I own nothing! Sorry if I don't have all of the companions in the video...you know how many there are...*daunted look*

So, there may be some of the not-as-known ones left out.

Some of them might not show them leaving, but but instead it is there last appearances.

I'm not going to put the scene from "Face the Raven" in, though. Clara and Danny are from before that time period, and having Danny come back to life would, in theory, create an alternate reality. I also couldn't find any transcripts with Adam in it.

But if you want it, I will put it in a later chapter. :)

Jordannzy: Thanks! I'll update when possible.

Zeldeza: Thank you! Hopefully I'll be able to get them up faster in the future. *Sigh*

The Richmaster: I will definitely do some of those in the future! Fantastic!

BC2016: I hope I get them all in!

xclairemariex: I hope I can do that! :) I will keep posting. I might do that in a later chapter, but before that happens, certain things need to be done.

Guest: I could not find the transcripts with Adam in it. :( Sorry, but if I find them, I will definitely put him in a later chapter.

catlover123456789: I will put that moment in in the future! It was really cool to see, and I agree with you completely!

Thunderstrike16: I hope to put in as many as I can find transcripts for. :)

That was when Braxiatel came back in.

"How did you know the video was over?" Grace asked.

"Sexy told me through my mind." he bowed slightly to her.

None of the companions were really happy with him at the moment. They had just seen him actually kill the Doctor...Valeyard...whatever.

The Loss of Companion

"That's a reassuring title." Chang sighed.

DAVID: But you told me! You said that you'd never known the security of living in one place and one time. Look, you said it was something that you always longed for. Well, I'm giving you that, Susan. I'm giving you a place, a time, an identity.

SUSAN: No, David! (crying) I've lost my shoe. Oh David, I do love you! I do, I do, I do!

"Love..." Rose nodded.

"That's one of the main reasons companions leave." Sexy sighed.

(Inside the Tardis, the Doctor closes the doors)

SUSAN: Grandfather!

"The Doctor has a granddaughter?" Martha's eyes widened.

"He once mentioned her to me." Clara responded. "Plus, at his age, he probably has many grandchildren."

DOCTOR [OC]: Listen, Susan, please. I've double-locked the doors. You can't get in. Now move back, child, where I can see you.


DOCTOR: During all the years, I've been taking care of you, you in return have been taking care of me.

SUSAN [on scanner]: Oh, Grandfather, I belong with you!

"She belongs with the one she loves." Wilfred stated. "I want Donna to be with Shaun, for example."

DOCTOR: Not any longer, Susan. You're still my grandchild and always will be, but now, you're a woman too.

"She really is a woman." Jack agreed.

He got wacked by a pillow, which he immediately passed onto Mickey.

The other tin dog winked at him.


DOCTOR [OC]: I want you to belong somewhere, to have roots of your own. With David, you'll be able to find those roots and live normally like any woman should do.


DOCTOR: Believe me, my dear, your future lies with David, and not with a silly old buffer like me. One day, I shall come back. Yes, I shall come back. Until then, there must be no regrets, no tears, no anxieties. Just go forward in all your beliefs, and prove to me that I am not mistaken in mine. Goodbye, Susan, goodbye, my dear.

"When's he coming back? Can we come?" Amy demanded.

Sexy only shrugged.


(The Tardis dematerialises. Susan, with only one shoe, walks where it had stood)

DAVID: Susan? Susan? He knew. He knew you could never leave him.

(Susan looks at her Tardis key, then drops it on the ground, and they slowly walk off hand in hand)

"That reminds me of the Doctor before he regenerated." Clara mentioned. "He took off his bowtie and dropped it." she looked rather sad while she cuddled into Danny.


DOCTOR [OC]: I don't want to know! I want none of this! I've never heard such nonsense in my life! You'll end up as a couple of burnt cinders, flying around in space. You idiots! You are absolute idiots!

"I'm not the only idiot!" Mickey looked up in pride; his face clearly said 'Success'.

"Mickey the Idiot." Braxiatel murmured. "I like it." he decided.

The other companions groaned.

BARBARA: We are not idiots! We want to go home!

IAN: Yes, home! I want to sit in a pub and drink a pint of beer again. I want to walk in a park and watch a cricket match. Above all, I want to belong somewhere, do something, instead of this aimless drifting around in space.

"I wonder if I've ever been to the same pub as him..." Jack wondered, a little bit off-topic.

DOCTOR: Aimless? I've tried for two years to get you both home!

IAN: Well, you haven't been very successful, have you?

DOCTOR: How dare you, young man. How dare you, sir! I didn't even invite you into the ship in the first place. You both thrust yourselves upon me!

The companions looked amused. How many companions thrust themselves upon him?

BARBARA: Oh, Doctor, stop it!

DOCTOR: Oh, for heavens sake, I've never heard such nonsense.

BARBARA: Look, I know we thrust ourselves upon you, but we've through a great deal together since then. And all we've been through will remain with us always. It'll probably be the most exciting part of my life. Look, Doctor, we're different people, and now we have a chance to go home. We want to take that chance. Will you help us work that machine?

DOCTOR: No! No! I will not aid and abet suicide.

IAN: Oh, he's as stubborn as a mule.

"He got that right, at least." Chang rolled his eyes.

The other companions nodded in agreement.

VICKI: Doctor? Doctor, you've got to let them go if they want to. They want to be back in their own time.

DOCTOR: Don't you want to go with them, child?

VICKI: What for? What would I want to be back in their time for? I want to be with you. Doctor, you've got to help them.

"So, she is going to stay for now?" Amy checked.

"Yes," Sexy nodded. "She'll leave later on."

DOCTOR: Don't you realise, child, the enormous risks?

VICKI: But it's up to them.

DOCTOR: Do you both realise the enormous risks?

IAN: We do. We still want to go.

"He's pretty stubborn too." Braxiatel state, a scowl etched on his face.

BARBARA: Please, Doctor.

DOCTOR: Very well, follow me. But you must follow my instructions implicitly, understood? Implicitly! You will both have about a fifty-fifty chance. Follow me, come along.

(Later, Vicki and the Doctor come out, and the Dalek machine dematerialises)

"Don't ever use Dalek machinery." the Gallifreyan mentioned. "It is quite disgusting."

The other companions trusted him on that.


(Ian comes out of a garage near a tube station. The car tax disc expiry date is December 1965)

IAN: Barbara, we made it.

BARBARA: I don't believe it!

IAN: London 1965!

"That's a long time ago." Danny stated, open mouthed. He appeared to be quite shocked that some of the former companions were old enough to be their parents.

Braxiatel looked quite offended at that topic.

BARBARA: Hey, we're two years out.

IAN: Oh, what's two years amongst friends? We're home! I'll just go and press that button.

(He goes inside and something starts beeping)

IAN: Run!


IAN: Well, that's put paid to the Dalek's time travelling for a while.

BARBARA: It'll give the Doctor a breather anyway.

"Somehow I doubt that worked." Martha shook her head with a smile on her face. "If something stops, something else starts."

IAN: Yes. I wonder where he is right now?

BARBARA: Hey, Doctor, wherever you are.

IAN: Shh! There's someone coming.

"Dun, dun, dun, DUN!" Jack chuckled to himself.

He had many pillows chucked at him, so he gave them all to the fellow tin dog.

Mickey gave the 'okay' sign.

BARBARA: Goodbye, Doctor! Thanks for the ride!

IAN: It was fun Doctor! Goodbye!

(A series of stills to show our two explorers getting reacquainted with the Capital - Trafalgar Square and the pigeons, the Embankment, a blue Police Box, Regent Street)


BARBARA: Oh, I enjoyed that.

IAN: Yes, so did I.

"Who wouldn't?" Clara grinned, an odd light shining in her eyes.

Danny raised his hand, and the Impossible Girl rolled her shining eyes.

CONDUCTOR [OC]: Fares please.

IAN: Oh, it's great to be back. Nothing seems to have changed.

BARBARA: Oh, you wait till we get back to Coal Hill. Hey!

"Wait." Clara and Danny looked freaked out.

"What?" Amy didn't notice anything.

"Coal Hill's principal, a man around the age of 80, is named I. Chesterton." the Impossible Girl's eyes widened. "They are the same person!"

The companions' eyes all widened, causing the Gallifreyans to face palm.

CONDUCTOR [OC]: Any more fares please?

BARBARA: How are we going to explain our absence?

IAN: Yeah, that's a point, isn't it? We'll have to think of something. It had better be good, eh?

CONDUCTOR: Fares please.

IAN: Oh, er, two three's, please.

"What are those?" Mickey looked confused.

Rose shrugged, having no clue.

CONDUCTOR: Two three's? You must be joking. Where've you been? On the Moon?

IAN: Er, no, but you're getting warm.

"Haha." Jack grinned.


[Outside Troy]

TROILUS: Cressida, Cressida, could you have betrayed us? Cressida!

"Who's Cressida?" Amy asked.

"We only know as much as you do." Rory briefly mentioned.

(The distraught Troilus watches from the plain as the city burns.)

VICKI: I came to find you.

"Maybe it is her..." Martha brought up.

TROILUS: Cressida, what are you doing here? Where's Diomede?

VICKI: He's gone with another friend that you never met.

TROILUS: Back to Greece.

"Troy...Greece...Cool!" Rory's eyes shined.

VICKI: No, to where I came from. You see, he wasn't really a Greek. He. Oh, Troilus you're hurt!

TROILUS: Just a bit.

"Their names here are fantastic!" Jack grinned.

Only a few people laughed at the inside joke.

VICKI: Oh, let me look.

TROILUS: No, I'll be all right. Look, Cressida, I don't understand.

VICKI: I, I don't suppose you ever will. That doesn't matter so long as you trust me.

"Should he trust her? Most of the time people don't trust us..." Rose mentioned.

"As soon as they see us come out of the TARDIS, they immediately are suspicious of us." Clara looked frustrated.

The pink and yellow human agreed. "Our lives would be so much easier if they did trust us."

TROILUS: Trust you? After all

VICKI: I didn't betray you. That's why I stayed behind. I wanted you to know that I didn't. The main thing is I belong here now with you. If you'll have me.

"Love on the battlefield!" Jack hooted.

He was hit with another pillow that just happened to conveniently fall into Mickey's own pile.

TROILUS: Cressida, look what's happened.

VICKI: There's only us now.

TROILUS: What do you mean?

VICKI: I'll explain someday. I'm sorry.

"That's what you all say." Jackie looked annoyed. "And I only find out because I walk into the TARDIS without permission!"

TROILUS: But, but there's nowhere to go.

VICKI: We'll find somewhere.

TROILUS: Oh, Cressida. Cressida, look!

VICKI: Be careful. They may be Greeks.

"That would be a tragic end." Danny looked a little uncomfortable at the war scene.

TROILUS: It's my cousin!

VICKI: Cousin?

TROILUS: Yes, Aeneas. Oh, if only he'd come sooner.

"If only." Amy agreed.

VICKI: That's it.


VICKI: He'll help us.

TROILUS: But, there's, there's nothing left.

VICKI: Yes, there is. There's us. We can start again. With your cousin's help we can, we can build another Troy.

"Rewriting history..." Braxiatel groaned. "Why do you all do it?"

"Because, technically, just being able to time travel changes history." Clara proved her point.

"But there is no reason to change fixed points. It's annoying, frankly."


(Inside the Tardis, Steven's condition worsening. The Doctor mops his brow as Katarina stands by, watching helplessly.)

DOCTOR: That's not good. That's not good at all. We must get help.

"What's going on?" Grace, Martha, and Rory immediately went on medical mode.

Sarah shrugged, watching the screen. The three looked slightly helpless.

KATARINA: What help is there in limbo?

DOCTOR: What's that, my dear?


"So that was her name, not Cressida." Chang realized. "You could have made it clearer."

"I can only show you real moments, I am not allowed to alter them." Sexy made this very clear.

DOCTOR: No, no, no, no, no. Keep calm, keep calm.

STEVEN: Is she all right?

DOCTOR: Yes, yes. She's all right. Yes, yes.

STEVEN: What's she doing over there?

"She's talking to Troilus!" Jack asked in a voice that reminded the others of a teenage girl.

Let's just say Mickey received another pillow at the end of that round.

DOCTOR: No, no, no. That's not Vicki. That's not Vicki. Now keep calm.

STEVEN: Not Vicki?

DOCTOR: Be quiet!

"That's a nice way to say 'shut up'." Mickey grinned.

STEVEN: Where is she? The Trojans will kill her. You came too soon.

DOCTOR: She's all right. She's all right. She wanted to stay.

STEVEN: The Greeks. The Greeks, the Trojans.

DOCTOR: Keep still.

STEVEN: Vicki.

DOCTOR: She's all right. I know she is. She's gone to find Troilus and she'll be quite all right. This is just what she wanted. Now calm down. Yes, quiet, quiet

"So they knew about her and Troilus too." Danny stated.

Clara looked up at him. "Sometimes it is scary how much you are alike Rory, Jack, and Mickey."

"We're all tin dogs!" Mickey stated.

STEVEN: Oh, Vicki. Vicki.

DOCTOR: Oh, you'll have to look after that young man. I think he has calmed down.

KATARINA: Strange god, you bring me peace.

DOCTOR: No, I don't know what Vicki has advised you, but

KATARINA: Oh, the Priestess Cressida told me all would be well and I knew it was to come.

"What is it?" Amy questioned, suddenly worried about the other girl's safety.

DOCTOR: What was to come my dear?

KATARINA: That I was to die.

"That happens to everyone!" Martha looked incredibly frustrated.

"Either that, or they choose to leave. Or maybe even forced." Donna looked incredibly annoyed.

DOCTOR: My dear child, you're not dead. That's nonsense.

KATARINA: This is not Troy. This is not even the world. This is the journey through the beyond.

"So," Mickey was putting this together. "She thinks that she's going to heaven right now?"

The others shrugged.

DOCTOR: Well, as you wish.

KATARINA: Thank you.

DOCTOR: Yes, yes, yes, as you wish, my child. Now, I want you to keep an eye on that young man. Will you?

KATARINA: Yes, great god.

DOCTOR: His name is Steven. And remember Katarina, you must call me Doctor.

"Here it comes." Rose grinned. "All companions do this at least once."

KATARINA: Oh, as you wish Doc.

Everybody burst out laughing.

"She does it too!" Jack grinned from ear to ear.

DOCTOR: I'm not a Doc. I am not a god. Oh, my dear Vicki, I hope you'll be all right. I shall miss you child. Oh, yes, now. Those drugs, those drugs. What am I going to do? I must stop somewhere. But, how? I've got to! Yes! I must! I must!


EDAL: Are you sure, Exorse, you have nothing further to report?

EXORSE: Nothing, Captain.

EDAL: Strange, very strange. We'll see what the interrogators can get out of you.

EXORSE: Only the leader has the right to send citizens to the interr

SENTA: Captain Edal has called an emergency. He has taken over the leadership in the absence of Jano.

JANO: In the absence of Jano?

SENTA: We did not expect you back here.

JANO: Why not? Did I not say that I would be back with prisoners. Bring in the strangers.

(The line of prisoners is brought in under guard.)

SENTA: So you were wrong, Edal. Captain Edal informed us that you had gone over to the enemy, Jano. He has tried to take your place.

JANO: Put the Captain under arrest. Both of you.

"This Captain sounds like a power hungry, evil person from this perspective." Chang contemplated.

"And from another it might seem like he is doing his duty." Grace agreed.

EDAL: I demand to be heard.

JANO: You will be heard at the right time and place. Take him away.

(Edal is escorted from the room by two guards.)

SENTA: We apologise, Jano. We thought that something had happened to you during the in-transference.

JANO: Seal off the doors.

SENTA: Are we to prepare these savages for transference?

JANO: Seal off the doors.

"Repetitive, are we?" Jack grinned.

Braxiatel raised his eyebrows at the human.

SENTA: What's happening? I insist upon knowing.

JANO: You will find what I going to say very difficult to understand. All the Elders of our city are here, and so is the source of our supremacy on this planet. No man easily gives up the means which give him power.

SENTA: I don't understand you, Jano.

JANO: That is what I am asking you to do. I want you to destroy all this.

SENTA: What? The laboratory? The generators?

JANO: All the machinery which we have used to destroy our fellows.

SENTA: They are not our fellows, Jano. They are the savages. They are not capable of development like us.

All the companions frowned. Senta sounded...lovely.

JANO: How do you know?

SENTA: All history proves it. The savages are good only to provide us with energy. The laboratory must not be destroyed.

"Only to provide them with energy," Sarah looked disgusted.

JANO: These people whom you call savages are our equals. What we have done to them is wrong. If you will not destroy all this, then I must.

"Go Jano! Go Jano! Go Jano! Go Jano!" the tin dog team chanted.

(Jano picks up a metal bar and smashes it down on the control panel next to him.)

SENTA: What are you doing? Stop him!

(Senta dives for the alarm button.)

JANO: This is our only chance to start life afresh on this planet. Help me!

SENTA: Well, don't just stand there! Use your gun.

NANINA: Help, Exorse. It's the only way to help us all.

(Exorse turns to smash the nearest console.)

EDAL: Open the doors! We cannot get in.

(Trapped outside, Edal and his guards try to break down the door. This fuels the savages desire to destroy the laboratory. They turn on the equipment with an enthusiasm to wreck it as thoroughly and quickly as possible. Several of the Elders try to intervene, but they are no match for them.)

Danny bit his lip at the scene of destruction, but Clara snuggled up to him and he as fine.

DOCTOR: You know, my dear, there's something very satisfying in destroying something that's evil, don't you think?

"YES!" All the companions shouted.

DODO: Yes!

(Senta is powerless. The vats are smashed, the energy transfer process ended forever.)

