Hello okay so first I'd like to say that this is my first fanfiction in english so please be nice :) (and if someone will like to help me i'll be really grateful) and second I made some changes so this is an AU (obviously). Thanks for reading.


The weight of Hermione's books was killing her definitely today wasn't her best day, first one of Hagrid's skrewts bitted her leaving an ugly wound in her arm, then in charms class she found out that she left her homework on her bedroom for the whole class shock, in lunch she stained her uniform and she couldn't change her clothes leaving her only with her shirt and tie and just to make things better her bag broke and now she has to go around the castle with a dozen of books in her arms.

Sighing Hermione let herself fall against the wall trying to recover her energy she just wanted to go to the common room and lie in the couch next to the fire.

Readjusting the books in her arms Hermione left the wall and continued walking through the halls, when one of her books hit the floor Hermione let out a growl of frustration, balancing the books she knelt down and grabbed the book surprised that neither of the other books fell in the process though when she lifted her gaze she saw a door, a door that wasn't there in the first place and it wasn't like any other door she has seen at least in the castle and she was sure that she has walked around this hall a thousand times for the past six years and she has never seen this door before.

"could it be that this door is like the room of requirements? because I'd swear that this door wasn't there a minute before"

Reaching out she made lines along the carefully crafted door, there was a serie of runes that she has never seen before, curious she held the doorknob and entered the room, there she found a room surrounded by torches and artifacts that were situated in differents shelves with rolls of parchment, in the center was a huge circular table of marble filled with different runes and numbers of wich just a few she reconized, looking at the table up close Hermione noted that it was similar to a sundial. The brunette carefully put her books on the table and looked closer, analising it, it wasn't until she put her hands on it that she felt a weird tickling in her fingertips and noted that her skin glowed and the torches that lighten up the room were flickering, a light shake made the shelves and the table move in protest, the runes glowed too and the numbers readjusted themselves but as soon as it began it ended. stumbling and shaking her head Hermione picked up her books and got out of the room.

While she walked someone crashed into her making both of them fall to the floor besides all the books, looking at who crashed into her she let out a relived sigh.

"Oh great Harry please help me pick up my books"

"Umm excuse me but do I know you"

"Harry please I'm not in the mood I really had a shitty-" Hermione cut herself when she actually looked at the guy, noting that the familiar emerald green eyes were brown, that his round glasses werent round but rectangular and that his scar usually covered by his messy hair that made him the famous boy-who-lived wasn't there. Opening her eyes like plates Hermione realized that it only could be one person, standing up Hermione ran through the hall to Dumbledore's office.

Once she was at the statue that led to his office the brunette realized that if she was right she didn't knew the password.

"Oh great Granger now what? do I make a camp here?" she though bitterly, fortunely something good finally happened on this horrible day, at the end of the hall walking was no one else that Dumbledore just that this Dumbledore was a couple years younger.

"Sir I know that this will sound weird and you must be wondering who I am but I really need to talk to you and I promise I'll explain everything" she said when the old wizard finally made it to the statue.

"Very well follow me" Dumbledore responded after saying the password, the brunette followed him to his office where she explained everything that happening that day along with some things of her life.

Dumbledore who was quiet the whole time just wrote something in a piece of parchment "Very well miss Granger I'm afraid that you're right you're in 1976 although I must say that I haven't heard anything about that room that aparently was the cause of your...trip through the time. So I propose you something, seeing as we'll last a while finding that room and trying to figure it out you'll study here as a transfered student, as you were sorted in Gryffindor I think the best thing to do is put you in the Slytherin house" seeing that Hermione opened her mouth to complain he held up his hand efectively stoping her"This way someone you already met in the future won't reconize you later because the rivalry between this houses, I recomend you to not socialize too much with people you might know" when Dumbledore received a light nod from Hermione he continued talking"Do you know where Slytherin common room is right? I'll call professor Slughorne and make sure that everything you need will be in your room tonight" Nodding Hermione got up feeling the start of a huge headache"Ah and miss Granger? it might be good if you leave your tie here it would be hard to explain why are you wearing a Gryffindor tie. Oh and before I forget do you know any last name you'll like to go by?

"Umm my grandmother's last name was Grace maybe I can go by that last name"

"Perfect! have a good night. I'll make sure to research everything I can about that room"

After leaving her tie in Dumbledore's office Hermione walked through the deserted halls of Hogwarts, casting a tempus she observed that the student must be in the great hall for dinner.

"why me huh? of all the people why me? isn't it enough that I almost got killed every year?"

When Hermione finally made it to the Slytherin common room professor Slughorne was standind next to a stone wall waiting for her.

"Ah you must be the new student allow me to introduce myself I'm Horace Slughorne your new head of house and potion professor and you are...?" he said sticking out his hand for a handshake.

"Hermione Grace sir, a pleasure"she said taking his hand in hers.

"Hmm Grace you say? I've never heard of that house at least not in Great Britain" he hummed entwining his fingers in though.

"I must say I'm not surprised sir most of my family if not all comes from America. I was born and spent most of my childhood in London before moving to America with my parents"

"Hmm may I ask why did you moved back?"

