Hi, everyone! This is a new story based on season 5 and basically, I'm missing some Aichi and Kai action, so this story might be more towards them but don't worry, the season 5 characters will still be there! I really hope everyone will enjoy this story! Without further ado, let's start!

Normal POV

Chrono and the others are spending time in Card Capital 2 as usual.

" Hey, look at this. Looks like they are still winning all over the world." Shion said

" Let us see." Tokoha said

He passed his Fica to the two as they looked at it.

" 'Dream tag team has dominated the Circuit again! Top world-class fighters Toshiki Kai and Aichi Sendou has grasped victory again!'... Again?" Chrono ask

" You don't know about them?! They are top world-class fighters!" Tokoha said

" Top... world-class fighters? Like Kamui-san?" Chrono ask

" Wrong! World-class means that they travel around the world to fight opponents and win, getting them on the big news." Kamui said

" They're on a completely different level than Kamui-san." Shion said

" That's right!" Kamui said

He took a look at the news and read through it.

" Heh... It's been such a long time... I wonder if other than this good news, they have some other good news." Kamui said

" Now that I think about it... They were in Team Q4 with Kamui-san and Misaki-san, right?" Tokoha ask

" Seriously?!" Chrono exclaimed

" If you want good news then... This." Shion said

He passed his Fica to Kamui as he grinned.

" What? I'm not invited? What kind of friend don't tell other friends such good news?!" Kamui said

" Let me see." Misaki said

She took a look at the news as well.

" So secretive... Even the news got the news so quickly... Maybe we'll know when they come back." Misaki said

" Agreed!"

" What is it? Let me see too." Chrono said

He took the Fica and looked at the news.

" They allow this, huh? What good luck..." Chrono said

" You're right. Actually, they're the best couple that people wished that it could happen sooner or later." Tokoha said

" Right..."

" Anyway, now that we've finished looking at this. We should look for some quests to complete." Shion said

" Great idea." Tokoha said

" Okay..."

They looked at the quest board as Chrono searched through some quests.

" Look! This looks like a good quest!" Tokoha said

" You're right... 'I want to test out my new deck. Please fight me.'" Chrono read

" Let me see..." Kamui said

His eyes suddenly widened as he quickly stopped Chrono from accepting the quest.

" You're kidding..." Kamui said

" What's wrong, Kamui-san?" Chrono ask

" Chrono... Whatever you do... Don't accept this one... Choose another quest..." Kamui said

" Why?"

" Just do it!" Kamui said

" A-Alright..."

Chrono chose another quest that had the same request as he placed his Fica on the panel to accept it.

" Then we'll be going now, Kamui-san." Chrono said

" Yeah. Good luck! I'll be waiting back here!" Kamui said

The three ran out of the shop as Kamui went to find the quest again.

" Misaki-san! Come over here!" Kamui called

" What is it?" Misaki ask

" T-This... Is impossible, right...?" Kamui ask

Misaki's eyes widened at the quest screen as well.

" Kamui... Block this quest from the board right now! We can't let anyone risk it! Maybe it's a lie but... Not many of us knows this and they will never make this as a joke either... Block it before anyone accepts it!" Misaki said

" Got it!"

Kamui typed in some data before the quest was completely blocked.

" That's done... Why...? Why is it back...? Isn't it... Supposed to be broken into pieces inside us already...?" Kamui said

" No... Maybe... It's an entity that has been brought back by some other evil entity... A replica of it... If it really exists here then... We can't let anyone challenge him... So that the world won't be at risk again..." Misaki said

" Yeah..."

~ Two hours later~

Chrono and the others came back from the quest as Kamui greeted them.

" Yo, everyone! How's the quest?" Kamui ask

" He was just testing out the deck. I guess it was a good fight." Chrono said

" I see."

" Let's fight each other now." Shion said

" Okay!"

The door suddenly slid open as it revealed two figures.

" Hello!"

" You're..." Kamui exclaimed

" We're back." The boy said

" Brother Aichi!"

Kamui pounced on him, causing him to fall over.

" K-K-Kamui-kun... Y-You're heavy..." Aichi said

" Ah... I'm sorry..." Kamui said

He got up and helped Aichi up as well.

