I Do not own SRMTHFG or any of the characters
SRMTHFG Reloaded Chapter 1: Discovery
Chiro Nellie turned up the collar of his red jacked and adjusted his fingerless gloves and turned his sapphire blue eyes towards the depressing gray sky. Although there was no rain it still served to put a damper on the mood of the citizens of Shuggazoom City. Chiro sighed heavily and placed his hands in his pockets and hurried across the zebra crossing. After an hour of walking Chiro came to a grassy field surrounded by thick trees with a few large tires buried in the ground. Chiro smiled faintly and walked until the sound of traffic faded in the distance and the teen was soon surrounded by silence with the wind slightly rustling the trees. Shun closed his eyes and relished the silence and serenity until he heard a slight crunch. He opened his eyes and stopped suddenly and turned those sapphire orbs to the ground and saw his foot on something. He stepped back and saw that he had just stepped on an old soup can. Chiro nudged it slightly with his foot and smiled suddenly before slipping the front of his shoe under it and began to juggle the can like a soccer ball. The teen smiled and kicked it forward where it shot forward and landed a few feet away from a clump of tall trees. The boy ran forward and gave the can strong kick, causing it to fly into the trees. A deep hollow clang made the teen jump a foot in the air, before he looked in the direction the can had flown in.
Chiro scratched his head in confusion. "What was that? And where'd the can go?" Chiro muttered before venturing into the trees stumbling over a few branches before he finally spotted the can and ran over. He nudged it with his foot again before giving it a kick. The can flew in the air and landed against something hard followed by a loud deep bang. Chiro ran up to the can before he noticed something gleam in the corner of his eye. He lifted his head up and was surprised to see what looked like a large metal wall his reflection shining off the smooth surface. Chiro took a closer look before he noticed a metal coil of a darker color sitting just above the "wall". Chiro craned his neck up and his eyes widened and his jaw dropped, for the wall was no "wall" it was foot, which was connected to a leg which traveled up to the torso of the massive robot towering over him. Chiro walked up to it and laid his hand on the smooth surface before there was a sudden glow and a section of the foot lifted upwards revealing a doorway. Chiro stared at it for a minute or two before gathering his courage and ventured inside. Chiro suddenly found himself standing in a massive circular room with six different colored tubes sitting on the far wall. In the center of the room were six round chairs with the same coloring as the tubs, in front of the chairs was a massive screen and computer console. Chiro walked over to the tubes and tried to examine the inside of the orange tube right before he was pulled off his feet and shot through the tube at an alarming speed until it dropped him roughly on the floor of another hallway, the teen groaned in pain. "Ugh...I'm gonna feel that tomorrow." Chiro muttered before he got to his feet and dusted himself off before looking around. "I guess that's one way to move from place to place..." Chiro muttered before slowly making his way down the empty hall surrounded by an eiree silence. It was almost deafening to the raven haired teen until he finally came to a room similar to the room he was in before except it was smaller and there was no screen except five mulch-colored cylinders which much like the room were covered in a fine layer of darkness. The cylinders ranged from red to purple and released dim, different colored light. Chiro walked up to the console and searched for something to turn on the lights. He scanned the different dials and leavers until his eyes rested on a particularly large leaver resting in the center of the console. For some reason the teen felt drawn to it and grasped the switch in his hand not even noticing the sparks of green electricity. Chiro nodded to himself before he gave a strong pull. There was a low hum, then a sudden burst of green electricity and the room was bathed in green light as he felt a great amount of pain surge through him as he was enveloped in green electricity. He grit his teeth and looked up just in time to see the image of a massive green gorilla before the pain became to much and he released a scream of pain. "GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!" The light and the gorilla faded and Chiro collapsed the ground, green electricity jolting through him every minute he began to slip into unconsciousness. Chiro turned his head to the five cylinders which made slight hum and several pairs of lights shined through the dust and Chiro blacked out.
AN: Ok a few things to sort out.
1. Everything from I, Chiro to Savage Lands apart from the rising of the Dark One Worm does not happen. Meaning that Antauri does NOT become the silver monkey.
2. Several cannon episodes will not happen in this story and Chiro will gain several power upgrades and a sword.
3. Jinmay is a cyborg not a full robot
4. There will be a final battle rather than just cutting it off at a cliff hanger like the TV show
5. Johnny Sunspot and Chiro will be known as childhood friends and rivals.
One final thing to mention is that more monkeys will appear and the Super Robot will gain some upgrades