave the cashier a small smile, feeling embarrassed as she unloaded everything in her basket. The total was slightly more than she expected, but it was okay, as she feared for her wallet. Or so, she thought. Her eyes widened, patting the pockets of her coat, and her face slowly started to go red from embarrassment as she searched everywhere for it, even checking her bra. The people behind her were restless, and she was so embarrassed. "A-Ano, I'll go put this all back."

She jumped when a hand was put on her shoulder, the older man leaning over and adding his own things to the purchase and paying for it all in full. Sakura was speechless as Uchiha Itachi stood beside her, gazing down at the short girl with an eyebrow raised. "You seemed to have needed help." Ever the gentleman as he grabbed all six of her bags in both of his hands, and he waited for the stunned girl. She went after him, face red and she was in near tears from embarrassment, in front of Sasuke's brother nonetheless!

"I-I'm so sorry, I'll pay you back!" She reassured, the Uchiha's lips quirking into something resembling a smile. It was all she had ever seen from him, emotion wise he seemed very stunned. Maybe it was the fact that he was an Anbu at such a young age, or the heir to the clan, but he didn't seem too emotion-friendly. "I don't know what happened to my wallet, thank you."

"No need." His voice was cool and collected as he looked down to the bags. "Just reassure me, this isn't all for you, correct?"

She laughed, the snort escaping her lips and she smiled so genuinely at him. "No no of course not, this is for everyone else, Christmas baskets." She added with an uncomfortable smile, looking at the bags. "I can carry those you know."

"It's quite alright." He was kind in that way Sakura supposed, walking her back to her apartment across the village.

She unlocked the door, and he followed her inside, setting the bags on the kitchen table and he pulled his own items out, Sakura stilling. Four packs of dango and peppermint milk, and with curious eyes she turned to the oldest Uchiha. "You like dango?"

He raised an elegant eyebrow, and she wondered if he was always this kind to girls. "Yes."

Her face lit up, and she opened her purse, pulling out the cookbook and shifting through it. "I have a recipe for it, I bought this today, I was planning on making some. Would you accept it, as a...thank you?" When she looked up at the stoic Uchiha, all the air rushed from her lungs.

Uchiha Itachi was wide eyed, a soft blush on his face as he stared at her.

He nodded, flabbergasted and quickly left the apartment, saying he had things to do. It was that fateful afternoon in the snow, she found out the one Uchiha's weakness: his sweet tooth.

He came back, how could he not after she had so graciously offered to make him his favourite kind of sweets? The apartment smelt good for blocks away, Uchiha Itachi burying his face deeper in the scarf he wore, embroidered with the Uchiha fan on the bottom, and his steps were sure of himself. Many stopped and smiled, or waved, small children sputtering as he smiled kindly at them. He didn't believe in being rude or insensitive to people, life was cruel as is, why ruin their holiday season? By far, Uchiha Itachi didn't particularly like Christmas, the whole idea of exchanging gifts and smiles didn't seem too important to him, only that his family was together each year.

And of course, the best part was his mother's peppermint cookies, they were to kill for.

So as he climbed the stairs, he allowed the intoxicating smell to fill his brain, and he was suddenly very hungry for sugary foods. He wasn't allowed to have them often, but during the holidays, all bets were off. He knocked on the door, the yell of 'come in' ringing out, and Itachi did just that. Her apartment smelt far too good or his own safety as he shifted out of his snow boots, taking off his heavy coat and scarf, specks of snow clinging to long raven hair that was tied back.

Itachi looked to the apartment around him, and he swore his heart stopped beating for a second.

Every available surface in her apartment was covered in an array of chocolates and cookies, candies she had made and they were so colourful as well. Said pink haired girl leaned back from her place in the kitchen, hands sticky with some sort of substance, and Itachi had to physically shut his jaw. He had a reputation to keep after all. Her green eyes were bright, soft pink hair pushed back and pulled into a messy bun on top of her head, her smile gorgeous. "Itachi-san, tell me, how far away could you smell my apartment?"

