Musical Hands: chapter 20
Summary: Kakashi had been listening to an anonymous piano player for years till silence. After years of silence,his heart is picked up by the sound of music once more and goes looking with his close comrades. Finding a scarred beauty. FemNaruto has always hidden her real gender till one day she is no longer able to. A scarring incident stopping her from living her life, till she met kakashi.
Naruto sat on the steps of the home she once occupied as Narumi. The front gates wide open as she sat in the open air. "Well, not anymore," She thought as her hands caressed her large bump. A soft smile was on her lips as she hummed lightly, waiting for Kakashi to find her. She had been by his apartment and saw that all of his belongings were gone. As tempting as it was, Naruto didn't kill Danzo. The man was defenceless and dying. Naruto opted for telling him about all the things she would do to his dead carcass before leaving. The sweet taste of revenge was so tempting and she was tethering on the edge before Kurama called out to her. Bringing her back to reality. That wasn't who she was and Naruto would never be that person.
Tucking a long strand of hair behind her ears, Naruto knew that Kakashi would be furious. She would accept his need to overwhelm her. "I'm a terrible mate, doing all of this to you and yet he still wants me," Naruto whispered to herself. Kakashi had let her go on with her selfish desires and she had left him behind to handle it all. Naruto swore that she'd make it up to Kakashi. Drown him in affection, take care of him, and cater to his needs just as he had for her.
Naruto felt her spine tingle and looked up. Her eyes wide as Kakashi stood at the entrance of the gate. Naruto stood and took a hesitant step down the stairs. "Kakashi," She whispered hesitantly. Her hands trembled as bundled them into her clothing, lips parched as she watched her mate breath heavily in frustration.
"I'm so mad at you right now, Naruto Uzumaki," Kakashi growled, seeing his mate freeze to her spot and look to the ground in shame. "You will communicate with me clearly from now on. You will trust and rely on me, your mate, from now on."
Naruto nodded, taking a deep breath she continued her walk towards the Hatake. She wasn't afraid of him when he was like this. She knew why she was being scolded by Kakashi and accepted it. "I promise, Kakashi." Raising a shaky hand, Naruto clutched onto his vest. She looked up at him, seeing the hurt and need in his eye. "I'm sorry, Kakashi. I was planning on killing Danzo, I didn't want him alive. I don't want him breathing. I...I couldn't bring myself to kill a defenceless man." She looked away in shame, again. There was still a chance the crazed man could hurt her family. Her mate. "I should've let you know how I was feeling." Naruto's eye widened when Kakashi pulled her into his strong embrace. Feeling protected in his arms, Naruto cried, "I don't want him to hurt our family. I'm so tired of it–of him controlling my life. I don't want to keep running anymore. Hiding behind a fake name. I'm so tired, Kakashi."
"And he won't and you'll never have to look over your shoulder ever again," Kakashi swore, holding his mate securely. He was still mad at her leaving and he was still dead set on making her know why she shouldn't leave his bed. However, for now, his family was in trouble. "He won't lay even a breath on you or our children. I promise, Naruto." He pressed a firm kiss to her forehead as she wrapped her arms around him. He felt warm when she buried her head into his chest. Moments like this were more intimate than the sex they shared. Feeling at utter peace with one another. Kakashi pulled back and wiped the tears from her beautiful eyes, "We'll be okay, Naruto. With you and I working together, nothing will bring us down. Together, okay?"
Naruto nodded, "Thank you for loving a selfish person like me. I'm such a bitch"
Kakashi chuckled, "I should be thanking you for loving a monster like me. Besides, you may be a bitch but I fell for your bright soul."
Naruto whacked his middle, "You're not a monster." She gave him a soft smile at his odd compliment. There was a hint of teasing in his voice but Naruto could easily tell that he was still upset with her.
"Not to you, dear." He kissed her forehead again. He could feel that his mate was still in a bad mood and scooped her up in his arms. Enjoying her squeal of surprise. "I want to show you something."
"It better not be something perverted," Naruto joked, running the palm of her hand over his masked cheek. Waiting till they were deep in the forest to pull his mask down and took in his beauty. The way his smile pushed his cheeks up and the little mole under his lip that added to his charm. She could feel that he was still upset with her and she would accept that. She was in the wrong this time. Foolish for playing with his feelings and she would do everything to change that.
"No, not yet," Kakashi replied and nipped at her finger when it got close to his lips. "This is more important at the moment than my need to discipline you." Kakashi groaned as he smelt Naruto's arousal. The blonde looked away in embarrassment, "Honestly, I should just withhold all sexual activity to punish you at this point."
Naruto gasped, "You wouldn't?" Knowing that would undoubtedly work. The way Kakashi made her feel with a single touch was electrifying and at times was overwhelming, but Naruto relished in it. She enjoyed his affection and she had a feeling that he enjoyed giving it. For such an aloof man, it would freak others' out.
"If it gets my point across then I'll suffer through it, too," Kakashi said seriously. Enjoying the way she glared at him. There was no heat to her gaze but the way she scrunched up his nose and puffed out her cheeks had mesmerised Kakashi. "As much as I love the staring, you should look over there." Kakashi nodded his head for the blonde to look in the opposite direction. He watched her carefully as her eyes widened and a gentle gasp left her lips. He saw the tears pool in her eyes but her grateful smile let him know that she was happy as she sobbed at the sight.
