Here's the final chapter.


Blaze and Silver is having one last sight-seeing of the reef before going up to land. Blaze saw how sea turtles swam above her as well as manta ray, she held Silver's hand and he looked at her.

"Impressive isn't it?" Silver asked Blaze.

"Yeah, I like the colors of this reef, untouched by mankind" Blaze said, making a point at how the reef is in good health.

"As I was saying before, we chase off those who tries to pollute the reef" said Silver. They then saw a blue shark, but it simply ignores them.

"Wow, it didn't even attempt to attack us" Blaze said. The shark just swam away to get another prey.

"Yup, because we are two" Silver said. They dove deeper in the water and saw a sunken ship from the 1600s.

"Wow, can we get closer to that ship?" Blaze asked Silver, he nods and they swim to the ship.

"Amazing, I guess this ship is somewhere in the 1600s" Blaze guessed.

"I think so too" Silver replied and swam to the ship. There was mounts of skeletons and crests.

"Aaah!" Blaze screamed at the sight of dead skeletons but eventually calms down, breathing heavily, "Oh, my god. I just hate it when these things do that"

"Same here" Silver said. They swam out from the ship and shared a moment together.

"Silver, are you gonna miss living in the sea?" Blaze asked her boyfriend.

"I believe so Blaze, but it's worth it" Silver inhales and sighs.

He then hugs Blaze and she nuzzled on his chestfur.

Much later, Silver had his stuff in a crate.

"We're all gonna miss you, Silver" Amy said, hugging him.

"I know, Amy. But I'll come and visit you all" Silver gave Amy a hug.

Sonic and Shadow all gave Silver a big hug but didn't notice that they were hugging him too tight.

"Excuse me! Too tight!" Silver gasped.

"Sorry" Sonic and Shadow said unison.

Amy and Blaze giggled at this.

"Anyways guys, it has been great living here" Silver gets to Blaze. "But I wanna make my girl happy, you can all meet me at land anyway"

"We will someday. Hopefully you will help us learn how to walk on land" Sonic said.

"I sure will" Silver winks.

Much later, he's at the shore with Blaze, sun-tanning.

"Ah…..I just love the smell of saltwater on the beach" Silver said, relaxing on his beach chair.

"Yeah, and I like to get my fur darkened by the sun" Blaze said. She wore sunglasses and a sun hat.

"Yeah, me too. But usually it's only temporary, you know" Silver said, taking a sip of his orange juice.

"Mmhm, I hope that Fiona won't pick on me again" Blaze lowered her glasses and looked at Silver.

"I'm sure she won't, unless...she does not bring company here" Silver said.

What they didn't know is that Fiona is spying on them with binoculars.

"Man, I wonder what this handsome hedgehog is coming from" Fiona wondered.

"Hmm?" Silver's ears twitched lightly, he felt like someone was watching him and Blaze.

Fiona quickly hides from being seen.

"What is it, Silver?" Blaze asked him.

"I don't know" Silver shrugs.

He gets up to see where Fiona is hiding and it was between some rocks and palm trees.

"Hmm…I know you're hiding. So come out and reveal yourself" Silver said.

Fiona showed herself in front of Silver.

"Hello Silver" Fiona said. Silver was surprised what she is doing here.

"What do you want now Fiona?" Silver asked her.

"Ah nothing much, I'm just taking a walk on the beach and checking for seashells like Blaze" Fiona simply answers.

"Is that so? Seems like you're spying on us" Silver crossed his arms, knowing that Fiona is lying.

"Nah, I just heard voices and it was from you guys" Fiona lied.

"Mmhmm, well if you excuse me, I got to get back" Silver scoffs and is about to walk back.

But Fiona grabs his arm and pulled him back.

"I just want to know one thing before you leave" Fiona said, seriously.


"Where do you come from?" Fiona asked him.

"None of your business" Silver growled and pushed her away.

Fiona watched Silver leave for Blaze. But Fiona walks back to the town.

Blaze was still sunbathing and Silver sat next to her.

"Who was it Silver?" Blaze asked him again.

"It was Fiona, she was spying on us I think" Silver tells her.

"She still doesn't know when to quit" Blaze sighs.

