The Atonement of Sasuke Uchiha

"Alright so if I put this into motion, then the vote should fall in my favor without leaving any ill will for anyone?" Hinata asked Sasuke who sat in front of her.

"More or less, it should prevent anything like what happened to my clan." Sasuke assured her leaning forward.

"I really appreciate this, I honestly don't have much clue about what I'm doing since I took over but I'm trying my best." Hinata smiled as she placed the plans off to the side.

"Think nothing of it. I'm just trying to help in any way I can. I know Naruto has been helping too but he's always so busy that he can't always help." Sasuke replied quietly.

"I know, but he's working hard to help me. No offense to him but he's not qualified in this area considering he never really had to deal with clan matters." Hinata replied back taking a drink of water.

"He's learning, slowly, but he's learning." Sasuke smirked leaning back in his seat. "I just want to make sure that what happened to my clan doesn't happen anyone else's."

"Well I'm happy you're willing to help. But I see something is troubling you." Hinata observed quietly. Sasuke didn't answer.

"Naruto's told me about it." Hinata said. Sasuke looked up at her slightly angered.

"Last time I tell the dobe anything." Sasuke grumbled. Hinata just grinned.

"He cares Sasuke. You don't have to say anything just listen to me. I know that you feel like you don't deserve this chance, believe me, I felt the same way when Naruto told me he couldn't love me the way I loved him. It doesn't compare to what you've been through but I took a long hard look at myself and realized that for all the years he spent alone, I could have been bolder, not hiding behind trees or fainting every time he was by me. I respected him, I admired him, and I still do. But I had to realize that I lost my chance because I wasn't strong enough to be a friend to him because of my own weaknesses when we were kids. It wasn't until he told me he couldn't love me like that I began to grow stronger as my own person. I learned from my past and made myself better." Hinata explained to him.

"And I'm assuming he told you of my own demons?" Sasuke asked her calmly.

"No, I could just guess." Hinata smiled leaning forward in her chair.

"It was amazing to have my eyes opened after that day and I was stronger because of it. My only two regrets are that I wasn't a better friend to Naruto and that Neji had to die for him when we all were willing to sacrifice ourselves to protect him, because he may not be it yet, but he's our leader. I won't bore you with my life but I want you to try and find peace not for me but for Naruto." Hinata smiled. Sasuke sighed as he stood from his seat.

'I'm never going to reveal anything to that dobe again.' Sasuke thought quietly.

"Don't tell him about this conversation, he doesn't need to know everything." Hinata looked over her shoulder at him. Sasuke nodded back at her.

"Out of respect for your clan, this will never leave the room." Sasuke replied taking his leave. Hinata took a seat back in her chair and brushed her hair back out of her eyes.

'I hope you find peace Sasuke. Naruto, I know you'll help him.'

Paperwork is something that no man or woman likes to do, even if it's for a good reason. There were times where yes it was rewarded greatly but the mind is something that needs activity to function happily. And Naruto was someone that did not like paperwork, especially when it was sunny and beautiful outside and he wanted nothing more than to spend the day with Sakura. Luckily, he had most of the paperwork done and would be out of his office soon. Ever the optimist, he tried to look at the bright of paperwork.

"At least this is preparing me to be the next Hokage." Naruto sighed writing his name down on another document. The rustle of paper on his deck was drowned out by the door opening in front of him. Naruto lifted his head up and saw a familiar face.

"What brings you by here teme?" Naruto smiled setting the paperwork to the side and setting his pen down on the desk.

"I'm bored and decided to see if you could chalk up some excitement." Sasuke replied sitting in front of him, reminding himself not to mention the conversation with Hinata he had two hours ago.

"Sorry, but I have to get this done first before I can do anything else. Kakashi-sensei said as much and he's busy as well." Naruto explained in disappointment. Sasuke cracked his neck and smirked at his friend's response.

"That's funny because I just went to see Kakashi and he's taking a nap in his office right now." Sasuke explained. Naruto raised his head up and glared at Sasuke.

"What did you say?"

"You heard what I said dobe." Sasuke chuckled scratching his shoulder. Naruto slammed his palms on the desk violently.

"So while I'm in here doing HIS paperwork, he's off sleeping dreaming about Pervy Sage's books! Oh fuck no!" Naruto growled and kicked his chair back.

"It's been awhile since I heard you call Jiraiya by that." Sasuke simply answered back. Naruto looked up at his friend and smiled, albeit a mischievous smile. Sasuke recognized that look of the annoying twelve year that he remembered being teamed up with ten years ago.

"I only call him that when I remember him like that." Naruto explained taking a seat and sighing quietly.

"Sorry." Sasuke replied, hearing the sadness in his friend's voice.

"It's alright. But…I have an idea that Jiraiya would hatch to get back Kakashi. Looks like you might get your fill of excitement tonight Sasuke." Naruto grinned resting his hands behind his back. Sasuke leaned forward and listened in on his friends plan.

Ten minutes later…

Kakashi was fast asleep with his feet up on his desk and eyes closed. He was dreaming of Icha Icha and laughing in his sleep at getting his student to do his paperwork for him. Getting Naruto to do paper work was a stroke of genius on his part, and considering it was something that Naruto would eventually have to do. Sure it was a bit of unethical to nap on the job but Kakashi figured he needed to rest seeing as how…


"What the?" Kakashi shouted as he looked for the source loud noise and quickly saw that the paper he had pawned off on Naruto was sitting in front of him.