" Yo. Nice to see you too, Kai." Kamui said

" Hmph."

" Same guy as always..." Kamui said

" It's been some time. Nice to see you guys again." Misaki said

" It's nice too see you too, Misaki-san!" Aichi said

" So... How are you two doing?" Misaki ask

" Judging by that on your fingers says everything! Why weren't we invited?!" Kamui ask

Aichi blushed while Kai turned away.

" Well... You see..." Aichi said

" Quit talking about us. What about you two?" Kai ask

" T-That's none of your business!" Kamui said while blushing

" I'm sure you and Miwa are getting along well, I suppose. Right, Tokura?" Kai ask

" Whatever." Misaki replied while blushing

" So... Who are these three?" Aichi ask

" Oh, let me introduce them to you guys. He's Chrono Shindou, and he's Shion Kiba and lastly, she's Tokoha Anjou." Kamui introduced

" Hello!"

" Hello. I'm Aichi Sendou and he's Toshiki Kai." Aichi introuced

" Hmph."

" You should try to be a little friendlier to strangers, Toshiki-kun." Aichi said

" Hey." Kai greeted

" Brother's totally controlling Kai..." Kamui thought while chuckling softly

" Chrono Shindou-kun, huh? I heard from Kamui-kun that you have a mysterious deck. Could I take a look at it?" Aichi ask

" Sure..."

He passed his deck to Aichi as he looked through it.

" Wow... It's really a deck I've never seen before... Gear Chronicle... Huh? Chronojet Dragon..." Aichi said

" D-Don't mention that! I know that that guy has the same name as me!" Chrono said, blushing

" I think it's nice. To have a card that has the same name as you..." Aichi said

" But some people teases me for that... You're different." Chrono said

" I think things differently than others. You have some great cards in your deck... This would be a good deck to fight against." Aichi said

" Yeah..."

That was when he noticed something peeking behind Aichi's shoulder before ducking down. He looked around to see if he was hallucinating, but he wasn't. It seems that the others around him could see that thing, except for Aichi.

" Hey, Shindou-kun. Can I fight you?" Aichi ask

" Me?" Chrono ask

" Yeah! I want to see what kind of skills this clan have! So do you want to fight?" Aichi ask

" Sure!"

" Hold on. I'll get my deck out." Aichi said

He searched his deck case and pockets.

" Huh...? Where did my deck go? I was sure I put it inside here..." Aichi said

" Aichi. Don't move." Kai said

Kai took the familiar deck from behind Aichi's back and placed it on his hand.

" Here." Kai said

" Oh! Where did you find it?!" Aichi ask

" It was behind you." Kai replied

" I-I see..."

They proceeded to the fight table and placed their Fica.

" You can choose the field if you want." Aichi said

" No... I think you can choose..." Chrono said

" Okay."

He chose the nation as he looked through the playing field.

" How about this? This is a holy shrine. They say that the shrine holds a sort of legend in it. Is it alright with you?" Aichi ask

" Wow... I've never went to that nation before so I didn't know about this shrine..." Chrono said

" Me neither." Shion said

" I didn't know about it either..." Tokoha said

" Are you ready?" Aichi ask

" Yeah!"

" Stand up, Vanguard!"

" Gunner Gear Dracokid!"

" White Knight Guardian, Neo!"

" Messiah...? What kind of clan is that?" Chrono ask

" You can find out while fighting." Aichi replied

" Fine then. Draw. I ride Maser Gear Dragon! Gunner Gear moves back. Turn end." Chrono declared

" Draw. I ride Holy Water Guardian, Lil! Neo moves back. With a boost from Neo, Lil attacks!" Aichi declared

" No guard!"

" Drive check. No trigger." Aichi declared

" Damage check. Nothing either." Chrono declared

" Turn end."

" Draw! Ride! Smoke Gear Dragon! Here I come! My Vanguard attacks!" Chrono declared

" No guard."

" Drive check. Critical trigger! I give everything to my Vanguard!" Chrono declared

" Damage check. Second check. No trigger." Aichi declared

" Turn end!"