JANO: This is only the beginning, Chal. After this destruction, our people must learn to build a world that they can both live in.

CHAL: And both sides must learn to trust each other.

JANO: We may need a new leader. Somebody who can unite us.

EDAL [OC]: Make sure the strangers don't escape. It is they who have done this to us! Kill the Doctor on sight. These are my orders!

Jack made an odd squeaky noise, and all the companions looked worried again.

"Kill him?" Rose frowned.

"Bad Edal." Braxiatel cursed a bit in Gallifreyan.

(The door gives way and the guards swarm into the room.)

EDAL: Get Jano! Arrest him.

(The light beam misses its target and Steven stands to face Edal.)

STEVEN: Stay where you are! What can you do now? The place is destroyed. Your power's gone.

EDAL: You! I should have killed you a long time ago. And you, Doctor. You have done this to us.

"Whatever he did, it was probably the right thing to do." Martha stated wisely.

The others nodded.

JANO: Edal, you have no more authority here.

EDAL: You. You are a traitor. I do not take orders from traitors!

"Snap..." Jack snapped.

"Crackle..." Mickey grinned.

"POP!" they yelled gleefully.

They got hit over the head by the entire female population.

STEVEN: Drop it!

(Edal goes to fire but Steven is quicker. Edal falls unconscious, caught in the blast of Steven's light gun.)

JANO: Doctor, we already owe you much. (to Steven) And now I owe you my life.

DOCTOR: Jano, since you have destroyed the power you held over Chal and his people, you realise now of course, you've got to learn to live together.

JANO: Yes, but the fear and hatred of the past will only die slowly. We need someone like yourself as a mediator until we have become one people.

DOCTOR: I see. But in my case I'm afraid that is utterly impossible.

JANO: The man we need must inspire trust. His judgements must come from his heart, even more than his head.

CHAL: Here is the leader we want, Jano.

JANO: This is what I thought.

STEVEN: Just a minute. I couldn't.

DOCTOR: A great honour, dear boy.

"I love the way this Doctor speaks." Amy grinned. "'Dear boy...'"

She received grins from a lot of the companions.

STEVEN: But I can't walk out on you and Dodo!

DOCTOR: Just think of the challenge to be able to set up the people of this planet for a new life. You're quite ready for this task.

STEVEN: You think I can do it?

DOCTOR: Yes, I do. And you're the only man who can, my boy.

"'My boy...'" Amy laughed once more.

"Do you think we can convince the current Doc to do that? He is rather elderly, after all." Jack grinned.

"No." Danny and Clara shook their heads. "Never in a million years."

STEVEN: Has the offer come from both sides?

CHAL: You would give us new hope. Our people will become great again. We will learn to live as equals without bitterness.

STEVEN: What about Tor?

TOR: I should accept your decisions.

STEVEN: Very well. I will stay.

CHAL: Thank you, thank you. (to the Doctor) And thank you. You have justified our faith.

(Dodo hugs Steven.)

DODO: Oh, Steven.

STEVEN: I shall miss you both, Dodo.

DODO: I shall miss you.

JANO: Doctor, for many light years we looked forward to your arrival on this planet. We always knew of your wisdom, but we never dreamed of the miracle that it would bring us.

"Says every awesome alien species we encounter." Jack grumbled.

DOCTOR: Thank you, Jano. And if ever you need the benefit of my wisdom again, I trust and hope you will allow me to express myself with my own free will, rather than place me in an oven, and try and cook it out of me.

JANO: Come, Chal, we must summon our people. There is much work to be done. We shall await you in our Council Chamber.

(Jano and Chal lead the others away, leaving Steven alone with Dodo and the Doctor.)

DOCTOR: Well, I must say, young man, I'm very proud of you.

"'Young man...'" Amy laughed once more.

STEVEN: Doctor, I don't know if I

DOCTOR: I know, I know, my boy. Well, go on, you mustn't keep them waiting.

"'My boy...'" this time it was Donna.

STEVEN: Goodbye, Doctor.

DOCTOR: Goodbye, Steven, and good luck.

(Steven leaves.)

DODO: Doctor, do you think we'll ever see him again?

DOCTOR: Well, who knows, my dear. In this strange complex of time and space, anything can happen. Come along, little one. We must go. We mustn't look back.

"'My dear' and 'little one'?" Jack grinned wolfishly.

He got hit over the head by Martha.

"How come Amy and Donna can do it and I can't?" the immortal man complained.

He received silence in return.

"Thanks, guys."

(The Doctor and Dodo cross the scrubland to the Tardis, and it dematerialises.)

[Spar ship]

(Bret and Steven work at the navigation controls.)

DOCTOR: We're changing course. Now release that girl.

KIRKSEN: Do you think I'm a fool?

STEVEN: Course is changed. We're heading for Kembel.

KIRKSEN: It doesn't feel as if we've changed.

BRET: Well, look up at the screen and you'll see.

(Steven launches himself at Kirksen, who shoves him away and drags Katarina into the airlock.)

"It's that Steven fellow again." Wilfred mused.

STEVEN: Well open the door from the control panel. I'll rush him!

DOCTOR: The girl will be dead before the door's half open! Can we talk to him in there?

BRET: Yes, I've turned on the talkback.

DOCTOR: Let's try a little bluff. Now, then! Listen to me, whoever you are. Bring that girl in here, or we will press a button and you will go outside the door into space.

KIRKSEN: Then the girl dies too. If you open the outside door I'll press the inner release and then we'll all be dead!

BRET: We can't seem to get through to him. He's crazy.

DOCTOR: We've got to get Katarina out of there!

"I have a bad feeling about this Katarina person..." Rose swallowed.

Jackie agreed.

(Bret cuts off the audio link to the airlock.)

STEVEN: Stop that! Turn the talkback on again!

BRET: There's no point.

STEVEN: Turn it on again, before he really hurts her.

BRET: Look, he can't kill her or he hasn't a hostage.

"True..." Danny and Wilfred agreed before looking at each other in surprise.

(Steven turns the talkback back on and shouts)

STEVEN: You animal!

KIRKSEN: Now that's just for starters. Do as I say!

DOCTOR: Change course!

KIRKSEN: Now, that's more like it!

DOCTOR: Take him back to Kembel. Take him back to Kembel! Let the Daleks deal with him.

"The Daleks..." Clara groaned.

Everyone else in the entire room groaned as well.

STEVEN: Yes, and us.

DOCTOR: Don't worry, dear boy, We'll find a way out.

"'Dear boy'..." Amy giggled.

(Katarina has been screaming almost all the time.)

KIRKSEN: Stop that or you're dead!

BRET: I can't sacrifice everything for the sake of that one girl.

STEVEN: Listen! Without us you wouldn't have got off Kembel at all, and nothing would be worth bothering about!

BRET: All right, so we all go back together. But without me, I doubt that you would have got this far either.

STEVEN: Yes, all right, but I won't let you hurt Katarina. We'll head back for Kembel as the Doctor says. On the way we may find a way to get her out of there.

(Katarina pulls free of Kirksen, clawing at his face with one hand and reaching for the door controls with the other.)

KIRKSEN: You won't.

STEVEN: No, not that one! Katarina!

(The outer doors open, and Katarina and Kirksen are sucked out to die in the vacuum of space.)

"No!" the entire room yelled.

"Does that happen often?" Jackie swallowed. "And you went with him, Rose?"

"I regret nothing about going with him." Rose answered confidently.

The rest of the room agreed.

"How many have gone that way?" River asked curiously.

She received some rather stiff shrugs.

"Sexy," Danny started as Sexy appeared. "Will it show how Clara-" his voice broke off.

"No," Sexy answered finally, much to their relief. "After this, you are going to a time before Clara..." she vanished once again there.

STEVEN: Katarina! Too late.

(There's a stunned silence aboard the Spar as the crew try to comprehend what has happened.)

STEVEN: She pressed the wrong button, Doctor.

DOCTOR: She may have wanted to, dear boy. She wanted to save our lives.

No one commented on the 'dear boy' thing.

"Very brave girl." Danny stated.

The rest of the companions agreed.

BRET: It must have been quick.

DOCTOR: I hope she's reached her Place of Perfection.

STEVEN: Yes, but not that way.

DOCTOR: She didn't understand. She couldn't understand. She wanted to save our lives and perhaps the lives of all the other beings of the Solar System. I hope she's found her Perfection. Oh, how I shall always remember her as one of the Daughters of the Gods. Yes, as one of the Daughters of the Gods.

[Outside the Tardis]

(The Daleks maintain their dogged pursuit. All around them the jungle is changing, plants withering and dying, lush foliage shrivelling up and turning to dust. Apparently unmoved and unaffected by the vast power of the time destructor, the Daleks continue to close in on their quarry. Yet the effects are taking a heavy toll on both Sara and the Doctor. Frail and weak, the old man stumbles onwards, all too aware that time is quite literally running out for his companion. At last they see the Tardis ahead but the Doctor can barely stagger a few more steps before he falls to his knees unable to go on. With a final desperate effort, Sara helps the Doctor up and they stumble a few short paces further before the Doctor falls again. The time destructor slips from his fingers, rolling away to lie just inches from his hand. Beside him, Sara pitches forward in the dust, unable to remain upright. She barely has the strength to open her eyes but somehow finds the will. She attempts to claw her way over to the time destructor.)

"Do I want to know what happened this time?" Braxiatel face-palmed, but he received no answer.

"You're acting like this is a norm for him..." Donna observed. "Why?"

"Let's just go with the fact that he was very adventurous as a child. Even more so then now."

SARA: Doctor.

(The last of her strength gone, Sara falls and lies still.)


(Steven's delight at seeing his friends appear on the scanner turns to shock as they sprawl in the sand.)

"STEVEN!" Mickey threw his hands up in the air.

"I thought he already left." Martha frowned.

"Sexy never said anything about them being in order." Grace mentioned.

STEVEN: Doctor! Sara!

[Outside the Tardis]

(Steven rushes outside. The Tardis now stands in harsh desert, buffeted by gale force winds and flying detritus. He looks around for his companions. Finally an indistinct shape catches his attention.)

STEVEN: Dust! It's all crumbling into dust.

(Steven stumbles over to where Sara lies, unmoving. Before he can reach her a gust of wind seems to lift her up. He watches in horror as her skin and hair fade away, her bones dispersing as dust on the wind.)

"Sara!" the companions looked horrified.

"This is why I didn't want you to go with that man! Look at how often something likes this happens to the people he brings along!" Jackie argued.

She was ignored for now since everyone else's eyes remained unmoving from the screen.


[Summer's office]


(The Doctor convulses, manages to let go of the telephone and grabs at his head in pain.)

"At least Doc is all right!" Jack cheered half-heartedly.

DODO: Are you all right?

SUMMER: Let's get him back into this chair. I'll get Brett's secretary to phone for an a

DOCTOR: Oh no, no, no.

SUMMER: Well a little brandy then.

"I bet you five pounds that he'll take it." Jack looked at Rory.

"The Doctor hates alcohol. I'll take you up on that bet." They shook hands.

DOCTOR: No. Just water.

"HA!" Rory grinned.

Grumbling, Jack forked over the five pounds.

SUMMER: All right, I'll get some water.

DODO: Don't be alarmed, Doctor. This is the method of establishing contact. Time is very short. Construction has already begun. You are needed.

DOCTOR: What happened?

DODO: It's all right, Doctor. You are now one of us. My function was to bring you in contact. Now I shall serve as an assistant.

DOCTOR: Oh, what are you talking about, child?

"'Child'" Amy mentioned.

This seemed to cheer some of the companions up.

DODO: Listen, Doctor, construction is taking place at strategic points in London.

DOCTOR: What were you saying, my dear?

"'My dear'" this time it was Martha who said it.

DODO: But you took the call. You made the telephone call You made contact, didn't you?

DOCTOR: Yes, yes, I think I remember, I was speaking to Professor Brett and all of a sudden there seemed to be an explosion. It very nearly knocked me off my feet. It was as if, as if

DODO: What Doctor?

DOCTOR: It was if something enormous and terrific was trying to absorb me. Yes, yes, yes. Oh, it's ridiculous, child, isn't it? Yes, yes, yes, there's something erratically wrong with that telephone, yes. It was just like an electric shock.

"I love the way he talks." Mickey grinned. "It is so different from how he speaks now."

Clara nodded; sometimes it was hard to even get him to talk.

DODO: Then you received no instruction.

DOCTOR: From whom, my dear?

"And he even has the 'who' and 'whom' thing perfected." Jack sighed. "I've been alive for a long time, and I still do it wrong!"

The male companions all burst out laughing while Braxiatel grinned.

"He probably has not perfected the idiosyncrasies of you Earth people." Braxiatel reminisced. "If I recall this correctly, he learnt English properly, but he was horrible at picking up the different ways you people speak. Accents and just plain ignorance of you all, I suppose."

This got all the companions to laugh.

DODO: From

POLLY: Here you are, Doctor, drink this.

DOCTOR: Yes, yes, thank you.

POLLY: What happened?

DOCTOR: That's it. Either that telephone is dangerously out of order, or

SUMMER: Or what?

(Dodo is heading for the door.)

DOCTOR: Stay where you are, my dear.

"'My dear'" Rose joined in.

"Next time we see the Doctor," Clara joined in the girls' thing, "We should start talking like that."

They all looked at each other for a few seconds.

"That would be hilarious!" Amy laughed.

"We totally should." Grace agreed.

POLLY: What is the matter?

DOCTOR: There's a new and deadly danger facing us. Yes, and it's coming from Professor Brett's office.

POLLY: From my office? I don't understand.

DOCTOR: None of us do. Yet. Come here, my dear. Look at me. Yes, it's just as I thought. She's been hypnotised. Sit in that chair, my dear.

"My dear, my dear, my dear, my dear..." Amy tutted.

(He shines a table lamp into her face.)

DOCTOR: Now, I want you to repeat after me. My name is Dodo Chaplet.

DODO: My name is Dodo Chaplet.

"My name is Dodo Chaplet." the tin dogs repeated.

They were hit by their respective female.

DOCTOR: I resist all attempts to change me into somebody else.

DODO: I resist all attempts to change me into somebody else.

"I resist all attempts to change me into somebody else." they repeated again.

Then, they were hit again.

DOCTOR: Now, I'm going to start counting. And when I've counted up to five, you will be fast asleep. And when you wake again, you will forget all about this distressing incident. Now I'm going to start counting. Just look at that ring on my hand.

(He moves his hand up and down.)

DOCTOR: One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Yes, I think she'll sleep for forty eight hours, and when she wakes I want absolute peace and quiet for her. Do you understand?

POLLY: Are you sure she's all right?

DOCTOR: Oh yes, she's all right.

The companions sighed. They had never met these people, but they all felt a connection to them through the Doctor.

POLLY: Excuse me.

SUMMER: She can go down to my house in the country. My wife will look after her.

DOCTOR: Yes, it's a very fine thing. Yes, and take care of her, won't you.

"He's leaving her..." Sarah frowned.

"Perhaps it was for the best." Chang sighed.

SUMMER: Indeed I will. Polly, would. Oh, where has that girl gone to?

DOCTOR: I don't know. She said something about strategic points in London.

SUMMER: Strategic points?

DOCTOR: Where, I wonder? Where?

[Airport hangar]

POLLY: Doctor.

BEN: What are you doing?

DOCTOR: Doing? I'm looking for the Tardis, of course.

"Did the big bad TARDIS run away?" River grinned.

All of the companions burst out laughing while Braxiatel just stared in amusement.

POLLY: Oh, no. Can't we stay in London a bit?

BEN: Yeah, it's good to feel normal again.

DOCTOR: Normal? What do you mean, Ben?

BEN: Well, no monsters, or Cybermen. All this, it's normal. I understand it.

"Sometimes I feel a lot like Ben." Martha stated solemnly.

Most of the companions agreed internally.

DOCTOR: Do you? What about Chameleon Tours?

BEN: Oh yeah, that was different.

JAMIE: Oh, I'll be glad to get away from here. Can you not land us in a nice civilised place like 1750?

The companions started laughing.

"I love this Jamie person." Jack wiped some tears out of his eyes.

"He's from 1750?" Rose asked. "I thought the Doctor was more of a Twentieth to Twenty-first century guy. That does seem to be where most of his companions come from."

"He's also a man." Jack grinned. "You don't see us men around the TARDIS as you women. Doc must have REALLY liked this one." he winked.

The other companions rolled their eyes.

POLLY: What's so uncivilised about 1966?

JAMIE: Oh, you can keep it!

BEN: Did you say 1966?

"That got his attention." Martha groaned. "He's going leave, isn't he?"

She received no answer.


BEN: What month is it?

DOCTOR: It's July. July the 20th, to be precise.

POLLY: What are you getting at?

BEN: Don't you see, Duchess? July the 20th, 1966 is when it all began! We're back to when it all started. Well, I think.

"Did the Doctor do that on purpose?" Donna inquired.

"Well, if he was trying to get there, he would fail at it." Amy shrugged.

POLLY: That means it's as if, it's as if we've never been away.

DOCTOR: You really want to go, don't you?

"When we get back to the Doctor," Jack vowed, "I will never leave him. Even if I have to make a room where I can speak to Torchwood."

The companions all agreed, but they would also want to visit family members important to them.

BEN: Well, we won't leave, Doctor, if you really need us.

POLLY: The thing is, it is our world.

DOCTOR: Yes, I know. You're lucky, I never got back to mine. All right, then. Off you go. Now go on, Ben can catch his ship and become an Admiral, and you Polly, you can look after Ben.

"Does he sound kind of spiteful?" Rory asked.

"A little." Lee (Chang, same person) agreed.

POLLY: I will. You will be safe, won't you?