"Think you'll pawn off your work on me while you nap?" Naruto said from outside the window. Kakashi spun his chair around and saw that Naruto and Sasuke were sitting outside the window, with Naruto carrying a duffle bag over his orange shirt.

"Now listen Naruto, I only did it…." Kakashi chuckled nervously.

"I'd save my breath Kakashi-sensei. By the way, I have some valuable books of yours in here if you catch my drift." Naruto sniggered while Sasuke smirked. Kakashi's eyes widened in horror at the thought of which books he had.

"Naruto, you don't mean?"

"Yes I do Kakashi and if you want them back you'd better finish that off. I do also have a few new ones that Jiraiya left me that I found that I might give you as incentive. But next time, find a better hiding spot for your books." Naruto laughed as he and Sasuke leaped onto the roof tops and started making their way to the training grounds to enjoy the rest of the day. Kakashi stammered to himself as he watched orange and black disappear with into the sun with his books.

"No…damn it…I shouldn't have done that." Kakashi grimaced as he turned toward his paperwork and thought about his books and their safety. Naruto meanwhile laughed happily as he jumped across the rooftops with Sasuke in tow behind him.

"Did you see the look on his face? It was priceless!" Naruto laughed as they landed on the ground in front of them and began walking the trail in front of them. Sasuke didn't answer but quietly smiled as he walked beside his friend.

"When do you plan on giving him his books back?" he asked him as they passed a grove of trees. Naruto shrugged and heaved the duffle bag on his shoulder.

"Probably at the end of the day. It'll be a lesson for him not to mess with me like. I may be the future Hokage, but it doesn't mean he can shirk off from his duties and leave them on me." Naruto answered back.

"You'll probably end up shirking them as well knowing you." Sasuke replied back as the wind picked up.

"Hey! I may do that but at least I would use my Shadow Clones to get everything done." Naruto explained himself, not happy that Sasuke could read him like a book.

"Hmm, figures you would already have this figured out." Sasuke chuckled quietly as they rounded a corner.

"I'm not as stupid as you think I am." Naruto grinned.

"Could have fooled me." Sasuke replied.

"Anyways…now that we have the rest of the day off. But I thought you were helping Hinata with her clan duties today." Naruto turned his head.

"I was, she asked for my help in arranging some things of how to make the Hyuuga clan better for the future. The main thing was she wanted to get the Bird Cage Seal removed forever and sadly it's taken this long to get the wheels in motion." Sasuke explained to him.

"Too many years too late." Naruto replied solemnly. Sasuke didn't add anything to his friend's statement but placed a comforting hand on his shoulder.

"Don't be hard on yourself. You're going to change everything." Sasuke said trying to uplift his friend's spirits.

"That's weird coming from you." Naruto deadpanned.

"I can be friendly when I want to." Sasuke remarked moving his hand away as they passed an open field.

"True…listen, I need to know when you're going to be leaving again." Naruto said feeling the wind gust up again, enjoying the cool breeze in the spring time weather.

Sasuke didn't answer him quickly, not because he didn't want to but because he knew it would hurt Naruto. He looked down at his arm and thought about what his friend had sacrificed to bring him back and now it seemed he was taking that in vain. But Sasuke felt he had to, in order to understand himself and help people in need around the world. He also wanted to visit his old comrades with Team Taka, who still had their own beliefs of the world. Naruto though kept them in check, knowing what the blond Jinchuriki could do to them.

"I'm not sure yet." Sasuke answered him. Naruto just chuckled at his response.

"I should have known you would say that." He added in. A quiet silence fell between as they listened to the leaves rustle and the water flow against the river bank as they arrived at a stream.

"You know you only have a few months and then that seal will be taken off." Naruto remarked setting the bag down and taking a seat on the rocks. Sasuke sat a few feet to his side, bringing one knee to his chest and resting his arm on it.

"I know." Sasuke replied, not liking the way Naruto said it.

"I have to ask you this." Naruto said quietly, his voice gruff and tired.

"I'm not going to attack the village or anything else." Sasuke answered his friend's unsaid question.

"I know you won't, but I had to say something. Some of the people are really starting to worry about it and even though I've told them you aren't like that anymore, they have their doubts." Naruto explained to him, feeling slightly guilty.

"I see, and do you think I've changed like you've said many times?" Sasuke asked him quietly looking at the stream. Naruto lifted his right arm and looked at him with another deadpan look.

"If I lost my arm for nothing then we have a problem." Naruto replied with a frown. Sasuke just smirked and closed his eyes.

"That's all I needed to know." Sasuke said reaching to his other side and grabbing under his black cloak and pulling out a long black sheath.

"This is for you." Sasuke said handing him the sheath which had a handle protruding from it. Naruto's face turned inquisitive as he took it from Sasuke's hands into his own. Naruto grasped the handle and pulled it from the sheath revealing part of a blade before putting it back into its place.

"What's this for?" Naruto asked his friend setting the katana down.

"I bought it on my last journey as a 'thank you' to you." Sasuke explained kicking a small rock into the stream.

"You didn't need to, especially since I don't use a katana." Naruto smiled, silently appreciating the gesture from his friend.

"It's more of a place piece, but it's just as deadly. If you ever need it, it'll serve you well." Sasuke replied adjusting his seat. Naruto grabbed the blade again and looked at the shining black sheath than set it back on the duffle bag.

"Maybe I can find a way to use it with my Rasengan." Naruto grinned.

Sasuke saw his friend's smile out of the corner of his eye and smiled as well. It wasn't often that they got to enjoy each other's company like this. They were brothers in arms and they shared a bond that many would never understand. The Uchiha knew he had done things he could never forget that he had lost his way so many times, but Naruto had brought him back and he had done it after being considered the worst in his class.

