A/N: Thru & Thru is over! The last chapter felt like a good place to end it and I want to thank everyone who has reviewed! I loved writing the story from the begninng of them meeting and I'd be too sad to not finish their story so I'm going to be doing a sequel below is a preview to the sequel that is going to relate a little bit more to their current situation. Anyways I hope you check out the sequel and thank you again for all the reviews!
It amazed April how much had changed in almost a year. It felt only like yesterday her and Phil walked down the aisle and exchanged vows. But the marriage wasn't the only big thing that had happened they were both also Champion during that time but nothing was the same work wise.
Punk had walked out of the company about seven months after their wedding. He didn't like the new direction his character was going in and he was dealing with nagging injuries so he split. April on the other hand continued to work and they really put her to work. She was working almost every live event, doing all kinds public appearances and trying to balance her private life all at the same time. She missed having Punk on the road with her terribly and it was down right lonely for her but she would never tell that to her husband because she knew it would make him feel bad. The only positive thing from any of this was the fact that she was still holding the Diva's title.
She was happy to still have the title but it also meant she had work more which meant she missed out on time with her husband. Punk was a very sore subject for WWE so asking for time off to be with him was something they wouldn't give her. She knew how happy Punk was now that he was home for good but she couldn't help but hold out hope that he'd return to the ring and join her on the road. She was now feeling torn between her two loves- Punk and wrestling. It was like she was an only child in a bitter divorce. Both sides tried to please her and subtly woo her away from the other but she was never going to give up her husband and she just wasn't ready to give up on her wrestling dream yet. But April couldn't lie as her flight landed into the snowy Chicago airport, landing home and knowing Phil was waiting for her just a few feet away was the highlight of her entire week. The more time she missed with him the longer she wanted to stay with him.
She was waiting by herself for her luggage and after everyone picked up their luggage she realized her was not here and was now probably lost. She rolled her eyes and walked over to the desk to file a report on it but she didn't even care she just wanted to be back at home with her husband who was probably wondering where the hell she was. She couldn't help but wonder what he planned for her these next few days because he normally took charge in that department and always had fun things planned for them but also their one-year anniversary was approaching and she was wondering what he planned for them.
Her back was killing her, her luggage was gone but she plastered on the biggest smile she had once she saw him waiting in the pickup zone leaning casually against his car. She didn't get to see him much anymore so when he did see her he deserved the best of her.
"I was beginning to think you missed your flight" Punk noted eyeing his wife
"I had luggage issues" she shrugged but hurried over to him and jumped into his waiting his arms. He lifted her into his arms and she leaned into kiss him passionately.
"I missed you" he whispered against her lips releasing her so her feet hit the floor again.
"I missed you too" she admitted honestly
"How was work?" he asked placing her bag into the trunk and then opening the passanger side door for her
"Grueling" she sighed getting inside and putting on her seatbelt "What did you do this weekend?"
"We'll talk about it later" Punk said pulling out of his spot
"Uh-oh" she said nervously
"What?" he chuckled
"Usually I get some sort of response but today we have to 'discuss' it?" April asked warily
"It's nothing bad" he promised "But I've got some things in the work and want to talk to you about it"
"Does it have to do with our anniversary?" She asked with a smile and just by the look on his face she could tell it wasn't. Actually by that look she could tell he had just been reminded their anniversary was a few weeks away. "I guess not" she said almost sadly
"It's going to change our future" Punk informed her "Don't worry"
"Great" she forced out. There was one hand still on the steering wheel but he moved one over to grab hers and bought it to his lips and kissed it lightly.
"Stop stressing everything is going to be fine" he promised offering her a reassuring smile.
"I'm not stressed I've just missed you" April said looking towards him "I hope your big news involves us spending more time together" she added hopefully and he just smirked and placed his eyes back on the road.