Diclaimer : A kind reminder to everyone stating I do not own any part of Fairy Tail , I only own this humble fanfiction .

Chapter 5

Sting's POV

I regret this so much . Maybe I should have listened to Lucy when she suggested we took a job in Magnolia Town itself so that if something were to come up , we would be closer to the guild . If something come up ? Something always come up and we will always be there when it happened , she knows that . I wonder what's wrong with her , she's been acting weird lately . Well , weirder than usual . Now here I was , sprawled on the wooden floor of the train as it heads to many towns in the south , our stop was Clover Town . Leave it to Erza to punch someone unconscious , thinking it would ease their motion sickness .


Today was a sunny day . The light from the natural morning alarm shone through the cracks in between the window blinds as I blink my eyes open slowly , taking it all in . Strectching , my body immediately sat up and I yawned . Where was I again ? Oh yeah , Lucy's bed . Don't get me wrong ! I wasn't doing anything . In the middle of the night ,my best friend's heater in the living room stopped working and it was freezing . I had two options : Go back home in the rain in which I get soaked and potentially end up ill , leading to intake of bitter and disgusting medicines or , climb slowly into Lucy's bed so that I can not only enjoy the warmth from the heater but the natural warmth emitting from her body but risk being kicked out of her apartment by being thrown out the window but then again , what's new ? Ignoring the cold and remaining laying on the couch was out of the question . If there is someone who knows Lucy the best , it's me . Many not believe this but she is a heavy sleeper . Like really heavy . So , it was a bonus that I slipped in next to her without waking her up . I smiled as I looked over to see Lucy's angelic features as her mouth opened slightly to let out a few small cute snores . Lately , I've been having these urges to just stare at her face as many times as possible . Of course doing it out in the open at any time of the day was impossible unless you were willing to risk being called a creep and getting a glare back from her which was threatening . Luce can really be scary at times , scarier than Erza that is .

After having a quick bath and getting yelled at Lucy about not coming here when I pleased , we both head out to the guild , in search of that job request . I felt my blood boil when that clingy freak and Lucy made eye contact . It was already bad enough that he made out with her , now they were acknowledging each other out in the open and in front of me?! Hell no . Before anything could go any further , I yanked on her arm a bit harder than I wished and dragged her to the job request board . Nab as usual was staring at the pieces of paper that was pinned to the board , without doing anything . He gave both of us a simple 'hey' before going back to examining the job offers . While Lucy was ranting to me on not simply pulling her away like that and telling me she knows how to walk , I reach for a job request that looked like quite a challenge and the reward was more than great . Knowing that Lucy would go on and on about her rent , I shoved the flyer in her face . "W-What Sting..." , she muttered against the paper before grabbing the paper out of my hand . It said :

Seeking the help of Fairy Tail wizards to aid in bringing down a dark guild that consists of highly-trained ex-guards that were from the Magic Council and a few dragon slayers . A reasonable amout of wizards , a preferably four is requested to get this job done . The reward is 800,000 Jewels per guild . Collaboration of wizards from Blue Pegasus and Sabertooth will be made .

The Magic Council.

The magic council requesting a job offer ? How odd . One minute they want to rid our town of us and the next they request our help , I thought to myself . Maybe they were warming up to us or something . "So what do you think , eh , Luce ?", I asked her before slinging an arm around her shoulder . This gesture made her shift uncomfortably in her place and I frowned . Did I do something wrong or what ? "Sting...don't you think we should try to get a job that is less , you know , destructive for the moment ? My rent is due and by the time we finish this job , that 800,000 Jewels would sink in our pockets to a miserable 100,000 Jewels ." , she said before looking at me from the the side . Knowing that she would definitely win any argument with her fancy words , I grasp her wrist with my right hand before pulling her to the bar where I asked Mira to chop the job request paper . "Sting ! I am not a child , I can walk and so help me if you don't , I will-" , by now I was ignoring her as the takeover mage laugh when I flung Lucy over my shoulder . "Lucy , what have yoou been eating ? You need to go on a diet cause you're getting heavier than stripper already ." , I said , trying to avert her attention away from the job we have just taken . That did the job .