He gave her a small smile as he set his coat and scarf on the couch, pushing up the sleeves of his sweater. "A good three, maybe four blocks." She laughed at that, moving to sit on the stool she was perched on. A large bowl was in front of her, and her green eyes were teaming with life.

"Would you like to help?"

"Can I eat it if I do?" He whispered, looking inside the bowl, and oh god it looked like peanut butter and chocolate, she was going to kill him.

Sakura was staring at him watch the bowl sinfully and the pieces seemed to click in her head. "You like sweets, don't you?" That smile on her face was all-knowing and he cowered under those impressive green eyes. She already knew, and why did Itachi not mind that she was teasing him?

So with a slight puff of his cheeks (so slight Sakura almost missed it) he had the face of a child again. "Perhaps."

"Ha!" She said, feeling accomplished. That was something no person other than Itachi's family and Kakashi himself knew. She leaned back in her chair, and he flicked the fuzz on her fluffy pants as a sort of retaliation. She only blinked at him, the man feeling ridiculous. So what if he had just so admitted his biggest weakness? Uchiha were supposed to be emotionless and stoic as usual, powerful and well respected. And it was hard for Itachi because he liked sweets and had the heart of a gentle giant. Being a ninja was not easy for Uchiha Itachi, and for some reason, he liked the fast that she teased him over such a trivial thing. It made him feel more human.

So with a full smile that softened his cheeks, he worked beside the girl. Who as promised, allowed him to try everything she had already prepared and he helped her along the way. He found, at the end of the day, he was not bothered by her company in the slightest, as he was most women. She was diligent and kind, hard working above all else, and she had such a pretty smile.

He enjoyed her company this holiday season.

Sakura walked beside Itachi, the man helping her carry all the baskets of tightly wrapped sweets in colourful foil and plastic. Each one was addressed to someone else, and even Sakura had deemed it safe for Itachi to make Kakashi's, since the Hatake wouldn't eat it if he knew she made it. She wasn't 12 anymore, burning marshmallows over the fire on a mission. No, she was very good at making sweets now, Itachi would be able to testify in her honour. The baskets were smaller than they were intended to be, they had eaten so many of the sweets, it was laughable. Itachi was a glutton towards Sakura's baking, he hadn't even asked questions, just ate whatever she had handed it. Sakura thought it adorable, the almighty Uchiha Itachi, stuffing his face with dango and chocolate like a small child. It was comforting, it gave her hope for the future.

Naruto had somehow convinced everyone to do their annual Christmas party outside, at the fire pit by the frozen lake so everyone could go ice skating. It had long since frozen over, and Itachi and Sakura arrived slightly late, Sasuke more than confused as to why his brother had arrived with Sakura, and then he noticed all the bins in their hands. They were placed in the snow while everyone talked until the gift exchange would happen. Itachi was content as he watched his brother and Naruto bicker back and forth like an old married couple, and a few had gone out on the ice. The older Hyuuga boy was seeming to teach the girl to skate on uneven legs, it was kind.

Sakura seemed comfortable beside him, both of them standing in front of the fire, the girl's hands reaching out to warm her fingers in the flame. Itachi frowned, seeing the sad look on her face and he couldn't help but ask. "Why are you upset?"

She snapped her head to him, hands curling into themselves as she furrowed her brows. "I'm not upset."

"You are quiet, it's concerning." He observed and she turned back to the flame, breathing in and out. "Are you not happy, or am I keeping you from your friends?"

"Oh no," She replied, shaking her head at his ridiculous ideas. "I just, don't want the holidays to end is all. I like being with friends, it's better than being alone." Her voice got distant for a moment, the flames licking at her skin and the fire inside her eyes was real.

