Hello everyone…
I decided sharing one of my fictions after a long break. It's another SasuNaru, of course. It's an AU story, although it somehow follows the canon.
This story is un-betad, and there's a reason for that. IF YOU'RE INTEREDTED IN HELPING ME, PLEASE GO ON READING:
Although I'm quiet pleased with this fic's story line and starting chapters, since English isn't my native language, I'm sure I'm making lots of mistakes. And while I write, I get too hasty, I feel like I'm going to forget everything once I stop writing. So I can't bring myself to write detailed descriptions of places, characters or their emotions. Although the readers like it, I'm sure they would like it more if it was re-written by someone else.
So here, I'M ASKING FOR YOUR HELP. If there are anyone who's interested in –in some way- editing this story, I would really like to do a collab with them. They will be creditted as they deserve, mentioning which part belongs them. Also, even though I pretty much thought how the story will develop, since I'm a sucker for fluff, I can't decide the ending of the story. They are quiet in character right now and if I go the way I planned, in the end you'll get yourself a way too sweet Sasuke and a happy with no regret Naruto. Let's be serious, they are way too far from being like that.
So, send me a PM if you're interested in working with me. I will wait until I get around 10 or so PM before choosing someone. If I don't get that much, I'll answer the PMs and tell them that I'll go on by myself. I don't want to make anyone feel that I had to settle with them.
Anyway, I talked a lot. Now it's time for me to wait.
Enjoy the story…
Disclaimer: I'm sure you are all aware that I don't own anything about Naruto except this story line… If I did, he was under Sasuke right now doing who knows what…
Chapter 1:
"Delicious as always..." said the blonde man sitting on the breakfast table. When his wife smiled gently with a soft blush on her normally pale cheeks, he chuckled. The young woman was still shy to his flatters, even after four years of marriage.
He was just having his first bite of the toast on his plate when his one and only son came running to the kitchen. The boy was a miniature copy of his father with only some small differences. When the older man had short, clean cut hair, his boy had large spikes in every direction. The whisker like marks of the cute little boy were missing one line on each cheeks.
"You promised me, daddy! Today, we were going to the amusement park!" the boy whined with his slightly teary eyes. As she placed his own breakfast plate on the table, beautiful women sighed softly "Honey... We've talked about this before..."
"Bolt..." the man called for his son with a soft but serious tone "You know that I want to spend time with you. But I have to be there to guide my employees. If I don't, the other four branches would leave us behind on this project. Do you want all of those people to be left behind because of us? Wouldn't it make them unhappy? Don't you want to make people happy in the future like how I do?"
Bolt didn't understand it. He had been his father's office many times before. He saw how they worked. They were just drawing pictures on the computers. They could do the same thing from their own homes. Why did they need to make meetings?
Naruto sighed once more when he saw his son pout. For the little one, making the animations he so liked to watch was just a fun hobby his father did on his computer. Every one did his own part and when he was visiting the colorful office, they always rejected his help. All of the workers had to do their own assignments which meant, his father should have been free if he completed his own. So why were they stealing his daddy on this Saturday away?
"Then take me with you! I want to see uncle Gaara and uncle Kankuro before Shikadai does" he asked with one last hope that at least he could still spend time with his father. Naruto considered this for a second, also looking at Hinata's beautiful pale eyes and asking for her opininon silently. She smiled with a tired expression. So, taking him away could give her some very much needed time for her appointment to her obstetrician.
"Only if you finish your breakfast and get ready quickly. Don't forget to pack your bag. You can use your own tablet while we work" he answered.
The rest of the breakfast was silent except Bolt's hasty chewing. When he finished his food, he ran to his room to change into his favorite 'ninja' outfit and pack his bag.
"I know that he can be quiet tiring sometimes. I'm sorry that I can't help you enough on taking care of him. And yet, we want a second child..." Naruto said as he stood up and hugged Hinata from behind, moving his palms down to caress her abdoman as she started to wash the dishes. They have been trying to have another baby for two years. It was a decision they took together. Surely, it was a way to bond further and going to expand their family. Also, Naruto didn't want Bolt to be an only child.