" Weird... He would usually use Royal Paladin..." Shion said

" You mean this?" Kai ask

He held up Aichi's Royal Paladin deck.

" I'm holding it for him." Kai said

" But Royal Paladin is his main deck... He wouldn't change so suddenly, right?" Kamui ask

" You're right." Misaki said

" That's..." Kai said

" What is it?" Kamui ask

" Nothing..." Kai replied

" Stand and draw. I ride Daylight Guardian, Dawn! I call... Keeper of the Gate, Mark and Lucky Bell! Mark attacks first!" Aichi declared

" Guard!"

" Dawn attacks! Drive check. No trigger." Aichi declared

" Damage check. None here either." Chrono declared

" Lucky Bell attacks!" Aichi declared

" No guard."

" Turn end."

" But I didn't expect that... I thought..." Misaki said

" You're right... Messiah... Those memories from that time keeps coming back..." Kamui said

" You know that clan?" Tokoha ask

" Not much... We just know about it before..." Misaki replied

" I see..."

" Stand and draw! I ride... Chronojet Dragon! I call Gear Turtle and Pulverising Arm! Gear Turtle attacks Lucky Bell!" Chrono declared

" No guard."

" Now I've got rid of one of your intercepts!" Chrono said

Gear Turtle suddenly glowed and went to the drop zone.

" What?!"

" That's why he's called Lucky Bell. Once you get rid of him, the unit that attacked him will be sent to the drop zone as well." Aichi said

" Talk about lucky..." Tokoha said

" Shut up! Whatever! My Vanguard attacks!" Chrono declared

" Guard."

" Twin drive... Second check! No trigger... Pulverizing Arm attacks then!" Chrono declared

" No guard."

" Turn end."

" I stand and draw. The awakening of the legend draws near... The main Guardian enters the field! I ride... Guardian of the Messiah, Relix! I use his skill! Counterblast! I superior call two of my comrades to the field! Lucky Bell and Holy Water Guardian, Lil!" Aichi declared

" Darn it!" Chrono exclaimed

" Lucky Bell attacks Pulverising Arm first!" Aichi declared

" No guard..."

" Next, Relix attacks your Vanguard!" Aichi declared

" Guard!"

" He wasted some of his cards again..." Tokoha said

" Twin drive check... Second check... Critical trigger. I give all effects to Mark. With a boost from Lil, Mark attacks!" Aichi declared

" No guard..."

" Since the attack went through, Lil's skill activates. If the attack that she boosted hits, the unit behind the attacked unit gets retired." Aichi declared

" What?!"

Gunner Gear Dracokid was sent to the drop zone.

" Turn end. What are you going to do? I've gotten rid of your comrades." Aichi said

" I don't need comrades! Watch me! I'm gonna beat you this turn!" Chrono said

" He's getting fired up for no reason. Figures." Kai said

" Generation Zone: Release! Now, show me the world I truly desire! Stride Generation!" Chrono declared

He slammed the card from the G-Zone face up.

" Interdimensional Dragon, Chronos Command Dragon!" Chrono declared

" He's got it out." Shion said

" But... Something doesn't feel right here..." Kai thought

He looked over to Aichi as his eyes widened. Aichi's eyes glowed of a familiar power.

" Aichi, don't!" Kai shouted

Their surroundings started to change as they immediately recognized something familiar.

" The units! They're all..." Shion exclaimed

" ... Right in front of us..." Tokoha exclaimed

" This is just like that fight system I used before!" Chrono exclaimed

He tried to touch the unit and he could feel the unit itself.

" The one that I used was a hologram... But this is... Real..." Chrono exclaimed

" They're not holograms?!" Kamui exclaimed

" Kai! You know something! What did Aichi do?!" Misaki ask

" This place is... manifested by his new Psyqualia... This is what I had always called... Reality Image..." Kai said

" Reality Image?! What do you mean?!" Kamui ask

" Right now... we're really standing on Cray itself..." Kai said

" What?!"

" Whatever! Chronos Command Dragon attacks!" Chrono declared

" Perfect guard."