JAMIE: I'll look after him.

"So, the Doctor needs somebody to look after him." Jack grinned.

Braxiatel made a slightly disgusted face while the others just tuned him out.

"He's always like that." Martha mentioned.

BEN: I'm sure you will, mate. Goodbye, Doctor.


BEN: We might see you sometime. Take care.

"And they probably never saw him again." Grace sighed, shaking her head.

DOCTOR: Well you'd better hurry. The Commandant's car waiting.

(Ben and Polly leave.)

JAMIE: I'm sad to see them go.

DOCTOR: Yes, Jamie. So am I. Well, we've got things to do.

"The Doctor just admitted to being sad?" Mickey's eyes widened.

"Remember that he doesn't act the same during each regeneration." Rose reminded.

JAMIE: What things?

DOCTOR: Well, I didn't tell the others, but we've lost the Tardis.

JAMIE: We can't have done.

DOCTOR: It was outside. It's not there now.

JAMIE: You mean somebody's stolen it?

DOCTOR: I don't know, but that's what we're going to find out. Come on!

"Great..." the companions face-palmed.

[SIDRAT bay]

TIME LORD 3: There is no escape, Doctor.

"Didn't we already see this moment?" Martha questioned.

"Yes," Sexy answered. "But if your remember, this was also the time when Jamie and Zoe left."

(Jamie runs up against a forcefield.)

TIME LORD 3: It is time to say goodbye to your friends.

ZOE: There must be something we can do?

DOCTOR: No Zoe, not this time. Well, goodbye, Jamie.

"Each time he is saying goodbye. He never really says that to us." River mentioned.

"I guess that means he's never going to see them again." Amy sighed.

The companions held a moment of silence.

JAMIE: But Doctor surely we could

DOCTOR: Goodbye, Jamie.

JAMIE: I won't forget you, you know.

DOCTOR: I won't forget you. Don't go blundering into too much trouble, will you?

JAMIE: Oh, you're a fine one to talk.

"BURN!" the tin dogs chorused.

DOCTOR: Goodbye, Zoe.

ZOE: Goodbye, Doctor. Will we ever meet again?

DOCTOR: Again? Now, Zoe, you and I know, time is relative, isn't it?

(Jamie and Zoe are led to a SIDRAT. They wave and go inside. It dematerialises.)

DOCTOR: They'll forget me, won't they?

TIME LORD 2: Not entirely. They will be returned to a time just before they went away with you. They will remember their first adventure with you, but nothing more. But come along. Your fate has been decided.

Donna flinched slightly, but no one noticed.

[Harrises' quarters]

(On the patio that evening.)

ROBSON: Oh, I should have listened to you in the first place, Mister Harris.

HARRIS: Oh, I doubt it would have helped. As it turned out, we were lucky we didn't tamper with the weed.

DOCTOR: Oh, yes.

MAGGIE: We'll the next time you ask me to get something from your desk, you can do it yourself.

ROBSON: To think I wanted to keep you locked up, Doctor.

DOCTOR: Well, lots of people have tried.

Braxiatel groaned. "And there he goes, mentioning touchy subjects again."

The companions looked a little disturbed at how calmly the Doctor admitted that.

HARRIS: They didn't want to.

ROBSON: That was a very splendid dinner, Mrs Harris. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm very tired.

DOCTOR: Oh, really. Oh, dear. There we are.

ROBSON: See you in the morning, Doctor?

DOCTOR: Well, no. No, as a matter of fact, we must be on our way.

"Aw..." Jack whined. "I like it when the Doctor stays around for a long time."

"He once stayed with us for an entire year during a particularly slow invasion." Rory groaned.

"You got him to stay for an entire year?" Jackie's eyes widened. "I couldn't even invite him to dinner without him running off! With my daughter, as well!"

"Mum," Rose rolled her eyes, but she still looked quite intrigued. "How did you do it?"

"It was very difficult to keep him from, like, exploding or something." Amy grimaced. "But he did play Wii a lot."

The companions had a good laugh at that.

ROBSON: Oh, dear. Where are you going?

DOCTOR: Well, we haven't quiet decided yet.

JAMIE: Aye, even if we had it wouldn't make any difference. We wouldn't get there. Not with him.

"He's back again! Didn't he already leave?" Danny looked a little confused.

"It is probably just in a different order." Clara reminded.

"Other than their departures?"

"Maybe." she grinned.

ROBSON: If you're ever around here again, do drop in. And in the front gate this time, just to avoid any unfortunate incidents.

DOCTOR: Yes, I will.

HARRIS: Good night, Mister Robson.

ROBSON: Good night. Bye, Mrs Harris.

DOCTOR: Goodbye, Mister Robson. Well, I suppose I think it's time we went. Jamie. Victoria.

"He said goodbye again." Wilfred observed.

"And he probably never dropped in." Mickey frowned.

"He would never ask anyone to stay with him." Sarah remembered. "I had just said he had the largest family, and then we all left him one by one." she sighed. "If he asked, I know that we all would have stayed. But he didn't, and then he was alone."

They all nodded solemnly.

JAMIE: Hey, Victoria. Wakey, wakey. What's the matter?

DOCTOR: You don't want to come with us, do you, Victoria.

"He knows." Braxiatel mentioned. "He's always been quite good at reading people non-telepathically."

"Maybe not in his current regeneration." Clara mentioned. "He can be quite...brutally honest, let's just say."

Jack appeared to be deep in thought.

VICTORIA: I don't know. I don't really want to leave you.

DOCTOR: Well, I suspected as much.

VICTORIA: Would you mind?

JAMIE: Victoria, you can't

DOCTOR: Just a minute, Jamie. You mean you want to stay here and settle down. Well, if you want to, you must.

"She doesn't have to." the tin dogs pouted.

VICTORIA: I'm sorry.

"And a lot of us say that we are sorry if we choose to leave." Grace stated.

DOCTOR: No, that's all right. Mrs Harris, I wonder if you'd mind if Victoria stayed with you for a little while. You see, she's got no parents or home and it is a bit difficult

MAGGIE: Well, of course. We'd be delighted to have you for as long as you want to stay.

"At least she is nice." Martha sighed. "Not rude, unlike some people."

"Are you subtly referring to my brother?" Braxiatel inquired.

She nodded.

VICTORIA: Oh, would you?


DOCTOR: There, thank you very much. Jamie and I will stay for another day, just in case you want to think again.

JAMIE: Look, we'll talk it over later.

DOCTOR: Now, Jamie. She must make up her own mind. It's her own life. It's her decision.

"At least he is letting her make her decision, not forcing her out." Sarah smiled a little.

The others looked at her curiously.


[Control hall]

PRICE: Thank you, Rig D. Normal function on all channels. Control checks positive. Closing down now. All communications remain on standby.

ROBSON: All right, Price?

PRICE: Oh yes, thank you, sir. Back to normal.

ROBSON: Relief?

PRICE: Crews on their way, sir.

ROBSON: Bet you could do with a bit of shut-eye.

PRICE: Oh, I don't know. I think I'm a bit past it.

ROBSON: Go out like a light, eh?

PRICE: Probably.

ROBSON: Chief still here?

PRICE: Yes, in the impeller room, sir.

ROBSON: Goodnight, Price.

PRICE: Goodnight, sir.

"Everything seems to happen at night." Clara mumbled.

"Yup," Martha covered a yawn with her hand.

"Perhaps I should let you get some sleep after this one?" Sexy looked at her dear thief's friends worriedly.

"Yes, please," was the general sound coming from them.

Only River and Braxiatel did not look tired.

[Impeller room]

ROBSON: Hello, Chief.

CHIEF: Mister Robson.

ROBSON: Sound as a bell, eh?

CHIEF: Almost, sir.

ROBSON: Almost?

CHIEF: Still half a point off capacity.

ROBSON: Is it?

"What is it?" Mickey asked, but he received no answer.

CHIEF: The main control valve was slightly damaged. They're working on it now. Be up to our normal output in the morning. There's still one or two minor repairs to be done.

ROBSON: Not tonight, Chief.

CHIEF: Well, why not?

ROBSON: Get some sleep. Don't argue. Leave it to the relief.

A couple of the companions yawned once more.

CHIEF: All right.

ROBSON: Where do you lot think you're going? There's another three minutes before your relief arrives.

CHIEF: Nice to know you're back to normal, sir.

ROBSON: If I didn't know you better, Chief, I would swear you were giving me lip.

Jack and Mickey both laughed at that.

CHIEF: Oh, I wouldn't dream of doing that, sir.

"Ah, sarcasm." Amy grinned.

ROBSON: Wouldn't you? Goodnight, Chief.

CHIEF: Goodnight, sir.

[Harrises' quarters]

JAMIE: Are you not tired?

VICTORIA: No. No, I'm fine. I'm not tired at all.

"Really?" some of the companions found that hard to believe.

JAMIE: Do you know what the Doctor's just gone and done?


JAMIE: He's only gone down the beach for a swim. He gets worse. You're still not sure, are you?

"What did Jamie mean by "He gets worse"?" River looked a little confused.

The companions faces began to look rather worried.

VICTORIA: Yes. But it doesn't make it any easier leaving you and the Doctor.

JAMIE: Aye, we've been together a long time now. Has the Doctor said anything to you?

VICTORIA: No. No, you know what he's like, he wouldn't. He believes in people making up their own minds.

"That is true. He would never ask any of us to stay." Donna stated a bit fondly.

JAMIE: Oh, Victoria. Do you think you'll be happy here?

VICTORIA: Oh, I think so. The Harrises are very nice people.

JAMIE: Yes, I know that, but they're not from your time, are they?

VICTORIA: I wouldn't be at ease back in Victorian times. I had no parents or family left there anyway.

"I feel bad that she has no parents and family. What about friends? Someone from her era would notice that she never returned." Clara frowned.

"They'd probably just assume she had been killed by someone. An investigation might be launched, but..." River just shook her head.

Jack tried to get the focus onto a happier topic. "Victoria's Victorian." he grinned to himself.

JAMIE: Aye, that's true. Oh, well.



VICTORIA: You wouldn't go without saying goodbye, would you?

"Please don't." the companions stated firmly.

JAMIE: Of course not. That won't be till the morning anyway. Goodnight, Victoria.

VICTORIA: Goodnight, Jamie.

(They hug and kiss.)

Jack whistled, but thankfully, he was hit over the head.


(The next morning, Victoria and the Harrises say farewell to the Doctor and Jamie. The Tardis is floating offshore again so the Doctor and Jamie have to use the rubber dinghy to get to it. Jamie waves. Victoria waves back, crying, and Maggie hugs her.)

Doctor's workshop]

(The Doctor is singing his version of Shine On Harvest Moon.)

The companions laughed at that.

DOCTOR: Shine on Martian moons, up in the sky. Join in. Liz, come on.

(Someone knocks on the door. Liz goes to let them in.)

DOCTOR: Shine on, shine on, Martian moon.

"Martian moons?" Jack grinned.

GOLD: Sorry to disturb you, Doctor. I just popped in to say goodbye.

DOCTOR: Oh, are you leaving, Sir Keith?

GOLD: Everyone is.

BRIGADIER: Word came through this morning. This project is being officially abandoned.

"It's him again." Jackie observed. "I really pity him."

The companions all agreed.

DOCTOR: Well, I'm not sorry to hear that. What about the nuclear reactor?

GOLD: They're dismantling it tomorrow.

DOCTOR: Oh, but there's time for me to use it just once more, I hope?

GOLD: Oh, yes, of course, with pleasure. It's the least we can do.

"They are going to let the Doctor use a nuclear reactor?" Amy's eyes widened.

"Apparently they trust the Doctor. A lot." Rory looked a little dazed.

DOCTOR: Thank you, Sir Keith. By the way, how's Sutton and Miss Williams?

GOLD: Oh, they've left already.

LIZ: Together?

GOLD: Well, I believe he is driving her to London in his car.

DOCTOR: Nothing like a nice happy ending, is there?

"Those never seem to come to the Doctor, though." the companions looked sad again.

GOLD: No. Well, goodbye, Doctor.

DOCTOR: Goodbye, Sir Keith.

GOLD: Goodbye, Miss Shaw.

LIZ: Bye bye, Sir Keith.

DOCTOR: Goodbye, Brigadier.

BRIGADIER: Oh, there's quite a lot of mopping up to do. I shall be around for quite a while yet.

"So he's basically the clean-up crew?" Mickey grinned.

"It seems another tin dog has been located," Jack joined in grinning, only a little more evilly.

The others groaned.

(Gold leaves.)

DOCTOR: Oh, pity. Well, come on, Liz. If we've going to link up to that nuclear reactor, we'd better get a move on.

LIZ: Now, just a moment, Doctor.

BRIGADIER: Doctor, you're not still tinkering with this machine after all the trouble it's caused us?

DOCTOR: The trouble it's caused you?

BRIGADIER: Doctor, if you hadn't chosen such a crucial moment to disappear, this whole business might have been cleared up a great deal sooner.

"He does seem to disappear at some of the worst times." the companions remembered.

LIZ: Well, he did try to warn everybody, Brigadier.

DOCTOR: And a fat lot of notice you all took.

BRIGADIER: So, you went gallivanting off in a fit of pique.

DOCTOR: Brigadier, there are times when you strongly remind me of your other self. I shall leave at once.

"What does that mean?" the companions looked confused, but Sexy provided no answer.

LIZ: In the Tardis console?

DOCTOR: Naturally.

LIZ: Oh, but Doctor, you can't.

Braxiatel groaned. "Doctor, no."

Jack and Mickey stood up and shouted "DOCTOR, YES!"

(The Doctor throws the main power breakers.)

DOCTOR: With the work that we did today, the Tardis console is now fully operational.

BRIGADIER: We seem to have heard that before.

DOCTOR: Goodbye, Liz. I shall miss you, my dear. But I've had about all I can stand of this pompous, self-opinionated idiot here.

"I think the Brigadier hurt the Doctor's feelings." Rose sighed.

"But, there he goes calling us humans idiots again." Donna pursed her lips.

(The Doctor and the console vanish.)

LIZ: Now see what you've done.

BRIGADIER: Well, I didn't know he'd go off like that. The man's so infernally touchy.

"Really?" Jack looked curious. "I wonder what would happen if..."

He was cut off with a pillow to the face before he could finish.

LIZ: Well, I shall be most interested to see how you get on without him, Brigadier.

"Burn..." Mickey whispered.

"I know that Earth wouldn't survive very long without him." Martha mentioned.

BRIGADIER: May I remind you, Miss Shaw, that you're still a serving member of UNIT? I don't entirely care for your tone.

LIZ: I don't much care for yours either. No wonder the Doctor cleared off.

"I can see why the Doctor likes her." Amy grinned. Sassy was good sometimes.

(There is an cough from the open doorway. There are stains on the Doctor's jacket.)

BRIGADIER: Welcome back.

LIZ: Where did you go?

DOCTOR: A few seconds forward in time, and a few hundred yards due east in space.

"Did something stop him?" River looked truly concerned.

LIZ: The rubbish tip?

DOCTOR: The rubbish tip.

LIZ: Oh, dear.

DOCTOR: Er, Brigadier, my dear fellow, I wonder whether I could borrow a couple of your stalwart chaps to give me a hand in bringing the Tardis back? It landed in rather an inaccessible position.

"Of course it did," Rose grinned.

The other companions laughed at that.

BRIGADIER: Pompous, self-opinionated idiot, I believe you said, Doctor?

DOCTOR: Yes, well we don't want to bear a grudge for a few hasty words, do we? No, not after all the years that we've worked together. Now come long, my dear fellow, put on a smile. Just remember all

"Now, children," Jack started, "This is why you don't say mean things to people."

(Liz laughs as the Doctor leads the Brigadier out.)

[Community Room for Living]

JONES: Oh, Nancy, that fungus soup is delicious. Is there any more?

"Fungus soup?" Mickey asked. "Like, soup made from fungus?"

Braxiatel gave him "the look" the Doctor usually had when the companions didn't understand something.

NANCY: I'm afraid I haven't got any more made at the moment. The UNIT troops have scoffed the lot.

DOCTOR: Including the Brigadier?

NANCY: Including the Brigadier.

(Nancy leaves.)

JO: Well, you're feeling better all right.


DOCTOR: Well, Jo, we'd better get back to UNIT HQ. We've got a report to make out.

JO: Doctor.

(Jones nods at Jo.)

JO: I don't think I'll be going back just yet.

"Another one." Danny groaned.

"Well, you knew it was going to happen." River shrugged.

"But the Doctor would to!" Mickey realized. "The Doctor gives us some adventures, starts caring for us, while knowing that all of it will come with a painful goodbye."

The companions realized this too and looked a little guilty.

DOCTOR: Oh? Are you thinking of staying here?

JO: Well, not here exactly. Only you see, Cliff is going on this expedition to look for this fantastic fungus.

DOCTOR: Where?

JONES: The upper reaches of the Amazon.

JO: And he's asked me to go with him.

"So she is still having an adventure." Sarah's lips twitched.

DOCTOR: And you want to go?

JO: More than anything else in the world.

DOCTOR: I see. When?

JONES: Well, very soon now. We'll just stop off in Cardiff, pick up our supplies, get married and

"Married?" Rory's eyes widened.

"Yup, it is just something on the list, bro." Jack answered.

"Please don't call me that."

JO: Married?

"It sounds like she didn't even know that was on the list." Jack chuckled.


(Jo and Jones gaze into each other's eyes.)

DOCTOR: Er, look, will you excuse me? I do think I'm going to be wanted on the telephone.

"Talk about awkward." Amy snorted.

(The Doctor leaves.)

JO: You didn't say anything about getting married.

JONES: Didn't I? I'm sorry, love. You will, of course?

