Author's Note: Alright! So KF found out! Now we jump back to the present day. I promised Clueless team and Daddy Bats. Well we get them in this chapter. I promise. We have now jumped back to present day which is about six months into the Young Justice cannon, so after Bereft, but before Homefront. I own nothing.

5. At The Ball

Mount Justice Yesterday 8:40 pm

Artemis was nervous. She had received an invitation to the Wayne Enterprises Charity Ball a few days ago and had very nearly declined to go. Until she learned that there would in fact be people she knew there, specifically the team. They had all been rather surprised to receive invitations, well everyone except Wally that was. Wally hadn't stopped bragging about it, he apparently went every year. But none of them had any idea why they had been invited. Artemis had a sneaking suspicion. She had received a Wayne Enterprises scholarship after all. But as to the others the only explanation given was that they had been specially selected to receive assistance from the Wayne foundation. It wasn't until Robin arrived that they received a real explanation. Robin grinned.

"Well Bruce Wayne is one of the biggest sponsors of the league. Batman probably had a hand in this but it should be a good team building exercise." Still grinning slightly Robin turned away from the team towards his room. Wally was hard pressed to keep from laughing.

"So are you going to be there as well Robin?" Rob was kind of notorious for skipping out on team building events. Robin shook his head. He frowned slightly.

"Sorry M'ggan. Not this time. Bat's has me doing a solo patrol tomorrow. Cause it's a big day for crime in Gotham, especially around the Charity Ball. Maybe next time." Aqualad frowned a bit but nodded as Robin entered his room and grabbed several bird-arangs and slipped them into his belt which he had pulled out from behind his jacket. They left as Robin closed the door to change into his costume. Once everyone else was gone Wally knocked softly on his best friend's door. After a few seconds it opened to reveal Robin in full costume working on her holo- computer that sat in the small compartments situated on her glove. Wally closed the door behind him and grinned at his friend.

"So seriously, you are going to be there right?" Robin grinned, the light from her computer shining on her face.

"Of course! Wouldn't pass it up, not with you guys there to tease, and the best bit is that no one but us will know it's me."

Gotham City Present Day 10:20 am

M'ggan was really the only one having any fun. She was wearing a very pretty red dress that had just the right amount of sparkle to bring out her deep brown eyes. She'd even done her hair up in a cute little bun with little red sparkles shining in it. Superboy looked very uncomfortable in his suit and tie as did Kaldur but Wally seemed right at home lounging around in his suit. Artemis was ill at ease in her deep green knee length dress. Her mother had insisted on doing her hair so that it fell around her face in gentle curls. She felt out of place here. Even more so when Wally sat up and waved at someone across the room. Artemis eyed the crowd for whoever Wally was waking at and spotted two people she recognized across the room, Barbra Gordon who was currently talking to her father Commissioner James Gordon of the GCPD and Diane Grayson adopted daughter of Bruce Wayne who was waving back across the ballroom. Artemis' eyebrows almost crawled up off her face. Wally knew Diane?

A few minutes later she got her confirmation as Diane made her way over to them. She grinned the million dollar smile she was so famous around school for and hugged Wally.

"Wally! It's so great to see you!" Wally grinned down at the shorter girl and hugged her back before turning to the team.

"It's awesome to see you too Diane. Guys this is Diane. Diane this is Megan, Conner, Kal, and…" Diane interrupted him when he reached Diane.

"Artemis Crock, right! We go to school together!" Artemis paled a little but rolled with it.

"Oh yeah, I knew I'd seen you somewhere before." Diane's grin only widened and became more mischievous, for a split second Artemis was reminded of Robin.

"Well yeah you should we are lab partners." Kaldur looked confused and Megan looked a bit confused but mostly concerned. Diane knew what was running through their heads. Why was Artemis attending school in Gotham instead of Star City? Diane didn't seem to notice the ripple she had sent through the group and turned back to Wally.

"Come dance with me!" Wally blushed a deep red and looked around.

"But what about?"

"Bruce? He's chatting up your aunt's boss, you know the blonde woman? Come on you promised me last time that you'd dance with me!" Artemis grinned at Wally's embarrassment, even if it was a bit confusing. Why wasn't he flirting with her" Maybe he was scared of Bruce Wayne, which would make a bit of sense. Bruce Wayne was one of the most influential people in America, passed up only slightly by Lex Luthor.

"I don't know how to dance this kind of dance." Diane was a very happy person, Artemis hadn't seen her grin slip even once, even at school. It did not even slip now.

"Come on I'll teach you!" Without waiting for him to protest again she pulled him out on the dance floor. Kaldur turned to Artemis looking like he was about to question her but before he could Barbra Gordon walked over and asked him to dance. He had accepted, too surprised to refuse and a few minutes later Megan and Conner had followed him out onto the floor. Artemis sighed and watched as the pairs danced a bit clumsily on the parts of Megan and Conner. Wally looked terrified that he was about to step on Diane's feet but Diane was laughing at him. Kaldur was surprisingly graceful as he and Barbra swayed around the dance floor.

Bruce watched closely as Wally seemed to lead Diane around the dance floor. It was clear to him though that Diane was the one in charge of this situation. She had learned how to do that from him, how to control a room without showing any effort. How to turn any situation to her advantage and use it against someone was a lesson she had learned almost too quickly. She really was a wonder. But what made him think a bit more was how she had acted around her team. They, minus Kid Flash, had no clue who she really was. Yet she had acted so calm and cool around them, even letting slip that she knew Artemis. She had done that on purpose, knowing that it would force Artemis to tell the rest of the team the truth. Or at least that was what she had hoped. He knew her well enough to know she'd worked out the truth about Artemis but that didn't mean he had to like having Robin on the same team as the daughter of two notorious criminals. The rest of the league, mostly Green Arrow, was convinced that Batman was being too overprotective and maybe that was true but Robin was one of the only people that he cared about.

Wally must have noticed that Bruce was staring because he suddenly paled and as soon as the song ended he let Diane go. Diane looked over at Bruce and laughed. Wally glared at her.

"Oh come on Wally! He's not going to hurt you because I asked you to dance."

"You aren't on the receiving end of the Daddy Bats glare!" Wally whispered looking around to make sure no one heard him. Diane giggled. Wally shook his head and grinned. She hadn't changed much in three years, but at least she had one person to be herself with. Wally was proud to be that friend.