Itachi breathed in, and looked up to the sky above him, seeing the hundreds of millions of stars dancing as they revolved so lowly beneath them. His mind drifted to the girl and she turned to see the look of concern on the Uchiha's face, even as his eyes were trained on the galaxies above them. They had long since been alone, everyone out on the ice, and with Hinata and Naruto out there, no one would particularity look for her, they were all busy with their boyfriend or girlfriend. "Life is gorgeous." Itachi spoke so softly, allowing the snowflakes to caress before they melted away on his face. His eyes closed then,Sakura watching him intently. "We are insignificant, and we are small, but we are so vastly different that we learn to co-exist."

Sakura listened to him, both of them standing by the fire and it only half warmed her as the holiday season slowly and quickly left them. She breathed in through her mouth, her breath moving above them to match the trails of smoke, and she smiled so kindly, standing next to the Uchiha man. "You know, Itachi, I rather like you." She admitted, feeling a soft blush creep up to her ears that were hidden under the white beanie. He turned to her, face one of confusion, genuine confusion, and she only smiled with her eyes closed. "You're so gentle, you are a gentle person. I didn't think it was possible, I mean you're Anbu captain, and Sasuke's older brother, but I like seeing this side of you, it's comforting."

She looked at him then, her smile genuine and she shrugged, hands buried in her pockets. "It's nice, a nice change of pace."

He reached out tentatively, the fire reflecting off of his figure as he reached for her. He paused mid way, but gaining the courage, he cupped the girl's face, Sakura's eyes opening and her face turning to his own. His eyes were staring into her own, a sort of connection rushing through the two of them that left Sakura's legs like jelly as he stared at her. His sharingan was activated then, and she briefly remembered Tsunade telling her that Uchiha eyes activated in moments of extreme emotional feelings. How much was Itachi feeling in those moments, to be staring at her with such a strange expression on his face, and he didn't know what he was doing.

Sakura breathed in deeply as both of his hands cradled her face, and her eyes were wide, the man trailing one of his hands down to feel the steady race of her pulse in her neck. He didn't say anything, he didn't need too, so many things running through them as if it were a second nature. Itachi now realized, that Christmas day, why he didn't mind Sakura's company, why she made him smile and feel comfortable around her, it was the unspoken connection between the two of them.

She reached out then as well, wanting to grip onto something as if felt like the world was crashing under her, knocking her off of her feet. His heart was steady and solid in his chest, her hands feeling the strong dips of his collarbones. They felt so vulnerable in those moments, tears filling the girl's eyes as she smiled. Itachi stared at her face, catching the stars as they fell from her eyes and into his hands. She was starlight bursting at the seams in front of the sun, she was Icarus who had flew too close to Itachi and she had gotten burned.

But she didn't mind, not really.

She laughed then, the sound genuine as she trailed her hands up his neck and his thumb ran over shaking lips. They didn't want to be alone this Christmas, and they were. But they were alone together, so it was okay, because as Sakura stared into those gorgeous crimson eyes, she realized she could get used to the sight. And as he bent down slowly, to press their lips together, she supposed she could get used to that as well.

Her hands slipped around his shoulders, holding him close and not wanting to let go. Itachi had always been a gentle giant, feeling more than was considered healthy, but she was so kind and sweet, and her lips tasted like strawberry and her eyes were as bright as the moon in the sky. Her body was warm as she drew him closer, and she melted into him the way they were always supposed to. Like two hands fitting perfectly as they intertwined and never let go again.

When they pulled away, the cold ice air bit at sensitive lips, and she breathed out so shakingly against his lips, and he was holding her hips gently, keeping her close. When she hesitantly opened her eyes, he was staring back at her, and she didn't know exactly what had just happened. His forehead fell against her own, and she held him close, neither one of them wanting to be alone while everyone else was with their loved ones.

Later that night, after he had walked her to her door and kissed her goodnight, Sakura laid in bed staring up at her ceiling for hours.

It felt as if a star was born inside of her.


With shortness of breath, I'll explain the infinite
How rare and beautiful it truly is that we exist.