JO: Yes, of course, I will!

"The Doctor would be happy just knowing that she is happy." Grace mentioned.

"It does seem like that, doesn't it?" River stated. "And yet sometimes things are not as they seem."

Grace nodded, beginning to understand that fact.

JONES: Oh! Right.

JO: Yes!

(Jones sweeps Jo off her feet.)

JONES: Yee-haa! God, life's good, isn't it?

BRIGADIER: What's going on?

NANCY: Are you all right, Jo?

JONES: Go on, tell them.

JO: Cliff and I are going to get married.

"At least she gets her fairytale ending." Braxiatel grinned. "The Doctor has always loved trying to give everyone a fairytale ending. He has ever since he was able to talk."

The female companions "aw"d a bit.

BENTON: Getting married?

YATES: Well, that's marvellous. Congratulations, Professor Jones.

JONES: Thank you.

BRIGADIER: Congratulations, Jo. Not before time.

YATES: (to Jo) I'm sure he'll make you very happy.

BRIGADIER: Well, Professor Jones.

JONES: Thank you, Brigadier.

BRIGADIER: I've got a wedding present for you. It's a telex from Geneva, granting your place here official status as a United Nations Priority One Research Complex.

"Well, he certainly managed to get them a wedding present quickly." Martha was awestruck.

JONES: Oh, what!

BENTON: Well done!

JONES: Do you know what that means? It means unlimited financial help. Work for the valleys.

BENTON: That's great.

JONES: Aye, and food! Food for all the world!

"And food!" Mickey cheered. The other tin dogs echoed it a few moments later.

BRIGADIER: Never mind, Mike. Let's have a drink.

DOCTOR: You got onto your uncle at United Nations, didn't you?

JO: It's only the second time I've ever asked him for anything.

DOCTOR: Yes, and look where the first time got you.

JO: You don't mind, do you?

DOCTOR: Mind? He might even be able to turn you into a scientist.

"So, he's basically saying that she was not a scientist?" Amy observed.

"Yes, that is what he is saying," Braxiatel answered, not completely understanding where the human was coming from.

JO: Don't go too far away, will you? And if you do, come back and see us sometime.


BRIGADIER: Thank you. Lovely.

DOCTOR: Save me a piece of wedding cake.

JO: Right.

DOCTOR: Oh, I nearly forgot. Your wedding present.

(The Doctor gives Jo the Metabelis crystal.)

"If someone finds that..." River shuddered.

"Another alien thing happening?" Wilfred guessed.

"That is probably correct."

JO: It's beautiful. Thank you, Doctor.

JONES: Hey, Jo, come and drink a toast to the happy couple.

JO: But that's us.

JONES: Aye, so it is. Don't worry, Doctor. I'll look after her.

"I don't think she'll need looking after if she was the Doctor's companion." Rose grinned.

BRIGADIER: Are you ready? Are you all ready?

BENTON: Would you like a drink, Professor?

BRIGADIER: Well now. Now, quiet everyone. Quiet for a moment. Now, well, er, here's to you both.

BENTON: Here, here!

YATES: Here's to you both.

NANCY: Congratulations.

(The Doctor sneaks out and only Jo notices.)

"And he's leaving again." Sarah sighed.

"He does seem to be quite lonely, doesn't he?" Braxiatel looked down.

The companions nodded.

BENTON: For, he's a jolly good fellow

ALL: For they are jolly good fellows, for they are jolly good fellows, and so say all of us.

[Wholeweal Community]

BRIGADIER [OC]: Jolly good. Right, now

(Music and laughter start up as the Doctor walks through the sheep to Bessie, herded by a collie dog. After a few moments, he starts her up.)

"That's a sweet car!" Lee grinned.

(Nancy and Benton dance together, Jo and Jones kiss and embrace.)

BRIGADIER [OC]: Ah, well, there you are, you see.

(The Doctor and Bessie drive along the horizon against the setting sun.)

"Into the setting sun just like a movie." Mickey smirked.


SARAH: I'll never be warm again. Never, ever, ever.

DOCTOR: No, we're well out of that. Goodbye, Kastria.

(The Tardis dematerialises.)

SARAH: Do you think that Eldrad, well, do you think that he really is dead?

DOCTOR: Oh, I doubt it. Very difficult to kill.

SARAH: Well, I quite liked her, but I couldn't stand him.

(The Tardis tilts.)

DOCTOR: Whoa, easy, old girl, easy. These temperatures must have affected the thermo-couplings.

"Great..." River sighed. "Another thing broken on the TARDIS."

SARAH: Yes, I know how she feels. I think Kastria must be the coldest planet in the galaxy.

DOCTOR: Oh, rubbish. I've been to much colder places.

SARAH: Oh, big deal. It's all right for you. I'm human. We're not so thick-skinned.

(The Doctor gets under the console.)

DOCTOR: Where's that astro-rectifier? What did you say?

SARAH: Thick-skinned.

DOCTOR: Oh, good, good.

"He seems to be a little preoccupied at the moment." Amy laughed.

"Yes, he was." Sarah agreed.

SARAH: Here.

DOCTOR: Multi-quantiscope.

SARAH: You know, I might as well be talking to the moon. You don't even listen to me.

DOCTOR: Mergin nut.

"He's not listening to you." Danny noticed, swaying a little on his views of the Doctor.

He seemed to be a great guy, but he wasn't always good.

SARAH: What?

DOCTOR: No, no, forget the mergin nut. I'll have the ganymede driver.

SARAH: There.

DOCTOR: Thank you.

"At least he said thank you." Martha sighed.

SARAH: Oh, I must be mad. I'm sick of being cold and wet, and hypnotised left right and centre. I'm sick of being shot at, savaged by bug-eyed monsters, never knowing if I'm coming or going or been.

"Bug-eyed monsters?" Grace raised an eyebrow.

"That is a story for another time, I'm afraid." Sarah looked down.

DOCTOR: Zeus plug.

SARAH: Oh, I want a bath. I want my hair washed. I just want to feel human again.

"Ouch." River winced. "If he was listening, he would have been very hurt that."

Sarah nodded. "Yes, I know. I have regretted those actions most of my life."

DOCTOR: Forget the zeus plug. I'll have the sonic screwdriver.

SARAH: Oh, and boy am I sick of that sonic screwdriver! I'm going to pack my goodies and I'm going home. I said, I'm going to pack my goodies and I am going home! Right! Excuse me!

(Sarah storms out of the console room.)

DOCTOR: What was that you? I don't know why she goes on like this. There's really nothing the matter at all.

"Is he talking to you, Sexy?" Lee asked.

She nodded.

(The Doctor gets a mental wave.)

DOCTOR: The call. The call from Gallifrey. Gallifrey. After all this time, Gallifrey. I can't take Sarah to Gallifrey. Must get her back home. Must reset the coordinates. South Croydon.

Some of the companions frowned at the mention of Gallifrey.

(Sarah enters carrying a bag and a pile of stuff including a plant in a pot, a stuffed toy owl and a tennis racquet.)

SARAH: Ahem!

DOCTOR: You're a good girl, Sarah.

SARAH: Oh, look, it's too late apologising now. Everything's packed. I've got to go.

DOCTOR: What? How did you know?

"And he wasn't paying attention." Donna grinned a little.

SARAH: What?

DOCTOR: I've had the call from Gallifrey.


DOCTOR: So I can't take you with me. You've got to go.

SARAH: Oh, come on. I can't miss Gallifrey. Look, I was only joking. I didn't mean it. Hey. Hey, you're not going to regenerate again, are you?

"I wouldn't want to miss Gallifrey either." Rose stated.

DOCTOR: Not this time. I don't know what's going to happen.

SARAH: You're playing one of your jokes on me, just trying to make me stay.

DOCTOR: No. I've received the call, and as a Time Lord I must obey.

"That makes him sound like he is Rassilon's slave or something." Grace stated, making all the companions' eyes widen.

"He wasn't..." Clara was cut off.

"Time Lords are generally the ones who follow Rassilon's orders only. There have only been a few renegade ones. As you can probably tell, the Doctor was one of those renegades, and so was the Master. But they still follow Rassilon's will sometimes."

SARAH: Alone?


(The Tardis materialises.)

SARAH: And I'll give your love to Harry and the Brigadier. Oh, and I can tell Professor Watson that you're all right.

DOCTOR: We've landed, Sarah.

SARAH: What?

DOCTOR: We've landed.

SARAH: Where?

DOCTOR: South Croydon. Hillview Road, to be exact.

"I bet you five pounds he got it wrong." Mickey stated.

"I'm not stupid enough to take that bet." Jack grinned and denied it.

SARAH: That's my home. Well, I'll be off then. Here.

(She gives him his coat back.)

DOCTOR: Thanks.

SARAH: Don't forget me.

DOCTOR: Oh, Sarah. Don't you forget me.

SARAH: Bye, Doctor. You know, travel does broaden the mind.

DOCTOR: Yes. Till we meet again, Sarah.

"It took a while to meet again." Sarah frowned.

(Sarah leaves.)

[Stokefield Close]

(The Tardis dematerialises. Sarah looks around.)

SARAH: This isn't Hillview Road. I bet it isn't even South Croydon. Oh. He blew it.

Jack and Mickey burst out laughing.

(She speaks to a dog who is sunbathing on the pavement.)

SARAH: Hey, hey. You. He blew it.

(The dog runs off. Sarah walks away whistling 'Daddy wouldn't buy me a bow-wow'.)

"Where were you?" Grace asked.


The companions all sighed while smiling. The Doctor would never change in that way.

[Crayford's ship - hold]

SARAH: Harry?

"It's you again!" Jack exclaimed dramatically.

"Yes, I do believe it is." Sarah smiled broadly at his antics.

HARRY: Sarah? Sarah, where

SARAH: Harry!

(Faraday and Harry are tied up on a lower level.)

HARRY: What's going on?

SARAH: It's a long story. For a start, you've got a very nasty twin.

"This Harry person had a twin and he didn't even know it?" Chang inquired.

"It was probably like a clone, an android, or some alien that could copy a person's appearance." Amy shrugged.

HARRY: Twin?

[SDC Scanner room]

DOCTOR: Are you all right?

GRIERSON: Yeah, I think so, Doctor.


(The Doctor picks up a hat, realises it belongs to the android and throws it away in disgust.)

"Android it is."

DOCTOR: Where's Crayford?

GRIERSON: He went back to the rocket.

DOCTOR: Did he?

(The Doctor puts his own hat on.)

[Crayford's rocket - hold]

(Sarah is untying Harry and Faraday.)

FARADAY: It's all very well, but what are these androids?

SARAH: Shush! I keep telling you. They're robots controlled by Styggron.

"By what?" Donna looked confused.

"Styggron." Braxiatel answered helpfully.

"Thanks, that helped a lot." she answered sarcastically.

"Glad to be of help."

(Styggron enters.)

STYGGRON: The enterprising Earth girl! No! Don't move. The sensors indicated an intruder. I hardly expected to find it was you.

SARAH: No, I suppose you thought I was still a prisoner on your planet.

STYGGRON: I know the Doctor managed to escape, but you must indeed have a charmed life.

SARAH: What are you getting at?

STYGGRON: You were to have been the first human victim of the billions to be destroyed by this virus.

"What virus?" Grace asked. Martha and Rory also looked interested.

"It was just a virus in water." Sarah shrugged.

(Styggron holds up the container.)

STYGGRON: How did you escape death? Did you not drink the water?

"See?" she said.

"Oh," the medical trio put their heads together.

SARAH: Water.

CRAYFORD: Styggron! You have betrayed me.

STYGGRON: Betrayed you? I used you, Crayford, as I use the androids, but you are no longer of any value.

(Crayford attacks Styggron and the virus container falls to the floor. Styggron throws Crayford off and shoots him with his ray gun.)

The companions winced. They never liked it when someone was killed.

DOCTOR: Excuse me.

"Oh!" Jack smirked. "Excellent entrance."

(The Doctor hits Styggron double-fisted, sending him head over heels to land on the virus container, which breaks and starts to dissolve his skull. Styggron still manages to shoot the Doctor. He falls next to Sarah, Harry and Faraday.)

"NO!" all of the companions yelled.

Then, they went quiet immediately in order to figure out what happened.

SARAH: Doctor! Oh, no!

DOCTOR: Don't waste any tears on him, Sarah. He's only an android.

"What?" Jackie's eyes widened.

"Does that mean I just basically cheered on an android?" Jack deadpanned.

"Yes you did, Captain Cheesecake."

SARAH: An android?

DOCTOR: Yes, my replica. I reprogrammed it to confuse Styggron.

"Smart move. Although it may have been better to let his allies know what he's doing." Danny noted.

(The duplicate Doctor turns into a bare android.)

SARAH: Please, don't ever do anything like that again.

"I agree with that fully." Martha nodded.

"But for some weird reason I don't think he will listen." Rose smiled a bit.

"He probably did that a few other times." Sarah was lost in thought.

DOCTOR: Come on.

[Devesham Wood]

SARAH: Oh, how could we ever have been fooled?

DOCTOR: How do you mean?

SARAH: Well, this really is Earth.

DOCTOR: Are you sure?

"Wait...is it Earth or is it not?" Rory raised an eyebrow.

(The Doctor puts a fern frond in his hat band. They arrive at the Tardis.)

DOCTOR: After you.

SARAH: Uh uh. I'm going home, and I'm going by taxi.

DOCTOR: Oh. I'll make you an offer. I'll take you home.

SARAH: How can I refuse?

"How could anyone refuse?" Clara asked.

Grace answered her, "Sometimes people have very important things in their life that they can not leave ever. Not even if they could come back."

(They enter the Tardis, and it dematerialises.)

[Tardis workshop]

ANDRED: Leela, listen.

(Slow, heavy footsteps approach.)

DOCTOR: Hello, Leela.

LEELA: Oh, Doctor.

DOCTOR: Put it away. Borusa, what are you doing here?

"Ah...Borusa." Braxiatel smiled.

"Who's he?" Amy questioned.

"He was the tutor of the Deca at the Academy of Gallifrey."

"Who's the Deca? Is that another title like the Doctor's?" Rory inquired.

"No, the Deca was a group of ten students." Braxiatel seemed to be stuck in a memory.

"Who was in it?" Jack asked, interested.

"I don't really appreciate you interrogating me." he frowned.

"Sorry, we just want to know." Martha apologized for the group.

"Very well." Braxiatel started the list. (AN: Sorry if I get any wrong!) "There was Millennia, Ushas, Koschei, Drax, Theta, Mortimus, Rallon, Magnus, Jelpax, and Vansell."

"The Doctor and the Master were in it?" Mickey was surprised.

"That is how I know Borusa, generally speaking. If you didn't notice, he also tutored the Rani. A lot of people on the list ended up renegades." Braxiatel frowned. "I wonder if he had anything to do with that."

The companions were just happy to know something more about the Doctor. So he was part of the Deca. Interesting...

BORUSA: Your Excellence.

"What is he doing?" Lee inquired.

(Kelner sinks to his knees.)

DOCTOR: Excellence? Excellence?

(The Doctor looks down and sees that he is wearing the Sash.)

DOCTOR: Is this some kind of a joke, Borusa? It's not like you to make jokes.

"What sort of a joke was that?" Donna asked.

"The Sash." Braxiatel answered simply.

(Borusa takes the Sash from the Doctor.)

BORUSA: Have you forgotten your induction?

DOCTOR: My induction?

BORUSA: The Vardans?

DOCTOR: (sotto) Vardans.

BORUSA: The Sontarans?

DOCTOR: (sotto) Sontarans.

BORUSA: Doctor, you saved Gallifrey.

"Oh." the companions shrugged.

DOCTOR: I have? Oh. Well, what do you think of that, Leela?

LEELA: I think you've gone mad.

Jack burst out laughing. "I like this Leela person." he grinned.

BORUSA: He remembers nothing of it. It is the wisdom of Rassilon.


(The Doctor enters to applause from the cast and goes straight to the Tardis.)

The companions were looking at the scenery, amazed that they were finally seeing Gallifrey, which they had wanted to see more and more of for what seemed like forever.

DOCTOR: Well, ta-ta, everybody. Come on, Leela. Come on. What's the matter?

LEELA: I'm staying.

"Oh..." they all winced.

"She stayed on Gallifrey." Rose had some tears in her eyes. "If she lived that long, she probably would have died in the Time War."

The companions held a moment of silence for her.

DOCTOR: What? Staying? Here? Why?

(Leela takes Andred's hand.)

DOCTOR: Ah, I see.

ANDRED: I hope that

DOCTOR: Yes, I'm sure you do hope. She'll look after you. She's terribly good with a knife. Come on, K9.

K9: Negative. I remain.

"But you had K9 earlier." Rose looked a little confused.

"I either got a different model or K9 came back." Sarah stated.


K9: Affirmative.


K9: To look after the mistress.

"Aw..." Clara smiled a little.

LEELA: Doctor?


LEELA: I will miss you.

(The Doctor smiles and shuts the Tardis door on them all.)

"The Doctor didn't say that he'd miss her." Martha mentioned.

"I'm sure he did, though." River answered.

[Tardis console room]

(He leans against the door for a moment.)

DOCTOR: I'll miss you too, savage.

"He called her a savage?" Martha looked vaguely annoyed.

"Rude." Mickey scowled slightly.


(The Tardis dematerialises.)

BORUSA: Where will he go now, I wonder.

LEELA: Somewhere else.

"You think?" Jack laughed.

"Well, it is impossible for her to know. He could be anywhere, just not there." River stated.

(The Doctor pushes a large cardboard box into the console room.)

LEELA: Will he be lonely, K9?

K9: Insufficient data, mistress.

The companions bowed their heads. Most likely, the answer was yes.