" Triple check... Second check... Third check... No trigger..." Chrono declared

" Now it's Aichi's turn..." Kai said

" Stand and draw. Generation Zone: Release! Stride Generation! Shine through the darkness of confusion, great light of truth! Harmonics Messiah!" Aichi declared

" You're kidding!" Kamui exclaimed

" What is this...?!" Chrono exclaimed

" Harmonics Messiah attacks!" Aichi declared

" No guard..."

" Triple check... Second check. Critical trigger! I give all effects to Harmonics Messiah! Third check... No trigger." Aichi declared

" Damage check... No trigger..." Chrono declared

The Reality Image started to disappear along with the units as Chrono kept his cards.

" Hey, that was a great fight." Chrono said

" Yes..."

Aichi stumbled backwards as Chrono quickly ran towards him. Kai hurriedly ran over to Aichi and caught him before he fell to the ground.

" Aichi! Aichi!"

" What happened?" Misaki ask

" I'm sorry. We need to go back now." Kai said, carrying Aichi on his back

" Kai! You better explain or we won't let you go back!" Kamui said

" It's not safe for Aichi right now! I need to go back before they come!" Kai said

" Before who comes?" Shion ask

" Save the questions for later! I need to get Aichi back home right now!" Kai said

" Then we'll follow!" Chrono said

" Alright..."

They ran out of the shop, leaving Shin alone to mend the shop.

" Hey, Kai! Your apartment is the other way!" Kamui said

" Let's just say we've sold that one and bought another one!" Kai said

" So are we arriving soon?!" Misaki ask

" We're here!" Kai said

They saw a house in front of them as Kai opened the lock and they ran into the house.

" Lock the door. I'm going to bring Aichi up to our room. In the meantime, try to seat somewhere away from the windows." Kai said

" Okay..."

Kai rushed up the stairs and opened the door to their room. He placed Aichi down on the bed and locked the windows and shut the curtains. He tucked Aichi in before rushing back down the steps.

" Sorry I took so long. Guardian Circle System!" Kai shouted

A stand suddenly appeared near the table where Kamui and the others were sitting at as Kai walked over to it and placed a card on it.

" Perdition Dragon, Rampart Dragon! Perfect guard!" Kai declared

A shield activated around the house as Kai turned to another stand that appeared beside him.

" Guys. Go and hide somewhere right now. Make sure nothing can see you." Kai said

" Why?! You haven't explained anything!" Kamui said

" I'll explain everything later. Hurry up! If you don't, we'll be in trouble!" Kai said

" G-Got it..."

They hid in cupboards as Kai ran up to the room to check on Aichi after making sure the others were hidden properly. He opened the door and saw Aichi awake.

" Toshiki-kun..."

" It's okay, Aichi. We're safe here." Kai assured

" I did it again, didn't I? What should we do, Toshiki-kun? At this rate..." Aichi said

" Don't worry. I won't let them take you away. No matter how dangerous it is, I will always protect you." Kai assured

A shadow zoomed past the curtain as Kai got Aichi below the window so that the shadow couldn't spot their own shadows.

" Toshiki-kun..."

" I've already set up a perfect guard. It won't be able to come in here." Kai said

They heard a roar as the ground suddenly shook. Kai held onto the shaking Aichi as the ground continued to shake until it stopped. The unknown shadow flew away as Kai checked a screen before heaving a sigh of relief.

" It's going back again. But the shield will stay put for now... You can rest assured now, Aichi. I'll go downstairs to tell the others about this. For now, you should keep resting. If you need me, I'll be in the living room." Kai said

Aichi nodded shakily as Kai carried him to the bed and tucked him in. After making sure he was asleep, Kai went down the stairs and headed to where the others were.

" You guys can come out now." Kai said

Kamui and the others came out of their hiding spots as they sat down on the sofa in the living room. Kai locked the glass door and closed the curtains after looking out of the sliding glass door. He then moved to the other windows around the house, he locked the windows and closed the curtains as well.

