The sounds of bones being crunched and bodies being smashed could be heard for miles. A thick smell of blood hung in the air like a noxious cloud of decay. The piles upon piles of dead bodies could be seen in every direction; belonging to both grimm and humanoids. In the centre of the battle stood five girls, and one badass dog.

Ruby's scythe swung through the bodies of countless grimm as Weiss created protective walls and providing support through her dust. Blake was darting back and forth through the enemy lines; slicing through the cerebral cortex' of grimm that she passed by. Yang was a walking fortess as she forced her way through the walls that were being formed by hungry creatures of destruction.

This was the third day in a row of constant fighting. RWBY had been previously used to no more than an hour of sleep at a time, so had a relatively easy time getting used to the conditions of battle. But the others had less luck, and would have to occasionally resort to having others protect them while they slept. This did not usually end well.

A group of larger grimm came into view, and Red Ruby dashed towards them with a smile of glee on her face. Pink Ruby was quick in pursuit, protecting her from the grimm that she had ignored in her dsah. Only a matter of seconds later, and the entire group of them were on the ground. Ruby snuck a quick look over to Scruff, who was growing more powerful by the second.

The usual array of flower petals that was the lifeforce of grimm draining, was instead heading towards him. He absorbed the power of grimm as he fought, making it easier for him to continue. The side effect was that the hundreds of thousands of petals in the air could make vision an issue at times. RWBY was forced to use their other senses to determine when a new wave was coming.

Ruby stopped her scythe in mid swing and her ear twitched slightly.

"Is that, whistling?" Her eyes widened as she made a sudden realization. Her gaze went upwards to see the massive shape of a dragon's body flying overhead. It was one of the largest grimm she had ever seen, easily comparing to that of the serpent grimm that they had fought long ago on the boat.

It reared it's massive head and let out a bellowing roar before sending a blast of fire the size of a city towards the ground. Ruby's instincts kicked in and she immidietely jumped into the air with as much force as she could, trying to avoid the searing flames coming down towards them. Time slowed to a crawl as the fireball passed by her. While she watched it fall, the thought of her team mates came to her mind.

She looked down to see Weiss, Yang and Blake still fighting, having not noticed the dragon yet. Moments before the flames hit the ground, Ruby screamed, knowing what would happen only a fraction of a moment later. The very knowledge of what was about to happen broke her. The pink Ruby which once resided in her soul was no more.

Upon seeing her closest family die, her very essence shattered into thousands of tiny fragments that went flying in every direction. The fireball landed, and red Ruby became the only Ruby. Having no more contest, as well as her emotions being at their peak, Ruby's eyes became full; engraged to a point of no return.

When she landed from her jump, she gave an almost calm look at the millions of monsters approaching her, and then she fought.

This day was the day that grimm became extinct.

Over the next five years, White Fang declared war on humans, having no more real oppostion. They used their massive collection of dust to set of enormous bombs in key locations within the human empire. Several of said bombs had cause islands off the coasts to crash into the main lands. Earth quakes had become a more frequent problem as well.

The war lasted for two years, with White Fang coming out on top with a heavy advantage. Humans became obects, and were forced into slavery. The condition that they lived in were incredibly harsh, and many people died before reaching their next birthday. Only a very select few people were allowed to live in a tiny village near the coast of Vale.

These people were considered among the most priviledged humans on the planet. During this war, Ruby's hatred for others only grew, as the unneccisary death reminded her of the other members of her team. She made the long treck back to Vale's borders, killing anyone who looked at her wrong. She went to the only small piece of humanity that she had left; she went to the cottage in the woods.

The surrounding forest was cleared of people within minutes, no one who saw her living to tell of it. From that day forward, the forest became her grounds, and she did not leave. Nor did people enter. As no one had ever seen her, few people had actually been able to figure out what had happened.

Thus the folklore of the legendary huntress who resided in the forest was born. But as time grew on, people believed it happened less and less. So after five years had passed, no only believed Ruby Rose, to be anything more than a legend. And for those five years, no one stepped foot into that forest.

That is, until the moronic human known as Hunter Raine came along.

I am so excited to be writing this, I've been thinking up new ideas since long before Tragic Assumptions ended and now I finally get to use them. Also sorry about the name confusion for anyone who read the teaser a while back. I decided that this name would be more fitting. Please leave your thoughts and questions in a review and I will see you all soon!