(Leela and K9 bow their heads. The large cardboard box in the console room is labelled K9 Mk II. The Doctor grins at the camera.)

[Outside the Tardis]

DOCTOR: We've made it. Quick, quick, inside. What's the matter?

ROMANA: I'm not coming with you.

DOCTOR: Inside. That's an order.

"An order? The Doctor is giving orders?" Amy put her hands in the universal "Time out" symbol.

"She is a Time Lady. Romanadvoratrenlundar." Braxiatel smiled a little.

ROMANA: No more orders, Doctor. Goodbye.

DOCTOR: What? What a moment to choose.

ROMANA: But it is, isn't it? A moment to choose. I've got to be my own Romana.

BIROC: And we need a Time Lord.

"What for?" Clara questioned. She knew that sometimes people only wanted Time Lords as a source of...information, among other things.

She was never answered.

ROMANA: Goodbye, Doctor.

DOCTOR: No, no, no. Wait, wait. There's something else. K9. He'll be all right with you behind the mirrors.

"How many K9s did he go through?" Jackie inquired.

"More than he should have..." Sarah laughed.

ROMANA: I'll take care of him.

DOCTOR: I'll miss you. You were the noblest Romana of them all.

(The Doctor enters the Tardis. Romana carries K9 away, with Biroc. They return to the gate and go through the mirror. The Tardis dematerialises, glowing red in the building back blast from the spaceship. The gate explodes, then the spaceship goes boom and bursts into flames.)

The companions flinched at the sudden action

"What happened?" Rose looked at the television, her eyes full of concern.

[Monochrome land]

(The Tardis briefly appears in mid air by Powis Castle. Romana, Biroc and K9 watch from the terraced gardens.)

ROMANA: The Tardis. Gone.

K9: Tardis preserved in concept, mistress. This unit contains all necessary schedules for duplication of the Tardis, mistress.

"The TARDIS can be duplicated?" Donna's jaw dropped.

"Well, why didn't the Master just duplicate the Doctor's instead of taking it?" Jack looked annoyed.

"Probably so that we were unable to go and stop him." Martha brought up.

ROMANA: Exactly, K9. Biroc will help us use the gateway to travel anywhere in E-space, and we can give him time technology.

BIROC: You shall be our Time Lord, and we will travel far. Our people are enslaved on many planets.

ROMANA: And you and I, K9, are going to Biroc free them. That's something we've got to do, don't you think?

K9: Affirmative, mistress.

(Time-shifted images of Tharils leave the smoking remains of the spaceship and enter the gateway.)

"Yond is a gentle quest." Braxiatel mentioned, briefly switching to Shakespearean terms.

"Uh...dude?" Jack looked at him awkwardly.

He turned to see all the companions just staring at him.

"What?" he inquired.

"Like the Doctor earlier on in this clip, you are basically saying things nobody says anymore...we are not Shakespearean..." the immortal man looked slightly awkward. Slightly meaning very.

The Gallifreyan blushed a bit.


ADRIC: The picture's fading.


ADRIC: It's gone. Nothing there.

DOCTOR: So it has. Nothing. Well, that's something.

ADRIC: How can nothing be something?

"Technically it is. Something just refers to an object that is unknown. Nothing could work as something." River grinned.

DOCTOR: Well, if the E-space image translator doesn't work, I'm hoping we're in N-space.

ADRIC: Back in your own universe.


ADRIC: Can you be sure?

DOCTOR: Did I say sure?


DOCTOR: Yes. One solid hope's worth a cartload of certainties.

ADRIC: Will Romana be all right?

DOCTOR: All right? She'll be superb.

[Freighter bridge]

(As the western Pacific fills the main screen, Adric continues to work.)
ADRIC: I can do it. I must do it.
(The injured Cyberman limps towards the bridge.)

"I have a bad feeling about this..." Danny swallowed.

All the companions stared at the screen, wanting to get over with what they thought would definitely happen. They travelled with the Doctor, they were able to pick up things like this.


SCOTT [OC]: Scott to Tardis. Scott to Tardis. Come in, please.

NYSSA: This is the Tardis. We have Cybermen on board.

"Cybermen in the TARDIS?" Donna gasped.

"I thought that nothing could get in there." Rose looked confused.

"Maybe he left the door unlocked." Wilfred suggested.

"Possibly." Grace stated. "But would the Doctor do something like that?"

"Maybe something happened before he got the chance to." Clara reasoned.

(The Cyberleader pushes the Doctor aside and takes the communicator from Nyssa.)

Growls came from the group of companions. No one pushed the Doctor.

SCOTT [OC]: We've managed to escape from the freighter, but Adric's still on board.

(The Doctor takes Adric's gold star out of his pocket.)

SCOTT [OC]: Scott to Tardis.

(The Cyberleader crushes the communicator.)

DOCTOR: You've failed, Leader.

LEADER: But you will not enjoy the victory. I shall now kill you, Doctor.

"Why does everyone want to kill him?" Rose asked.

"We might get to go somewhere nice if they liked him." Amy groaned.

"But the running." Braxiatel mentioned. "The Doctor loves running."

(The Cyberleader levels his weapon at the Doctor, and Tegan grabs him from behind. It throws her off, and the Doctor gets behind it then rubs the gold star against its chest unit. It crumbles into pieces and gets sucked inside the Cyberleader.)

DOCTOR: Get down!

(Suffocating, the Cyberleader flails about, shooting its weapon and hitting the console. The Doctor gets up, grabs the gun and fires at it point-blank. It take several shots, but finally the Cyberleader dies and its chest unit explodes.)

"Take that, Cyberleader!" the tin dogs chorused.

[Freighter bridge]

ADRIC: There's something missing. There's something I've forgotten.


NYSSA: Please hurry, Doctor. We must get Adric off the freighter.

DOCTOR: The console's damaged.

NYSSA: We must save Adric! There's so little time!

The suspense was growing again.

"Why do I get the feeling that something is going to happen to Adric?" Martha swallowed.

[Freighter bridge]

(The last Cyberman staggers on to the bridge while Adric continues to try and solve the third logic puzzle.)

ADRIC: Of course, that's it.

(The Cyberman shoots at the console, and Adric leaps back. The Cyberman dies, but the console is destroyed.)

ADRIC: Now I'll never know if I was right.

"Darn it." Jack said, trying to lighten the mood.

He was ignored.


(The Cyberman who was sent to search the Tardis returns. The Doctor has his back to it.)

"He should really pay more attention." Rory frowned.

NYSSA: Look out!

DOCTOR: I must save Adric!

(Nyssa grabs the Cyberleader's weapon and shoots the Cyberman.)

"At least this Nyssa girl has his back." Danny added to Rory's earlier comment.

TEGAN: Look!

NYSSA: Adric!

(The freighter plummets through the Earth's atmosphere, and goes KaBOOM! The Doctor turns the scanner off.)

"NO!" the companions screamed. They had not known Adric, but they knew that the Doctor would probably be deeply affected by his death, even if he didn't show it.

TEGAN: Adric? Doctor! Oh, no.

(Nyssa and Tegan cry on each other's shoulders. The closing titles roll silently over a picture of Adric's broken gold star.)


(Kari looks at the bundle of severed wires.)

KARI: Terminus will never move again.

"Terminus?" Chang looked confused.

OLVIR: Have you given any thought as to how we're going to get home?

KARI: I'm about to.

(Meanwhile, Valgard is escorting the Doctor and Nyssa.)

DOCTOR: It'll be good to see the Tardis again.

NYSSA: And Tegan.

DOCTOR: Yes, well, it'll be nice to know she's safe. Tegan!

"He's always worrying about our safety. Like, 'stay exactly where you are'!" Rose imitated the Doctor.

The companions burst out laughing.

TEGAN: Doctor.

DOCTOR: What are you doing?

TEGAN: I was trying to reach you. Turlough went back to the Tardis on his own.

DOCTOR: I told you not to follow me.

"And she didn't listen!" Jack grinned from ear to ear.

NYSSA: Doctor, say you're pleased to see her.

DOCTOR: Yes, well, I'm pleased to see her but she shouldn't have followed us.

TEGAN: You don't understand.

DOCTOR: Yes, well, we'll talk about it later. Valgard?

TEGAN: Why does he never listen?

"Because he is busy doing something whenever we try to talk to him." Sarah deadpanned.

"I know, right?" Rose grinned.

NYSSA: He has a great deal to do.

TEGAN: There always is.

NYSSA: Tegan, I have to tell you something.

DOCTOR: Now it's important you inform the authorities about what's been going on here. Make it impossible for Terminus Incorporated to retaliate. For example, you must make contact with the pick-up ship.

VALGARD: What ship?

DOCTOR: The one that takes the cured Lazars away. Well, the Garm will know all about it.

VALGARD: We no longer have any control over him.

DOCTOR: Then speak to him, win his confidence. You'll find him very agreeable.

"That is how you get people on your side. Not through violence or force, but through words." Rose mentioned.

TEGAN: Doctor? Doctor, talk to Nyssa.

DOCTOR: What is it?

NYSSA: I'm not coming with you.

"Aw...and I liked her too!" Jack whined.

"You like everything that moves!"

Jack was then hit with a pillow.


NYSSA: There's too much to be done here.

TEGAN: Tell her she must.

DOCTOR: Well, you can't stay. It isn't safe. Certainly not until the Vanir have sorted out how they're to run Terminus.

NYSSA: And with my skills, I can help them.

"They always want to help." River mentioned. "We all want to help," she corrected a moment later.

All the companions agreed.

TEGAN: We need you, too.

NYSSA: I've enjoyed every moment of my time on the Tardis, and I'll miss you both, but here I have a chance to put into practice the skills I learnt on Traken.

TEGAN: Please, Nyssa.

NYSSA: I'm adamant. Please, let us part in good faith.

"I don't think I've ever heard someone say that." Amy mentioned.

DOCTOR: You do fully understand the commitment you'll be undertaking?


DOCTOR: And that life here will be very hard.

NYSSA: I am fully aware of that, but I want to stay.

"The Doctor is basically giving her the terms and conditions right now." Donna grinned.

"I usually skip those." Jack mentioned.

Everyone agreed.

DOCTOR: Then you're a very brave person. I wish you every luck.

(Nyssa kisses the Doctor on the cheek.)

TEGAN: She'll die here.

NYSSA: Not easily, Tegan. Like you, I'm indestructible.

"No one is indestructible. That is dangerous thinking." Braxiatel advised.

(The girls hug, tearfully.)


TURLOUGH: Are you sure all the duplicates are unstable?

DOCTOR: Oh, yes. Yes, given time they'll all be free of Dalek control.

TURLOUGH: Shouldn't we inform Earth's authorities?

DOCTOR: Er yes. Yes, indeed. Come along.

"He doesn't really sound like he wants to." Rory observed.

TEGAN: I'm not coming with you.

"They all basically say the same thing." River noticed.

DOCTOR: I beg your pardon?

TEGAN: I'm tired of it.

DOCTOR: What's the matter?

TEGAN: A lot of good people have died today. I think I'm sick of it.

Some of the companions looked down, thinking of a time when they thought that.

DOCTOR: You think I wanted it this way?

TEGAN: No. It's just that I don't think I can go on.

DOCTOR: You want to stay on Earth.

TEGAN: My Aunt Vanessa said, when I became an air stewardess, if you stop enjoying it, give it up.


TEGAN: It's stopped being fun, Doctor. Goodbye. Turlough.

"She just stayed because she thought it was fun?" Rose seethed silently. "What about saving people? What about the Doctor? We all care for the Doctor, and we will not leave him even if it isn't fun."

"Maybe that Doctor never made a good connection with her." Clara suggested.

(They shake hands.)

TURLOUGH: Goodbye.

TEGAN: I'll miss you both.

DOCTOR: No, no, don't leave, not like this.

"Is he begging?" Grace inquired.

"I don't think he wanted to be alone." Amy stated.

TEGAN: I must. I'm sorry. Goodbye.

(Tegan runs out of the warehouse in tears.)

DOCTOR: It's strange. I left Gallifrey for similar reasons. I'd grown tired of their lifestyle. It seems I must mend my ways. Come along.

"So, the Doctor thinks it is his fault that she left?" Rory looked confused.

Rose growled a bit again with that bit of information.

(The Doctor and Turlough enter the Tardis and it dematerialises. Tegan returns.)

TEGAN: Brave heart, Tegan. Doctor, I will miss you.


CAPTAIN: We must hurry.

TURLOUGH: Am I under arrest?

CAPTAIN: Do you wish to be?

"No!" the tin dogs chorused.

TURLOUGH: I thought

CAPTAIN: Things have changed on Trion. Former political prisoners are no longer persecuted. You're welcome to return.

(The Tardis materialises.)

CAPTAIN: Or not, as you please.

MALKON: Turlough.

CAPTAIN: We'd best be gone.

TURLOUGH: You go. Go on, please.

(Malkon leaves, followed by Amyand. The Doctor and Peri come out.)

TURLOUGH: My exile has been rescinded.

"That is good." Mickey mentioned, "But that does mean that he is going to leave."

DOCTOR: I'm pleased for you.


DOCTOR: I shall miss you.

TURLOUGH: I don't want to go, Doctor. I've learnt a lot from you. But I have to go back to Trion. It's my home.

DOCTOR: Better to go back while you're a bit of a hero, eh?

"Better then than going back when you are hated." Danny shrugged.

(They shake hands.)

TURLOUGH: Thank you for everything, Doctor. Look after him, won't you? He gets into the most terrible trouble.

The companions burst out laughing. They could relate to Turlough very well.

"He does, doesn't he?" Martha grinned.

"See? It's not safe." Jackie tried once again to keep her daughter safe.

PERI: Well, I

(Turlough leaves with the Captain.)

DOCTOR: Well, I should get you home.

PERI: Oh, must you?

DOCTOR: Oh, yes. Your friends will be worried.

"She's leaving too?" Grace sighed.

"Hopefully not forever. The Doctor used to drop us off at our house for a while before taking us on an adventure." Amy mentioned.

The companions hoped it would be like that, but, for some strange reason, the doubted it.

[Master's control box]

MASTER: Revive. Revive, Kamelion!

"Master..." Braxiatel groaned.

The companions growled a bit.

(He turns to see three faces looking down at him.)

DOCTOR: How does it feel to get a taste of your own medicine?

MASTER: I live, Doctor.

DOCTOR: Albeit in somewhat reduced circumstances.

MASTER: I shall soon be restored to profit from my research.

"He is talking strangely as well. What is it with you Gallifreyans?" Jack winked suggestively.

A pillow was thrown at him.

DOCTOR: Ah, you're experimenting with the Tissue Compression Eliminator.

MASTER: To increase its range. I was building a new and more deadly version.

"Because new and more deadly is better." Donna stated sarcastically.

DOCTOR: You made it too powerful for your own good.

"The Doctor's trying to be Mr. Nice Guy again..." Jack stated.

MASTER: A small design problem.

DOCTOR: And a very small Master. That's why you needed Kamelion, isn't it?

"A very small Master." the companions burst out laughing.

MASTER: I've lodged in the mind of that slave since our fateful meeting on Xeriphas.

DOCTOR: The scream in the Tardis. He even felt your pain.

All the companions looked disgusted at the Master.

(Kamelion-Foster gets up.)

MASTER: Mmm, and came instantly to my help. Now, with the next surge of numismaton gas, all is prepared for my supreme renewal.

AMYAND: Kill him, Doctor.

K-MASTER [OC]: Get away from the box.

[Master's Tardis]

(Kamelion-Master has the TCE in his hand.)

DOCTOR: No need to remind you what will happen if you use that thing in here.

"Friendly reminder." Mickey said cheekily.

K-MASTER: I don't think that'll be necessary. Now, outside.

(Peri, Amyand and the Doctor leave. Kamelion-Master closes the doors.)

"Good, he came back." all the companions who were worrying about whether or not he would leave Peri forever breathed a sigh of relief.

[Seismic control centre]

PERI: He's let us go.

DOCTOR: He needs to move his Tardis into the circle of flame. When the next surge comes, he'll be surrounded by restorative gas. Amyand, I want you to go back to Turlough and give him this.

(The Doctor hands over the temporal stabiliser.)

PERI: Look!

(Flames fill the tunnel to the surface.)

PERI: We're trapped.

DOCTOR: No, we're not. Amyand, your turn to play Logar.

"And the Doctor telling us that they are wrong without providing any back-up information whatsoever." Sarah grinned.

"He does that all the time!" Martha laughed with her.

(The Doctor gives Amyand the last usable thermal suit.)

[Outside the Hall of Fire]

TURLOUGH: Your people must go to the ruin.

SORASTA: To the ruin? Why?

TURLOUGH: That is where the Trion rescue ship will land. Please, you must hurry.

[Seismic control centre]

(Amyand puts on the helmet. Now he looks like a slimmed down Sontaran.)

"Good costume...it could use some work." Jack was obviously thinking about the upcoming Halloween.

PERI: Good luck!

(Amyand walks out through the flames and strides through the lava fields towards the settlement.)

PERI: Now what are you doing?

DOCTOR: I'm trying to raise some local radiation. If I can induce a sympathetic reaction in Kamelion's psychocircuits, he'll have the electronic equivalent of a heart attack.

"'Electronic equivalent of a heart attack'?" Rory looked confused. "What is that supposed to mean?"

"Just a failure of some circuits or something, probably." Mickey shrugged.

(The Master's Tardis dematerialises.)

PERI: What are you trying to do?

DOCTOR: You'll see. Now, when I give you the word, I want you to push this control here hard to its end stop, all right? Now, get down behind the desk.

(The Master's Tardis materialises behind the flames. Kamelion-Master comes out and puts the metal box down in the flames then points the TCE at the Doctor's back.)