"Yeah but let's get back to our own business" Silver said, he laid back on his beach chair and drinks his orange drink. He couldn't let be but to look at Blaze's beauty, she had a perfect hourglass figure.

Blaze noticed he was staring and lifted her glasses.

"Are you staring at me?" Blaze asked with a smirk.

"Uh…. no" Silver lied, blushing.

Blaze smirks at this, knowing that he was staring.

"You know that staring at someone's body is kinda harassing" Blaze grins.

"Oh, sorry Blaze. I couldn't help" Silver gulps nervously.

The purple feline gets up from her chair and sits on Silver's lap with a seductive smirk on her face.

"You know what happens then?" Blaze said.

"Uh, I get hickeys?" Silver asked, still nervous.

"Indeed, come here" Blaze pulled him close, giving him kiss marks all over his face.

"NO NO NO STOP BLAZE!" Silver screamed/laughed at his girlfriend attacking him with kisses, her chest was close to his chest fur.

"You see what happens when you stare at me" Blaze stopped kissing his face and giggled.

"I know" Silver smirked.

Much later, they get back to Blaze's house, now even Silvers since he moved in. They walked to the living room to watch a romantic comedy film.

Blaze rested her head on Silvers stomach and he rubs her shoulder. After an hald hour of watching the movie, Blaze is about to get something to eat, but she then heard the front door break down. It was Fiona again.

"Fiona! What are you doing here!?" Blaze growled.

"I'm here to steal your handsome boyfriend!" Fiona said.

"Huh! You can't take me Fiona, and stay away from Blaze!" Silver protects Blaze.

"Then I take you down by force!" Fiona screamed, she charges at Silver and knocks him into the wall, this made Blaze really angry.

"Aww…..did I hurt him? Don't worry, I'll fix him once I steal him from you!" Fiona smirked.

"KYAH!" Blaze and head-butts Fiona's nose. Fiona feels blood coming from her nose.

"GRRRR! YOU BROKE MY NOSE!" Fiona screamed and punches Blaze but Silver caught her fist.

"Enough!" Silver shouted.

"You won't take me down, Silver!" Fiona snarled and tries to punch him again, but he takes her other hand too.

"YES I WILL!" Silver shouted at her and threw her at the wall.

"Urgh! Ow!" Fiona rubbed the back of her neck. Silver gets up and so did Blaze.

"Wait until her true boyfriend finds out" Blaze said, picking up her phone.

During the fight, Blaze saw a Green hedgehog step in, it was Scourge, Fiona's boyfriend and he was shocked seeing his girlfriend fighting Silver.

"What the hell are you doing, Fiona?!" Scourge yelled.

"Oh, uh" Fiona knew she was busted. Blaze gets to Scourge and explains everything.

"She's trying to steal my boyfriend" Blaze told Scourge. He walks up to Fiona and grabs Fiona roughly from Silver.

"Is that true Fiona!? I thought you were my girlfriend!" Scourge shouted into Fiona's face.

"Darling…..I was only playing with them…" Fiona chuckled nervously, trying to come up with an excuse.

"Oh yeah, what explains the blood on your nose? Was it an accident?" Scourge asked her.

"Eh yeah" Fiona tried to act innocent, but he saw the lie in her eyes.

"You got some explaining to do, liar" Scourge drags Fiona out of the house, bringing her back to their place.

"Thank god we got help Blaze" Silver said and dusted off himself.

"Yeah, Scourge is just helpful sometimes, he usually goes around town and drinks" Blaze said.

"Wow, what a party dude, Blaze. But we'll look out of further dangers on land too" Silver said, hugging Blaze.

"I agree with you. But you know it's gonna be different than the life in the sea" Blaze said, reminding him that he's a land mobian.

"Technically I'm still mer-hog, so that means I'm only at the sea part time" Silver added.

They dialed for repairs of the window which only took them 15 minutes to replace the broken window to a new one.

"Well Blaze, shall we call my friends to come to the beach tomorrow?" Silver asked Blaze.

"Sure Silver we'll do" Blaze smiled.

The next day, Silver's friends Shadow, Sonic and even Amy has joined their beach party and Silver and Blaze has taught Sonic and Amy how to walk. And they all lived happily ever after.

The End.