Chapter 1
Disclaimer: I do not own Pokemon. Enjoy!
An empty pokeball was placed on something solid, like cement, but the area was also surrounded by grass and other carefully carved stones. Sadden sliver - grey eyes watched it poignantly and restraining anymore emotions that may leak. The gaze showed nothing but hopelessness and of a diminished light. All energy that they once held was no longer there.
The pair of eyes closed and two droplet of tears shone in the coming darkness, splattering onto the ground and letting all the emotions burst within those two droplets. Footsteps were heard and the pair of hollow eyes were never seen in the premise again, but two words echoed through the open silence.
"I'm sorry."
The cold morning wind rustled the leaves next to a house in Vaniville Town. The window behind it has its curtains wide open and revealing what the room looks like inside. Pink and white walls, several boxes left untouched; a bed near the corner, next to the window, with a girl sleeping soundly on it.
The wind pounded on the the window and visible sunlight radiated on the honey brown hair girl's face. She groaned and turn around, covering her head with her blanket. She didn't want to wake up just yet, after all the moving and jet lag, she needed more sleep. Besides, the morning is so cold, it just makes the girl want to hibernate.
The said girl refused to respond to the voice of her mom. She snuggled even more into her blanket.
Still no response from the girl. Little did Serena know, she was going to get a rude awakening.
A little robin Pokemon flew in from the window, prompting to wake Serena up with the prodding of its beak. "Serena, wake up! Your mom's calling!"
All the brunette could hear was chirping of Fletching's own name but it was enough to annoy her.
"Leave me alone." Serena mumbled, tossing around.
"Don't make me do this Serena..." Fletchling made more efforts to try to gently wake her up but to no avail. Some time passed and the little robin Pokemon grew very annoyed by the stubborn girl.
"That's it!" A vein popped on its little red head, then proceed to soar up and direct its beak towards Serena. With one good dive, a scream of pain can be heard throughout the house, which was followed by the sound of the honey brown hair girl dropping out of bed.
Serena rub her head from hitting the floor, forgetting that her stomach hurts like hell. Her eyes glared daggers up at the little flying type. "Robin…did you really have to do that?"
The robin Pokemon perch on her head and jerk its head the other way with sass, as if saying 'so what?'
The brunette's eyes twitched in annoyance, she so wanted to strangle the bird.
A chuckle was heard by the door and Serena turn to see her mom, Grace, leaning by the door frame. Fletchling immediately flew to her and she gave it a scratch under its chin as if to say a job well done.
"Robin is only doing its job."
"Not a very good job," The girl growled, rubbing her aching stomach. "I won't even be able to eat."
"It would help if you woke up earlier," her mom quipped, then look around the room to see unopened boxes. "And why haven't you unpacked?"
Serena rolled her eyes. "We moved in yesterday."
"At least unpack one box."
"Why should I?" She protested, folding her arms. "We're bound to move again sooner or later."
"Serena, please," Grace said in exasperation. "At least arrange some things in your room so that it wouldn't look so empty. These things are yours so don't expect me to unpack for you. And I'm not cleaning a room full of boxes."
Her mom turned around, about to head downstairs. "Oh, and breakfast is ready."
Serena sighed, getting up and open the box that's marked CLOTHES; she just took out a random set and put it on just so that her mom won't be fussing as much about her appearance. She change out of her pink pajamas and into a black blouse, red skirt, and black stockings; a strange - looking, black bracelet with a colorful stone embedded in it was kept on her wrist.
The brunette took a look at herself in the mirror and huffed at the state of her hair. She fished out a comb from the boxes and combed her hair of every knot so that it's neat and presentable.
Serena look in the mirror again and felt that something was missing.
"Oh, right."
She look on the dresser next to her bed to find a red felt hat with white framed sunglasses resting on it. How could she forget about her precious hat? Serena ambled over to get the item, but she took a moment's time to gaze at it, thinking of how much memory the hat held for her and yet it was still in good condition after all this time.
Serena made her way downstairs, putting her hat on while she was at it. When she got into the kitchen, the brunette saw the table already with a plate of pancakes and a cup of hot chocolate.
"Now there's my little girl." Grace smiled, satisfied that her daughter was finally awake and dressed, but she did question as to why Serena wasn't wearing clothes appropriate for the weather.
"It's not that cold." Serena deadpanned, sitting down to eat her breakfast.
"You're going to catch a cold if you go outside like that." Grace frowned.
"Really mom, I'm fine like this. It's not like I'm planning on going out anyways." Serena pressed on, though she was really half telling the truth. Sure she feel a bit cold but she didn't want to go back and change again. Besides, she's not going to go outside when she have her things to unpack.
"At least smile a little."