He remembered when he thought Naruto's Rasengan had been weak compared to his Chidori, thinking he had won when they had practiced years ago when they were still Genin. But when he saw the damage that Naruto could inflict with his Rasengan, he knew that he had an equal, or someone that could be even greater than him. That drove him to want power, power to avenge his family only to learn of the traitorous elders of the village. He remembered when Kakashi had told them to step down as their actions had directly led to the Uchiha Massacre that had led Sasuke's defection. Of course Kakashi could not let Sasuke go without punishment but in sight of everything that had been forced upon him there was room for leeway. Some argued that he didn't deserve such special treatment because Naruto had fared worse in life and could have easily turned to the dark was complicated but Naruto had won in his pleas. Sasuke was punished the best they could see and of course Naruto would keep him in check. Sasuke knew that Naruto was no longer his equal, he was his superior and even though he didn't like that, he knew that would be the case now. He laughed at the thought of the dead last of the class now becoming Hokage one day and proving everyone wrong.

"What's so funny?" Naruto asked him. Sasuke stopped laughing and shook his head.

"Nothing dobe." He answered back. Naruto looked at his friend confused but shrugged it off.

"It's nice to feel like kids again. I miss those days you know?" Naruto turned to him.

"How could you miss those days with what you know now?" Sasuke asked him back. Naruto shrugged again.

"I just miss the days where we knew we'd meet together here to learn. Team Seven and enjoying the company." Naruto began to chuckle.

"Ten years went by and now look at us, replacement arms and probably the strongest ninja here." Naruto laughed at the thought of it all. Sasuke chuckled and started laughing as well enjoying a genuine moment with his friend at the training grounds they grew up on. Their laughter died down after a few minutes and they looked towards the stream, thinking how crazy they had been growing up.

"Are you going to be coming to dinner tonight? All of the Konoha Eleven are going to be there." Naruto said watching a fish swim down the stream.

"I'm not sure I should. I feel like they don't need me or want me there." Sasuke replied, still feeling like he was an outcast. Not that he really cared because he had Naruto, Sakura and Kakashi. But he felt like being with the others would be awkward.

"If they don't like it, they can leave. You're my brother, my family." Naruto answer back, sternly and assured. Sasuke smiled looking up to the sky. He felt at peace with himself today with those words.


"Yeah, I'll be there."

"So have you told him the news yet or better yet are you going to tell me the news?" Ino asked Sakura who were sitting outside a café across the street from the hospital.

"No, and to the second question, no because you'll find out tonight along with the rest of them." Sakura shook her head and drank her tea.

"Aw come on! You can't tell your best friend for crying out loud!" Ino threw her hands in the air. Sakura just chuckled at her friend's reaction.

"Sorry." Sakura shrugged and smiled. "Once I say it, you'll be smacking yourself on the head that you didn't see it."

"I hate you sometimes Forehead." Ino stuck her tongue out.

"Same to you Piggy." Sakura answered back pulling down her eyelid and sticking her tongue out. Both began to giggle and then laugh loudly at the antics between them.

"Oh man, after all these years and we're still acting like bakas. How did we ever get any men?" Ino asked her semi-serious.

"I can answer that. Because Naruto's a stubborn baka who won me over and you have Sai who allowed you to teach him how human's behave. Meanwhile you have Shikamaru who's gotten Temari to leave Suna over here. Soon everyone will be paired off with everyone." Sakura remarked grabbing the necklace around her chest and looked at it fondly thinking of the day Naruto had given it to her in proposal.

She remembered their wedding day and how simple it had been, how quant it had been with their friends and Sakura's family. She remembered the celebration they had afterward, dancing with her husband, feeling his tears fall on her face as they danced. She remembered asking him why he was crying and him telling her that he was so happy that he couldn't believe it, only wishing his parents were alive to see them. She remembered the words she had told him

"They are here, watching over us. So please don't cry." Sakura said wiping his tears away. Naruto smiled and nodded as they danced while Ino yelled out over the music making sure to talk about some very private things. Sakura fumed and start charging after Ino….

"Hey Sakura are you there?" Ino waved her hand in front of her face. Sakura snapped back to reality and quickly remembered where she was.

"Yeah, just remembering my wedding day and you shouting 'make sure that you take it nice and slow tonight' in front of everybody." Sakura growled at her.

"Oh come on, that was two years ago! When are you going to let it go?" Ino laughed back.

"Never, but that's okay, I can always just have Naruto demote you if you ever bring it up." Sakura innocently said to her.

"You would probably do that wouldn't you?" Ino sighed leaning against her hand.

"Yep." Sakura answered her with a smile.

"Thought so, but let me ask you, when we all have kids, you think you think you can get Naruto to influence teams? I'd like my kid to be with Shikamaru and Choji's someday, continue the tradition we have?" Ino asked her.

"I think we can arrange that." Sakura replied as she continued to smile. Ino noticed how much she was smiling today and could only wonder what the hell is going on.

"Why are you so happy today? Is the news really that big?" Ino asked her.

"Again, I can't tell you. You'll find out tonight." Sakura said again, slightly annoyed at Ino's questioning.

"You're no fun." Ino sighed drinking her tea.

"Yeah, she really isn't." Karin said walking up to the table and taking a seat.

"Oh great, now I have another one to deal with." Sakura dramatically sighed and smiled at her arrival.

"Aw come on, you know I'm fun." Karin giggled leaning back her chair. Sakura hung her head down in response.