She started using her fist to pound on my back as she started denying the fact that she was heavy and saying that I should not call a girl heavy . To be honest , she was light as a feather , yeah , maybe parts of her were heavy but- I started blushing slightly at the thought of her parts but was cut short when I sighted the exhibitionist and the cake monster . As usual , Freed was stripped and that freaky Juvia was stalking him behind one of the pillars while Erza was finishing her strawberry cake . "Yo , Erza , stripper ! Me and Luce are going on a job , let's go ." , was all I said and Freed started arguing with me as usual . "Who you calling stripper , you torchlight ?" and obviously I argued back but I could see he was moving away from the table and was walking our way . "Are you two fighting ?" , Erza asked in her deadly aura and both of us faked smiled at each other before replying , "N-No , Erza , we're j-just having a nice chat !" . At this , a small giggle was heard coming from my back . Oh , Lucy , I almost forgot about her . The four of us walked out of the guild , make that three considering I had Luce on my shoulder and we headed for the dreaded train . Oh and for your info , Luce , you are the only girl I call heavy .

Lucy's POV

Why did I even agree to do this ? I sighed as my arm around the bag that was on my lap tighten its hold . Yeah sure , going on a job always did calm my nerves but that was when I was in Earthland ! Not in this...this...freaky place ! I had to pretend and act like the Lucy in this world would . I thought I did a pretty good job at it until Sting wrapped his arm around my shoulder . I know , I know , Earthland Sting had changed after the Grand Magic Games and all plus with him being the guild master of Sabertooth but I can't help- Wait . Wasn't it written on the flyer that we would be collaborating with Sabertooth ? Not to mention , with Blue Pegasus ? Please don't tell me the people there are off character . I closed my eyes tightly as I muttered the words in my heart , "Oh please , oh please , don't let that happen ." .

"Hey Lucy , you alright ?"

My eyes snap open to see the person sitting in front of me with his eyes burrowed . "Y-Yeah , I'm great ." , I gave a nervous laugh and Freed raises his eyebrow . Since Sting decided to lay on the floor and enjoy his agony down there , the green-haired mage took the seat beside me before patting my head softly . At this , I flinched and he pulled his hand away , his eyes registered shock . My face turned slightly red in embarassment . Stupid Lucy , stupid Lucy . "I-I'm sorry Freed , I'm still a bit light-headed from yesterday ." , I manage to croak out before reluctantly placing my hand over his that was laid on the space between both of us . He seemed to have relax before holding my hand , "You know , you can talk to me about anything , Lucy ." , he said and my heart was pounding in my chest . Why does my body react to every physical reaction I have with the person of the opposite sex ? Ignoring the feeling , I simply mumbled , "I feel like I am in a totally different world at the moment ." . Literally . That question did not seem to phase him , "Why do you say that ?" , he asked .

"Y-You see , so many things are different now . The way I look at people , they way they look at me . It's just so overwhelming ." , I chose my words carefully .

He seemed to be deep in thought . After awhile , he took his handkerchief out and placed on his palm , "Can you see my handkerchief ?" , he askeed . Huh ? "Look Freed , if you don't have-" , I was cut short when his tone turned serious a bit as he asked me again . Sighing , I nod , he then moved his fingers on his left hand with the handkerchief in and formed a fist , stuffing the piece of cloth between his fingers and palm . "Can you still see it ?" , he asked again .

"No ."

"But is it still inside there ?"

"Obviously ."

At this , he smiled softly before pulling the cloth piece out and placing it back in his pocket . He then faced me . "You see , everything , the people around you , the objects , the air and basically everything you see and know of is the handkerchief . You could see the handkerchief when it was out in the open but when it was in my fist , you couldn't . The same thing , people do change but not very often and not very drastically , when we see people in a completely different light , it is not they who are different , it is us . Another example is when you blow into the air , just because you blew it and you can't see it , doesn't mean it's not there , right ? What I am trying to say , Lucy , is that when things seem different , it just means that we are the ones that see them differently ." .

To say I was surprised was an understatement . Freed who is this world's Gray I suppose still has a part of him inside . Earthland Gray has his moments but not moments like these . I smiled softly as I thought about everyone . Me seeing everyone in a whole different light ? What does that even mean ? I just everything back to normal . But some how , Freed's words made me feel at ease a bit , like maybe all I need to do is see the people I know for who they are and accept them . Maybe Natsu being a destructive guy who blows off all our money by eating and causing a whole town into ruins was not that bad . Remembering Freed , I turned my body to face him and gave him a wide grin . "Thank you , Freed ." , I mumbled before reaching forward and placing a soft kiss on his left cheek . I could feel him stiffen slightly before I heard a low growl coming from the floor . Was that Sting ? Nah , it can't be . After pulling back , I noticed the rune mage blush a deep red . Yeap , he was still Freed .

