A/N: Hey folks, long time since I haven't post… sorry about that, but I'm currently working on a AC story and it's taking most of my time and I only have ideas for that. But yeah, my mom bought Ariana Grande's cd and when I heard the song 'Best Mistake' I got inspired and this is the result. It's going to be short (2 or 3 chapters) and the rating may change since I'm not so sure on how to make things go. So hope you'll enjoy! (:

**Disclaimer: I do not own Assassin's Creed nor the characters, all that belongs to Ubisoft thank you**

Chapter 1 – Humans vs Animals

It's nighttime, the sky dark from no moon and only stars to light up, the forest mysterious and dangerous, the cool air of fall blowing leaves off the branches. Connor and I are no longer looking for games, our stomachs full and our minds tired and desperately in need to find shelter. Lost in the timber… no one would believe us, but it actually happened. Our steps are slow, our lids fighting to stay open, our weapons too heavy to be carried and slowing us even more.

Connor sits by the trunk of a tree and sighs. I look down at him and shake my head, a hand hold out for him to take it. "We can't stop now and not here," I say but he shakes his head and closes his eyes.

I sigh and sit by his side, my head resting on his shoulder as I do. We stay like that for a moment, trying to gather some inexistent energy. I close my eyes and pause my brain to enjoy the little time we have together.

Earlier this year, Connor and I unexpectedly catch up in New Orleans: I had an assassination contract requiring me to go to Boston, contract that would've been generously rewarded. When I got to the port the Aquila was there as well as its crew and captain. Connor told me he would take me to Boston if I helped him in a naval fight in the Gulf of Saint Lawrence. I accepted and the next morning we left.

Since we spent a long while together, we somehow got closer but nothing ever happened. Some sailors had doubts but never heard anything from us. Rumors were shared but no one dared to ask or to say anything when I was around, most of the sailors afraid of me because of my powerful personality.

The naval fight won, it was time for my contract to be done it did with success. Finally, we never made it back to New Orleans and instead stayed in the colonies to serve justice.

And that's how we managed to get lost.

"You're right… we have to go." His voice's low and rough as if he's awaken from hours of sleep.

I breathe and force my eyes to open and my head to leave the heat of Connor's shoulder. He stands and helps me up, almost stumbling as I get on my feet from the strength with which he's taken me off the ground. For a second I find myself dangerously close to him and somehow I don't even mind, no uneasiness nor urge to step back. I know he's feel the same about our closeness, but he doesn't response to it the way I do and instead make his way in the darkness surrounding us already.

After minutes of him walking ahead and me following in complete silence he turns with his index on his lips for me to keep quiet. He moves to his left to hide behind a rock and I do the same. He points at a shadow moving away in the distance with this agile approach I can't confound: a wolf.

He aims his bow with an arrow, pulls on the rope and follows the shadow before letting the arrow fly off. Although Connor's a redoubtable archer, his bowman skills are reduced by half in the dark and he misses his target. He curses under his breath but it's too late, the prey and its friends are coming for us.

Connor armed with a knife and a tomahawk, me with a whip and a hidden blade, we stand back-to-back as the herd's circling us.

"Two… four… six… seven, eight," he counts.

"We split up?" I suggest and he grunts in approval.

I raise my whip and break the silence of the forest with it, scaring the wolves with the sound and causing them to back off a bit. Still on their guards, they show their teeth and when I turn around, Connor's running to a tree. Then the first game jumps at me but my blade kills it before it reaches me. A second tries to pierce my defense and fails as well. And the whip's heard again, Connor shooting arrows all over me and killing the ones remaining.

When it's over and rain begins to pour down, he jumps off the tree and we pursue our way toward shelter. The ground here's leading us somewhere higher and there we hope to find something good enough to spend the night. I don't mind how big that shelter will be, although a part of me hopes it to be small enough for us to be forced to sleep near each other.

Every time I'm near him, his heat kills me more and more, my body in need to be closer in every possible way. Now being lost here with him, being the only humans in most likely quite a distance, makes my urge doubling if not more. But I must contain myself and wait for danger to be totally avoided.

Speaking of danger, branches and dead leaves crack behind us and when we turn we're face-to-face with a bear. Connor steps before me, his tomahawk brandished high.

"The whip attracted it here," I hear him say as he passes by me. He turns and holds my arms, an inch of panic perceptible in his voice. "You stay behind me, okay?"

I nod.

He steps forward, in position, ready to defend us. The bear runs to him and Connor dodges, but then it looks at me and seems to forget about him. My heart begins to pound, so fast I'm sure it skips a beat or two. The first reflex I have is to grab my whip and to raise it. Behind I see Connor nodding and I swing it in the air as he approaches from it. The bear also takes a few steps toward me as if the whip doesn't have any effect on it anymore. I step back and it gets on its hind legs so I cover my face with my arm and its claws tears my flesh as its front legs collide with the ground near me.

Connor shouts as he urges on the bear and shoves his hidden blade deep into its skull. When I look up I see him kneeling and panting, the blade still engaged, his hand bloody and his hair wet from the rain. Then I examine my wounded forearm and the ripped bloody fabric of my tunic. For now, I can't feel the pain because the adrenaline hasn't come down yet.

"Hey," I say as I kneel next to him. "It's okay." I place my hand on his cheek and turn his head so he's looking at me. "It's okay, Connor."

He closes his eyes and his hand reaches mine and he presses his palm against it, his heat submerging it and coming up my arm. I lean my forehead against his to make him relax and soon he breathes normally.

"You're injured…" he whispers.

"Yes, but they're no major wounds. It'll heal quickly," I reassure him. "Finding a shelter's what really matters for now." He nods and we stand up.