"I'm surrounded." She mumbled in defeat.

"So she admits defeat, good! Now we can enjoy the rest of the day!" Ino exclaimed happily drinking her tea again. Sakura lifted her head back up and turned towards Karin.

"How was your escort mission to Suna?" Sakura asked her trying to change the subject.

"It was alright, bit of a boring one though. Though I did get a chance to meet the Kazekage." Karin replied happily.

"Oh you mean Gaara? I saw him a few weeks ago when he visited Naruto." Sakura said calmly leaning back in her chair.

"Just have to take the wind out of everything don't you?" Karin glared at her.

"You started it." Sakura smirked tilting her head, but happy that Karin was making progress in Konoha's ranks since her official induction two years ago.

Karin had been promoted to Chunnin in just under a year after dealing with the stupid Genin missions that Sakura was glad she no longer needed to deal with and was learning how to channel her special powers to be used for healing purposes, both from Sakura and Tsunade. It was nice to know that a lot of shinobi were becoming medics, both men and women. Even Hinata was learning techniques as well but of course she was more attuned to being a scout on missions using her Byakugan. Now that she was head of her clan though, she didn't go on missions as much as she had to deal with the political turmoil of the village as Naruto called it. Sakura hoped that Hinata would be able to find someone to share her life with as she had always found Naruto to be the only person she cared for and so far no one else, perhaps Sasuke one day as he had been helping her sort out clan duties and helping her learn. Maybe one day she could step down and start a family of her own.

"So Forehead, are you going to tell me the big news yet?" Ino asked again. Sakura slammed her glass down and growled at Ino quietly.

"For the hundredth time Ino, NO!" Sakura shouted standing up from her seat and began to walk away from the table. Karin tilted her head confused and turned towards Ino.

"What news?" she asked her.

"Oh she says she has some big news to announce tonight but Naruto will be the first to know. She won't tell me a damn thing. Wait! She left without paying for her drinks! Damn it now I'M going to have to pay for her!" Ino sighed loudly. Karin's mouth creased at the corner as she looked towards Sakura who was walking away rather quickly, no doubt part of her plan. She had sensed something was different the moment she had arrived, but she couldn't put her finger on it. Something was different about her chakra but she hadn't had enough training yet to determine what it was. Karin shrugged it off and decided that it would be better to just wait until tonight when they all attended dinner.

"You know I'm going to force you to show up to this dinner tonight if you try to back out right?" Naruto asked Sasuke as they sat on the back porch of Sasuke's new home. Sasuke didn't answer Naruto's question.

"Come on, it won't be as bad as you think. Listen, if I helped you get a date would you come willingly?" Naruto laughed at his friend's sudden glare.

"I don't think anyone would want to date a traitor. Besides, I already said I would go." Sasuke turned away and looked at the ground of his backyard. Naruto could hear the sadness in his voice and looked at him with pity.

"There's always someone that will love you no matter what you've done. I always loved Sakura no matter what she might have done and she felt guilty for years after we got together. She would wake up crying in the middle of the night, asking me if I forgave her, how I could be with someone like her. It took a lot of time to tell her it was alright, that everyone had their flaws. She wouldn't believe me though. She thought that it wasn't fair that she was my first while I supposedly had to settle for her love after being broken by you." Naruto told him.

"I have that effect sadly." Sasuke replied coldly. Naruto ignored his statement and continued on.

"I'd tell her about who it was that loved her forehead, make her remember who it was that was foolish enough to do that and that I wished I had the courage to do it myself instead of henging into you and that it was my fault too. That she was someone my mother and father would proudly be happy to see take care of me like they wished they could. She would cry for a few minutes, and then she'd kiss me and tell me she was sorry for everything. I'd tell her that it was okay, that she had nothing to be sorry for. She'd smiled and then tell me she loved me to death and then we'd cuddle together and sleep soundly." Naruto smiled, thinking of those nights where even in the cold they'd found warmth.

"And you're telling me your personal night time stories because?" Sasuke turned to him, not really wanting to hear this.

"I'm telling you because eventually she learned to forgive herself even though she never needed to, at least to me. My point is that you have to eventually learn to forgive yourself one day. We both know you were messed up, you don't think I considered going down that path once or twice? I remember fighting Pain and coming this close to unsealing Kurama from his cage." Naruto said, emphasizing 'this' by squeezing his thumb and finger close together.

"What stopped you?" Sasuke asked him leaning on the fence post watching the sunset across the sky and the leaves blow in the wind.

"My father stopped me. It's funny that I punched him in the gut, how confused I was. I always had to fight to prove myself and eventually I did. If I had let Kurama go, I wouldn't be who I was now. I wouldn't have made Kurama my friend. I wouldn't have brought you back. None of that would have happened if he hadn't stopped me. Sometimes it takes someone else to make you realize what needs to be done. That's why I'm trying to help you now." Naruto explained walking towards Sasuke and leaning on the post next to him. Sasuke didn't respond to the close proximity of his friend or his words.

"You've been hiding in here, inside yourself for the last five years. You won't open up and I'm guilty of not trying hard enough to do it. I don't expect to change you into a happy go lucky guy because you'll always have that attitude of having a stick up your ass." Naruto said quietly while Sasuke twitched at the analogy.

"But I want to at least make you happy, to make it so that you can start over again, and make it so that you can do something when that seal comes off of you. You don't have to have everyone accept you. It's not in your nature to want that whereas my upbringing made me crave that. But you need to be happy with yourself at some point. Those nights where you came to me and Sakura aren't going to go away until you are happy." Naruto pushed the issue further. Sasuke sighed quietly at his friend's nagging.

