Burly Bill skillfully parked the car next to Danville Arena.

Everyone was standing outside, snapping photos of the limo.

"No one's even gotten out yet. Jeez." Perry said.

Peter tried to adjust the straw in his bamboo juice. "I'm all wet."

Perry put on his high heels and opened the door. He tried to ignore all of the people as he walked past them.

"How do you walk in those?" Peter asked.

"Walk-in-high-heels training." Perry said. "Monogram was right. It did come in handy."

"Can you run in them?"

"Physically impossible, Peter."

They entered Danville Arena. A man was standing by the door, looking anxious.

"There you are, Pizza." He said. "They're about to start! You have to get into your outfit!"

He ushered Perry toward a dressing room. Peter waved goodbye and gazed at the trophy case at the front of the room.

"Hey, cool!" Peter said. "They have star athlete Jameson Johnson's bronzed gold trophy!"


Perry didn't understand his outfit.

There wasn't anything strange or weird about it at all. It was simply a sparkly, light pink dress with a matching leather jacket, cowgirl boots, and sequined beret.

"Are you sure this is mine?" He asked, even though he knew the makeup artists wouldn't be able to understand him.

"Hold still." One of the artists chided.

Perry didn't understand why he had bothered putting on makeup in the limo if the artists were just going to redo it.

"Dye the wig pink." A man said.

"That will take a while. And will have to sit for ten minutes. We're short on time as is." The hairstylist objected.

"It was requested by the competitor. You're not dying all the fur, anyway. You can make it if you start now."

Perry was confused. During the past two weeks, Doofenshmirtz hadn't really cared what style the wig was in.

Then he remembered how much he hated wearing pink.

"Tryin' to make me bail on you." He muttered. "Well, you'll be disappointed. I'm not going to."

The hairstylist sat him down in a chair and began.

"Weird." He said. "This hair dyes really easily."

"It's a wig, dimwit." Said a makeup artist who obviously wasn't fond of the hairstylist. "Platypuses can't grow their fur that long. I'd think you would have known that, Joel, being a hairstylist and all."

Joel scowled.


Perry ran up the stairs to the middle of the arena. He saw Doofenshmirtz moping in a chair.

He walked over to him and poked him. Doofenshmirtz gloomily looked at him.

Then he brightened.

"You came, Perry the platypus, you came! Well… I kind of knew you would. But still, I was beginning to have my doubts. You came! This is wonderful."

Perry nearly choked when Doofenshmirtz hugged him. "Corset- corset- thirty percent of the air I usually breathe in-"

Doofenshmirtz let go and beamed at him.

"The final competition!" Gaston bellowed through a microphone. "Whoever wins this gets the GOLDEN TROPHY OF FASHION! And if Doofenshmirtz wins, since he is currently in the lead, he wins that AND the grand prize! LET THE COMPETITION BEGIN!"

Everyone cheered.

All the models walked into the center of the arena. Gaston examined each one carefully.

"Very nice design…" He said, looking at Shay. He moved on to the next model. "Ooh, what colors. I like this one…"

He stopped at a tall model, wearing a dress that had obviously been modeled after a peacock. He gazed at it for a while, and then moved on to Perry.

"Gorgeous. I love how the color gives us what would have been an overload of pink had it not been subtle and light. Very, very nice design. The cloth says 'I am delicate' but the leather says 'I have a tough outer shell'. Very nice. Well worn."

While Gaston looked at the other models, Perry looked out into the audience. Doofenshmirtz was sitting in one of the chairs. He looked extremely happy.

Perry smiled at him.


"After a long, thoughtful decision…" Gaston said.

"That makes sense." Perry muttered.

"I came to a conclusion." Gaston said. He paced the arena. "The winner of the Danville Fashion Competition is…"

Everyone seemed to be holding their breath.

Gaston grinned and threw out his arms. "HEINZ DOOFENSHMIRTZ!"

Doofenshmirtz jumped up. Perry grinned at him.

"Congratulations!" Gustav said. He handed Doofenshmirtz a giant trophy. "You win this, the prize money of five thousand dollars, and the grand prize- A LIFETIME SUPPLY OF BAMBOO!"

Peter ran into the arena, cheering.

Perry rolled his eyes. The judges had obviously understood Peter's pitch.

"Yeah… I'm gonna give that to my model's assistant." Doofenshmirtz said. "I don't really need that much bamboo."

Peter cheered as a giant truck drove into the arena, loaded with bamboo.


"I won something! I can't believe I finally won something!"

Perry smiled wearily at Doofenshmirtz and removed his wig. "Man. The last time I'll ever have to wear this stupid disguise."

He wiped his makeup off and took off his outfit.

"Drive us home, Burly Bill." Doofenshmirtz said.

The car didn't move.

Peter helped Perry undo his corset.

"Finally." Perry said. "Finally, I'm back to just being myself. Oh, and I can breathe. Hey, why aren't we driving anywhere?"

Burly Bill was staring at Perry, his eyes wide.

"Oh, I guess the whole time he knew you, you were a girl." Peter said.

Perry put on his fedora. "Yeah, Bill. I'm a dude, by the way."

Burly Bill stared for a few more minutes.

"Anyone else need to change before I drive?" He asked.

All three of them shook their heads.

"All right, then."

Burly Bill turned the key in the ignition and drove away.

The large pickup truck holding pounds of bamboo followed them home.