"Well my grandaunt...she died and my parents...umm...inherited the mannor" Hermione prayed to all the gods she knew that her hesitation was mistaken by sadness.

"Oh I'm sorry my dear...I talked to one of your housemate and she will show you around the castle, I told her to meet you here in the common room" once he said that he clicked a spot in the middle of the wall and it opened showing the Slytherin common room.

When she entered the brunette realized the difference between both common rooms, this room was large filled with leather couches that seemed expensive, not comfortable though, the green lights made it seem cold and grim unike the warm and bright lights of Gryiffindor's, the only sound was that of the water tipping.

"I hope you feel in home here" with that Slughorne turned around and walked out.

While she looked at the rest of the room Hermione let herself fall in one of the couches feeling the weight of the situation settled in her shoulders, she started wondering if she'll ever see Harry, Ginny and Ron again, hear about their endless conversation about Quidditch, scowl at Harry and Ron for not doing their homeworks, drink a butterbear with them at the leaky cauldron laughing at their jokes, sneak around the castle in another of their adventures, and so much more. She closed her eyes trying to hold back the tears that were begging to come out, she though about the fact that she was at the marauders era where she could see Sirius again who just died last year when he fell through the veil, Remus who by now must be suffering trying to accept and hide that he's a werewolf, Wormtail who probably not even he knows that he'll betray his best friend in a couple of years and finally James and Lily, Harry's parents it was unfair that she has the chance to meet them and not Harry.

She opened her ayes and cleaned a tear upon hearing the sound of footsteps nearing to the common room. She straightened her back and put her most cold and neutral face that she had, but when she looked at the person who just entered the room she couldn't hide her surprise she hadn't thought that she'll meet deatheaters and their wives too, there standing was Narcissa Malfoy she reconized her of the time she met her at the Quidditch World Cup in her fourth year that Narcissa was beautiful but this Narcissa...this Narcissa was breathtaking, her golden hair fell in waves around her shoulders, her ice-blue eyes held a spark that Hermione had not seen at the World Cup and her soft features seemed carved by the gods themselves.

"Oh no...she's hot"

Straightening her back once again Hermione said "You must be the girl professor Slughorne was talking about"

"Yes and you are the new transfered student. Narcissa Black" By all the gods! her voice was the most beautiful voice Hermione has ever heard.

"Hermione. Hermione Grace" it felt strange to introduce herself without her original last name, it was like introducing someone else even if this last name was close enough to her real one.

"A pleasure" the blonde said looking her up and down with a smirk and sitting gracefully at the armchair in front of her "So tell me what brings you to Hogwarts? I mean it's not usual for someone to transfer with a month of delay" she asked tracing lines in the armchair with her finger.

"I understand" Hermione gulped she didn't know why but there was something in Narcissa that made her nervous, it wasn't the first time she talked with someone extremely beautiful, Fleur Delacour was an example so it was definitely not that but something more and that made her shudder.


"Yes, sorry I spaced out. Answering your question my grandaunt was the only one who stayed here, you see my family, the most part, lives in America my parents and I moved there too a couple years ago but when she died it was us who inherited the mannor so..."

"I see...sorry about your lost" Narcissa seemed like she belived her and soon changed the topic"So I talked to professor Slughorne and he gave me your schedule fortunely we share some of the classes so that won't be a trouble, because is already late and we are close to curfew I'll show you around tomorrow it's that okay? are you tired?"

"Yes a little bit" Hermione responded feeling the tiredness of her day finally hitting her.

"Very well then follow me" Narcissa got up and started walking to the stairs that led to the girls bedrooms. The bedrooms were the only thing that Hermione could say was similar to Gryffindor's except that the curtains were green and there wasn't any window since they were underground "that one is yours and the one next to that is mine"

Nodding Hermione sat in the bed seeing what Dumbledore got her and started to unpack.

"Whats that?" Hermione heard Narcissa ask.

"Ummm my night robes?"

"Not that silly, this" she pointed at the wound in her arm made by the skrewt, Hermione felt herself blush at seeing Narcissa only in her underwear with her night robes under her arms and looked away.

"Oh this? Ummm I had an accident"

"Hmm with what? that looks recent"

"A curious one arent you?" Hermione responded still looking away.

Narcissa let out a giggle before saying "I guess you could say that, to be honest I've never seen a wound like that it's quite weird, I want to be a healer you see so I like to be informed of anything that can cause a wound like that"

"Oh that's...that's cool but...ummm...it's just that I'm not comfortable talking about this" She said pointing at the wound "nice save Hermione maybe she'll thing that..."

"So it has happened before?"

"Ummm...is that the bathroom right?"

"Yes but don't change the topic" Hermione picked up her night robes and went straight to the bathroom leaving a shocked Narcissa with a disbelieving smile.

Once in the bathroom Hermione changed and rest her forehead to the door sighing "What I'm going to do?"

Once she walked out she found Narcissa sitted in her bed with a leg crossed over the other waiting for her "are you going to tell me now?"

"Mmm no, I told you that I wasn't comfortable talking about that. And now if you'll excuse me I'm going to sleep it's been a long day" the last thing Hermione saw before closing the curtains and going to sleep was Narcissa smirking.