"I never said I wasn't happy, I'm just…not feeling right about all of this. I feel like I don't deserve this." Sasuke looked up turning his head. Naruto just placed his bandaged hand on his friends shoulder.

"Sasuke, everyone deserves a second chance. First thing we need to do, get you someone that can help you realize that." Naruto replied patting Sasuke's shoulder.

"I thought you were supposed to be the one to work all the miracles." Sasuke scoffed.

"I can be your best friend, but you need a woman that will straighten you because there's no way in hell I am EVER going down THAT road with you." Naruto shuddered at the thought of it. Sasuke felt his skin crawl as he removed Naruto's hand from his shoulder.

"If you EVER say something like that again, I'll cut you in half." Sasuke warned him with a glare.

"That's why I said it now, because I doubt I'll be able to use that bit of dark comedy again when that seal is removed." Naruto chuckled quietly. Sasuke only smiled at his friend's attempt to humor him and fell silent as he lost himself in thought.

"Naruto?" he said, gaining his attention who gave him a questioning look.

"Do you wonder about what your parents were like?" Sasuke asked him. Naruto wasn't sure how to answer that, especially since it was so unexpected from him.

"I can't say what they were like in life. I know my mother had a fiery temper but that she was kind and loved me unconditionally. My dad, well I can tell he was the silent type but he loved her and me just like all dads do. I remember when my mom told me to find someone like her and I couldn't help but think of Sakura and I have no doubt in my heart she was the one she meant. But I have to know why you're asking me this?" Naruto turned the question back to him.

"I can't remember what my parents were like anymore. I don't know who they were, not after everything I've learned. I wish I could know what they were thinking about with all the conflict between the Uchiha Clan." Sasuke flexed his fingers into a fist.

"Sasuke, I can't say what they were thinking, but I'm sure they were thinking of you all the time. It's why I'm going to make sure that something like that never happens to anyone again. I can't imagine what it was like to see that, and in truth I don't want to. I may have had my hardships, but we both did in different ways. It's why when I become Hokage, I will never let something like what happened to the Uchiha Clan happen again." Naruto assured him but could tell that he was still upset as he flexed his fingers.

"Let me tell you something that may sound crazy." Naruto began looking out towards the cliffs of the village, his father's face looking over the village.

"Crazy, you? No…" Sasuke scoffed.

"Shut up. Anyways, I remember one night not too long ago while Sakura was out on a mission, I had a weird dream." Naruto started out.

"It wasn't about ramen was it?" Sasuke asked him, trying to cheer himself up.

"You know, you may have opened up more but not in a good way." Naruto glared at him. Sasuke simply shrugged, giving Naruto the go to continue with a wave of his hand.

"Well, it was weird because it felt so real. I was in a room that looked like a kid's room, with pictures of my dad and my mom around, orange bed sheets, things like that. Then I heard a voice call out to me…" Naruto trailed off as he remembered.

"I'm surprised that you found this place."

Naruto whipped his head around to see Kushina standing behind with a smile and her eyes shining brightly.

"M…mom?" Naruto's mouth quivered and his hands shook.

"Yes, it's me Naruto. I'm glad to see you again." Kushina smiled who quickly found herself in her son's embrace again, just like he did when he first met her.

"Mom!" Naruto sobbed into her neck as he hugged her tightly, not sure how long it would last this time. Kushina wrapped her arms around him tightly and rubbed his back gently.

"Hey, hey now, don't cry." She said gently, knowing their time was limited again.

"But…but I don't want you to go again. Please!" Naruto begged her, unable to bear losing her again.

"You know that it will happen eventually. But please, let's enjoy this while we can." Kushina pulled him back wiping his eyes dry. She looked him up and down, seeing how much he had grown since the last time she had seen him.

"My word, you've grown into such a handsome young man. You look so much like your father did. You have his hair, but you have my face, a true blend of us both. It even seems you're growing a bit of a beard. I don't need to question your personality of course." Kushina beamed, wiping his eyes dry and palming his cheek.

"I'm trying to make yours and dad's dreams come true ya know? I'm working harder than ever so that there won't be wars anymore, so that people can live happily." Naruto said smiling back at her.

"I know you are son, and you're doing great. But don't say 'ya know,' that's my little tick." Kushina giggled.

"Sorry." Naruto chuckled.

"I wouldn't expect anything else out of my son than to be the best at what he does, protecting people close to him. And I see you have found yourself a nice girl to marry as well." Kushina teased him while elbowing him.

"Mom…" Naruto groaned.

"Oh stop, be happy. She's really got a temper on her but she also loves you very much. Minato told me as much when he returned to me. I told you to find one like me, seems she's the one after all." Kushina continued to smile.

"She really is like you. Maybe that's why I loved her for so long because she reminded me of you even when I didn't know who you were." Naruto smiled scratching his head.

Kushina giggled as she took a seat on the bed, patting it for him to join her. Naruto did so, feeling the sheets ruffle underneath them as they sat and looked around the room.

"I'm glad you did, she can give you the love that I couldn't. I'll have to visit her in one of her dreams one day to let her know." Kushina said solemnly looking around the room and taking in the sights.

"I think this is what your room would have been if we could have been around for you. It hurts me to know that you and I will never have that chance." Kushina wiped her eyes as tears threatened to fall. Naruto felt his eyes sadden as he looked at her.