"NO!" the companions growled.

Braxiatel face-palmed.

K-MASTER: Get away from the controls.

PERI: Doctor.

DOCTOR: He won't dare fire and risk hitting the control system.

"True, that." Jack observed. "If the control system is as important as I think it is."

PERI: He's a robot. He'll just walk through the flame.

DOCTOR: I hope so. What I've prepared will only work at close range.

"So, he's prepared something, but he isn't sharing? That man..." Jackie looked annoyed.

"He never really tells us exactly what he's going to do. He just does it." Rose shrugged.

"And it works! Most of the time." Jack added.

"Well, he kind of explained it earlier." Braxiatel reminded. "Remember? Electronic equivalent of a heart attack?"

"Oh..." the humans blushed.

K-MASTER: I've warned you, Doctor.

(The Doctor turns round, holding two pieces of equipment.)

DOCTOR: Just as you say.

(Kamelion-Master walks through the flames towards him. The Doctor backs away.)

DOCTOR: (sotto) Keep down. (loud) Now!

(Peri pushes the control and Kamelion-Master clutches his chest then falls to the floor. The Doctor picks up the TCE.)

K-FOSTER: Kamelion no good. Sorry.

DOCTOR: I'm sorry too, Kamelion.

K-FOSTER: Destroy me. Please.

"The Doctor is going to destroy him?" Clara asked, slightly depressed.

"Well, Kamelion is not really living, I think..." Rory stated. "He did say he was electronic."

DOCTOR: (to Peri) Get back.

(When K-Foster morphs into Kamelion proper, the Doctor fires the TCE at it. It shrinks into a tiny silver doll.)

DOCTOR: I must try to control the surge of energy the Master's programmed, otherwise the planet could be destroyed before the Sarns can escape.

"That would be bad." they all deadpanned.

PERI: How much longer do we have?

DOCTOR: I don't know. I just hope Amyand get the stabiliser to Turlough in time.

PERI: Does Turlough know how to fly the Tardis?

DOCTOR: He doesn't have to. It's still linked with the Master's. It should materialise in the same relationship as the ruin.

[Control centre]

FRAX: I somehow knew you'd finish up here.

TUZA: You're getting very good at anticipating my moves.

DOCTOR: A friend of yours?

TUZA: Not at all.

"Am I sensing a bit of bad blood between these two guys?" Jack inquired.

The companions gave him a "Seriously?" look.

DOCTOR: Have you seen Peri?

FRAX: I believe she is with Crozier.

DOCTOR: Just as I feared.

"Who is Crozier?" Grace questioned.

"I am not sure, but it has to be someone bad if the Doctor is fearing it." Lee added.

"Or maybe it is her boyfriend." Jack received many pillows to the face.

FRAX: I think Mentor Sil would like a word with you both.

DOCTOR: Have you met Sil?


DOCTOR: The last person you want to have


DOCTOR: Officiating at your execution.

TUZA: Oh, he won't have us put to death. We'll join Peri as material for experimentation.

"Because that is so much better." Mickey said sarcastically.

FRAX: Come on, move.

(Yrcanos attacks Frax from behind. He drops like a stone.)

YRCANOS: Dorf is dead.

DOCTOR: I'm sorry.

YRCANOS: No. He died fighting. It was an honourable way.

"That's good. I'd want to go that way if I could." a brief flash of sadness made its way through the immortal man's eyes, but no one noticed.

TUZA: I'm also sorry about your friend, but we must destroy the slave control.

YRCANOS: Lead me to it. I demand the privilege of initiating the demise of the Mentors

[Commerce room]

(General merriment. A slave whispers to Sil.)

KIV: Yes, of course, I take your point, Excellency, but you must understand our

SIL: The Doctor is on the rampage with the barbarian king, Yrcanos.

"Is he?" Rory inquired.

"I think that she isn't on his side." Danny gave his opinion.

KIV: Is that reason to interrupt an important conference?

SIL: He is very dangerous. They could cause a great deal of damage.

"The Doctor would only be dangerous if they are doing something bad!" Mickey pointed at the screen.

"Weren't you taught that it was rude to point?" Jack grinned.

"Shut up."

KIV: That is nothing to what you are doing to my negotiations. If I'm not careful, I could lose an important fish concession.

SIL: But you hate fish, Magnificence.

KIV: Do I? Excellency.

[Operating room]

(Matrona attaches the helmet to Peri's bald skull.)

"What are they doing now?" Martha groaned.

All of the companions looked disgusted.

MATRONA: All is ready.

CROZIER: We must wait for Kiv to complete his meeting.

MATRONA: This time you will be successful.

CROZIER: This time could be my last time for anything.

(The lights flicker.)

MATRONA: What's happening?

"Your doom." the person who said it was so quiet no one could pinpoint who it was.

"Wasn't me!" Jack stated.

"Well, then, who was it?" Rose inquired.

"I don't know."

Many pillows were chucked in his direction anyway.

[Control room]

(Lots of smoke and sparks from wrecked panels. An alarm sounds.)

YRCANOS: Ragna! Look on this and see Yrcanos, a great warlord, and also Yrcanos, the even greater liberator!

TUZA: He's certainly a man of little modesty.

"I kind of like that guy." Jack laughed at that.

"Please stop it..." Braxiatel sighed.

DOCTOR: Yrcanos?


DOCTOR: It's time we found Peri.

YRCANOS: Of course! I need my queen to grace my moment of triumph! Varoonik!

"So now Peri, the Doctor's companion, is his queen?" Martha looked confused. "What is happening?"

"A normal day with the Doctor." Amy grinned. Donna high-fived her.


(Sil and Kiv are carried out of the Commerce room by slaves.)

SIL: What is all this confusion? Get out of the way. The Lord Kiv is unwell. Out of the way!

(Alphans wander about, clutching their heads and disorientated.)

"What?" the companions looked confused again.

Sexy did not answer them.

"Thanks, Sexy."

[Operating room]

(Kiv is placed on a bed.)

CROZIER: Prepare him at once. What do you want?

SIL: Anarchy has broken out. The servants have gone mad, and good riddance, I say. All they do is eat you out of house and home.

"Aren't servants supposed to, ah, serve?" Jackie inquired.

"Maybe these don't." Wilfred shrugged.

(The slave holding Sil somehow doesn't drop him as he wriggles.)


(The Doctor and Tuza get separated by a group of milling servants. The Doctor continues around the corner and the Tardis appears in a white light. He stops and walks backwards into the Tardis, a blank look on his face. The Tardis and white light vanish. Then we get a repeat of the first episode's opening sequence of the Tardis being drawn into the space station.)

[Trial room]

DOCTOR: I remember now! Whatever made you take me out of time when you did? I remember it all. I was on my way to save Peri.

INQUISITOR: Things have gone too far. You had released chaos and allowed your companion to take part in an experiment that would affect all future life in the universe.

DOCTOR: I did try to stop it!

"Points for trying!" Rory mentioned.

"Yes, I agree completely." Jack finally turned his 'eyes' to Rory.

"Watch it, he's married." Amy glared at the immortal man.

Jack pouted a bit. "We could still-"

"No." the ginger snapped her fingers.

INQUISITOR: But you could not succeed. It was too late, and therefore necessary, by the direct order of the High Council, to prevent the consequence of Crozier's experiment. Watch, Doctor. Watch and listen carefully.

[Operating room]

(Matrona removes the helmet from Peri.)

MATRONA: A perfect transfer.

"A perfect transfer of what?" Clara looked slightly nervous.

CROZIER: I have altered the basis of all future life.

SIL: Kiv's brain is inside the head of that repulsive Earth being?

"What?" the companions gasped.

"Where did Peri go?" Grace questioned desperately. She had never met her, but Peri was a companion of the Doctor. She counted.

CROZIER: No. This is what I wanted to achieve from the very beginning. I have transferred only the contents of his mind into the brain of the woman.

SIL: And what of the Earth woman's mind?

CROZIER: Gone. Mentally, she no longer exists.

"They killed her?" Jackie looked disgusted.

"They are just using others as a way to further their own game." Rose snarled. "Walking all over the weaker man."

SIL: And you can transfer any mind into any body?

CROZIER: When the Earth woman's brain ages, I can transfer the mental energy and consciousness of Lord Kiv into yet another body. He need never die.

"So, they are just going to keep doing that? The Doctor can stop them, right? This just isn't what it should be!" Sarah mentioned.

SIL: Immortality.


YRCANOS: Now where?

TUZA: Around the next corner.

YRCANOS: Good. I shall enjoy destroying Crozier.

TUZA: Don't you feel as though there's something missing? It's as though there was someone else here just a minute ago. That there was three of us.

YRCANOS: Ah. You sense the presence of Mildu, the great god of war. That is good. It seems that I shall make a warrior out of you yet. Come!

[Outside the operating room]

YRCANOS: Good. Only two guards. The gods are with us.

TUZA: What do we do?

YRCANOS: Two guards, two of us. We fight like warriors.

"What is it with him? He just wants to fight. No negotiating or anything!" Rose scowled.

"The Doctor would not take him as a companion." Martha agreed.

"I think he wants to ensure that he has a honorable death." Jack mentioned. "He did say something about that earlier, right?"

"Probably." Danny agreed.

TUZA: And what does that mean?

YRCANOS: Frontal attack. Now!

(The picture slows and gets a blurry outline as Yrcanos roars and rushes forward.)

INQUISITOR [OC]: They're caught in a time bubble. Everything must be perfect before they drive home their final attack.

[Trial room]

DOCTOR: You're using Yrcanos as an assassin.

"I don't like the word 'using'." Clara scowled.

"Well, I guess he didn't do it willingly." Amy mentioned.

INQUISITOR: It was judged by the High Council as the most acceptable way, and Yrcanos will never know that he was used.

"That still doesn't make it right." Donna looked quite angry.

DOCTOR: And so they took it upon themselves to act like second-rate gods?

[Operating room]

(Peri-Kiv wakes.)

PERI: Warm. Not cold. My body is warm. Wonderful. Legs. Toes. Toes wiggling. Trunk. A neck. Strong. A head free of pain. Eyesight. Colours. Warm blood inside. Oh, I like this. Now, I am she, alive within this oh so wonderful, wonderful frame, not that cold-blooded reptile thing. It must, must die.

"So Kiv thinks that being inside Peri is wonderful?" Jack raised his eyebrow, trying to put a bit of humor into the dark situation.

He was ignored.

CROZIER: It already has. Welcome to your new body.

SIL: I wish you could have found a more attractive one.

(Outside, Yrcanos and Tuza deal with the two guards in their slow-ish motion fight. Yrcanos takes a phaser and bursts in.)


(Yrcanos fires at Sil's cot. Peri-Kiv sits up.)

PERI: Protect me. I am your lord and master.

(Yrcanos stares at the bald Peri and aims the phaser at her.)

YRCANOS: No! No! No!

(He fires at everyone he can see as the picture blurs.)

"That must have been hard to do, even if she was already dead." Rose sighed.

[Trial room]

DOCTOR: You killed Peri?

INQUISITOR: We had to act. With the discovery that Crozier had made, the whole course of natural evolution throughout the universe would be affected.

VALEYARD: But Peri died, Doctor, because you abandoned her. We had to end her life because your negligence had made it impossible for her to live.


The companions looked away from the screen for a moment.

DOCTOR: Lies. There's something else going on here. The High Council has no right to order Peri's or anyone else's death.

INQUISITOR: Please, Doctor.

DOCTOR: No, I was taken out of time for another reason, and I have every intention of finding out what it is.

"He's being stubborn again." Jackie mentioned.


MEL: Well, I suppose it's time.

DOCTOR: Time? Funny old business, time. It delights in frustrating your plans. All Kane's perfidious aims thwarted by a quirk of time.

MEL: No, I meant I suppose it's time I should be going.

"This again..." the companions groaned.


"You know you've made the Doctor sad when all he can say is 'oh'." Mickey frowned.

MEL: Time that I left.

DOCTOR: Yes, well, you could be right. Time for you to go.

(The Doctor becomes very interested in the console.)

MEL: Before I go, I

DOCTOR: Well, it is time.

MEL: Doctor.

DOCTOR: You must go.

"And now he's made up his mind that she must go." Amy tutted.

MEL: Before I go I'd like to say

DOCTOR: There's no point, Mel. No point hanging around wasting time.

"Not even letting her say her last words. The Doctor is not happy." Rory sighed.

MEL: No, I'm not going until I've said my piece. I just want to say that

DOCTOR: There's no time, Mel.

MEL: Oh, all right, you win.

DOCTOR: I do. I usually do.

"He usually does." Rose agreed.

"Only because he does all of his smart alien-speech. That Martian..." Donna grumbled a bit.

MEL: I'm going now.

DOCTOR: That's right, yes, you're going. Been gone for ages. Already gone, still here, just arrived, haven't even met you yet. It all depends on who you are and how you look at it. Strange business, time.

MEL: Goodbye, Doctor.

DOCTOR: I'm sorry, Mel. Think about me when you're living your life one day after another, all in a neat pattern. Think about the homeless traveller and his old police box, with his days like crazy paving.

MEL: Who said anything about home? I've got much more crazy things to do yet.

"At least there is that." Jack grinned.

(They hug. Glitz enters with Ace.)

GLITZ: Well, we've officially renamed my new spacecraft the Nosferatu Two, just cracked a bottle of ye old carbonated fruit alcohol over the bows and next stop sunny Perivale, eh, sprog?

ACE: Suppose so.

MEL: Have you got room for another one?

GLITZ: Are you Perivale bound as well?

MEL: Well, I was thinking of going a bit further.

GLITZ: How much further?

MEL: How much further are you going?

GLITZ: Hang on half a millisecond.

DOCTOR: Excellent. Yes, Mel can keep you out of trouble, Glitz.

"Most ladies can." Jack wiggled his eyebrows.

No one even bothered to hit him with a pillow anymore. It seemed to be encouraging him!

MEL: And that means no more dodgy deals.

GLITZ: Thanks a billion, Doctor.

DOCTOR: Glitz.

MEL: Ace doesn't have anywhere to go.

DOCTOR: Nonsense. An idyllic place, Perivale. It's got lush green fields and a village blacksmith, and

"And he starts ranting again." River said with a fond smile.

MEL: Doctor, she comes from the twentieth century.


GLITZ: Come on, Mel. Extract your digit.

MEL: I'll send you a postcard.

DOCTOR: But I don't have an address.

MEL: Oh, I'll put it in a bottle and throw it into space. It'll reach you, in time.

"Nice! Remind me to do that sometime, just to see how long it would take for us to find it again." the tin dogs looked excited.

(Glitz and Mel leave.)

DOCTOR: Ace, where do you think you're going?

ACE: Perivale.

DOCTOR: Ah yes, but by which route? The direct route with Glitz, or the scenic route? Well? Do you fancy a quick trip round the twelve galaxies and then back to Perivale in time for tea?

"Yes!" the companions chorused.

ACE: Ace!

DOCTOR: But there are three rules. One, I'm in charge.

"Of course that is the first rule." Rose grinned.

ACE: Whatever you say, Professor.

DOCTOR: Two, I'm not the Professor, I'm the Doctor.

ACE: Whatever you want.

DOCTOR: And the third. Well, I'll think up the third by the time we get back to Perivale.

"Now that sounds like the Doctor." Amy grinned.

"Hasn't thought of what to say because he's still talking." River sighed dreamily.

[Horsenden Hill]

(A new motorbike is waiting here.)

DOCTOR: He's chosen the time, the place, and the means.

ACE: The trails tops here.


(Her eyes turn brown again.)

"What was that?" Martha gasped.

DOCTOR: That's better.

ACE: Did I go again? I don't even feel it! I don't even feel myself go. Doctor, will I stay like this?

(Midge comes up the hill on a bike, accompanied by the boys from the gym.)

DOCTOR: Stay out of this, Ace!

(The Master arrives last of all.)

Braxiatel only sighed while the companions still mostly glared at the television. The Master was not put into the best of light in this episode.

MASTER: You are my hunting dog, the teeth for my trap, the teeth to destroy.

(The Master gives Midge the sabre tooth he used to kill the Cheetah. Ace's eyes turn yellow and she gets on the bike.)

DOCTOR: Ace! Listen to me. Listen to me!

(The Doctor pulls her off the bike.)

DOCTOR: If you fight, you'll change, you'll change completely forever!

(The Doctor leaps on the bike and starts it up. The motorised joust begins.)

"Jousting? With bikes? I wanna try!" Jack cheered.

ACE: No!

(The two bikes crash and there is a big fireball.)

"Oh..." the companions stared at the television, desperate to find out if the Doctor was okay.

ACE: No.

(Midge is thrown clear, but burnt.)

MASTER: Survival of the fittest. The weak must be eliminated so that the healthy can flourish. You know what to do, Midge.

(Midge dies.)

MASTER: Good boy.

(Ace runs over and picks up the Doctor's hat. The boys advance on her.)

ACE: I must not fight. I must not fight. Help me! Help me! Won't somebody help me?

"So she can't fight...what is she going to do?" Jackie winced. "Sweetheart, if anything like that happened to you..."

Rose smiled at her mother.

Clara, meanwhile, was thinking about how the current Doctor would react to all this domestic stuff.

(Flash! and Karra appears on her horse. The boys stop, uncertain.)

KARRA: The chase. To hunt in the morning and live till evening. Run out of the light, and slip into the dark. Smell the blood on the wind. Hear your blood in your ears. Die at last, with your enemy's blood in your mouth. With your enemy's blood in your mouth!

(Karra charges at the boys, who scatter and run for their lives. She circles Midge's body then stops in front of the Master.)

MASTER: Get off the horse.