" What's going on, Kai? What was that just now?" Kamui ask

" That's... That thing that attacked this house is a unit... and it's sent here to capture Aichi..." Kai said

" Why would it do that?! In the first place, how and why is this happening?!" Chrono ask

" It all started after Aichi had went to Europe with me after graduating... We promised to fight together in the different Circuits around the world... But... Something unexpected had happened..." Kai explained

" We saw it too, Kai. Why? Why is Harmonics Messiah back?" Misaki ask

" That field that Aichi picked... It was where Harmonics Messiah was summoned..." Kai said

" That shrine?!" Tokoha exclaimed

" Of course, only the one who summoned Harmonics Messiah to this world would know the location of the shrine and have access to it... Remember? During the Messiah Scramble, the main reason why we were all called there to fight..." Kai said

" To summon Harmonics Messiah and save Cray's units from being deleted by the Deletors..." Kamui said

" I remember... You said Aichi was the one who summoned it... But I thought it had gone back to the shrine after that..." Misaki said

" No... I'm guessing that it felt Aichi's strong aura and his trust in his comrades that it had decided to stay by his side until it was the right time to reveal itself to him... Like just now, when it was popping out behind his back... It has a mind of its own and it follows Aichi around a lot." Kai explained

" But what does it have to do with Aichi and the unit just now?" Misaki ask

" Because of all that, Harmonics Messiah started to create units of its own in the shrine, making them into a single deck. It was doing it for Aichi. After it started to stick close to Aichi, it has been giving Aichi its own powers and letting him develop unknown powers. Like the Reality Image for example... And because of that, his Psyqualia changed into a more powerful Psyqualia, probably even more powerful than Takuto's, who gave him Psyqualia in the first place." Kai said

" Then... Brother Aichi doesn't know anything?" Kamui ask

" Yeah. He only knew when I told him about it... We thought it was probably normal for his powers to be uncontrollable and left it be. However... An organization somehow have a technology that could detect his powers. At their discovery of Aichi's powers, they researched on us and found out about the Messiah Scramble. Then... I don't know how but they managed to bring some of the Link Joker units back here on Earth... Once they did that, they started to go after Aichi using those units. After our first encounter with them, Aichi started to develop a fear of using his newly discovered powers since the organization can only detect him if he uses his powers. We kept travelling all over the world in order to avoid all those people, beating different fighters. Eventually, we came back here with all the prize money from the Circuits all over the world and used the money to buy this house. The extra money was used to build the equipments that you saw just now." Kai explained

" So, you can see whether the enemy is coming or not?" Shion ask

" Yeah. The device that I used just now was enhanced by Aichi's new power. There are more around this house and they can be activated. That's why we chose this place, where not much people come or live here." Kai said

" But it's dangerous too." Misaki said

" I know but we needed to keep the city out of danger as well. We were lucky we made it back in time too. The unit had arrived just after I had put the shield up." Kai said

" Then why is that organization after him?" Chrono ask

" I told you just now. The chosen one of Harmonics Messiah is the only one who knows where the shrine is. Plus, Aichi's already been chosen as the shrine's ruler. Harmonics Messiah's decision had caused confusion for us." Kai said

" I'm sure the shrine holds tremendous power. That's why they're after Brother." Kamui said

" That's right. But..." Kai said

He pressed a button as a glass case elevated up.

" What's that?" Chrono ask

" As long as they don't get their hands on this, Aichi won't be able to lead them to the shrine. That's because this headpiece can tap into more of Aichi's powers and give him the location of the shrine. We haven't tried it yet, so it's hard to say. But since Harmonics Messiah is the one who gave it, we had to keep it safe from them so that they won't be able to use Aichi." Kai said

" Then you're saying that his powers are already equal to the shrine?" Misaki ask

" Not exactly. His powers might even exceed what the shrine holds, that's why the organization was after him. All they needed to do is to get Aichi into the shrine, put him on the throne and harness his powers for their own use." Kai said

" Who's the leader?" Kamui ask

" We don't know yet. However, I might have a suspicion that it has something to do with the Vanguard Association." Kai replied

" Seriously?!"