"There were days I wished you and dad would come for me, that I always thought you were alive. Every day I wonder if there is any way to bring you back but even if I could, I don't think I would because it wouldn't be you or him." Naruto said with some guilt in his voice.

"I'm glad, you're right about that. If you find a time altering jutsu, maybe you could save us that way." Kushina laughed.

"You sure you would want that? It might affect the timeline in a bad way." Naruto chuckled, hearing his mother's laughter as music.

"No, it's probably not ideal but maybe it would be. Maybe my best friend would still be alive as well." Kushina replied.

"Who was your best friend?" Naruto asked her. Kushina smiled back to him.

"It was your best friend's mother. Mikoto Uchiha." Kushina told him. Naruto's face widen in shock as he heard her admission.

"So you were…." He stammered out. Kushina nodded to his unfinished question.

"We wanted you two to be best friends before you were even born just like we were. If only things had been different. It wasn't fair for us to be taken like that, for only Hiruzen and two others to know who you truly were." Kushina sighed quietly, feeling regret take her heart before turning to her son.

"He did his best as Lord Third, but so much corruption forced everyone's hand. Everything that was corrupted, Kakashi taking Rin's life even though he didn't want to and that it haunts him now, Obtio who turned because of it, the Uchiha Masscare, deaths of countless others, every bit of it all because of a madman's ego that led to the rebirth of someone who wanted complete control. It was manipulation of the highest order all for the sake of power, that is the cause our deaths. But we had a reason for each. My reason, Minato's reason was to protect you, even in the face of death, even when I pleaded for him to let me die and raise you. I just wish we could have seen you grow up." Kushina sobbed quietly. Naruto scooted closer and wrapped his arms around her, feeling his eyes tear up as well.

"You were always with me in spirit. You always will be, I just wish it wasn't like this when I can only see you in my dreams." He said as he comforted her and himself as best he could.

"I know." Kushina lifted her head, not wanting to see him go again.

"Will there ever be more dreams like this, or will I have to wait until I die to see you and dad again?" Naruto asked her sadly.

"I don't know. I can't visit whenever I want. It just…doesn't work like that. But, I have faith I will. So will Minato, but I wouldn't worry about seeing us anytime soon." Kushina wiped her eyes again and smiled.


"You have Sakura, she is someone that will love you unconditionally, give you a family. You have many friends that love you too and world that you have to lead. I know you want to see us again, but you have so many people to look after so that you don't have to have the wars we did. You're so grown up now that you don't need me or Minato anymore, but we'll always be there in spirit." Kushina assured him, feeling herself slip away.

"Please don't go, not yet." Naruto pleaded to her. Kushina smiled back at him and hugged him tightly again.

"Just give me a big hug alright? I can't stop it any more than you can." Kushina told him and he did just that.

"I love you my son, be safe." Kushina's voiced echoed as she cried, leaning up and kissing his forehead.

"I love you mom…." Naruto cried and smiled as his dream room began to vanish.

"That was the last time I saw her, probably about a year ago." Naruto finished his story. Sasuke was not one that could be moved to tears, but felt his eyes water slightly hearing his friend's tale. He blinked away any threatening tears.

"You're the only person I've told that dream to." Naruto admitted.

"So our moms were best friends? You got all of that from a dream?" Sasuke asked him still fazed but unsure.

"I have a mountain of fox shaped chakra inside of me and you're questioning my dreams?" Naruto smiled.

"Touche." Sasuke replied.

"I think it was fate. If my mom could love me that much then I have no doubt yours was the same. I'm sure if you try, you'll remember how much she loved you." Naruto assured him. Sasuke didn't say anything, taking in his friend's comforting words he felt began to remember some of the things his mother had done for him. They were blurry but they were there and he smiled.

"What time does dinner start?" Sasuke asked. Naruto turned to look at the clock behind them that read fifteen minutes till six.

"In about forty-five minutes. I'm guessing you'll be coming with us?" Naruto asked him. Sasuke didn't answer him right away as he watched the sun dip down further, slowly as the day wound down and the sounds of kids with their parents outside walked down the streets.

'Do I really deserve this?' Sasuke asked himself. He wondered for the last five years if he did, remembering the nights when he would come to Naruto and Sakura's door step. The nights where he would keep them from slumber as he talked about his problems that no one else would ever hear, the times he wished he had never left the village and the nightmares of not being a better person. Listening to Naruto's story reminded him of both their shared hardships and it reminded him of the bond that they shared.

Sasuke never showed much on the outside because he didn't want people to see that but his closest friends knew and that was something he never would take for granted again.

'Maybe I should try tonight.' Sasuke sighed and turned towards his friend.

"Yeah dobe, just don't make a big deal out of it." Sasuke smiled smugly. Naruto just grinned back.

"Good, now let's get going, don't want to be late do we?" Naruto said turning around and walking back into the Uchiha household. Sasuke looked up at the sky before following him.

'Is this what you wanted for me mom? Where ever you are, I hope you can forgive me and be proud of me.' Sasuke thought, standing up and turning around before taking one more look towards the sky and followed Naruto.

The remaining Konoha Eleven were sat enjoying themselves as they ate and drank merrily with Kakashi, Tsunade, Karin and Sai with them. Honestly, it wasn't even a dinner anymore it was a pure celebration of everyone's success and the main attendee of the night was of course a loud mouth shinobi that currently was enjoying himself while talking to Shikamaru next to him.

"Naruto, you really are too loud sometimes." Shikamaru groaned while cleaning out his ear.

"Oh come on! Lighten up and enjoy yourself. You're just upset that Temari isn't here right now, that's it right?" Naruto joked patting his back.

