super-duper late update because i caught a case of writer's block.
"You're inviting him over?" Dean asked, raising a questioning eyebrow at Roman. The bigger man took a few steps back, right out of the kitchen. He and Dean weren't exactly "best buddies," so to say, but they got along well enough. Kind of.
"I don't see why it's an issue," Roman sighed, turning around and looking into those confused baby-blue eyes. "He's my boyfriend, Dean. He hasn't actually seen the house, just the outside of it."
Reasoning was most likely pointless, but that didn't mean Roman was giving up. Dean wasn't getting away with being an asshole. Roman cared a ton about Seth, and while it was he and Dean's house together, Roman still had half the rule of the place. He could invite whoever he wanted to over, Dean be damned. It wasn't like Roman planned on fucking Seth right there in the living room. It was just a movie night. Corey had someone over, and Roman was more than happy to invite his boyfriend over.
"Don't you think he'll be a little weirded out by your cheating ex-boyfriend scratching his junk right in the living room?" Dean asked, crossing his arms and smirking. Roman almost threw the TV remote at him.
"You wouldn't dare, you fucker," Dean chuckled and dodged the pillow Roman had chucked at him.
"Yeah, yeah, whatever," the younger man earned an exasperated look from Roman. "So, you're taking the living room? Should I just hole up in my room, or...?"
"I mean, that was the plan," Roman rubbed the back of his neck, smiling sheepishly. He grabbed the pillow Dean held out to him and put it back on the couch. "But, like, excluding the "hole up in your room" part. You don't have to completely hide, you know."
Dean shook his head. "Nah, I'm good with it. But, in case of an impromptu you-know-what session, please go to your room. I sit on that couch."
Roman barked out a laugh and patted Dean on the shoulder. "Thank you," he stopped before going upstairs and looked Dean right in the eye. "Really, though, thanks. I know that it's probably awkward as fuck to have your ex's current boyfriend in the house, but it's really great of you to be cool with it."
Dean just shrugged. There wasn't too much he could to, truthfully.
Roman smiled and headed upstairs. With a quick check at the time on his phone, he saw that it was 6:30, and he had a good half-hour until Seth showed up. That was enough time to take a shower, right? Roman decided to go ahead and take a quick one - he couldn't be all gross around Seth, even if he had been hanging around the house all day. Worst case scenario, Dean answered the door. Seth knew about Dean and their current living situation, and was surprisingly cool with it. He twitched a bit when Roman said that Dean would be home, but here was no conflict after that. Hopefully Seth didn't get uncomfortable if Dean came around.
In four weeks, Seth and Roman had established a good bond. Roman felt comfortable with Seth. It felt normal, and familiar, and just...right. It was like a puzzle being put together. Roman didn't completely understand how easily he could become accustomed to a person, especially right after splitting up with Dean, but it happened. Seth came along and fit perfectly with everything that Roman did, everything he was. Seth was the puzzle piece Roman didn't realize he was missing. He just needed to keep that piece in the picture.
Roman had just barely started his shower when he heard a knock on the door. He shouted at Dean to answer it, and got nothing but a "no thanks" in return. Mentally cursing Dean and his dickhead tendencies, Roman turned the shower off and wrapped a towel around his waist. He darted downstairs, trying to mute out Dean's cackling as he disappeared up the stairs. Roman fixed up his towel before opening the door, but it probably wouldn't have made things better anyways.
Seth couldn't help but feel relived when Corey said Roman couldn't come over that night. Not that Seth would've actually brought him, truthfully. He'd have to hide that one couch cushion with duct tape on it, and his bedroom was not in any condition to have company in it. Long story short, Roman was a lifesaver.
But there was still the boyfriend. The ex-boyfriend. What was he like? Roman had said he was quiet, and would "most likely" keep to himself. What had Seth gotten himself into? He'd never heard anything negative about Dean beyond the cheating thing. Seth almost wished Roman was a bit meaner, that way he'd have a genuine image of what kind of guy his live-in ex was.
Maybe Seth was just making himself nervous. He had a history of doing it. He just needed to take a few deep breaths and forget about the nerves. He just needed to think of Roman, with that big, beautiful smile and those big, comforting arms. Yeah. That's what Seth wanted. He just wanted to be in Roman's arms. Seth turned down what he presumed to be Roman's street, looking down both sides until he found Roman's car. He parked in front of the house and looked at his phone. 6:55. Hopefully he wasn't too early.
Seth got out of his car and walked up to the front door. He almost chickened out of knocking. Dean could answer, and Seth would be awkward. Sighing, Seth just went ahead and did it. He heard a few muffled voices after he knocked, followed by a couple pairs of feet moving about the house.
Nothing, absolutely nothing could've prepared Seth for the image he got when the door opened.
Roman, standing there in nothing but a towel, all wet and glistening and fuck did Seth want to jump him right then and there. Seth didn't even let himself look below that towel. He wasn't ready for that. Roman's bare upper body was enough to make his face flush. Seth kept his eyes trained on Roman's face, a task that proved to be surprisingly difficult, and smiled at him.
"Oh, uh, hey," Roman chuckled softly, giving Seth a smile and fixing his towel. "I was in the shower, and Dean wouldn't open the door, so, yeah..."
Seth nodded, feeling vaguely like someone just punched him in the gut. "It's alright," he shook his head and waved a hand. "You're alright."
"Great," Roman looked behind himself, presumably into his house, and turned back to Seth. "Come on in. I'll just go get dressed and I'll be down in a minute."
Seth followed Roman into the house and stood in the living room, taking in the house. It looked homey. It was definitely somewhere to settle down in, start a family in. There were pictures and little knick-knacks all over. Seth briefly wondered which items were Roman's and which were Dean's. All the various items seemed to tie themselves together perfectly.