Serena ignored the comment, deeming it useless to her. Does her mom realize how much work smiling could waste? All the contraction in the muscles. Keeping a scowl on Serena's face was much more easier than forcing a smile and waste less of her energy.
The doorbell rang, interrupting Serena's peaceful breakfast. Seeing that her mom was busy, Serena sighed and scraped out of her chair. "I'll get it."
Upon opening the door, the brunette was greeted by two people. A boy that looked to be around her age, he had raven hair and electric-blue eyes. A red cap with black framed glasses rested on his head. He wore a blue and white jacket that went up to his neck, blue pants and brown boots. A black messenger bag slung over his shoulder.
The girl next to her looks younger, with chestnut brown hair and...four pigtails tied in a unique fashion. She wore a hot pink blouse with black ribbons trailing down the middle, blue denim-jean shorts, and pink shoes. She had a pink and white mini purse strapped to her shoulder.
"Bonjour -" SLAM!
Serena had closed the door on them when they spoke.
"Serena, who was it?"
The brunette look at her mom, who was carrying a box. "I don't know, they didn't speak Central PokeLang."
"Serena," Her mom scolded at her knowingly. "Don't close the door on them just because you don't want to interact with other people and dealing with their foreign language."
"Mom, have you ever heard of stranger danger?" The brunette retaliated with her arms waving up in emphasis. The doorbell rang again and Serena groaned, knowing that it's those two teenagers again. She flung open the door again, while maintaining a poker face.
"Pourquoi avez-vous -"
The brunette held up her hand to stop the girl before she could continue. "Mind speaking in something I can understand?" That came out ruder than she wanted but Serena could care less about it right now.
"Ah sorry!" the girl said, with way too much energy to Serena's liking. She was bouncing up and down, then bowing apologetically.
"I get too excited sometimes that I speak in my native language!"
"..." Then lose that excitement of yours.
"Anyways!" She started to bounce again, much to the brunette's annoyance. "I'm Shauna and this is Calem!"
She motioned to the boy next to him, who seemed to be taking an interest at the structure of the house.
"We're here to welcome you to the neighborhood! Calem and I are your neighbors!"
The brunette only nodded in response, wanting to speak as less as possible. She had the urge to close the door in their face again.
"Oh! While we're also here to welcome you, we're here to get you out of here!"
"Wait what?" Serena scrutinized her brows. She was getting suspicious of these people. It was strange to have people welcoming her to the neighborhood then the next thing they blurt out is that they're going to taking her from her house.
"What Shauna meant was that we're kidnapping you," Calem said with a tone of carelessness, though finally directing his gaze to the brunette. Serena wondered if he could read minds or something, because that's exactly what she was thinking.
He saw Serena's suspicious look and smirked. "Can't take a joke can you?" A tick mark appeared on the brunette's head. She was starting to dislike this boy more and more than she already have.
"Anyways, we just want you to come with us to Aquacorde Town."
"And...for what reason if I may ask?"
"Are you familiar with Prof. Sycamore?" He asked out of the blue.
"No." Serena lied. Of course she knew the Kalos Professor, but she wasn't just going to blurt it out to a bunch of strangers that she just met.
"You're not?" He raised an inquisitive brow. "How is it that you don't know who the world-renown Professor is, yet he knows you, who just moved here?"
Serena rolled her eyes at his conceited tone of voice. How would you react if I tell you he's actually my uncle and that he's not that big of a deal to me?
"Oh oh!" Shauna raised her hand as if she was in class. "I never got your name!"
"Okay then, guess what Serena?" Shauna chimed in the same enthusiasm that doesn't seem to be wearing off anytime soon. "Prof. Sycamore wants us to get a Pokemon to go on a Kalos journey to help in his research!"
"...Sorry, but did I just hear Pokemon and journey in the same sentence?" The brunette asked for confirmation, earning her a curious look from raven hair male. He caught a glimpse of the haunting look that those silver - grey eyes held before it disappeared.
What was that...? Calem wondered.
"Yep! Pro. Sycamore wants to give the three of us a Pokemon so that we can explore Kalos and help him with his research!" Shauna repeated, still bouncing in excitement, oblivious to the sudden change of mood.
"...No thank you." Serena deadpanned, about to close the door, but Calem stopped her from doing it by thrusting his hand against the wooden surface of the blue door.
"Why not?" He asked. "Not everyone gets a chance of getting a Pokemon and traveling the world at our age. We should be happy that Prof. Sycamore chose us out of everyone else."
Serena gripped the door knob tightly, pursing her lips. "I want neither, so would you leave me alone so I can go back to unpacking?"
"But…" Shauna said, disappointment filled her voice. "The Professor already arranged it."
