Episode: The Awakening (Book 3 E01)

A/N: This takes place when the Gaang tries to attempt a capture of a Fire Navy ship. Aang is no longer asleep, and healed, after his hit of lightning in the back by Azula.

Disclaimer: God, do I wish I owned this show! If I did, Zutara would be real asf! Anyways I do not own Avatar: The Last Airbender or it's characters(and blah blah blah) and Michael Dante DiMartino does. *sad face*

A/N#2: Before you start reading this story, you must know and understand that I get intimate with detail, and a may or may not put a warning before a sexual scene comes up. It is your own fault if you read this story expecting it to be clean and all happiness and giggles! Anyways, read this story at your own discretion. Also, I don't believe in Kataang, so if you do, you came to the wrong place... THIS IS ZUTARA BABY! Lol, I'm just rambling now... but yeah! Hope you enjoy my story. (:



After faking the Avatar's death, the Gaang needed a way to infiltrate Fire Nation territory. After all, they were fugitives in the Fire Nation.

The Duke and Pipsqueak stayed on Appa, flying above, while the rest attempted to capture the fire navy ship now below them. Appa flew directly above the ship, leaving enough time for Aang, Sokka, Hakoda, Toph, Katara, and Bato to jump off onto the ship. Not soon after they landed, Fire Nation men, hearing a loud 'thud!', gathered on the deck on the bow of the ship to find out what cause the ruckus, leading them to attack.

All of them fought hard, using their bending and non-bender fighting skills, and eventually they were close to winning this battle. Soon they started to grow tired, and another ship docked up against the ship they had thought they captured. They were able to fight the Fire Nation men off… at first. It all started to become too overwhelming for all of them. Especially Katara. For an unknown reason, more men surrounded her than the rest of them; she couldn't see her friends through the mass of men around her. She realized she was running out of water real quickly, and began to use her sweat to bend. Water whipping a few of the men, she almost cleared a path to run. As she started after her friends, needing help, a Fire Nation guard grabbed her wrist from behind. yanking her back hard enough to throw her onto the ground. Even as she kicked and screamed at the hysterical men, on melted metal on her wrists, harmfully binding them together. She writhed in the man's arms as he tried to carry her away from her friends.

Sokka heard Katara's cries coming from where a bunch of Fire Nation men were. He ran forward, also realizing that the men were running back to their bigger ship, leaving the fight.

"Katara!" He screamed after her. He sprinted as fast as he could, but it wasn't enough. He skidded to a stop as a Fire Nation soldier burnt the bridge to nothing, right when he reached the edge. Sokka's face went blank as his knees buckled, and he fell to the hard ground with his weight piling onto his knees. He hung his head in his hands, cursing and crying out that he lost his sister to the Fire Nation. Just like his mom.

Sokka looked up as the ship started to sail away on a different course. He spotted Katara crying and screaming for him as multiple guards ran over to aid the man who carried her, and helped hold her down in his arms. She called the guards cowards and cursed at them; told them to fight her with their bare hands, but they just laughed at her.

"We'll get you back, Katara! I promise." He screamed out to her, as she could barely hear him. Sokka ran over to the room in which he could guide the ship to her, while attempting to force everyone to help.

"Why won't anyone help me!" Sokka cried out, slamming his calloused hands, from fighting, against the wheel. Bato came over, resting his hand on Sokka's shoulders.

"We'll find her Sokka. But there is too many on the ship. We would be outnumbered and killed." Sokka nodded, falling back from the wheel. He looked out, through his tears, to see his dad crying and hitting the rail in anger, leaving large dents behind. Sokka fell to his knees once more when Appa landed on their ship.

He lost her. And everyone but Hakoda, Sokka, and Bato realized that they had also lost Aang, too.

I didn't know how many days I had been stuck on the bloody ship. All I understood was it had been a while. I was never let out of my room, even to breathe in fresh air. Every necessity was already in here, except the food they occasionally slipped underneath the door. Almost every night, I dreamed of how much fun my friends were having without me, leaving me crying into my pillow against the corner of the walls.

One night, I remembered the first day I had been shoved into this cell, when I dreamt of the agony all over again.

The same man who had picked me up off the ship, angrily shoved me into a barely lit room. My head nearly missed the floor as my hands caught myself, leaving my body to slam down against the cold metal. He shut the door and locked it, from what I heard. I ran back up to the door and banged on the door until my knuckles begun to bleed. I tried to pry it open with my fingers, but nothing worked.

"Fuck you!" I cried out. I started to sob, falling down the door with my back, and curling my knees into my chest. I suddenly heard a small sound in the back of the room, in the one place that was still shadowed, uncovered by light. Unexpectedly, the second person I despised most appeared out of the darkness, with an evil grin playing on her face.

