Disclaimer: I Do Not Own Harry Potter.

AN: Yes I finally get around to updating this, you can all thank Juan for that.

Sirius Black was innocent and now the whole wizarding world knew it. Peter Pettigrew was in the hands of the Ministry, but Sirius was yet to be released.

The news that Sirius was still in Azkaban was not going down well with the Marshmallows.

Dumbledore knew that if the Ministry didn't release Sirius soon then something bad would happen at Hogwarts, he could feel it.

It was lunchtime and the Marshmallows were hiding under the Ravenclaw table. The only person who knew why was Hermione and the others knew she'd tell them when the time was right.

"I know Dumbledore could put pressure on the Ministry and get them to release Sirius if wanted too," Hermione whispered, to the group.

"Why are you whispering?" Fred asked softly.

"I don't want the turtles to hear my words. They don't deserve to hear them," Hermione replied, looking furious about the turtles.

"I understand." Draco told her soothingly.

"I knew you would," Hermione said. "Just so you know in protest of Sirius not being released I've decided to destroy all the common room, but ours".

"Awesome, how is it going to happen?" George asked, looking excited about the chaos.

"I'm not really sure see I smuggled Bellatrix into the castle last night and her Voldy are going to do it so it'll be a lovely surprise for us all,"

"Those two are lovely people once you get pasted the whole murdering and torturing people thing," Neville remarked, staring at his hands in wonder.

"I've said this many times," Harry said.

"He has," Ron confirmed.

All of a sudden four loud explosions were heard quickly followed by Dumbledore yelling "MISS GRANGER!"

"Hermione isn't here right now but if you leave a message with me I'll be happy to pass it on once she gets back from turtle land"