" You saw it, didn't you? That quest and the name..." Kai said

" You mean... The leader is in the Association?!" Shion exclaimed

" Probably. Maybe some of the organization's members are inside it too... They're using the quest board to their benefit... At this rate, those people who don't know about him will be..." Kai said

" Then... He's real?! There can't be two of you! How did they bring him back?!" Kamui exclaimed

" Link Joker. They made a replica power of it using the fragment of the Seed. Although it's weak, it will spread with every defeated fighters around the world. At the rate of things, we might even go back to three years ago..." Kai said

" No way... There's no way! We just got Brother back! What if the same thing happens again?! Won't we all be back to square one?!" Kamui exclaimed

" Calm down, Kamui." Misaki said

" You're right... I don't want it to happen again either. That's why I want to protect Aichi and make sure nothing happens to him!" Kai said

" We'll join in too." Misaki said

" You're right... It's time for Team Q4 to come back again!" Kamui said

" I don't know what was that about. But I think I'll join. The fate of the world is at stakek right?" Chrono ask

" But..."

" We'll be fine! Please let us help!" Tokoha said

" Me too!" Shion said

" Everyone... Alright! But there's one thing I need to warn you about... Don't accept any quests from that Reversed 'R' mark..." Kamui warned

" Yes!"

" I'm going up for awhile. If you want, you guys can stay here for a night. We have extra rooms here." Kai sad

" You're right. It's safer with the shield put up too." Misaki said

" Yeah."

Kai went up the stairs to the room as he walked over to the bed. Aichi woke up after Kai had sat on the bed.

" Toshiki-kun... Is it gone?" Aichi ask

" Yeah. The shield will still be up until tomorrow, just in case." Kai replied

" Alright... What about the others?" Aichi ask

" They'll be staying over tonight. But are you alright now? Feeling any better?" Kai ask

" Yes... Toshiki-kun. Maybe... We should consider staying at Cray instead... It's safer that way and we won't endanger many people..." Aichi said

" I know that Blaster Blade mentioned it before but we don't even know Cray so well, how are we going to stay there? We can't be escorted every single day with guards around us." Kai said

" You're right... And the shrine is around there too... Only I could located the shrine using the Fica..." Aichi said

" Don't worry. We'll figure out a way. Besides, we have some friends to help us too. We will beat that organization and we will protect you, Aichi. Don't be afraid." Kai said

" But I'm the cause and I'm endangering everyone who are trying their best to help me..." Aichi said

" You're not. Nobody's blaming you. It's the fault of that organization. We will get to the bottom of this, don't worry." Kai said

" Yeah..."

There were some ringing as Kai pressed a button and a screen came down.

" I saw that unit passing by just now. Is Aichi-kun safe?" The person ask

" Yeah. We were able to get back in time. How are things going at your side?" Kai ask

" No progress. We tried following that unit before, but it disappears into a Vanguard Circle soon after." The person replied

" That organization is good at hiding..." Kai said

" Yeah. But we are getting some progress here, if there's any problem, don't hesitate to call us." The person said

" Yeah. Thank you." Kai said

" No problem. Aichi-kun, don't blame yourself too much. You'll put too much stress on your body. As it is right now, we can't help you directly but please try to keep it together. We're all in this together, right?" The person ask

" You're right... Thank you..." Aichi thanked

" Then we're leaving him in your hands, Kai. Until next time!" The person said

" Yeah."

The screen turned off and went back up.

" It's already night... You should go make dinner for the others." Aichi said

" I doubt so. They looked so tired that I figured they would be knocked out immediately the minute they hit the pillows." Kai said

" You're right..." Aichi said, sweat dropping

" Then, we should really go to sleep now." Kai said

" You sleep. I've slept enough already." Aichi said

" No. You still need your rest. Besides, I think you'll hate to know what's outside. Sometimes, I heard the units flying around the house, trying to come in." Kai said

" Really?"

" Yeah. I don't want you getting scared so you should try to sleep a little more..." Kai said

" Alright..."

He turned off the lights and laid down beside Kai.

" You don't have to worry about a single thing. I promised that I would protect you when I proposed to you and I will keep to my promise." Kai said

" Yeah... I remember that... Good night, Toshiki-kun..." Aichi said

" Good night, Aichi." Kai said

Both fell asleep as the night deepens.

And that's the end of this chapter! Who do you guys think the enemy is?! Find out in the upcoming chapters! I'll see everyone in the next chapter!