Hey, this story has sort of been rolling around in my brain since the latest episode. It takes place during the beginning of the episode right when Iris presses send. I thought it would be interesting to see this from Barry's point of view.

*All characters belong to DC.

"So for those of who believe in you and what you're doing, I just want to say thank you."

She had just updated her blog. His phone pinged with the notification and off he was. He had been a few blocks over saving a homeless man from two drunk buffoons. The man was safe as were his belonging while the two drunkards were going to spend their night sobering up and come morning wonder why they were tied to a lamp post. He smirked at the thought.

Jitters was in sight and he slightly quickened his pace. He could make out her silhouette and the closer he got her features became more focussed. That smile. That same smile that made him both strong and weak; a paradox that he never wanted to end.

He pushed open the door and ran towards her. She was still looking at the computer screen with that same smile he had seen from outside. One of the benefits he loved about his new power was how it could make that smile last. How it could make Iris last. For a few brief seconds for the rest of the world, he felt as though he was watching his own movie.

She hadn't noticed him. Hell even the door wasn't even half way to being shut. He slipped his right arm under her knees and the other cradling her back. He made way for the stairs towards the back of the coffee shop. He felt her ease into his embrace. She was trusted him. Both parts of him.

He took in her vanilla scent. The perks of working in a coffee shop. Mixed with natural aroma, he was in heaven.

There were six flights of stairs he would have run up but he didn't mind. He would get to spend those moments with her, although to Iris it would be less than a blink of an eye.

If only she knew it was him. On one hand he so desperately wanted to tell her. She knew everything about him. Well not everything. But for his whole life she had been his confidant. Someone he could tell about the impossible. But those days would have to be put on hold for a while. And as much as it killed him he was starting to find joy in talking to her as this super-speed hero. He loved flirting with her and being completely honest, well as honest as one could get in his predicament.

He had reached the third flight. Halfway through.

He thought about the day he would finally tell her about this other version of himself. He imagined how she would react. He had narrowed it down to two reactions. The first would be complete amazement but then anger in keeping it a secret. The other would be straight to anger. He had known her all his life and to keep such a secret from her was destroying him. But maybe he was wrong. Maybe Iris would simply be delighted that her superhero friend was actually her best friend.

He sighed as the door the roof was coming closer. Only one more flight to go.

Another part of him didn't want to tell her at all. He had been crossing the line of friendship with her as this red-suited man and revealing this identity would force him to confront another secret. Was he ready to do so? He had always thought so but then nine months had passed. Nine months and everything had changed.

He reached the last landing and the door to the roof was coming closer. He turned around just in time, holding her tighter and opened the door using his back to press the handle. And suddenly they were outside. The cold air of November hit him and only made him bring Iris closer to him.

He ran to the center of the roof and gently placed her on her feet. Taking inhaling her one last time, he ran off to a corner on the roof. Facing his back to the rest of the city, he looked towards her.

"You're welcome."