So yeah…..first fanfic ever, woohooo! I wonder if I'm biting off more than I can chew with this one, since I've also never done a guy on guy story. But hey, there's always a first.

You can expect more lemony things in the future, but don't count on it to be coming soon or the on high high levels of sexiness.

"Levi, it's called "meet and fuck" for a reason. Just stop acting like a sexually frustrated teen, go to our beloved rabbit-hole downtown, find some hot, sexy beauty, and send your dick to heaven," a bespectacled brunette with a lazy ponytail sputtered through her straw, 1% milk dribbling out of the corners of the carton.

Normally, Hanji would never cuss this much. She would rather spend time experimenting on the psych of highschoolers with her beloved counselor Erwin, but when her sexy step-brother gets "hints" of irritation around him because he hasn't fucked since the end of the last quarter; let's say that a moody step-sibling becomes one of her top priorities.

Levi simply responded apathetically as he banged his leg against the braces of the lunch table, "I'm not acting like a sexually frustrated teen, I am one. And I don't want to hear advice from you when you can barely keep your glasses upright for half a minute." Levi wanted to fuck, and that might be his one cure to his dwindling grades. In his junior year, he already got accepted into the college of his choice and was ready to take on the world. Too bad his former-childhood-friend-made-sex-buddy got herself a boyfriend at the beginning of senior year, leaving his dick no place to go and his not-so-favored classes in a ditch. If he kept this up, it would be only a matter of time before his college sends him a little note of reconsideration.

Not only did he have brains, Levi was attractive, and nobody could deny that. With his height acting as his only demeaning factor, Levi could get ladies and gentlemen alike wet with a simple gaze, a flash of the nape, and maybe a swipe from his tongue on his peach, champagne tinged lips. His style preferences weren't exactly gothic, but it did have a few elements. Since Rose High had quite a dress code, his gray skin tight shirt had to be covered with a faded charcoal blue jacket, and his dark jeans weren't allowed to show off his ass or crotch. Out of his eight piercings, he was only able to pin two earrings on each ear.

Boy and girls alike were, at most, allowed to fitting, but not figure hugging clothing. Anything close to the school's definition of "sexual" had to be draped over with another article of clothing. But since the students at Rose High weren't exactly brain dead, they were always able to find loopholes in the dress code during school events, performance art productions, and other special occurrences. And besides, it has been said that imagination makes sexual attraction more enticing.

Hanji sucked her milk carton empty, and then tossed her lunch tray into a nearby trash can. "Levi, I really don't care how you want to spend your life, but when Mr. Kenny hears about your "efforts", I'm not gonna be the one paying for the holes in the family room walls." She looked up to see her step-brother scowling, and shrugged. "Hey, you're his son and only heir, and he's not my real dad."

Levi shot back, "And you aren't my real sister." The lunch bell then rang, signaling students that they had five minutes to decide whether to skip class or not. Without much surprise, many did the latter. Levi slung his backpack over his shoulder, Hanji walking with him before she left for her own class.

"When you make up your mind, tell me on our ride home." She said across the hallway, and then ran to her Psychology course with a cheery smile. As much as she loved her step-brother, she just couldn't relax around him.

Levi strolled off to his own English class, one of his suffering subjects. It wasn't that he didn't understand the class; he just never saw a purpose in learning more about a language that he had spoken since he could talk. If anything, Levi probably understood the English language better than anyone in his school year.

In the classroom he went, swirling around the other students. The start of the new semester was always a bit jittery compared to the beginning of the year. Since Rose High was a pretty new school, the school system was still a bit messy, which irked Levi quite a lot. New teachers were called in on a nearly bi-weekly basis, some staying because they were capable of teaching; while others leaving, since Rose High did have its fair share of problem students.

Levi strolled to the back of the class, making sure to pick a seat away from the teacher's desk. The senior English teacher suddenly decided that it was her time to retire, and Levi didn't want to take his chances with a new teacher.

The bell rang alarmingly as the students scurried to their seats, the sounds of jackets and papers rustled in the not-decorated classroom. A few moments go by, and no teacher appeared at the doorway. The students started to get excited, since a class without a teacher at Rose High certainly wasn't meant to be an independent study hall.

"A no-show on her first day, this is gonna be awesome."

"If she's gonna be late like this every day, then that gives us more chances to be late."

"Probably gonna be a ditzy teacher who can't even count her marbles."

Those words were lidded over when the door opened and a man with chocolate chestnut brown hair stepped into the room, his big, round sea green eyes sparkling behind his messy fringe. His slim figure strode smoothly to his desk and set down a deep green laptop backpack, the collar of his light blue shirt shifting to show off the creamy, moderately tan, peachy skin of his neck. For sure, Levi and every one of his classmate weren't convinced that this man was their new teacher. After all, he barely looked any older than they were.

"Sorry to disappoint, but I'm not a woman nor am I ditzy," The mysterious beauty said as he slid out a folder and walked to the lectern, even his voice sounded like a high schooler who was at the near end of puberty.

"So I guess I'll start your second semester of English with a self introduction. I'm Mr. Jaeger, and I'll be your teacher from now to the end of the school year. You call me Mr. J if you really find my name that hard to pronounce."

A girl with shiny brown hair in a ponytail spoke out while shoving whatever she had in her lap into her desk. From Levi's point of view, it looked like a baked potato.

"J? Isn't it Y?"