On second thought, Seth didn't really want to know what belonged to who.
Roman, you fucking idiot, it was 6:50, not 6:30.
That taught him to not look at the clock too quick. Always take your time. Literally. Shaking his head, Roman dried himself off and pulled on a pair of boxers, grabbing a pair of old jeans he'd laid out right before Dean came strolling in. He didn't even look at the other man, he just tugged on the jeans and threw on a shirt. Why couldn't he have opened the door? Chances were, he was sitting on the couch, just steps away and fully capable of opening their front door. Ridiculous.
"I won't say you need to stay in the guest room, but I will suggest it," Roman muttered, brushing past Dean as he left his bedroom. He was attempting to pull his hair into a bun.
"Oh, come on Roman, you're mad at me for not opening a door? I was just trying to make things less awkward for your boyfriend," he said that word like a teenager. Like he was just playing around. Roman wanted to sock him in the mouth.
"Well, things certainly are awkward now," Roman snapped. "We've barely been together for a month and he's already seen me almost-naked. Is that any better than you opening the door and saying two words to the guy?"
Dean rolled his eyes. "You should be thanking me. I just got you that much closer to having sex with him."
"Can you be serious for one second?" Roman practically begged.
"You want serious?" Dean asked, earning a nod from Roman. "Fine. I don't want to see your boyfriend. I don't want to look at him. It's bad enough that I have to live in a house with you and not be able to treat you like a boyfriend. I don't want to be the deadbeat ex. But that's all I am to him," Dean pointed toward the stairs. "And I don't want to deal with that. You can open your own fucking door. You can entertain your own boyfriend. I'll pretend I'm not here."
Roman watched him storm into the guest room. He wasn't fighting back. Seth was downstairs, probably wondering how it took him more than five minutes to put on pants and a shirt. Dean just needed space. Roman had dealt with him in any and all situations, and he knew that passive-aggressive Dean needed space and room to think. Nothing else. No people. Even so, Roman wanted to go talk to him. He just wanted to smooth everything out. Dean very obviously wasn't down with the idea of Roman dating again, but he hadn't showed it until that moment.
Shit. He was still downstairs. Waiting. Roman darted down the flight of steps and tried to look as normal as possible as he strolled into the living room. Seth had sat himself down, staring at the coffee table with a somber look on his face. Roman's heart broke.
"Hey, sorry about that," Roman said softly, walking and sitting next to the smaller man. Seth scooted closer. "I'd looked at the clock too quick and got the time wrong. Dean refused to open the door. We had a little argument upstairs."
Seth looked over at Roman, his big brown eyes full of emotions. "Does he hate me?"
"Does he hate me?" He pressed, turning towards Roman slightly. "Is it because we're dating? Does me not want me in the house? I can leave if he's bothered by-"
Roman grabbed Seth's wrist and pulled the smaller man into his lap before he could object. Seth let out a squeak. "You don't have to go anywhere. Dean's a weird guy and he's not always up to socialize. Even if he didn't want you in here, I'd still have you over. It's partially my house."
Seth's hands were fiddling in his lap. "...are you sure?"
"Yes, Seth, I'm sure," Roman's arms hooked loosely around his waist, and the two-toned man's face flushed.
They just watched a movie. Seth legs stayed stretched out on Roman's lap, with no objections for the older man. He curled up under Roman's arm. He gave some flimsy excuse of "needed warmth," which soon became "needing a place to hide my face when the movie gets scary." Either way, Roman was more than okay with being that much closer to Seth. A little more than halfway through the movie, Seth started shifting around. Roman loosened his arm around him, thinking he may need to get up for something. But, no, he was wrong.
Seth buried his face in Roman's neck, his nose turning up to nudge at Roman's jaw. Soft lips surrounded by the scruff of a beard began pecking at his neck, close to instantly finding the spot. Roman wouldn't be surprised if he had a scar there by now. Seth's lips began pressing a little harder, his hand that wasn't gripping Roman's shirt coming up the grasp the opposite side of Roman's neck and pull him closer. Roman almost went down willingly, but instead he hooked an arm around Seth's waist and properly pulled him into his lap. Seth squeaked again, a sound that Roman was really starting to like. Without missing a beat, though, the smaller man had already straddled Roman's lap and was nipping at the bigger man's pulse point. Roman could feel him smirking.
Just as Roman got his hands on Seth's belt buckle, he swore heard feet coming down the stairs. Seth didn't seem to care though, still dead-set on leaving a mark on Roman that would probably stay for a week. If Seth hadn't heard anything, Roman shouldn't worry, right? Either way, he went about unhooking his boyfriend's belt and pulling it free of the loops. He felt a hand running down his chest, along his stomach, holy fucking shit Seth was about to touch his dick-
"Roman, I told you about that."
Neither man had time to look up before Dean had disappeared into the kitchen. Seth's hands were off of Roman in a second, shooting off the bigger man's lap and plopping down on the couch like a teenager that just got caught by a parent. Roman let out a groan - partially from exasperation, partially from arousal - and Seth squirmed a little. He sure was hot-and-cold when it came to sex.
"What'd he tell you about?" Seth asked, turning towards Roman.
"No sex on the couch," Roman replied simply. "I'm sorry. I didn't think he'd come downstairs, he was pissed at me a couple hours ago-"
A kiss was being pressed to his lips before he could finish. "Rome, it's fine," Seth turned his phone on, sighing. "It's late anyways. I have to cover for E tomorrow because he has some family thing going on." He kissed Roman one more time before standing up and heading to the door.
He was out of the house before Roman even got to the door.
uh oh! what has dean done? what do you think seth's thing with dean is? reviews are greatly appreciated!