When he was younger, he always envied his friends who had siblings. Unfortunately, he became an orphan at the age of six and moved in with Jiraiya, his god father. He remembered he often dreamed about having a brother or sister whom he would have a deep bond. He had needed that emotional support which came with knowing that you have a blood relative. Yet he had no one.
It was way too late when he realized how his childhood stories affected Hinata. At first, she wouldn't mention it. But after losing his one and only cousine Neji in that tragic traffic accident, his beautiful wife started to take this second child issue in a too serious way. No matter how many times he reassured her that they were still young, how they had all the time they needed, how having a child was not easy and didn't have to happen immediately, she wasn't convinced. In the end, she decided to consult to her obstetrician from her first pregnancy and Naruto wasn't going to stop her if that was going to ease her.
"I know how busy you are, Naruto-kun. It's true that sometimes I get too tired, but even those times, I'm the happiest woman in the world. Your love, having a wonderful son, living like this was my dream" she whispered and added "Just for today, I need to go there alone. You know, I don't want to talk about the sibling issue with Bolt before getting pregnant. He could get disappointed if we never-"
"Come on, Hina... Don't say that! You know we're both perfectly healthy. Pregnancy isn't something happens on every time we have sex. Just relax, okay? We'll have another little one when it's the right time" blonde one interrupted his wife. As he moved his left hand to her left breast and right hand to between her legs, he whispered "And in the mean time, I can have you as much as I want. Right?"
No matter how many times they had sex, she would never stop getting embarrased as her handsome husband explored her body. It was a wonder how she was able to stand it, considering she almost fainted the first time they kissed. And now, thinking how Naruto touched her so intemately was still making her ears turn red.
"Na-Naruto-kun... Please... Bolt will see..." she stuttered. She was clutching the sponge in one hand, the other was gripping the counter to help herself get away from her husband. "Maybe we should let him see, huh? He'll learn all about this eventually, why not now?" Naruto whispered again as he nibbled her left ear. Although he talked liked that, it was obvious for both of them that he was just teasing. They haven't kissed in front of Bolt even once.
"St-stop teasing, Naruto-kun... Ah..." she moaned as the blonde moved his lips from her ear to the most sensitive part of her neck. "Only if you call out to me that way" he murmured without pulling his mouth from her. "O-Ok... Stop now, Naru... Please..." she barely whispered. Chuckling, Naruto stopped touching her body and kissing, but he was still hugging her "Yeah... I, too, don't want to get hard and miss the meeting. But still..."
"Daddy, I'm ready" came the sound of their son. Naruto was proud of the little one. He always wanted to change by himself, saying he wasn't a child anymore. Although this time, he must have a hard time with buttoning his panths because he gave Naruto enough time to molest his lovely wife.
After adjusting the clothes of his son, Naruto piched the small whiskered cheek softly "Ok, big man... Grab my car keys from the coffee table for me." As Bolt ran to the living room for the keys, he turned and pulled his wife for a small kiss "Take care Hina. Don't hesitate to call me if you need anything during the day, ok?" With that, he joined to his son and left the house, leaving a dazed Hinata behind.
"Sensei is waiting for you, Uzumaki-san" said the secretary of the obstetrician politely. Hinata nodded as she stood up from the sofa she was seated for the last fifteen minutes. As her hands left the brown velvet texture, she took a deep breath. It wasn't the first time she came here, why was she that tense? After waiting a few seconds, she finally brought herself to turn the doorknob and entered. As always, the doctor was sitting on his table, checking her previous information.
"Hello, Uzumaki-san. How are you today?"
"F-Fine. Thank you."
"How is Bolt and Naruto-san?"
"They are also fine. Naruto-kun is working today and Bolt is with him."
"Okay. It says here that you wanted a regular check up. I assume you don't have any sypmtoms of illness."