"I wouldn't waste your energy on that." Azula. The Fire Nation princess. The Fire Lord's most trusted child. I knew that vile and mocking voice anywhere.

She walked to a bed in the center of the room, and sat down crossing her legs and arms. I attempted to water bend at her, but remembered that my wrists were bound, and failed. She laughed at my failing.

"What do you want with me!" I growled at the deviously-smiling princess. She only laughed at me more and sighed.

"Is that really how you should treat me?" She looked over her nails and back up at me, sighing again. "Why he wants you, I don't know." She murmured softly to herself, "Anyways, I don't want you. I want nothing to do with scum like you. It's my father who wants you. I only came here for you, but finding the Avatar alive was quite a lucky surprise for everyone." She grinned. "Except for me, of course. Father will be happy to hear that Zuzu was a traitor all along, still, to the Nation."

"Why does he want me, of all people?" I snarled back at her.

"Because." Azula walked towards the door and looked back at me, "Father needs a new harem girl. He's gotten, well, tired of all the other ones. They enjoy it too much. And he likes how you rebel against us so much, your hatred towards him fuels his lust for you, I guess." She smirked at me and then exited, but didn't shut the door.

"I'm going to go see that Avatar now. When we arrive in the Fire Nation, you will be taken to the harem. After father sees you. And for having an attitude with me, you will be punished." She grinned evilly at me, again, as a guard finally shut the door behind her. If the Fire Nation had the Avatar, I knew there was no way that I could ever return home now.

I put my ear against the door, and heard short whispers on the other side. I backed away quickly when I realized the door was being opened again. The man outside of it shoved himself in. I stumbled away from him, barely catching myself. He shut the door behind him, and laughed.

He walked behind me and melted the metal off my wrists. I screamed out in pain as blisters immediately grew on my wrist. Ignoring my pain, the man took me by surprise, and pushed me onto the bed. He stared at me, not with anger, happiness, evil, or any other emotion in his eyes. He looked at me with hungry eyes. He knew he would get what he wanted, and he started to strip off his armor.

*WARNING: RAPE SCENE AHEAD. IF YOU WANT TO SKIP, GO AHEAD. BUT THIS STORY IS RATED M (R on Wattpad) FOR A REASON. Also Azula is slightly OOC in this chapter, and maybe future chapters. Her personality and how she thinks is way dark in this story, and let's just say that she is...well… bisexual?*

I didn't know what was happening, at first, until he stripped off all of his armor. And then I grew scared. He climbed on top of me smirking, and holding me down. I squirmed underneath him, to no resolve. He leaned forward and whispered into my ear,

"If you continue to fight me, I will burn you." Fear took over my mind, and I cried. I couldn't let him take me though, I couldn't, and wouldn't, let him. I bit his ear with all my strength in my jaw, and he whipped his head away like lightning.

"How dare you treat me with such disrespect!" He fueled fire in his palm and then burned my arm, holding his palm against my warm skin. I screamed in pain, and finally he stop. My body started shaking as he stopped bending. I let him dominate me, I had no other choice. He ripped off my water tribe clothing, leaving only my under wrappings. He kissed down my jaw line, leading to my breast bindings. He ripped them off with his teeth, kissed down my belly, and did the same to the last of my coverage. "Let's make this interesting, shall we?" He murmured hungrily. He grabbed a pair of handcuffs from his armor, and attached them to my wrists connecting to the head of the bed.

"Unfortunately for you, I enjoy torture during sex. It's more…" He thought for a minute, "pleasurable." His grin was incredibly large as he tormentingly laughed.. He spit on his hand and started to jerk himself off, while he started rubbing my clit with his available hand. Feeling bored, he stuck two fingers in me. As he jerked himself off, he rubbed the inside of me, causing me to get more wet for him, however it was no way near being pleasurable. Eventually, he started to moan and he sped up his movements. The he stopped. Nothing had come out, and I knew he just wanted to save it for when he mounted me.

The man crawled on top of me, shoving his mouth onto my breasts as he stuck himself inside me. I whimpered at the pain. I had never had sex before, never made love. But this wasn't sex, or making love, this was rape. I started crying again as I felt him tearing my hymen, not caring about my pain. He slapped my face when he noticed my cries, his nails digging into my skin. I held in my scream, leaving tears streaming down my face, still. As he thrusted into me, he stuck his hand underneath my ass and shoved two fingers up me from behind. His freehand kneaded my boob, while his mouth sucked on the other one. He squeezed them as hard as he could, tearing into my flesh, leaving bruises. I couldn't help but let out a scream as he took his hands away and I saw marks on my breasts.

