Summary: A new girl moves into town to attend Beverly Beverly University. She ends up renting a room from the Wrights, which was Jane's idea to do something for the community. Will she find out about Billy? Will she mind it or get freaked out by it? What will Billy do about all this? What kind of crazy adventures will they get into? Only one way to find out and that is to read.

Note: I have another fanfic and after I wrote the first chapter I got another idea, but I didn't want to take it down. So, instead of combining them I just decided to make two different ones. Curse me for having two separate ideas. This is why I never put up fanfics because I always think of two or more ideas at once and can't pick one. All well. (Also. The tenants room used to be the Freaky Tiki Room, but upon rewatching episodes I realized that it connected to the pool and I thought it would be weird for everyone to have to walk through her room in order to get to the pool.)

Disclaimer: I do NOT own, produce, or write for "Dude That's My Ghost!" I do not own, nor have I created any of the original characters on "Dude That's My Ghost!" I do own the plot of this fanfic and the original characters. This is purely fan made and was made because of my love for "Dude That's My Ghost!" Also rating may change. With all that said please read and enjoy.

Chapter 1: Who Are You?

"Billy, did you really have to throw Principal Ponzi's wig into that bowl of Jello?" asked one Spencer Wright while biking down the road.

"Come on Brometheus that was brolarious," Billy said and started laughing.

"Yeah, but now I have detention for a whole week because he thinks I did it. How am I going to explain this to my mom? It's not like I can NOT tell her."

"Hmmm….Oh I know just say the groupies caught you and wouldn't let you go till you took pictures with all of them. There problem solved," Billy said feeling proud of himself for his "genius" plan.

"Oookay, assuming I had a reason to have fan girls and there was even a slight possibility of that happening, how do I explain the rest of the week?"

"Hmmmm…Oh I know after they made you take pictures with them they forced you to sign a contract that you will take each of them out on a date after school. Woah I am a brogenius. You should really listen to me more broham," he said while looking at his ghost nails.

Spencer rolled his eyes, "yes dude, you're a 'brogenius' and I am a 50 year old women."

"REALLY! Broseph when did this happen? No. Wait. Better question. How did the amazing Billy Joe Cobra not notice or be informed of this?"

"Sigh. Never mind Billy. Well time to face the music," Spencer said pulling up to his house.

Spencer walked up the stair case to the Billy Joe Cobra, now Wright, house. Sighing he opened the door and walked in.

"Mom, I'm home."

"Oh hunny welcome home. You'll never guess what I did today," Jane Wright walked into the foyer and hugged her son.

"Ummm. You got a new customer."

"No. I put an ad in the paper to rent out a room. Isn't that great?"

"What?! What room are you renting out?"

"The Recording Room."

"Mom, why would anyone want that room?"

"Why not dear?"

"Yeah Spencil, why not? I mean it's my favorite room in the house and I designed it myself making it even better," Billy said matter-of-factly.

Rolling his eyes Spencer replied, "Never mind mom. So, did anyone rent it yet?"

"Well a lot of people have come by saying they want it, but most of them were underage, so they can't rent it. But, we do have a girl who is gonna be here shortly to be interviewed."

"You're interviewing for who gets the room?"

"Of course dear. We don't want any weirdo's around our family."

Spencer arched one of his eyebrows and looked over to Billy, who was currently stuffing his arm into his throat and pulling himself inside out.

"Um yeah. We wouldn't want that I guess."


Just then there was a knock at the door.

"Oh that must be her." Jane walked over to the door and opened. "Oh you must be Nicolette Martian. Please come in."

In walked a woman who looked around 18 years old. She has short honey blonde hair that is parted on the left, had bangs that swiped to the right, and has the left side of her hair pinned behind her head and greyish blue eyes. She is wearing brown shorts that go half way down her thighs, pink thigh high socks, brown knee high combat boots, a brown belly shirt, pink sleeveless short hoodie, and purple tassel purse. (A/N: Some of you may have noticed by now that all these articles of clothing are found in Pokémon X and Y. That is because I modeled my characters clothing after the clothing I have for my Pokémon trainer on Pokémon X. So, if any of you want to see the clothes I will put picture links to them on, my profile page for , the place you can write stuff in at the end for . Also I take no credit for the pictures. I will merely be getting them from . Why? One because it is the only website I know that has pictures and two because it is a great website and I love directing traffic over there. Before anyone asks, YES I am a member of the superior race that is known as the "Nerds". Anyways back to the fic." Her nails are painted differently on each hand, on her left they are all baby blue except her ring finger, which is light pink, and on her right hand it is reversed with all being light pink except her ring finger, which is baby blue. She wasn't wearing too much makeup, just some black eyeliner, mascara, and pink lipstick. Her jewelry consist of gold heart shaped earrings, a silver class ring with a heart shaped sapphire on her middle finger on her left hand, a silver band on her ring finger on her right hand, and a purple watch on her left.