Mr. Jaeger turned around and uncapped a dry-erase marker, swirling the letters J-A-E-G-A-R onto the white board in neat strokes.

He turned again to face the girl, a slight smile spread onto his face, "I'm of a German origin, Miss..." Mr. Jaeger stopped to quickly check the seating chart "…Sasha. And now that all of you know the spelling of my name, I'd highly appreciate it if you don't mispronounce it on purpose."

"So what, are you saying that you don't have the "Moves like Jagger"?" A nearly bald boy next to Sasha giggled despite the young teacher's earlier warning, his energetic amber eyes glowed.

"Don't say that Connie, I bet he's too much of a stiff to do anything, considering that he's our teacher despite being a sixteen year old," A sandy haired boy with a thick, black undercut snickered behind his nearly hairless friend. Only the front row and a student in the back corner were aware of their new teacher's darkening expression. Levi sighed quietly, "Stupid mother-fuckers."

Mr. Jaeger laughed without a crumb of humor, and then looked back to his seating chart, "I see, Mr. Kirschtein and Mr. Springer. Please come up to the front of the class." The two jokesters moved to the whiteboard, not even caring about what could possibly be in store for them.

The teacher turned off the classroom lights, turned on the projector, moved to his desktop and opened a tab to YouTube. The students all started hugging their bellies and mouths, somehow stifling their laughter as the words "Maroon five: Moves like Jagger" started to appear in the search box.

The teacher swung his chair to face the two openmouthed students in front of him, his initial, small smile widening into a cheeky grin, "I'll give both of you two options. You can either dance right there, right now, or spend three hours afterschool helping our limited number of custodians clean the school."

Connie immediately spun around to Sasha, his face beaming. The rambunctious girl ran upfront as her skinny bald friend stretched out his arms and kneeled down, calling out as if he were Romeo, "C'mere my Christina Aguilera!" Jean's excitement, however, had sputter out and flickered away.

"You can't make me dance, and you can't make me stay after for so long! I've got track and field, and Coach Ackerman isn't going to be happy with me missing practice."

Mr. Jaeger smirked, "Don't worry, I'll send Mikasa a text about your services to the school."

"MIKASA?!" "Why are you using Coach's-"

"Quit the chit-chat! To dance or not to dance, that is the question my student!" And without further ado, the grinning teacher clicked the thumbnail, and the seated students cheered. Connie and Sasha enjoyed themselves to the fullest; jumping like squirrels, shaking their hips, making sprinklers with their arms and etc. Jean was left to somehow dance with the assistance of his freckled classmate Marco and the squeals of the girls who roused at the sight of Jean's unconsciously suggestive dance moves.

The very amused teacher returned to his lectern as the four students upfront continued dancing, twirling a pen in his hand, "Before I take roll call, I hope to get it to your mind that I'm twenty-four. Anymore comments on how I look over half a decade younger than I actually am, I'll make you either do something publicly humiliating or school services, understand?"

Eren wasn't expecting much of a response, since Adam Levine had just started to sing the chorus, and the dancers' hips went wild.

He caught the sight of a boy sitting in the back row, but then returned to his roll call. He couldn't see with the room being so dark anyway.

By the time school had ended, the new English teacher Eren Jaeger had become legendary.

The "Baby brother" of the Track and Field coach, Mikasa Ackerman; one of Rose High's first students when it first was founded by their beloved principle, Dot Pixis; and one of the finest teachers ever (of course, in the opinion of the students, except for Jean.)

To Hanji, Eren Jaeger was the gateway to the end of her step-brother's irritation.

On the ride back home, Hanji sucked on a lollipop, tapping her finger on the steering wheel as she waited for the light to turn red. She readjusted her glasses and turned to her fellow step sibling.

"You have Mr. Eren for English right? How was he?"

Levi stared out the window, completely unresponsive. Hanji sighed; His sexual frustration needs to stop. Without warning, he spoke, "Cheeky, not stupid, adorable, and totally fuckable." Levi turned to face his step sister, his gray eyes revived with a certain spark, a smile stamped neatly on his mouth.

Silence hung in the car interior like a clothes hanger, Hanji staring with her mouth open, showing off her candy-stained blue tongue. Then, after nearly four months, she put her old cynical smirk back on display for her step-brother to see.

"Wanna help him into bed with me?" Levi held out a fist, smirking at his potential partner in crime's excitement.

"Obviously, you little devil." Hanji bumped it back, paying no attention to the fact that the street light was green.


Screw the fact that he was a teacher and was six years older than Levi; no one was stopping the two high school seniors from getting Eren Jaeger to relieve Levi of his sexual needs.

As they continued home, Hanji suddenly remembered something. When Levi wants to have sex, he doesn't ever comment on how "adorable" his partner is. It usually just "Oh what did you know, a fuckable victim." If so, then why…

She turned to look at Levi, and this time, she didn't miss it. Her step brother's face, although slightly, was a flush of hazy pink.

Hanji grinned even harder, and then stomped on the gas, pushing the car's speedometer from 23 to 56 mph in an instant. Don't ask about what she did to the car, only her tight lipped mechanic knows.

For the first time in the ten years they've been family, Levi was completely, 100%, in love.

Okay done, done, and done.

Just a note, I'm really, really, incredibly, horrendously bad at keeping up with updates, so please don't kill me if I don't put out chapters on a weekly basis.

Reviews are greatly appreciated! :D

-Chikane Michiru