"Well... Not in an uncomfortable way but..." she sighed and took a few seconds before making eye contact with the man shyly "Actually, Naruto-kun and I have been still trying to have a second baby. My last check up was more than a year ago. Do you remember how I mentioned it to you?"
"Yes. I told you to drop the pills. Nothing else was necessarry."
"I had already stopped taking the pills. And we... We were having four to six sexual intercourse at that time. I can say that our performance... went down a little... to... two to four times a week. But still..."
"Do you have any problems with your period?"
"No... Nothing unusual."
"Are you taking any medication regularly?"
"No. Both I and Naruto-kun are quiet health. Except this..."
"No need to feel so down about it. Let's check you on the ultrasound and confirm that you're ok. It's probably something related to stress."
She was lucky that she remembered the discomforts she had to go trough fot this check up so she drank lots of water before coming. Without waiting anymore, she layed down besides the ultrasound machine and pulled her panths down under her belly. After squirming a little under the cold gelled machine part and trying to not pee with all the pressure around her bladder, she returned to her place in front of the doctor.
"As I told you before, nothing's wrong with your body, Uzumaki-san. If you want, we can make a detailed check up with some hormone tests but I doubt it will change the result. You're perfectly healthy. One and a half years is quiet a short term to get worried about not getting pregnant."
"C-Can it be affected by the... way... we... have sex?"
"Well, since I know you, I assume I don't have to make any explanations about anal sex. As long as the intercourse is unprotected and ends with ejaculating inside, it wouldn't change much."
'He doesn't come the same way he used to' she wanted to say but somehow it seemed way too embarrasing at the moment so she swallowed the words. Was there something like that or was that just her imagination?
"If you really feel something is wrong with your or Naruto-san's body, we can always arrange those tests. We can check your and his hormones, and you can ask for an additional test for sperm counting."
"O-Ok... I'll think about it and contact you again. Thank you" she said as she grabbed her purse and left the room with heavy feelings.
Not being able to talk with the doctor somehow made her felt guilty. And she had no one else to talk to about these kind of things. Hanabi was also married, but they never talked about their sex lives. Their upbringing was too stiff for those kinds of talks between sisters. Temari was –for some reason- very distant towards her. Ino and Tenten, on the other hand, were gossip queens.
As she walked towards the subway entrance, her phone buzzed. It was a WhatsApp message from Naruto.
'Did you go to the doctor? How did it go?' it said. She smiled sadly as she typed.
'I've just left the clinic. Everything seems fine with my body.'
'Thank God, you're ok. Don't worry about anything else, my Hina-hime. If you're tired, write me what you want. I can get you anything you want for dinner. We'll be returning in four hours.'
Half an hour later, she was in front of her lovely garden. Naruto loved plants and it was his favorite free time activity to take care of the small garden in front of their house. It made her smile every time she remembered how the blonde loved playing catch with his son on newly mowed lawn. As she fiddled with the keys to open the door, a yellow envelope in the mail box caught her eye. She reached to the box and pulled the envelope but it was slightly stucked. Realizing the hard thing inside the paper, she unlocked the lid of the mailbox.
Squeezing the paper made her feel something hard like a disk in. She turned the envelope to see who sent it. 'To Hyuuga' said on the front only. This brought a frown on her beautiful face. She suspiciously eyed the envelope, thinking who could be still using her maiden name to send her something but no one came to her mind. She hastly unlocked the door to her home and entered. After taking off her shoes and hanging her jacket, she opened the envelope. It really was a CD with a note on it 'Be alone...'
Knowing this was the only time she can check the CD, she went to her own laptop and turned it on. After placing the CD to its DVD-Rom, she scanned the CD for any threat of virus first. There was none, but she could see that CD had 13 content, all of them were videos. She suddenly started to feel restless. An unknown person sent her a CD with videos. Was it a prank? Was is a stalker? Who could disturb their happy life? What did they want?