"Yes and you must be Jane Wright. It is a pleasure to meet you," Nicolette said as she extended her hand, which Jane took.

"Yes and this is my son Spencer," she said gestering to Spencer, who seemed to be glaring at nothing. In reality it was just Billy, who was still, for some reason, turning himself inside out and rightside in again and again and again and ag….

"Spencer this is Nicolette. She might be living in the Recording Room."

Nicolette got a confused look on her face. "Um… the Recording Room?"

"Oh it's just what we call it. Don't worry I'll show you right after the interview.


"Anyways, lets head to the living room to start the interview process," Jane said in a very cherry voice, "Let's go Spency."

"What? Why me?"

"Because, it would be rude for you to be here and not join in with us."

"What about Dad and Jessica?"

"Your father is at a model airplane convention and your sister is staying at a friend's house. Now come along."

The all made their way to the living room and got comfortable for the "interview process."

"So," Jane started, "Nicolette, are you new in town."

"Yes actually I just recently moved her."

"If you don't mind me asking, what brought you to Beverly Beverly Heights?"

"Oh, well, I got excepted into Beverly Beverly Heights University and I was living in the dorms, but they were just, how do I put it, um, snobbyish type rooms as well as my roommate, so I decided to live off campus."

"Ooooh College. How exciting. What are you studying?"

"Well I am majoring in both Social Work and Psychology and I am minoring in Music and Creative Writing."

At the word "Music" Billy instantly got interested. "Can't say I blame you on the Music Broma, but you don't need to go to school for that. All you need to know is within my brotastic brain."

Spencer rolled his eyes at Billy for forgetting that Nicolette could not hear him.

Jane perked up, "Wow that's impressive. I feel like I would burn out if I took that much studying on. Do you play any instruments?"

"Yup! I play the piano, guitar, flute, drums, keytar, accordion, cello, bass, harp, and that's just to name a few, oh, and also my personal favorite the violin," Nicolette finished happily.

Billy, Spencer, and Jane just looked at her with their mouths open and blinking. This in turn made Nicolette feel uncomfortable and think she said something wrong.

"Um, did I say something wrong?"

This snapped them out of their stupors.

"No dear," Jane replied, "it's just that that is a lot of instruments."

Blushing Nicolette replied, "yeah I've heard that a lot."

It was on this note that Billy started bugging Spencer.

"Broham, ask her if she has heard of the great Billy Joe Cobra? Wait! What am I talking about everyone has heard of me. Ask her if she's a fan."

Billy continued to rag on Spencer to ask. This caused Spencer to not really hear the conversation between Nicolette and his mom. He tried his best to ignore him, but couldn't. Finally he whispered "no," but even though it was whispered his mom still caught it.

"What was that dear?"

"Oh. Um. Well. Oh I have a question for Nicolette?"

Nicolette turned her attention to Spencer. "What did you want to ask me?"

"Um," Billy started ragging on him again, so he gave in, "have you ever heard of Billy Joe Cobra?"

"Well yes I have. I mean, this was his house right?"

"See I told you. Everyone knows the Cobra. Now ask what she thinks of my amazing music."

"What do you think of his music?"

"Well he did have a talented voice and was good at playing instruments."

"See everyone loves the Cobra."


"Wait. What does she mean by 'but'?"

"I did not really like his lyrics."

Billy was quite for a moment. A short moment before he did his classic Billy Joe Cobra freak out.

"What do you mean you did not like my lyrics? They were works of brogenius. No! They are more than works of brogenius they are works of Cobragenius. How dare you say you 'did not really like MY lyrics? Well answer me."

Billy continued fuming so Spencer decided to ask why she didn't like them. Honestly he was curious too because all the women he has seen love Billy's music, even his mom.

"Why didn't you?"

"Well, they just seemed conceited and narcissistic to me."

"Oh. Yeah. I can see that."

Billy just huffed and started pouting mumbling something that sounded like "brotrayl."

Jane decided at this moment to chime in.

"Well Nicolette why don't you go get your bags so you can unpack."

"Really. I got the room?"

"Yes. I still have to show you the room and if you still want it then it's yours."


Jane took her to the Recording Room and shockingly Nicolette liked it. After moving the few boxes she had into the room Jane gave her a set of keys. With a new person in the house this is gonna be an interesting year for Spencer and Billy.

Yup. So, that's my fanfic. Feel free to comment and/or add/favorite. Remember:

1 nice review or add = new chapter.

Thanks for reading.

Signing out.