"I don't care," Serena replied coldly, her eyes growing icy like the weather. "If he thinks that he can decide on things without telling me, he's sadly mistaken."
"But the three Pokemon are waiting to be picked by a trainer!" Calem argued, not knowing why he cared so much to get the girl to change her mind, it's not like it mattered to him. "You can't just let one of them get their hopes up and be send back to Prof. Sycamore."
That made Serena hesitated for a bit but she was still firm in her decision. She shook her head, these two were persuading the wrong person.
"Serena?" Grace called within the household. "Is there something wrong?"
"Nothing mom," she replied and then turned back to the duo. "If that's all you want from me, then we're done here."
Before they could do anything, she slammed the door on them. Serena leaned against the wooden surface, her bangs shadowing her eyes.
"Are you okay Serena?" Grace asked in concern, coming from the living room.
"I'm fine," The brunette replied, looking up. Her eyes were now as cold as ice. "Mom, I need the phone, where is it?"
"Oh's somewhere…" She thought for a moment, then something click. "Use the Holo Caster on the table."
"Serena," Grace furrowed her brows. "Is it...about traveling?"
The girl froze on her way to the glass table to grab the Holo Caster. She clench her hands into fists, knowing that she couldn't hide anything from her mom.
"Did Uncle tell you about this?"
"Actually...yes," Grace replied tentatively. "He only called this morning when you're asleep."
"..." Serena didn't make any more comment and made a grab for the device. She turned it on and scrolled through the list of contacts until she reached one that was labeled as AUGUSTINE SYCAMORE and pressed the CALL button.
"Bonjour~!" came Prof. Sycamore's voice. A holographic picture of the man appeared, showing he had wavy purple hair and wear a lab coat over a purple shirt.
"Uncle, who told you that I would agree to this?" Serena seethed.
"Ah, hello my peu nièce!"
"Cut to the chase" The brunette growled.
The Professor sighed, "I just thought that you would like that chance."
"Like it? Why would I like it?" Serena retorted. "There's nothing to like about it anymore! Why did you have to decide on that without asking me first?!"
"Uncle, you know what happened," She continued. "I don't want to repeat that again. I never ever want to be a Pokemon Trainer again."
Prof. Sycamore gave her a sympathetic look. "I just thought that this would help you. You were so much happier in the past, if only..."
Serena only shook her head. "The past can't be changed anymore and this isn't going to help me; it'll only make it worst. That happy Serena you knew is gone."
"If that's really what you want…"
"Uncle, I'm sorry," Serena said apologetically. "You'll have to chose a different person for your research. I don't want the last Pokemon to be disappointed that it's not going to be picked. And don't tell the other people you chose about this, I rather them not know about our family connection."
The brunette terminated the call before her uncle can respond. She trudged up to her room, with her mom looking after her. Grace sighed and return to what she was doing. Things really haven't been the same since that happened. Grace wished that Serena wouldn't linger in the past for so long. It wasn't her fault.
Grace opened a box to reveal a red device. Serena must've put it there by accident. She was about to call her down but decide against it. She probably wouldn't even want to look at it, but she does wonder why she kept the device. Maybe there's still a ray of hope.
At Aquacorde Town
"Where's the third?" ask a rather corpulent boy with a black shirt and Torchic hair style. Shauna plopped down onto her seat dejectedly while Calem just heaved a sigh.
"She didn't want to." He replied, sitting down at the cafe table outside of the store.
"What?" spoke a ginger head, he wore a white collared shirt with a green sweater vest. "What do you mean?"
"He means that Serena didn't want a Pokemon nor did she want to explore Kalos with us." Shauna explained with dull tone.
"What?!" Both boys exclaimed in shock.
"I don't understand why anyone would reject an offer like that." Calem muttered, strangely upset over something like this. He was usually calm and collected, not getting bothered by anything, and yet, that girl broke that shell. There was also something else that was bothering him though, have he seen the brunette somewhere before? She looked slightly familiar.
"Maybe we should try again later!" Shauna exclaimed with fire of determination burning up in her eyes and bringing the boy out of his reverie.
"Maybe…" Calem replied idly, pressing his face on the palm of his hand as he lean on the table
"Well, let's choose your Pokemon first." The huge boy said, taking out a capsule that had three pokeballs in it.
Who will they choose?
Ding - Dong! Ding - Dong!
They had expected Serena to open the door but it was her mother instead, or who they assume to be her mother.
"Hello! You must be the ones that talked with Serena earlier!"
Calem nodded his head. "Yes m'am. I'm Calem, these are my friends Shauna, Trevor, and Tierno."
He pointed to each of them respectively. "May we have a talk with Serena?"
"What do you want?" came Serena's idle voice from the window on the second floor. Her elbow was propped up against the window frame and she was resting her head on the palm of her hand.