She knew that the answers were in the disc. She played the first video with the title of 'Welcome to the Desert of the Real'. The first 30 or so seconds were just blank. Then the sight she saw made her take a sharp breath.
It was Naruto. A much younger Naruto with his longer spikes, boy-ish face in nothing but a pair of jeans in a bedroom like place. There was someone else in the room obviously because the young, shiny blue eyes of the blonde was looking at somewhere other than the camera.
"Ok. Let's start with introduction. Tell us about yourself" said a mature male voice.
"My name is N... Kit. My name is Kit. I'm 19 years old, current a university student" he said. She was right about thinking this was recorded on Naruto's younger days. He didn't have the tattoos on his right arm and belly. If he was 19, this meant he and she hadn't met at the time. Hinata noted the way he held back saying his own name. This couldn't be good.
"I've just moved in with my godmother because... well... My parents died years ago and I was living with my godfather but I... lost him too... last month" he barely finished his sentence, his voice cracking at the end. Hinata knew how much he loved Jiraiya, although she has never had a chance to meet the old man. Naruto always bragged about how 'Ero-sennin' must be proud of him for finding a curvy, sexy wife as her.
"I'm about 1,70 meters tall and 75 kg. My favorite food is ramen. I'm in the soccer team of my university. I'm heterosexual. I'm not a virgin or course but I don't have a girlfriend right now. And... I want to start my own bussiness when I graduate but I'm not allowed to say what it is" and he ended his talk with a grin.
"Open your arms to the sides and turn around slowly" odered the man and Naruto obeyed silently, showing his toned body proudly. It was funny, he would probably be ashamed of that condition of his body if he watched this video now.
"Now, Kit... Please do tell us what are you here for" said the same man, a slight amusement was hinted on his tone. Naruto took it as a sign to drop his arms to the side again.
"I need money. As I said, I'll start my own bussiness after graduation and I can't ask for it from my godmother. She does enough for me. I was looking for a job and I've heard you give quiet a good amount for each video. So I applied."
"That's right. You'll get a thousand dollars for every approve 'Raven' gives you" the voice said. Naruto's eyes widened "Seriously?"
"Yes. There's one last thing before we end the video and send it to Raven. Take all of your clothes off and turn around once more."
To Hinata's horror, the angry voice she expected to hear from this younger version of her husband never came. As she watched with a single tear rolled down on her pale cheek, Naruto quickly took his panths and underwear. He stood in front of the camera for a few seconds, completely naked, then he turned around once again. After he faced the camera once more, the video ended with a message for her 'This is only the beginning. If I were you, I wouldn't take my eyes off the screen. Your password for the next video is DESPERATION'
It took her almost an hour to tear her pale, horrified eyes from the screen. She reached the mouse to exit the already ended video with shaky hands. This was Naruto, her Naru, in some kind of adult video. She wasn't sure if she wanted to see the other 12 videos now. Who had recorded this? Why the hell they sent it to her?
She remembered the password at the end of the first video. Did this mean she need to have all the passwords? She clicked on the last video and a small window with a white bar welcomed her 'This file is protected. Enter the password.' Of course the password of the first video didn't work on this one. She sighed. She knew trying to forward the video wasn't going to work. She tried it in the first one and it started over from the beginning. Whoever prepared this, wanted to make sure she saw all of them.
Did they want money? It didn't seem likely. Naruto was earning quiet good for a 26 year old man, but you couldn't call him rich. Hinata's family used to be quiet wealthy until her poor mother got sick after Hanabi's birth. They spent almost all of their fortune on her treatment but it was still useless in the end. They lost her in two years.
Since the video was recorded on a time they didn't know each other, it wasn't a video to prove Naruto was cheating on her. She shook her head, maybe there wasn't even sex there. She just jumped to the conclusion. Maybe it was just a blackmail material. She would support her husband either way. With the determination, she played the second video, with the tilte of 'Nice to Meet You'.
Note: If you liked the story and haven't read the too long note above it, please do.