Disclaimer: Frozen and Big Hero 6 are properties of Disney. I do not own anything.
"Hey man, I gotta go, I have a meeting with Callaghan at the lab in fifteen minutes," Tadashi declared before gulping down the rest of his coffee, startling Wasabi from his reading.
"Meeting? What for?" his friend asked, raising his eyebrows curiously.
"I have some ideas for my robotics project that I wanted to go over with him."
"Huh? Dude, that's for next year. Isn't it early to start on it? Like, way too early?" Wasabi eyed him dubiously. "We've still got finals to get over with. And it's not like you to get a head start on things. I mean, you're Mr. Procrastination."
"Yeah, well, I want to get a head start on it, okay?" Tadashi replied, cramming his books into his satchel. "This project's important to me, and I want to make sure it'll come out perfect." He glanced up to see Wasabi giving him a measured look. "What?"
"This project of yours—it's what you told me about back then, is it?"
"It's the reason why I enrolled here," he responded, trying to keep his voice even. He felt torn—on one hand, he was excited that he was about to work on something he had dreamed of doing, and under the mentorship of someone he admired greatly. But on the other, it reminded him of what he lost ten years ago.
"I'll go with you. I mean, I'll head to the library to get some ideas and research done. If Mr. Procrastination's starting this early, then it must be an omen or something," Wasabi broke through his musings and stood up to clap Tadashi's shoulder, causing him to stagger a bit.
"Haha, very funny, Wasabi." Tadashi winced and and made his way to the cafe exit.
"Why do you keep calling me that? I spilled wasabi on my shirt one time, dude. One time!" Wasabi hollered as he followed Tadashi.
It was just a ten-minute walk from the coffee shop to the lab and the library. The two buildings stood side by side at the end of a cherry blossom-lined path, which was usually filled with students hurrying to their classes. But since it was finals week, it was mostly clear save for a few who were on their way to the library.
"Would you hurry up, man? I don't want to be late," Tadashi complained as he shuffled through his notes. Everything has to be perfect, because Callaghan had a strict reputation, and part of that was being a stickler for time. It was said that the professor considered it late to begin a meeting five minutes before the agreed time, so that meant he only had seven minutes left to hustle to the lab and three minutes to make it to prepare.
"You go on ahead. I think I'll just appreciate these cherry blossoms," Wasabi answered absently, catching a petal that flew by between his thick fingers. "You know, there's something poetic about these, don't you think?"
"Well, I don't have time to be poetic. See you later, Wasabi." Without even giving his friend a backward glance, Tadashi quickened his pace, almost jogging as his eyes scanned his notes.
Lithium ion for battery…going for a non-threatening, 'huggable' design…wonder what Callaghan would say about that?
He was nervous as hell. Tadashi had worked his butt off to get into Callaghan's robotics program, and three years of hard work was in danger of being undone because there was a possibility that he will be late if he didn't hurry. Late! Oh, what will Tousan say?
Being on time shows respect, son. Don't forget that.
I'm trying, Tousan. I'm doing the best I can.
He never had the chance to dwell on that further because of that stupid rock. But in hindsight, a couple of hours later, it was probably the best thing that happened to him.
Right now though, the rock caused his world to go topsy-turvy because he tripped over it, his notes flying through the air at the same time curse escaped from his mouth as he fell to the ground in an undignified heap. He barely registered the sound of a surprised feminine voice somewhere above him.
"Are you okay?" the voice asked.
Tadashi blinked away his confusion to see a pair of brown loafers before him. He glanced up to see the rest: a pair of slender, gently-curved calves and thighs in jeans, a purple cardigan over a green shirt, and…
Her face.
Tadashi's eyes widened as he beheld her. Her concerned, brilliant cerulean gaze framed with thick lashes bored into his startled brown ones. He registered a dainty nose above rosy lips. The spring sun shone brightly behind her, her platinum blonde hair causing a halo around her face.
He was a science guy. Even when there was a girl he liked, he wasn't one to spout nonsense like "I think I died and she was an angel sent from heaven."
But that was exactly what he thought at that precise moment.
"Are you okay?" the girl persisted, bending and resting her hands on her knees, which snapped him out of his daze.
"Ah—yeah! Yeah. I'm fine." He shook his head once briskly to clear it, cringing at how utterly lame he sounded. And he probably should be getting off the ground now, but man, that girl.
Who is she?
She smiled with relief which made Tadashi's heart go on overdrive. "Here, let me help you with that," she said, bending down to his level to gather his notes and made him notice that she wore a pair of leather gloves.
He stuttered his thanks when she handed him his notes. "It's no trouble," she replied politely, a slight lilt in her voice suggesting that she was a foreign student. "Do you have everything?"
He nodded jerkily with a wide grin. "Absolutely," he said, ignoring how his brain screamed that he was being lame again. Tadashi made a show of putting his notes into his satchel and brushing himself off. "See? I'm good." He grinned again.
He should probably stop grinning before the girl got creeped out.
Tadashi cleared his throat. "Anyway, uh. Thanks. You know, for helping me and stuff." He rubbed the back of his neck nervously.
The girl nodded. "Good. You're welcome." She nodded at him and started to turn away, causing him to blurt out the first thing that came to mind.
"I'm Tadashi. Tadashi Hamada. And you're?"
She stopped and he saw hesitation flash in her eyes before glancing up at him. "Elsa Arendahl." She didn't offer anything more, and he wondered if he turned her off or something. He wasn't sure, but it seemed her demeanor grew a little wary.
He decided to ignore it—he was probably overreacting. "Nice to meet you, Elsa," Tadashi said instead, liking how her name rolled off his tongue.
"Likewise." This time he was sure she was closing herself off, making him wonder if he did anything wrong. He didn't...accidentally grab something, did he? "Take care, Tadashi." With that, she spun on her heel and walked away, her steps a little hurried yet graceful.
He stared after her. He knew he probably shouldn't, considering how Elsa's demeanor changed when he introduced himself, but he couldn't help it. He was utterly captivated by the mysterious blonde.
"Smooth, Hamada. Real smooth," Wasabi came up behind him nonchalantly, his hands in his pockets. "You were a regular Cassanova there."
"Shut up, Wasabi."
Wasabi ignored him. "She probably got weirded out by that bug-eyed look you have right now," he commented. "Speaking of which, it's 9:53—you've got two minutes—"
With that, Tadashi took off like a shot, and it so happened that Elsa was also headed in the same direction. Their eyes met as he sped past her, and once again it felt like time slowed down as interested brown met surprised blue. "Hi and bye, Elsa!" he said over his shoulder, waving. He caught her reaction out of the corner of his eye—startled, as if she couldn't believe he was talking to her. For some reason it made his heart soar, and he didn't know why or cared much.
All he knew was things seem to be off to a great start.
Note: What will happen next? I have no idea. And I don't have a specific plan for this, probably just a bunch of one-shots until my obsession for Elshi runs its course. I also read a criticism of Tadashi's character, that he was flawless, the perfect older brother. But someone countered that Tadashi as portrayed in the movie was seen through Hiro's eyes, and while Hiro didn't specifically state it, he idolized his older brother, considering how he had reacted to Tadashi's death. So I can only speculate what his flaws are.