"Looks like somebody wants to be punished." He said devilishly. He thrusted even harder into me, almost knocking the air out of me with every hit. He let all his weight crumple on to me, forcing the air from my lungs. It was exasperatingly hard to breathe. Then he started to suck on my neck, sending shivers down the length of my spine. With every kiss, he sucked as hard as he could, leaving large marks all around my neck.

Suddenly his thrusts became even faster, he started to tremble above me. He raised the top half of his body off of me, so as to create an even faster rhythm. Thankfully, the door opened right as he was ready to let out his load. The man didn't pull out, but only looked at who had come in. Azula.

"I'm feeling a bit, well, needy. It's my turn." She said with a sassy tone. I got more frightened when she stripped away all of her clothing. Walking over to us, she pushed him off the top of me.

"Fuck me." She said as she climbed on top of me on all fours. The man mounted her from behind, ignoring her ass. While he did this she forced her mouth down on mine, shoving her tongue into my mouth. Her hands slid down to my breast and squeezed. She played with my nipples, and rubbed them, and covered her mouth over one, while she squeezed the other. Her hips moved against me, so she humped my front. She moaned as she sucked on my nipple, and then her hand moved down to my warm spot. Sticking three fingers into me she rubbed my inside. With someone else, like a boy, this normally would've been enjoyable, also if I weren't being raped. But this was torture.

"I'm bored. Let's change positions." Azula said. So she moved off of me and sat beside me, straddling her legs.

"Now." She said to the man. He sat on his knees and stuck him inside of her. I looked away and started to cry even more. I missed Sokka, Toph, Suki, Appa…. Aang.

"Watch us!" The man roared at me. I turned my head slowly to discover Azula's mouth dangling open, moaning. His hands were on her thighs, helping to thrust into her.

"I'm so close!" Azula cried out. Again, the man's body started to tremble, and he started to thrust faster. Azula's back arched up into the air as she screamed out in pleasure, bucking her hips harder against his.

"Unf!" He groaned out, as he suddenly sped up even faster, letting out the most awkward of moans. He collapsed on top of her as he finished out his climax, as she was still recovering.

"Get… off… of me." She whispered, clearly out of breath. When he didn't listen, she yelled out. "I SAID GET OFF!" Azula shoved him off of her and she looked over at me. Tears started to glisten in my eyes again as she grabbed my chin and lifted it so as to see her.

"Next time, we will do more. There will be pain involved, and lots of torture." Her lips forcefully went down on mine, wildly shoving her tongue down my throat. She then climbed off of me and grabbed her clothes. "Well. That was fun." She said as if bored the whole time, and walked out of the room completely naked. The man put his armor back on, and unlocked the cuffs that restrained me.

"I'll take these." He said grabbing my clothes from the floor. "You won't be needing them anymore, since they'll be ripped off by other men and women anyways." He laughed and left the room, adjusting his helmet. I curled up crying. Every part of me was sore. I had marks all over my body, bruises on my breasts and thighs, and I was mentally drained. I needed to be home. I couldn't take it. I wanted to just die.

I had been on the ship for 26 days. Today was the day we finally arrived into the Fire Nation. I still had no clothes, since the guard took them away. And I was worn out. After the day I first got here, men came into my room, every day and night, to rape me. Eventually, I didn't even cry or care anymore. I let them take me. I was tired, exhausted. All I wanted was to leave. But at this point, there was no hope left in me. Almost every man and women relieved themselves on the ship.

"We have arrived at the Fire Nation." A voice said from the now opened door.

"Okay." I got up from my bed, head hanging down, and walked out of the door. Almost every man and woman had seen me naked on this ship, I didn't even care anymore. If a man were to walk up just now and thrust himself into me, I would just stand there and let him take me over. None of it hurt anymore. And I was depressed.

There were two men behind me, as well as three in front. They escorted me off of the ship and through the town. Every towns person stared at me. Some stared in fear at what was happening, some in sadness, feeling sorry for me, and some men took themselves out in front of their wives and felt themselves. I heard many murmurs about me up until we arrived at the palace.

After almost five minutes of walking, we reached our destination. As I walked through the main hallway to get to the throne room, I realized I had passed Zuko. We made short eye contact, and he looked my body all up and down with sadness. He saw all of the marks left on me. He almost looked angry.

"Cancel the meeting, I'm making plans tonight for me and my daughter, hence her becoming arrival." The Fire Lord shooed away a servant boy and looked forward at who came in.