(Karra dismounts.)

MASTER: You have no power here. This is not your place. I command here. I command you. You've no power over me. I can do anything I wish with you and you can do nothing, nothing, to me.

"And he's giving the superiority speech," Braxiatel rolled his eyes.

KARRA: Do you bleed? I can always do something to you if you bleed.

(Karra pounces on the Master, who stabs her with the sabre tooth he took from Midge.)

ACE: Karra!

(The Master chuckles and leaves. Part way down the slope he sees the Doctor's legs sticking out of a pile of fly-tipped rubbish including an easy chair and some bin bags. He carries on and the Doctor extricates himself.)

DOCTOR: Oh, very good. Very amusing.

"What happened to Karra? Well, I know she was stabbed, but is she okay?" Martha asked.

ACE: Karra!

(Ace runs to her Cheetah friend, who has turned into a human woman.)

KARRA: I can hunt in the dark.

ACE: I'll get you something. I'll make you well again.

KARRA: I can run into the dark. Run forever.

ACE: Just wait. I'll get you something.

KARRA: Good hunting, sister.

(Karra dies.)

ACE: Good hunting.

"Poor Ace..." Grace sighed.

"Sometime, we should just collect all the companions and have reunion." Jack decided.

The companions agreed, mostly.

"What about the ones who...you know." Mickey didn't want to say the word.

"Danny was dead, right? We can just get Sexy to help us." the immortal man grinned.

[Bleasdale Avenue]

(The Master is trying to pick the lock of the Tardis.)

DOCTOR: Good hunting.

MASTER: Yes. It would have been too easy. It seems we must always meet again.

"Certainly seems like it." Rory rolled his eyes.

DOCTOR: They do say opposites attract.

"Is the Doctor saying that he would be the perfect match to the Master?" Jack raised an eyebrow.


MASTER: But this is the end, Doctor. You see it. It's a power. A power from that planet. It's growing within me. Are you frightened yet?


"Take that, Master!" the tin dogs chorused as the punched the air simultaneously.

The other companions, now used to their antics, rolled their eyes.

MASTER: You should be. You should be. It nearly beat me. Such a simple, brutal power. Just the power of tooth and claw. It nearly destroyed me, a Time Lord. But I won. I control that force, Doctor. And now, at last, I have the power to destroy you.

(The Master grabs the Doctor by the throat. Flash!)

The companions growled in unison. No one touched the Doctor and didn't regret it later.

[Cheetah camp]

(Fires are burning all around. The Master raises a long bone to use as a club.)

MASTER: Welcome to my new home, Doctor!

(The Doctor is surprisingly strong. He forces the Master down on to his back and grabs a skull. The Doctor's eyes are yellow when he raises it to smash down on the Master, then he sees the Cheetah people disappear.)

"The Doctor's eye color changed!" Grace gasped.

"That means that..." Sarah did not have to finish her sentence.

The room was oddly quiet for a few seconds.

DOCTOR: They've gone. What am I doing? I've got to stop. We've got to go.

MASTER: You can't go. Not this time.

DOCTOR: Yes, we can!

MASTER: Escape to what? I don't choose to live as an animal.

"He kind of did." Rose mentioned.

"You just burned the Master, Rosie-Posie." Jack grinned.

DOCTOR: If we fight, we'll destroy this planet. We'll destroy ourselves!

"That would be a large-scale fight." Wilfred raised an eyebrow.

(The Master grabs the Doctor's throat again.)

MASTER: You should have killed me, Doctor.

DOCTOR: If we fight like animals, we'll die like animals!

(The Master brings down a long bone to hit the Doctor. Flash!)

"That flash means that he's being transported somewhere else, right? That's good." Clara stated. "I think, at least. It depends on where he goes."

The others agreed.

[Bleasdale Avenue]

DOCTOR: If we fight like animals, we'll die like animals!

(Then he realises where he is, and stands up.)


"The Doctor's home..." the companions suddenly all looked at the screen, taking in every detail once more.

(A young blonde woman in a green jacket comes over.)

BLONDE: Did you hear that racket? Did you hear it? Flipping cat fights all hours of the day.

DOCTOR: I think you'll find things quieting down now.

BLONDE: So you say. Flipping cats. It's the owners I blame. They want the pet, right? They want the animal, but do they keep it under control?

DOCTOR: Well, we try.

BLONDE: So you say.

"Points for trying!" Mickey mentioned.

[Horsenden Hill]

(Ace is weeping over Karra when another Cheetah on a horse flashes in. She runs. The Cheetah rides over to Midge and Karra and Flash! they have gone. Ace puts the Doctor's hat on and kneels down.)

DOCTOR: Mine, I believe.

(He takes back his hat and umbrella.)

DOCTOR: Thank you.

ACE: Where have they gone?

"Elsewhere." came a very cryptic answer from Donna.

DOCTOR: They've been taken back to the wilderness. The place is different but the hunt goes on. You know all about the hunt, don't you, Ace?

ACE: I felt like I could run forever, like I could smell the wind and feel the grass under my feet and just run forever.

DOCTOR: The planet's gone, but lives on inside you. It always will.

ACE: Good. And the Master?

DOCTOR: Who knows? Where to now, Ace?

ACE: Home.


ACE: The Tardis.

DOCTOR: Yes, the Tardis.

"Home is the TARDIS. It has literally everything except outside friends and family."

(The Doctor and Ace walk off arm in arm down Horsenden Hill.)

DOCTOR [OC]: There are worlds out there where the sky is burning, where the sea's asleep, and the rivers dream. People made of smoke, and cities made of song. Somewhere there's danger, somewhere there's injustice, and somewhere else the tea's getting cold. Come on, Ace, we've got work to do!

[Cloister room]

DOCTOR: She did it. Your life force is dying, Master.

"Him again." Grace groaned.

MASTER: Nooooooo!

(Grace runs in and up to the Doctor. She stands between him and the light from the Eye, breaking the connection with the Master.)

GRACE: We're in temporal orbit, Doctor. What is it? What is that?

(Grace starts to unshackle the Doctor. The Master runs over and throws her down to the floor.)

All the companions winced.

"Were you okay?" Martha questioned.

"All was well in the end." Grace smiled.

DOCTOR: Grace! No!

(The Doctor kicks the Master back against a square stone pillar, knocking him out, and finishes unshackling himself. He runs down to where Grace is lying by the Eye.)

DOCTOR: Grace.

(The Master roars and swings at the Doctor's head with a reflector staff. The Doctor rolls away just in time.)

MASTER: You are my life.

"If that was heard out of context..." Jack made kissy noises.

The companions face-palmed.

(The Master kicks the Doctor in the stomach twice then tries to throw him into the Eye.)

DOCTOR: You want dominion over the living, yet all you do is kill!

MASTER: Life is wasted on the living!

"But he is living too." Martha raised an eyebrow.

"He was dying at the time." Lee reminded.

(Thank you, Douglas Adams. The Doctor manages to push the Master off again. When he lunges again, the Doctor turns one of the reflector staffs to shine on him. The Master is caught in a powerful wind and grabs onto a staff. He hangs there trying not to fall into the eye.)

DOCTOR: Give me your hand!

MASTER: Never!

"This reminds me of Thor and Loki..." Jack, who was now known to be a fanatic of the Avengers, mentioned

(The Master looses his grip on the staff and is sucked slowly and painfully into the Eye.)

"That too, reminds me of Thor and Loki. The scenes are practically identical." the immortal man stated.

The others rolled their eyes.

MASTER: Doctor!

(He is gone, and everything goes quiet. With the clocks stuck on midnight, San Francisco time, the Doctor carries Grace up the stairs and lays her next to Lee. The clocks start to move backwards. December 30th. The Eye throws out a bundle of golden energy which settles on Lee and Grace. They breathe again and open their eyes.)

LEE: Doctor, I have your things.

DOCTOR: Hello, Grace. Well, how does it feel to hold back death?

(The Eye closes.

DOCTOR: Incredible! Did you see that? What a sentimental old thing this Tardis is. Well, congratulations. You've both been somewhere I've never been.

"Did he just call me sentimental and...old!?" Sexy grumbled a bit.

GRACE: It's nothing to be scared of, Doctor.

DOCTOR: Glad to hear it.

GRACE: Did we go back far enough?

DOCTOR: Either that or I'm talking to a couple of ghosts, and I don't believe in ghosts.

"They might be real, somewhere in the universe." Rory stated.


(The Tardis is in flight.)

LEE: So, where's the Master?

(The Tardis grumbles.)

DOCTOR: Indigestion. So, let's see where we are. There. The future.

LEE: Wow.

DOCTOR: Look over there, on the other side of your galaxy. That's home.

GRACE: Gallifrey.

"So he did show you!" the companions grumbled a bit before looking at the planet really hard.

DOCTOR: Two hundred and fifty million light years away. That's a good ten minutes in this old thing.

GRACE: So, where are we?

DOCTOR: December twenty ninth. Do you want to get off here?

GRACE: I don't think I could live through that again,

LEE: I definitely wouldn't live through that again.

"I feel you." Rory understood, having died so many times.

DOCTOR: Reason enough.

(The Doctor moves the destination calendar to December 31st and adjusts a pair of rheostats. The time rotor stops. After a moment, the Doctor hits the console and it starts up again.)


(The party is going again. Still. Whatever. Someone startles Pete wearing a hospital sheet.)

PETE: That's not funny.


ALL: Ten!


ALL: Nine! Eight! Seven!


WAGG: Six! Five!


ALL: Four! Three!


WAGG: Two! One!

TELEVISION: Have a happy new year.

TELEVISION 2: Happy new year. Can you believe it? Two thousand.

"I can believe it. Two thousand. Five billion. Take your pick." Rose shrugged while smiling.

(Gareth gets a kiss from a pretty guest then everyone starts singing Auld Lang Syne.


(The Tardis materialises by an ornamental lake. The celebrations and fireworks are in full swing.)

DOCTOR: Now that's as it should be.

LEE: Your things.

DOCTOR: Oh! My sonic screwdriver. Thank you.

LEE: And these, too.

(He holds up the bags of gold dust.)

DOCTOR: Please, keep them.

LEE: Really?

DOCTOR: Yes, really.

LEE: I'd better go before you change your mind.

"The Doctor doesn't really change his mind. Once it is made, it stays." Sarah observed.

DOCTOR: Lee! Next Christmas, take a vacation. Just don't be here.

LEE: Right! Thanks. Thanks, Doctor! See you around, Grace. Happy new year!

(Lee runs off.)

GRACE: There you go, interfering again.

DOCTOR: Grace, something you should know

GRACE: Don't tell me.

DOCTOR: Why not?

GRACE: I know who I am, and that's enough.

DOCTOR: I'm glad. Come with me.

"I couldn't." Grace sighed.

GRACE: You come with me.

DOCTOR: Me come with you?


DOCTOR: Me come with you? It's tempting.

"Him, settle down? He was bored within two seconds at our place." Amy laughed.

Rory just groaned in remembrance of entertaining the grown-up sized two year old.

GRACE: I'm going to miss you.

DOCTOR: How can you miss me? I'm easy to find. I'm the guy with two hearts, remember.

GRACE: That's not what I meant.

(They kiss and fireworks explode.)

GRACE: Thank you, Doctor.

DOCTOR: No, no. Thank you, Doctor.

(The Doctor returns to the Tardis, turns to take one last look, and goes inside. The Tardis dematerialises.)

"At least he met you all after me." Grace stated. "You guys are good for him."


(The record is playing again and the Doctor is under the console doing running repairs.)

DOCTOR: Sounds better. Right, where to next?

(He sets a control, picks up his cup of tea and settles in the armchair.)

DOCTOR: Now, where was I?

(He picks up his book, and the needle gets stuck in the record.)

DOCTOR: Oh no, not again.

"That is the scene before he went off to the Time War..." Grace said faintly.

"You wouldn't have been able to go anyway." Martha realized.

"He would have sent you home." Rose sighed.

[Lever room]

ROSE: We've got Cybermen on the way up.

DOCTOR: How many floors down?

ROSE: Just one.


CYBERLEADER: We will retreat through the breach. Regain the Home World.

"How about a no?" Jack laughed.

(A Cyberman with a gun like Mickey's blocks their way.)

CYBER-YVONNE: You will not pass.

CYBERMAN: What is the meaning of this?

CYBER-YVONNE: You will not pass.

(She shoots the Cybermen.)

CYBER-YVONNE: I did my duty for Queen and Country. I did my duty for Queen and Country. I did my duty for Queen and Country.

(She cries a tear of blood.)

The companions looked disturbed at the tears.

"Those aren't natural." Clara looked down.

[Lever room]

COMPUTER: Levers operational.

ROSE: That's more like it. Bit of a smile. The old team.

DOCTOR: Hope and Glory, Mutt and Jeff, Shiver and Shake.

ROSE: Which one's Shiver?

DOCTOR: Oh, I'm Shake.

(The Doctor gives Rose a Magnaclamp and they put them on the walls by the levers.)

Rose looked away, unable to relive the worst day of her life.

DOCTOR: Press the red button.


BLACK DALEK: Breach active. It is the Doctor. Exterminate him!

(Daleks swoop towards Torchwood Tower.)

DALEKS: Exterminate!

[Lever room]

DOCTOR: When it starts, just hold on tight. Shouldn't be too bad for us but the Daleks and the Cybermen are steeped in Void stuff. Are you ready?

"Always." Rose grinned.

ROSE: So are they.

(The Daleks are visible outside the window.)

DOCTOR: Let's do it!

(They push the levers up then grab the Magnaclamps.)


(A bright light comes out of the breach and a strong wind rushes into it, sucking the first Daleks through the windows and into itself.)

DALEKS: Emergency!

DOCTOR: The breach is open! Into the Void! Ha!

"Ha!" Jack replied.

(Cybermen all over the world are lifted off their feet and into the air. There is a steady stream of Daleks and Cybermen all being sucked through the one broke window into the Void.)


BLACK DALEK: Emergency temporal shift!

(The Black Dalek Sek saves himself, but the Ark gets sucked away. On the ground, people come out of hiding to watch.)

[Lever room]

(Rose's lever moves a little.)

"No..." Clara gasped.

"You fell into the Void?" Amy asked.

"Yup." Rose deadpanned. "It is not that bad with the Metacrisis, though."

COMPUTER: Offline.

(The suction starts to decrease. Rose has to let go of the Magnaclamp to grab the lever and pull it, but she and it are being dragged the wrong way.)

ROSE: I've got to get it upright!

(Somehow she manages it.)

COMPUTER: Online and locked.

(The suction builds up.)

DOCTOR: Rose, hold on! Hold on!

(Rose is being pulled horizontally towards the Void. The Doctor cannot reach her as her fingers finally slip from the lever handle. Then Pete pops in, catches her and vanishes with his daughter in his arms. The wind dies down and the Void closes itself like paper down a plughole.)

COMPUTER: Systems closed.

The companions looked incredibly sad.

"How long did it take the Doctor to move on?" Rose inquired. "I don't want him to stay on me forever; he needs companions like you all."

"A very long time, if he ever did." Donna sighed.

[Parallel Torchwood]

(Rose hammers on the wall.)

ROSE: Take me back! Take me back! Take me back.

PETE: It's stopped working. He did it. He closed the breach.


(The Doctor and Rose lean against the walls for a few moments, then he walks away slowly.)

DOCTOR [OC]: Rose.

Rose looked incredibly sad and lost at the moment. It hurt to see the Doctor so sad about her. What was so important about her?

[The Tyler house]

ROSE [OC]: Last night I had a dream.


ROSE [OC]: I heard a voice and it was calling my name.

DOCTOR [OC]: Rose. Rose. Rose.

ROSE: I had a dream.

ROSE [OC]: I told Mum and Dad and Mickey. Anyone else would think I was mad. But not those three. They believed it because they've met the Doctor. So they listened to the dream.

ROSE: He was calling me, and

ROSE [OC]: And that night, we packed up, got into dad's old Jeep and off we went. Just like the dream said. Followed the voice across the water. Kept on driving hundreds and hundreds of miles, because he's calling.

DOCTOR [OC]: Rose.

"What is the Doctor doing?" River asked.

"Saying his goodbyes." Rose looked at the television sadly

[Dårlig Ulv Stranden]

(Rose walks alone across the windswept beach. Pete, Jackie and Mickey stay with the Jeep.)

ROSE [OC]: Here I am at last. And this is the story of how I died.

(An image of the Doctor appears near Rose.)

ROSE: Where are you?

HOLO-DOCTOR: Inside the Tardis.


DOCTOR: There's one tiny little gap in the Universe left, just about to close, and it takes a lot of power to send this projection. I'm in orbit around a super nova. I'm burning up a sun just to say goodbye.

"That's...sweet." Amy was unsure of how to respond.

[Dårlig Ulv Stranden]

ROSE: You look like a ghost.


(He uses his sonic screwdriver to solidify the image.)


HOLO-DOCTOR: I'm still just an image. No touch.

ROSE: Can't you come through properly?

HOLO-DOCTOR: The whole thing would fracture. Two universes would collapse.


HOLO-DOCTOR: Where are we? Where did the gap come out?

ROSE: We're in Norway.

"You followed a voice all the way to Norway?" Jack looked amazed.

"Yeah," Rose smiled a bit.

HOLO-DOCTOR: Norway. Right.

ROSE: About fifty miles out of Burgen. It's called 'Dårlig Ulv Stranden'.


ROSE: Dårlig. It's Norwegian for bad. This translates as Bad Wolf Bay. How long have we got?

HOLO-DOCTOR: About two minutes.

ROSE: I can't think of what to say!

HOLO-DOCTOR: You've still got Mister Mickey, then?

ROSE: There's five of us now. Mum, Dad, Mickey and the baby.

HOLO-DOCTOR: You're not?

ROSE: No. It's mum. She's three months gone. More Tylers on the way.

HOLO-DOCTOR: And what about you? Are you

ROSE: Yeah, I'm back working in the shop.

HOLO-DOCTOR: Oh, good for you.

"That is not the right thing to say..." River frowned.

"It was all right, really." Rose reassured.

ROSE: Shut up. No, I'm not. There's still a Torchwood on this planet. It's open for business. I think I know a thing or two about aliens.

"You go, Rosie!" Jack cheered.

HOLO-DOCTOR: Rose Tyler, Defender of the Earth. You're dead, officially, back home. So many people died that day and you've gone missing. You're on a list of the dead. Here you are, living a life day after day. The one adventure I can never have.

"He's always hated the domestics." Martha laughed.

ROSE: Am I ever going to see you again?

HOLO-DOCTOR: You can't.

ROSE: What're you going to do?

HOLO-DOCTOR: Oh, I've got the Tardis. Same old life, last of the Time Lords.

ROSE: On your own. I, I love you.

HOLO-DOCTOR: Quite right, too. And I suppose, if it's one last chance to say it, Rose Tyler

(The Doctor vanishes. He stands in the Tardis, crying, as Jackie runs go comfort her sobbing daughter.)

"He didn't get to finish his sentence!" Jack groaned.


(The Doctor slowly walks around the console, setting controls, then looks up and sees a figure in white, complete with veil.)


(She turns around.)



DONNA: Who are you?


DONNA: Where am I, eh?


DONNA: What the #!*% is this place?


"He says that word a lot, doesn't he?" Donna laughed.

"Yup!" Rose grinned.

[Roald Dahl Plass]

MARTHA: Time was, every single one of these people knew your name. Now they've all forgotten you.


"It's better that way." Braxiatel agreed.

JACK: Back to work.

DOCTOR: I really don't mind, though. Come with me.

JACK: I had plenty of time to think that past year, the year that never was, and I kept thinking about that team of mine. Like you said, Doctor, responsibility.

DOCTOR: Defending the Earth. Can't argue with that.

(The Doctor takes Jack's hand and exposes the vortex manipulator on his wrist.)

"I needed that." Jack cursed under his breath.

JACK: Hey, I need that.

DOCTOR: I can't have you walking around with a time travelling teleport. You could go anywhere, twice. The second time to apologise.

(The Doctor sonics the manipulator.)

JACK: And what about me? Can you fix that? Will I ever be able to die?

Martha smiled to herself a bit.

DOCTOR: Nothing I can do. You're an impossible thing, Jack.

JACK: Been called that before. Sir. Ma'am. But I keep wondering. What about aging? Because I can't die but I keep getting older. The odd little grey hair, you know? What happens if I live for a million years?

"Oh God..." Jack cringed before patting his hair.

DOCTOR: I really don't know.

JACK: Okay, vanity. Sorry. Yeah, can't help it. Used to be a poster boy when I was a kid living on the Boeshane Peninsula. Tiny little place. I was the first one ever to be signed up for the Time Agency. They were so proud of me. The Face of Boe, they called me. Hmm. I'll see you.

"No..." Rose grinned.

"Yes..." Martha smiled back.

They burst out laughing.

"What? You know what happens to me? I know you can't tell me, but do I get old?" Jack gave his best puppy dog eyes.

"Can't tell you." Rose taunted.

(Jack head off towards Torchwood's secret entrance.)


MARTHA: It can't be.

DOCTOR: No. Definitely not. No. No.

[Outside Francine's home]

(The Doctor watches Francine, Martha, Clive and Tish inside the house from across the street where the Tardis is parked, then goes inside it. His spare hand is now attached to the base of the console. A little later, Martha leaves the house, making a telephone call.)

MARTHA: Yeah. Could you put me through? Hi, I'm looking for a Doctor Thomas Milligan.

"Who's he?" Clara was confused.

"Someone who was not worth my time." Martha sighed.


TOM: Yeah.

[Outside Francine's home]

TOM [OC]: Hello?


TOM: Hello?

(Martha hangs up.)

"Why did you do that?" Mickey asked.


DOCTOR: Right then, off we go. The open road. There is a burst of starfire right now over the coast of Meta Sigmafolio. Oh, the sky is like oil on water. Fancy a look? Or back in time. We could, I don't know, Charles the Second? Henry the Eighth. I know. What about Agatha Christie? I'd love to meet Agatha Christie. I bet she's brilliant. Okay.

"She was brilliant." Donna smiled in remembrance of the giant wasp she could now remember.

MARTHA: I just can't.


MARTHA: Spent all these years training to be a doctor. Now I've got people to look after. They saw half the planet slaughtered and they're devastated. I can't leave them.

DOCTOR: Of course not. Thank you. Martha Jones, you saved the world.

MARTHA: Yes, I did. I spent a lot of time with you thinking I was second best, but you know what? I am good. You going to be all right?

DOCTOR: Always. Yeah.

"Lying..." the companions all thought.

MARTHA: Right then. Bye.

(Martha leaves, then goes back inside.)

MARTHA: Because the thing is, it's like my friend Vicky. She lived with this bloke, student housing, there were five of them all packed in, and this bloke was called Sean. And she loved him. She did. She completely adored him. Spent all day long talking about him.

DOCTOR: Is this going anywhere?

MARTHA: Yes. Because he never looked at her twice. I mean, he liked her, but that was it. And she wasted years pining after him. Years of her life. Because while he was around, she never looked at anyone else. And I told her, I always said to her, time and time again, I said, get out. So this is me, getting out.

(She throws her mobile phone to him.)

MARTHA: Keep that, because I'm not having you disappear. If that rings, when that rings, you'd better come running. Got it?

"What would happen if you called him now?" Jack asked.

"He wouldn't be able to get in unless I let him in." Sexy answered.

DOCTOR: Got it.

MARTHA: I'll see you again, mister.

(Martha leaves and the Tardis dematerialises.

The Master's pyre has burnt out. A hand with red fingernails takes his signet ring from the ashes.

Suddenly there is the sound of a ship's foghorn, and the bow of a ship smashes through the side of the Tardis.)

DOCTOR: What. What?

(He picks up a lifebelt with the name Titanic on it.)


"He didn't..." Mickey's jaw dropped.


DONNA: I thought we could try the planet Felspoon. Just because. What a good name, Felspoon. Apparently, it's got mountains that sway in the breeze. Mountains that move. Can you imagine?

DOCTOR: And how do you know that?

DONNA: Because it's in your head. And if it's in your head, it's in mine.

DOCTOR: And how does that feel?

DONNA: Brilliant! Fantastic! Molto bene! Great big universe, packed into my brain. You know you could fix that chameleon circuit if you just tried hotbinding the fragment links and superseding the binary, binary, binary, binary, binary, binary, binary, binary, binary, binary, binary, binary, binary, binary. (gasp) I'm fine. Nah, never mind Felspoon. You know who I'd like to meet? Charlie Chaplin. I bet he's great, Charlie Chaplin. Shall we do that? Shall we go and see Charlie Chaplin? Shall we? Charlie Chaplin? Charlie Chester. Charlie Brown. No, he's fiction. Friction, fiction, fixing, mixing, Rickston, Brixton.

(This time it hurts.)

Donna winced.

DONNA: Oh, my God.

DOCTOR: Do you know what's happening?

DONNA: Yeah.

DOCTOR: There's never been a human Time Lord metacrisis before now. And you know why.

"What would happen if they reproduced?" Jack was generally curious.

The others gave him looks of disgust.

"Wait, I wasn't suggesting you guys to do it...it was just an honest question!"

DONNA: Because there can't be. I want to stay.

DOCTOR: Look at me. Donna, look at me.

DONNA: I was going to be with you forever.

DOCTOR: I know.

DONNA: The rest of my life, travelling in the Tardis. The Doctor Donna. No. Oh my god. I can't go back. Don't make me go back. Doctor, please, please don't make me go back.

DOCTOR: Donna. Oh, Donna Noble. I am so sorry. But we had the best of times.


DOCTOR: The best. Goodbye.

DONNA: No, no, no. Please. Please. No. No.

(The Doctor mind melds with Donna and takes her memories away.)

The companions all looked down in sadness.

"I will definitely slap the Martian next time I see him." Donna rolled up her sleeve, as if she was preparing for it.


(Donna passes out.)

[Nobles' home]

(There is a knocking at the door.)

WILF: That must be her. Donna?

(The Tardis is parked across the road. The Doctor is kneeling by the door, holding the unconscious Donna.)

DOCTOR: Help me.

WILF: Donna? Donna?

(They lay Donna on her bed, then go downstairs. A thunderstorm rolls overhead.)

"It's always raining when something bad happens." Jack frowned.

[Sitting room]

DOCTOR: She took my mind into her own head. But that's a Time Lord consciousness. All that knowledge, it was killing her.

WILF: But she'll get better now?

DOCTOR: I had to wipe her mind completely. Every trace of me, or the Tardis, anything we did together, anywhere we went, had to go.

WILF: All those wonderful things she did.

DOCTOR: I know. But that version of Donna is dead. Because if she remembers, just for a second, she'll burn up. You can never tell her. You can't mention me or any of it for the rest of her life.

"Until now!" Mickey began.

Jack continued. "Dun, dun DUN!"

SYLVIA: But the whole world's talking about it. We travelled across space.

DOCTOR: It'll just be a story. One of those Donna Noble stories, where she missed it all again.

WILF: But she was better with you.

SYLVIA: Don't say that.

WILF: No, she was.

DOCTOR: I just want you to know there are worlds out there, safe in the sky because of her. That there are people living in the light, and singing songs of Donna Noble, a thousand million light years away. They will never forget her, while she can never remember. And for one moment, one shining moment, she was the most important woman in the whole wide universe.

"That doesn't seem...fair. It's like Harry Potter not knowing about being a wizard." Martha made yet another reference.

"I never thought of it that way." Donna grinned, liking the comparison.

SYLVIA: She still is. She's my daughter.

DOCTOR: Then maybe you should tell her that once in a while.

DONNA: I was asleep on my bed in my clothes, like a flipping kid! What do you let me do that for? Don't mind me. Donna.

(Donna checks her mobile.)

DOCTOR: John Smith.

SYLVIA: Mister Smith was just leaving.

DONNA: My phone's gone mad. Thirty two texts. Veena's gone barmy. She's saying planets in the sky. What have I missed now? Nice to meet you.

(Donna leaves the room.)

SYLVIA: As I said, I think you should go.

"That would be for the best." Braxiatel agreed.


(Donna is on the phone.)

DONNA: How thick do you think I am? Planets. Tell you what that was, dumbo. That's those two for one lagers you gets down the offy because you fancy that little man in there with the goatee. Ha ha! Yes, you do. I've seen you.

DOCTOR: Donna? I was just going.

DONNA: Yeah, see you. I tell you what though, you're wasting your time with that one, because Susie Mair, she went on that dating site, and she saw him. No, no, no, no. Listen, listen, this is important. Susie Mair wouldn't lie. Not unless it was about calories. Ha ha ha!

[Outside the Nobles' home]

(It is pouring with rain.)

DOCTOR: Ah. You'll have quite a bit of this. Atmospheric disturbance. Still, it'll pass. Everything does. Bye then, Wilfred.

"More rain..." the tin dogs frowned.

WILF: Oh, Doctor? What about you now? Who've you got? I mean, all those friends of yours.

DOCTOR: They've all got someone else. Still, that's fine. I'm fine.

"Lying..." Jack said this out loud finally.

The others were more vocal with their agreements this time around.

WILF: I'll watch out for you, sir.

DOCTOR: You can't ever tell her.

WILF: No, no, no. But every night, Doctor, when it gets dark, and the stars come out, I'll look up on her behalf. I'll look up at the sky, and think of you.

DOCTOR: Thank you.

(Soaked to the skin, the Doctor squelches to the Tardis. Wilf salutes as it dematerialises.)


(Rory and Amy sit up.)

"Great..." the Ponds groaned.

RORY: Where are we?

DOCTOR: Back where we started. You collapsed the timeline. The paradox worked. We all pinged back where we belong.

RORY: What, in a graveyard?

AMY: This happened the last time. Why always here?

"Never figured that out." Amy grumbled.

DOCTOR: Does it matter? We got lucky. We could've blown New York off the planet. I can't ever take the Tardis back there. The timelines are too scrambled. I could have lost you both. Don't ever do that again.

RORY: What did we do? We fixed it. We solved the problem.

DOCTOR: I was talking to myself.

(The Tardis has a bit of fire extinguisher damage. River appears from behind it with a bucket of water and a rag.)

RIVER: It could do with a repaint.

"Yeah, Doctor. Repaint!" Jack cheered.

DOCTOR: I've been busy.

RIVER: Does the bulb on top need changing?

DOCTOR: I just changed it.

RIVER: So. Rory and Amy, then.

DOCTOR: Yes. I know, I know.

RIVER: I'm just saying. They're going to get terribly bored hanging round here all day.

RORY: Doctor.


RORY: Look, next time, could we could just go to the pub?

DOCTOR: I want go to the pub right now. Are there video games there? I love video games.

"He sure does." Amy smiled in remembrance.

RIVER: Right. Family outing, then.

(The Doctor and River go into the Tardis. Rory hangs back.)

RORY: Amy, come and see this.

AMY: What?

RORY: There's a gravestone here for someone with the same name as me.

"Uh oh..." Jack looked incredibly sad.

AMY: What?

(Rory vanishes. There was an Angel behind him.)

AMY: Doctor!

The companions' eyes were practically one with the television.

(The Doctor and River run out of the Tardis.)

RIVER: Where the #!*% did that come from?

DOCTOR: It's a survivor. Very weak, but keep your eyes on it.

AMY: Where's Rory?

(The Doctor sees Rory's gravestone - aged 82.)

DOCTOR: I'm sorry. Amelia, I'm so, so sorry.

"He only says 'Amelia' when he's being serious." Amy smiled nostalgically.

AMY: No. No, we can just go and get him in the Tardis. One more paradox.

DOCTOR: Would rip New York apart.

AMY: No, that's not true. I don't believe you.

RIVER: Mother, it's true.

DOCTOR: Amy, what are you doing?

AMY: That gravestone, Rory's, there's room for one more name, isn't there?

"You're not..." Martha marveled at her bravery. "You don't even know where it would take you."

DOCTOR: What are you talking about? Back away from the Angel. Come back to the Tardis. We'll figure something out.

AMY: The Angel, would it send me back to the same time? To him?

DOCTOR: I don't know. Nobody knows.

AMY: But it's my best shot, yeah?


"He could have traveled to New Jersey of the same year and take a cab to New York." Grace mentioned.

Amy's eyes widened. "Why didn't we think of that." she face-palmed.

RIVER: Doctor, shut up. Yes. Yes, it is.


AMY: Well, then. I just have to blink, right?


AMY: It'll be fine. I know it will. I'll be with him, like I should be. Me and Rory together. Melody?

DOCTOR: Stop it. Just, just stop it!

"Are you making him beg?" Rose's eyes widened.

"It was something I never want to hear again." Amy sighed.

(River takes Amy's hand and kisses it.)

AMY: You look after him. You be a good girl, and you look after him.

DOCTOR: You are creating fixed time. I will never be able to see you again.

AMY: I'll be fine. I'll be with him.

DOCTOR: Amy, please, just come back into the Tardis. Come along, Pond, please.

AMY: Raggedy man, goodbye!

(Amy turns her back on the Angel, and vanishes. Rory's gravestone gains more words - And His Loving Wife Amelia Williams aged 87.)


"The worst thing was...I never really thought about how it would affect the Doctor." Amy frowned.

"You are only human." River mentioned. "I had him with me. He was all right, given time."


(River is flying the Tardis while the Doctor is inconsolable.)

DOCTOR: River, they were your parents. I'm sorry, I didn't think.

RIVER: It doesn't matter.

DOCTOR: Of course it matters.

RIVER: What matters is this. Doctor, don't travel alone.

DOCTOR: Travel with me, then.

RIVER: Whenever and wherever you want. But not all the time. One psychopath per Tardis, don't you think? Okay. This book I've got to write. Melody Malone. I presume I send it to Amy to get it published?

"Thanks for that, anyway." Amy high-fived her daughter.

DOCTOR: Yes. Yes.

RIVER: I'll tell her to write an afterword. For you. Maybe you'll listen to her.

(River leaves him alone.)

DOCTOR: The last page!

"So he did read it." the Girl Who Waited smiled to herself.

[Central Park]

(The picnic hamper is still there, with the last page in it. He puts on Amy's reading glasses again.)

AMY [OC]: Afterword, by Amelia Williams. Hello, old friend. And here we are, you and me, on the last page. By the time you read these words, Rory and I will be long gone. So know that we lived well, and were very happy. And above all else, know that we will love you always. Sometimes I do worry about you, though. I think once we're gone, you won't be coming back here for a while, and you might be alone, which you should never be. Don't be alone, Doctor. And do one more thing for me. There's a little girl waiting in a garden. She's going to wait a long while, so she's going to need a lot of hope. Go to her. Tell her a story. Tell her that if she's patient, the days are coming that she'll never forget. Tell her she'll go to sea and fight pirates. She'll fall in love with a man who'll wait two thousand years to keep her safe. Tell her she'll give hope to the greatest painter who ever lived and save a whale in outer space. Tell her this is the story of Amelia Pond. And this how it ends.

"And that is where I'm going to end for now." Sexy turned it off. "The kitchen is next to the bathroom, and there are rooms set out for you. You are sharing rooms, though. I could only put in so many.

They parted, until next time.

Please review! And tell me what you think I should do next.