"I won't confirm that." Shikamaru mumbled quietly, cursing the amount of alcohol he had consumed. Sakura watched from afar, smiling as she watched Naruto enjoy himself in the company of his friends. She watched as Karin walked over and took a seat next to her, a drink in both her hands.

"Why are you not drinking anything tonight?" Karin asked offering her a drink. Sakura shook her head and politely declined.

"I don't want to, I need to keep an eye on Naruto and make sure he doesn't go too crazy." Sakura smiled watching as he and Kiba began to argue who would win in a fight.

"Are you sure it's that reason or something else?" Karin asked her leaning in close with a smile. Sakura suddenly felt very uncomfortable as she remembered what Karin could do.

"No…no, nothing else." Sakura stammered out. Karin knew she couldn't lie to her, not about this and what she had sensed earlier.

"So when are you going to tell him?" Karin asked her, smiling widely. Sakura sighed as she knew she had been caught, there was no denying it with her and she could only imagine if Tsunade knew about it too.

"Later tonight, but please don't tell anyone else! I wanted him to be the first to know!" Sakura pleaded to her. Karin leaned forward and nodded.

"I won't, and congratulations." She said quietly. Sakura sighed in relief before turning towards her.

"If we're going to start asking questions that we want to deny then I have to ask this, when are you going to go ask Sasuke out?" Sakura asked her seriously. Karin turned away from her and stayed silent.

"I know you still like him, maybe even love him still. I know you've been denying it because of what he did, but don't forget how quick you were to go and save him in the war." Sakura reminded her.

"I know." Karin sighed. "It's just…I don't know if I can trust him like that again. I felt betrayed once but I still couldn't stay away from him in those moments of desperation. I held myself away from him but…even now after all these years I still want him."

Sakura smiled and grasped her shoulder gently.

"He's changed, I promise you that. Believe it or not, he's been struggling for years now but he's never told anyone else that but me and Naruto. Just give him a chance." Sakura boldly stated to her. Karin sighed, unsure of what to do.

"Are you sure, are you absolutely sure he's changed?" Karin asked her again. Sakura smiled and nodded. Karin looked over towards Sasuke who was standing by the window not particularly enjoying himself it seemed like. Karin looked back to Sakura who nudged her head towards Sasuke.

"Go on and try." Sakura urged her on. Karin looked at Sakura with concern in her eyes then back to Sasuke. Karin thought about the nights where she wondered if Sasuke would ever change, feeling the same emotions she had felt for him all these years. She remember when he saved her in the Chunin Exams ten years ago, she remembered falling in love with him and then thinking about how she could love someone as crazy as he was.

"I just, don't want to seem like I'm someone that was fawning over him for no reason. I mean, he saved my life but then he…" Karin trailed off.

"If he saved your life then it shows he has a heart for you. Naruto saved my life many times before and because of his selflessness and undying love for me, I eventually returned it. He made me want to be a better person, to not be in his shadow or Sasuke's but it's hard to compete with two people that apparently one was the reincarnation of Asura." Sakura smiled as she watched Naruto show off the new katana Sasuke had given him earlier today, placing it next to the khakkhara (sounding staff) he had received from the Hinata a year prior.

"So he cares for me like that? Are you…"

"Just go and talk to him. You'll never know until you talk to him. It's what I had to do and I know it's hard to that. But, the rewards outweigh the fear." Sakura explained grabbing Karin by the arm and pulling her over to the window. Sasuke turned his head as Sakura gently shoved Karin into Sasuke.

"You two need to talk already, get this settled." Sakura brushed of her hands and walked back towards Naruto who had Kiba in a headlock, ready to knock them both out. Karin just smirked as she turned back to Sasuke.

"What's wrong with her?" Sasuke asked her looking out the window.

"Umm…personal matters." Karin tried to defer it away.

"Nothing new there, but why did she decide to bring you over here?" Sasuke asked turning his eyes to her. Karin suddenly found mouth dry and a lump in her throat.

"Well…I…" Karin stammered out. Sasuke turned away with a lost look in his eyes.

"If you can't say what you need to say, then you need to leave until you can." Sasuke suggested. Karin frowned at his words but remembered that Sakura had told her that he wasn't able to really express himself like that. She took a deep breath before continuing.

"I know what I want to say…it's just…I need to know something." Karin said leaning on the window sill next to him. Sasuke grunted softly as his way of letting her continue.

"Do you remember ten years ago when you saved me during the Chunin Exams?" she asked him. Sasuke turned to her and nodded.

"It's the reason I found you in the first place. I remember Orochimaru telling me who you were. I wanted you at first because of your abilities…" Sasuke bluntly told her while she felt her eyes sullen.

"…but you showed me affection throughout all of it and sadly I lost sight of everything. These last few years have been hard for me to accept, it's the reason I lived my nomadic life learning about the world all the while wondering if I deserved my redemption. It took my friend today to convince me that everyone deserves a second chance. I owe it to everyone around me who I've affected in their life and to absolve my sin." Sasuke turned to her. Karin's eyes widen at his revelation.

'So he has changed.'

"I just don't know how to start." Sasuke admitted, shame showing in his face. Karin felt her heart race as he looked at her, unsure of what to say. So she went on instinct and smile.

"You can come and dance with me." Karin suggested. Sasuke didn't answer her, unsure of what to say. Karin just sighed and grasped his hand gently.