"You caught her." He said with glee, eyeing my body up and down.

"She wasn't that hard to catch, Fire Lord Ozai." The guard in the front replied. The Fire Lord smiled evilly. I could tell he was already planning what to do with me.

"We also caught the Avatar with her, sir." The Fire Lord grew more eager at this news and sat up in his throne.

"Really?" He said unsure. After receiving a nod from the guard, he spoke. "Bring him in." The guard nodded and left the room to complete his orders.

I stared at my tan feet compared to the red flooring.

"Take her to the harem, make sure to let the woman there know that she is mine, but nobody is to use her until I do for my first time." He said. The two guards nodded and then started to drag me away.

"Father! Wait!" Zuko yelled as he walked into the throne room. "Let me have her." The Fire Lord glared a bit.

"Let us talk son, and we will see." The guards continued to drag me off to the harem. 'Great', I thought. 'Now Zuko wants to use me.'

"Pama, this is the Fire Lord's girl. He has strict orders for no one else to use her but him until his first time with her." The old woman, Pama, nodded and pulled me in quickly, nodding to the guards. She shut the door annoyed. The vast room held many giggling girls, most half naked and makeup covering their faces. Some stood at mirrors against the walls comparing themselves to each other, seeing who had the sexiest body, while others fixed their makeup. In the center of the room was lots of pillows completely covering the ground to sit or lay on.

"Great," She said. "Another one." She grabbed me by my arm as she rolled her eyes and announced to the twenty other girls living there. "This is the Fire Lord's girl. Help her actually look pretty and give her some appealing clothes." I never knew an old woman could be so cruel until now. She wasn't very nice, at all. Letting go of my arm, she forced me forward, making me trip and fall flat on my face. I started to cry as other girls around me laughed. I had to deal with being raped daily, and now I had to suffer with being made the fool.

"She's so ugly!" They whispered. "Who would wanna fuck her?" They all giggled happily as they surrounded me.

Pushing past the girls surrounding me, a girl pulled me up off the ground and yanked my arm, tugging me along to the next room. As soon as I got around the corner, she shut the curtain and ran to a small room without a door, and started a bath, from what I heard.

"Let's give you a bath; make you look nicer." She said calm. I nodded, putting away my tears.

Almost as soon as I dipped my legs into the almost scalding water, the stress floated away from my body. I floated down further into the water, my chin touching the top of the water. It almost felt normal, thanks to the girl. Except, the depression was inseparable from my mind.

The girl who saved me from torment grabbed, what looked like, bathing tools. She dipped a cloth in the water preparing to bathe me.

"No," I said. "Let me." I took the cloth from her hands as she nodded, and dipped it back into the warm water. I rubbed the cloth softly along my body, but hard enough to scrape off all the dirt and grime from living on the ship. The girl sat on the side of the tub, knees curled up to her chest.

"My name's Yue, by the way." Yue. Sokka's first love. "Ignore the girls out there. They're the 'harem whores' that everyone talks about. You and me, from what I know about you so far, are the ones who don't belong. Unless you enjoy it." I shook my head, "Those girls enjoy fucking all the men, and occasional women, here. Don't listen to anything they tell you. Listen to me when I tell you this, when the men come in here to choose their girl, look as disgusting as possible, so they won't want you. I can almost guarantee that you will get chosen, since they would all understand you're a newbie here, and you're super gorgeous."

"I think I'm safe. I guess I'm the 'Fire Lord's girl'." I said unpleasantly. Yue's face was almost indescribable after hearing this.

"I am so sorry." She said sincerely. "Even the harem whores don't want to be with him. He hurts girls in bed. Badly. My friend Min got chosen by him, she returned with a fat lip, blistered wrists and ankle, and was bleeding badly from her back; covered in deep, deep scratches. We all thought he had taken a knife to her back."

I was shocked at this story. If I thought that the men on the ship were bad, I was way wrong. I now feared for my life. Maybe Zuko changed his father's mind, though. I pushed the thought away, doubting it.

"Um.. Does Zuko ever come in here for girls?" Yue shook her head.

"Never." I felt a little relieved. Now I just had to hope that he got me instead. I finished getting clean, and when I got out of the water, it was so murky you could hardly see the bottom.

"Let's get some clothes on you." She said while I dried my hair. I saw her pull out a fiery red tank top with a super-short skirt; both were skin tight.

"Sorry, no clothes in here are decent. This is about as appropriate as it gets." She said. I noticed she was wearing worse than me. When I realized she hadn't given me undergarments, I understood why. It was easier for other men to lay with me.

A/N: So I edited this chapter, fyi. Review please! (: