Game of Thrones: A Night to Remember

Chapter 1 of my new Game of Thrones story, enjoy.

We're now in the second part of my GOT marathon; we've reached the modern AUs; hope you enjoy it.

Disclaimer: Game of Thrones belongs to George R.R. Martin.

Chapter 1

Sixteen year old Arya Stark glared as she sat in the cafeteria at school. She was sitting with her siblings, her older sister, eighteen year old Sansa and younger brother fifteen year old Bran. They had two other siblings, twenty year old Robb, who had already graduated and ten year old Rickon, who wasn't yet old enough to be in High School with them. Also present were her sibling's friends; none of hers went to this school. Bran was seated in his wheelchair, flanked by his best friends, the Reed siblings; children of their father's close friend Howland Reed. The two could not be more different; the younger of the two, Jojen Reed, was the same age as Bran and rather quiet and serious. His sister Meera was older, at eighteen, yet she was bright and cheerful nearly all the time. She had nothing to prove her suspicions, but she suspected there might be something more than friendship between Bran and Meera. Shaking her head she looked over at Sansa, glaring; Sansa was sitting, possibly holding hands under the table, with her boyfriend, Podrick Payne. She was also chatting with two of her friends, Jeyne Poole and Margaery Tyrell; like Sansa, all three of them were eighteen.

It was Sansa and her friends, which were the source of Arya's frustration, almost as much as the annoying, brightly coloured posters that were spread throughout the school. The posters contained the announcement of the upcoming school prom; open to students from Sophomore to Senior Year. Therefore those aged sixteen to eighteen. The moment the posters appeared, it had set off a storm of excited chatter and gossip; not in the least, from Sansa and her friends. Arya however; was annoyed and frustrated by it.

'Ugh, this stupid thing again.' She thought angrily. 'It's so pointless; yet Sansa's so excited, like it's a once in a lifetime thing. It's just getting dressed up and dancing, she does that anyway with her friends, when they go out to the nightclubs.'

Shaking her head Arya continued to eat; wishing she could shut her ears off, to block out the constant chatter.

Sansa's expression was brightly animated as she spoke. "This is going to be fantastic."

The other girls nodded, with Jeyne replying.

"OMG we definitely need to go shopping for the night. If we aren't quick we won't find any good dresses that might clash with someone else."

Arya rolled her eyes at that; it amazed her that Jeyne acted this way. She couldn't understand why the girl pretended to be such an airhead. Once, during detention, Arya had accidentally caught a glimpse of recently printed off report cards and Jeyne's showed she was rather intelligent academically. Her only F grade being for Gym; but that was mainly due to her clumsiness. The rest were all B and C grades, there was even an A grade which had surprised Arya.

As Arya continued to try and ignore them; slightly envious at how easy it was for Bran to do so; using his finger to block one ear while listening to an iPod with the headphone in his other ear. Meera was doing the exact same thing; while Jojen found his distraction in a book.

Margaery shook her head, smiling before saying genuinely. "It's a shame the prom is only open to that specific age group. You won't be able to bring your boyfriend Jeyne."

Jeyne blushed at that; she was dating Robb's best friend, Theon Greyjoy, who had also graduated.

"I know." Jeyne replied. "But I'll survive, it's just one night and you know Theon, he likes me to have fun."

The other girls nodded at that, Podrick had been quiet the whole time, smiling lightly. Arya wasn't surprised; Podrick was shy at the best of times; only really opening up around Sansa. He choose that moment to lean in, pressing a kiss to Sansa's temple, making her face light up all over again.

"I wouldn't worry too much girls; I'm sure you'll all look great no matter what you wear." He told them.

The girls all smiled at him while Arya rolled her eyes. 'Oh Gods how cheesy is that, I can't take this anymore.'

She stood up, prompting her siblings to look up at her.

"I'm finished now, I'll see you guys after school." She said as calmly as she could before leaving, depositing of the remains of her lunch on the way.