"Come on, you owe me a lot more than a dance. But let's start there." Karin kept smiling as she pulled him from the window and led him closer to the center of the house, leading him in sway as they slowly danced to the music. Everyone's heads turned as they watched Sasuke dance awkwardly with Karin, noticing the small smile creep across his face trying to ignore everyone's stares. Naruto lifted his glass to Sasuke you looked back at him and nodded. Sakura soon stepped over to him and grasped his arm gently.

"They look happy don't they?" Sakura asked him. Naruto just smiled and laughed.

"It's about time I'd say. The teme's been too hard on himself all these years." Naruto remarked as he watched Sasuke and Karin becoming more in tuned in their dance. Sasuke leaned in closer to Karin and leaned down to whisper something in her ear.

"I'm going to be leaving soon but…I'd like someone to come with me this time. I'll be visiting Jugo and Suigestu again, I'm sure they'd like to see you again. After that though, I'm not sure how long we'll be gone…if you decide to come with me." Sasuke said to her gently.

"You don't need to ask twice, just get permission from the Hokage." Karin smiled leaning into his embrace. Sasuke wrapped his arms around her and felt his heart soften slightly. For the first time in years, he felt truly happy again.

"Well since they seem to be really happy." Naruto commented as he held Sakura close. She just felt her smile widely turning towards him.

"Not as happy as you'll be in a minute." Sakura remarked causing Naruto to be very confused.

"What do you mean?" he asked her. Sakura just giggled as she grasped his hand gently.

"Remember how we talked about having kids when we were younger?" Sakura asked him feeling her eyes water up.

"Yes, but what are you getting at?" Naruto asked her. Sakura loved him with all her heart but sometimes he was as dense as a piece of wood. She took his hand placed it on her stomach and rubbed it gently.

"Naruto, I know you always wanted a family. Well…Naruto…you're going to be a daddy." Sakura looked up and her face widen into a smile that only a mother to be could have.

Naruto felt his heart stop and his legs shake, grasping for a chair to sit on which he luckily found. He collapsed on it and the others took notice, all concerned for him as he looked ready to faint. They saw his lips moving but nothing could be heard.

"Naruto, are you alright?" Tsunade asked him, wondering if he had too much to drink. If he did, he quickly sobered up.

"I'm going…I'm going to be a daddy…" Naruto's voice could be heard clearly as everyone's eyes grew wide and their voices silent.

"I'm going to be a daddy!" Naruto cried as he wrapped himself around Sakura's waist, his head resting just on top of her chest and crying tears of joy with a smile adorning his face. Even Kurama who slept most of the time could hear the jubilation in his ears and smiled at his friend's news.

"I'll have to congratulate him later."

Sakura cried too, raking his hair with her fingers while wrapping her other arm around her man and letting the emotions take them in. All the women in attendance began to weep happily for the couple and the men all quickly made their way over to pat him on the back. Naruto couldn't remember the last time he cried this much in life but these were tears of joy as he kept saying "I'm going to be a daddy" over and over again.

Sasuke watched on as his friend cried his eyes out and smiled, realizing that in that moment, the seeds of the next generation had been planted, something he promised to protect. Naruto wiped his eyes and stood up twirling Sakura in the air who giggled at his reaction before putting her down. He leaned down and kissed her with all the love he had and wrapped her arms around her tightly as she did the same.

"I love you….I love you…" Naruto said over and over again into her shoulder.

"I love you too." Sakura replied kissing his forehead gently. Naruto couldn't explain the feeling other than uncontained joy in his heart. He leaned down again and wrapped his arms around Sakura's stomach and placed his head against it, causing her to blush slightly but smiled all the way through it.

"So who's going to be the Godfather and Godmother, Forehead? It'd better be me considering you wouldn't tell me." Ino smiled causing the others laugh.

"Now let's hold on there Ino, they just found out. Let them enjoy it." Hinata remarked with a smile, happy that Naruto would finally have a family of his own. Naruto though heard Ino's words and his eyes looked directly towards Sasuke who only smiled at the unspoken conversation between them.

'Would you consider that role Sasuke?'

Sasuke's smile grew slightly, and Karin took notice of it. She smiled and sensed his chakra become warm. Sasuke looked back at Naruto and met his gaze.

'I wouldn't expect anything else dobe.'

Sasuke smiled as he finally began to feel his atonement take weight.

"Hey Naruto, can I get my books back since you're in such a good mood now?" Kakashi asked still upset from earlier. Naruto just shot him a glare telling him to shut it. Kakashi's face deadpanned at his answer.

'I'm never going to see my books again am I?'

A/N: No need to explain this one, the title of the chapter says it all. Now that I got this done, I think I can take a break from this series. I still have bitter feelings about the ending of course but life goes on. I'll say this much, seeing how the movie while doing well in the box office isn't being received well based on various reports is nice but that's none of my business. Time to move on to other series and take the lessons learned from this manga to those (meaning don't get too involved into anything now).

And damn it! I love Kushina so I HAD to put her in here!

Anyways, not sure when I'll update this because now that I've gotten to this point where I wanted this redemption of Sasuke, anything else now will be something that would be a story I thought of doing back in May after the manga ended, of course I was expecting a bit of a different ending but….yeah, that didn't happen. I'm not sure when I'll do another one but for now I hope this made everyone happy. I have everyone redeemed so far I wanted (Naruto, Sakura, Karin, Hinata, Sasuke, Tsunade). Next up might be Kakashi or further redemption of Sasuke or it might be the start of something else where everyone is more involved. Until then, stay safe.

As for designs, all the characters have the same outfit they had in chapter 700. Karin I'll leave up to imagination.