"You fixed it!" Naruto cried, seeing her safe haven repaired to its former glory with slight changes. The walkway to the piano now had railings and so did the pavilion, with a little gate that could open so she could jump in and out of the water with ease. The wood was even coated instead of being in its natural state. The piano – Oh the piano was magnificent. Black and glossy as it stood proudly in the pavilion. Naruto returned her gaze to Kakashi and felt an overwhelming need to claim him.
Grabbing his head, Naruto pulled him down and claimed his lips hungrily. "Thank you," she pulled away to give her thanks gently. Touching his cheek as he hummed in response. "Thank you so much."
"What's better is that I placed seals around too." Kakashi ran towards the pavilion, making Naruto laugh lightly. He reached the pavilion, his hand moving along the railings until he found the seal and unsealed a large cream-coloured chaise chair. Kakashi placed Naruto down and peppered her face in kisses, making her giggles turn into moans as his kisses got longer and more sensual.
"K-Kakashi," Naruto moaned, arching her back off the chair and he nibbled on the junction between her neck and shoulder. "We're in the open."
Kakashi groaned, "I know. Can't have others looking at you like this." A wolfish grin spread over his teasing lips. "I know I rushed into this with you but we can take things slowly. Step by step."
Naruto arched a brow, "We both know that we aren't capable of taking things slowly. We're not like the other traditional families in Konoha and we never will be. A demon and a monster."
Kakashi chuckled, showing off the contours of his face, "You said I wasn't a monster."
"You know what I mean," Naruto scoffed and flicked Kakashi's nose. "I don't want slow. I want you and all our screw-ups as a couple."
Kakashi looked down at his mate adoringly, "You know, Naruto, you're quite the romantic when you're not running away."
"Kakashi!" Naruto's face turned bright red. She took a deep breath when his chest vibrated in mirth at his teasing, "Then get used to it cause I'm not running away ever again. I swear on it and Naruto Uzumaki never goes back on her word."
Kakashi paused, regarding Naruto seriously. Her eyes were sparkling yet the stubbornness set in her face told him everything. She was going to love him, going to live with them until they were both old and wrinkly, going to marry him, and going to support him with everything fibre of her being. Besides being his mate, she was going to be his best friend. Kakashi smiled, "No, no she doesn't."
Naruto grinned.
"But," Kakashi started, seeing her beautiful grin whither, "Don't think for a second that your romantic declarations get you out of your punishment. It'll happen when you least expect it and It'll be wonderful."
Naruto paled when Kakashi's smile reminded her of Sai. "O-oh."
"Yes, oh indeed."
Five years later:
"Sakumo and Minato Hatake! If you two don't get your asses down here this instant I will shred your manga collection!" Naruto bellowed, waving around a wooden spoon as she stood at the foot of the stairs. A warm arm wrapped around her waist and she found herself being pulled into a strong embrace. She felt her body relax instantly in his embrace as his unmasked lips touched the side of her temple.
"Tsunade-sama is going to get mad at you again for working yourself up," Kakashi warned lightly as he heard his sons screams and cluttering to race to the breakfast table. Kakashi pulled Naruto aside just as two silver-haired rascals tumbled down the stairs. "Pups, what have I told you about staying up late?"
The tangle of twins looked up their parents sheepishly. However, they gulped when their mother cleared her throat and looked down at them threateningly. Their father was content to just hold her in his arms. It was a terrifying image of their parents.
"I-it won't happen again," Minato, the eldest of the twins quickly spat out. Untangling himself from his baby brother and rubbed behind his head sheepishly. "We promise, mama."
"We big time promise, mama." Sakumo chirped in. His smile so big behind his mask that it makes his chubby cheeks squeeze his eyes closed.
Naruto felt her brow twitch. They always said the same things but would end up reading till who knows when. "I suppose it's better than having you two running around pranking the village." She saw their big blue eyes looked up at her innocently and felt a tingle up her spine. Naruto groaned and rubbed her throbbing forehead, "The first day hasn't even started yet. Please go easy on your teacher today and keep the damage to a minimal."
"We'll wait till the third period!" Sakumo cheered, "And hit them when they least expect it." His silver fringed covered his left eye as he bounced up and down. He looked to his brother expectantly, "Did you pack the smoke bombs?"
Minato gave a smug look, fanning out the paper seals in his hands, "I even have the glitter bombs."
The twins laughed.
"Those are my pups!" Kakashi cheered, ushering his boys to the breakfast table. He could hear Naruto whisper, voice filled with dread.
"Oh kami, Konoha will never survive."
Kakashi looked over his shoulder. Although her voice was completely different from the shine in her eyes as they cast down at her growing belly. They decided to keep the gender a secret but Kakashi knew how much Naruto wanted a girl and so did he. With Tsunade betting that they were having a boy, it was more than likely that their wish was going to come true.
Minato tugged on his dad's sleeve. "Neh Papa?"
"Yes, pup?" Kakashi faced his eldest son and regretted looking when he saw the devious look in his blue eyes.
"I bet that I love mama more than you!" Minato boasted.
Sakumo laughed and clapped his hands, "No way, I love mama more than papa!"
Kakashi felt his brow twitch furiously and growled lowly at his challenging boy, "Why you little–"