Despite this; Arya could not escape the whole nonsense about the upcoming prom. Everywhere she looked she saw one of those damn posters; or overheard more girls gossiping about it. As such she was still in a bad mood when she got in Sansa's car at the end of the day. Sansa and Bran were already in the car and had begun driving home. Arya's slim hope that she had now escaped all that nonsense vanished with Sansa's next words.

"So Bran, did Meera say anything about the prom?"

Bran shook his head. "No; she didn't…I don't, think she's going."

Sansa nodded slowly at this. "Really; did she give any hint why?"

Arya had to applaud Sansa's cleverness; Sansa had much the same suspicions about Bran and Meera as Arya had. She was trying to see if Bran would slip up and reveal something. However he didn't he simply shrugged and luckily Sansa dropped the subject.

'Thank the Gods, if she kept going on about prom without any break…' Arya thought to herself; trying to keep her anger from bursting out.

Finally they arrived home and helped Bran from the car to his wheelchair. They then headed inside. Arya immediately darted upstairs, threw herself on the bed and picked up her phone. None of her friends went to her school; but contrary to Sansa's thoughts, that didn't mean she didn't have any. There was one friend in particular, the one she was about to call; Gendry Waters.

She bit her lip; her relationship with Gendry was a strange one. They were best friends, they practically shared everything. It was true Gendry could be a bit annoying at times, or seem dense; but Arya didn't mind that. He didn't mind her temper, or her simply calling him stupid and hitting him. Being at least twice her size it wasn't as if her blows actually hurt him. Yet despite her usual disdain for what she called 'mushy stuff', she couldn't deny she had a strong attraction to Gendry.

'I suppose it helps that he's good lucking, muscular, always seems to be missing his shirt when I show up at his house.' She thought to herself, grinning at the last thought.

All this sort of confused things for her though; she couldn't work out if Gendry was just a special friend to her, or if she actually loved him. While she hadn't said anything, she had noticed him acting in a similar way and that worried her, if he felt the same way about her. She was worried that they'd end up talking about it, try dating and it would go wrong. She was afraid that, if that was the case, it would negatively impact their friendship. Shaking her head she focused again; she unwound her light brown hair from its braid, inherited from her father along with grey eyes and long face, unlike the rest of the family who took after their mother. She was still frustrated about the prom and all the unnecessary hype about it. Gendry always proved himself a good outlet for her frustrations, listening to her and somehow even calming her.

She called him and waited for his answer. Finally he picked up the phone.

"Hey Arry." He greeted her cheerfully.

She sighed. "Hey Gendry; what's up."

She didn't even bother to hide the frustration in her voice.

"Oh, somebody is grumpy." He remarked.

Arya rolled her eyes. "Yeah well; Prom is coming and until it is over and fades from Sansa's memories, I'll be trapped in her rambling about it."

She heard Gendry groan before sarcastically remarking. "Ah, the infamous prom."

Arya smirked; she knew Gendry held similar views to prom as she did, that was why he had avoided his own.

"Well, to be frank Arya, this thing about Sansa." Gendry said after a brief pause. "It's only because she likes it so much…sound familiar?"

Arya grimaced; just like that her frustration was turned on its head. Gendry was right; she was just as bad.

She replied. "Yeah, you're right; I'm just as bad when I talk about things I'm passionate about…I must drive Sansa mad with that."

She could heard Gendry's laughed and shook her head.

"Well, I guess I'll just have to endure it; it might annoy me but…then again, I've annoyed Sansa." She replied.

Gendry then spoke reassuringly. "You'll manage; don't worry. Remember, if it ever gets too much, you're always welcome to come here. My mum would love to see you again."

Arya smiled and thanked him, she always liked Alyssa Waters; and her cooking was almost as good as her own mothers. They talked for a little while longer and then finally, they hung up; Arya sighed and readied herself, it would be dinner time soon, Sansa would be talking about prom again. She decided she would do her best and simply endure it.

End of chapter, hope you enjoyed it, read and review please.