"Serena," Calem started. "Please reconsider this."
"...No." She replied with an icy tone and shut her window and curtains.
Grace sighed, looking at the teens apologetically. "I'm sorry but Serena's really stubborn when she decides on something."
"Hey! That's just like you Calem!" Shauna piped, earning a look from the raven hair male.
"Why would she turn down something like this?" He asked of Grace.
"That's something...personal. I can't say it unless Serena wants me too," Grace replied with an apologetic smile. "I do appreciate you kids for not giving up. You would make great friends for her…"
"Could you convince her for us?" Shauna asked with a pleading look. Grace shook her head. "She can't be swayed about this subject, not even by me. Now, I'm sure you kids have a journey to go on so please don't let my daughter be an obstacle in your path already."
"..." Calem frowned. He didn't seem satisfied with this but he couldn't do anything else but to oblige and bid them goodbye. He doubt that Serena would even listen to them since they only just met and she looked to be the anti-social type, a bit like him as well. He was only ever comfortable with the few friends he made.
"I'm going to discuss the situation with Professor Sycamore." Trevor said as they walk back through Route 1.
Shauna and Tierno sighed while Calem stayed silent.
A few days later
It was a beautiful day in Laverre Town.
A girl with blonde hair and emerald green eyes stretched her arms on the small balcony of her room. Her face looked remarkably similar to a certain brunette.
She sighed in content and then cast her gaze down the street to see people walking by. She saw some people with Pokemon by their sides and look at them with envy. She wished that she could get a Pokemon and start her own journey.
"I wonder how he's doing?" She muttered absentmindedly and then ambled back into her room.
Downstairs, the phone rang, telling everyone in the room that someone's calling them.
"Serena! A package arrive for you!"
"Who's it from?" The brunette inquired. It seemed kind of strange to be getting a package since Serena didn't know a lot of people and even if she did, she hadn't stayed in contact with them.
"It's from your uncle!"
Serena got off the couch to stare down at the dull brown package on the table. There was a letter bind beneath the strings.
She opened the letter and detected a strong fragrance. She immediately held it away from her nose, wondering why her uncle would put that much on a piece of paper or why he bothered to spray any at all.
Pour ma chère nièce,
I know you didn't want to go on a journey but please take this anyways. I think you're the best choice for this job. Take care of it even if you don't want to travel around Kalos.
Amour, votre oncle Sycamore
Serena stared at the package, then back at the letter, and back again. She sighed, "What am I going to do with you now?"
A year later
Airplanes flew to and fro from the Kalos airport and the people rushing to get to the right terminal. At one of them, a certain honey brunette walked out with a red suitcase. She wore a red, unzipped hoodie with a black shirt underneath. Her blue jeans were tucked into brown boots. She had her hair up into a high ponytail. The girl still had her red felt hat, sunglasses, and the strange bracelet on her wrist.
"That was a great race!" her mom exclaimed while giving her arms a stretch.
The girl stopped and huffed, turning around to face her mom. "Mom, how many tours and tournaments are you going to go on? That last one lasted for two months."
"But Rhyhorn racing is just so fun Serena~!" Grace answered with a smile; Fletchling perched on her shoulder. Her daughter only gave her an idle look before making her way out of the air port.
"You're going to run out of trophy space." The brunette muttered under her breath.
Serena couldn't believe that they lived in Kalos for a little over a year - the longest they'd stayed at any place before - yet they rarely set foot at that house at all! What was the use of all that unpacking that she did when they moved in? It was ridiculous!
"Mom, can I just stay in Kalos the next time you go to an out-of-the-region trip?" Serena requested hopefully.
"Hm…" Grace looked thoughtful for a moment. "But sweetie, no one will be at home."
"I can take care of myself."
"...I'll think about it."
Serena sighed as a taxi came a pick them up from the airport. "To Lumiose City please."
The brunette gave her mother an incredulous look and asking as to why they're going there instead of back to Vaniville Town.
"I just thought that we can use this time to visit your uncle and go shopping!"
Serena's eyes twitched at the latter. " do know how I hate shopping right?"
Grace's smile never fade from her face, it turned somewhat sadistic. "You'll love it! There are so many shops at Lumiose! We should've gone more often!"
Serena bang her head against the window, someone need to save her from the upcoming torture.
I know, I already got a X and Y fanfic but the 'What If' question came to my mind... :P
Translation (Just in case you need them)
Bonjour - Hello
Pourquoi avez-vous - Why did you
Peu - Little
Chère nièce - Dear niece
Amour, votre oncle Sycamore - Love, your Uncle Sycamore
I guess I'll sign off here. Until next time,
Read, Review & Relax~