Freed's POV

Wha-What is going on ? It was a simple peck on the cheek in which she was just displaying a sign of gratitude for helping her solve her predicament . Wait . Did I just say that ? Hearing Sting growl was quite satisfying . Everyone but Lucy knows that that torchlight has a crush on the blond Celestial wizard . Seriously , this is like some dramatic romance serial crap . As the train halt to a stop , the man that was laying on the floor of their coach finally got some sense in and he groggily stood up before almost tumbling on his way out . When we were all outside , on the train platform , the blond dragon slayer dramatically kisses the floor . I cringe in disgust , trying to figure out how many people actually stepped on the same ground with who-knows-what under their shoes .

Sting was about to say something when he started sniffing the air like a dog . "Hey , dog ! What re you sniffin' at ?" , I asked , smirking . That got his attention . "Who you calling a dog , you pervert ?" , he replied . "Who are you calling a pervert , you dumb blond ?" , at this point we were in front of each others faces .

"My , my , don't tell me Fairy Tail is bringing the party outside now . Man ." , a hoarse voice said .

Both of us turned to the side to see a certain lightning dragon slayer and the other members of Blue Pegasus .

Lucy's POV

"Laxus ?!" , I shrieked but as soon as that came out of my mouth , I clamp my hand over my mouth .

At that , the blond muscular man turn his attentionto blond woman . Before anyone could say anything , Laxus held Lucy's hand to his mouth , or more like his nose . "You have a strong parfum . Man ." . A shiver ran up her back and she felt the hair on her back standing . This land Ichiya is Earthland Laxus . All she wanted to do know was scream but she supressed the scream and forcibly smiled . She immediately pulled her hand away and asked the question that was lingering in her mind , "Laxus , how come I did not see you in the guild ? Were you on a mission ?" . Everyone gasped around her except for Laxus and obviously , herself . The question seemed to brighten his eyes as he...danced around her ? Definitely Ichiya . The sight was hilarious and she was biting the insides of her cheeks to stop her from laughing . Laxus dancing around her on his tiptoes as his arms were in the air , fingers together like a ballerina . In contrast with Ichiya's short and small body , Laxus was buffy and tall . But she was more horrified than amused . Laxus's face that was slightly rough and bore a scar over his right eye was now replaced by shiny and smooth skin , the , she presumed , battle scar was nowhere to be found . Scratch Freed being an exact replica of Gray . Laxus even looks slightly like Ichiya .

She was caught off guard when he started smelling her hair , not directly but his nose hovered over her blond locks . "You smell like fresh strawberries . Man ." , he murmured softly into her ears and she was trying her best not to kick him there and then so that he could reply her unanswered question . "Have you missed me so much , my dear Lucy ? Your love is like a river and my heart is like the boat , continuously floating along it . Without your love , my boat of a heart would stop . Man ." , he continued as he places his hands now on my shoulder from the back . A kick was about to come his way as I could not take it any longer but Sting interrupted by pulling me by my hand towards him . "What do you think you are doing to her , Laxus ?" , he growled slightly as his eyes were replaced with those you see when Natsu was to battle an enemy head on .

The lightning dragon slayer only laughed as he replied , "Do not worry , Sting . I only belong to my one and only Erza . Her parfum is more intoxicating than anyone elses ." , before dancing his way to the scarlet-haired woman in armour . When he made his way to her , he inhaled the air around her , "Erza , my darling , your scent is like Oxygen itself . The only way I could ever survive is by being near you and smelling your sweet cake scent ." . I pitied her a bit when I saw that her reaction was same as mine , her shivering but she did not hold back when she kicked him , sending the noe flying Laxus who knows where , "Let's see whether you can survive or not now ." , sme mumbled and she was turning back to normal from her annoyed and angry look .

"Lucy ?"

I look up to find Sting nuzzling the hair on my head slightly , "You okay ?" . Then did I realized that I was still in his arms , against his chest . I blushed furiously before nodding . He then lifted his hand and placed it on my forehead , my blush deepening . "I guess you are not fully recovered from yesterday . I was starting to think that you were actually asking him that question seriously ." . Of course it was serious ! After awhile , Sting seemed to notice our position because he let me go . I could see his cheeks held a slight pink to it . Although he was not really Natsu , he still had his warmth a bit .

Ignoring this feeling , I turn around to see Bixslow talking to two other men , Eve and Ren . Weird . The spirit controller mage would only interact with people from the guild , mostly the Thunder Tribe . I was about to go over and ask him why he and Laxus was here too when I noticed his tongue . I stop in mid-stride and took in the tattoo of the Blue Pegasus guild that was on his tongue .

Hey guys ! I am not sure whether I will be updating next week as I will be super busy for Christmas and New Years , but that doesn't mean I forgot you guys ! Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year !

.P.S. Love = Reviews

-The Fandom Otaku-kun