So this is set after the Farah's wedding and season 2 doesn't exist in this fic and Amy never slept with Liam. Because let's be honest, we all wish that didn't happen. So, this is a joint effort between me and Wheelie91, he did the editing and the ideas I did the writing. So I apologize in advance for me part. Anyways here it is, enjoy.

Disclaimer- I do not own Faking It

The saying, you don't know what you have until it's gone had never been more true for Karma at the precise moment. She had thought she had everything she would ever need, an amazing best friend, the hottest guy in school pining for her affection. For once in her life, people wanted to talk to Karma and she loved the attention and all it took was for her and Amy was to be fake lesbians. It was an idea that she should've thought of ages ago. Everything was perfect, well that's what she thought. All it took was one confession to turn everything upside down. All it took was one 'I love you', for Karma's perfect fantasy to crumble.

Amy's face, changing from one full of hope that Karma may feel the same way towards her. Then it changed into the look of complete and utter heartbreak and it caused Karma's own heart to rip apart also. She didn't know what to think after that, once she left the wedding she thought about the last few months of her being Amy's 'girlfriend' and everything made sense.

The longing looks. The way she acted around Liam, The way she agreed to the threesome, and the lingerie she wore that Karma thought was for Liam when it was actually for her. She cleared her throat and continued her walk to Amy's house. She had to make things right, she could lose her best friend even if Amy loved her and Karma was confused as hell. After a long night of crying to her Mom, it dawned on the girl that she loved Amy. As a best friend and maybe something more, it was all very confusing to Karma when what she thought she wanted was to sleep with the most popular guy in school.

Shaking her head, she walked down the street towards the familiarity of Amy's house. Believing that seeing Amy would help make her mind up on how she feels about the blonde. The fact that she didn't see her throughout the school day, and the painful absence in Karma's heart should have been a defining factor in figuring out her feelings, but she refused to accept it until she talked to Amy about it. For that she was certain of.

There was one thing Karma knew, that was that she couldn't lose Amy. The girl had been her best friend for so long and she couldn't lose her. She'd do whatever she could to make sure her friend was treated fairly and wasn't hurt anymore than she already was. Because Amy was something more than just a friend to Karma. They were closer than any other family member the girls had, and had spent every important moment of the others life together.

Birthdays were always spent together. Every year, Amy setting up scavenger hunts for her birthday brought a small smile to her face. The tradition had started on Karma's sixth birthday. It may have been small, but to a six year old Karma, who was always outshone by her brother, the tiny gesture meant more to her than anything her parents could have given her.

It was a little after that when Karma had decided that Amy would be her best friend forever. The two had spent the day at the arcade, Karma's mother always watching them but allowed the two to spend time together alone. She was jealous of the way Amy would always do better than her at the games, and looked enviously at the blonde's skinny arms wrapped around the bundle of tickets that she had won, then down to her own five tickets. So when Amy went to pick her prize, Karma sat down beside her mother, arms folded across her chest and a frown on her face as she waited for her friend to return.

And when she did, Karma was not expecting Amy to hold the prize out to her a shy smile on her face. 'Late birthday present' She had said as Karma had took the toy off her. It was a small cuddly toy elephant that sat nicely in one hand. It had been her favourite animal back then, and she beamed at the now shy Amy and hugged her tightly, declaring that she was the bestest friend someone could ever ask for.

Throughout the years what was said back then at the arcade had rung true. Amy had been kind and understanding, allowing the brunette to have her dramatic moments. Whenever she was being over dramatic, Amy would always be there to calm her down. But Karma had her fair share of being a good friend.

After finding out that Amy was allergic to peanuts, she had made a dramatic speech about how important it was to her that she would never eat peanuts again. Amy, being the stubborn girl she is, insisted that she was in fact not allergic to peanuts, and then proceeded to eat a Reese's peanut butter cup. That was the first time that Karma realized how stubborn the other girl was and terrified she was that she had almost lost her. After a traumatic episode from Karma at Amy's bedside, crying over the fact she had almost lost her best friend and how stupid she had been for even thinking of going near a peanut; the two friends made a life pact to never touch a single peanut or peanut product. Karma could feel her stomach churning when she thought about the peanut butter sandwich she had shared with Liam, it was as if the butter was attempting to force its way back to the surface.

Other than those few moments of where she had put Amy first instead of herself, Karma knew for a fact that Amy had always been a better friend than she had been. To anyone else overseeing their friendship, they would always come across the fact that Amy cared more for Karma than Karma did of Amy. But that was false. The brunette loved the blonde, more than she could even put into words. It wasn't her fault that she had to live with her Mom and Dad giving all their attention and all their love towards her adopted older brother, that with Amy she loved the idea that she put Amy first and would do anything for her. That she couldn't help but take advantage of it.

That's how they got into this mess, a heartbroken Amy, Karma losing her virginity to someone she didn't really care about. Their friendship that they had built so strong and sturdy over years of the two of them being together, began to crumble and crack all because Karma wanted to be popular and noticed and all Amy really wanted was to make her best friend happy.

If Karma had known from the beginning that Amy was in love with her, she would have stopped the entire lesbian facade.

Not wanting her best friend to be hurt any more than she was and for a minute Karma put herself in Amy's shoes. She thought about how she would feel, if it was her who was in love with Amy and it was the blonde who wanted to sleep with someone. At the very thought of it, Karma could feel her heart begin squeeze painfully and she couldn't even imagine how Amy was feeling witnessing all of this.

Her Mom always used to tell her 'never dwell on things in the past'. Which was something that Karma had to start doing. Yes, she knew she screwed up a lot but now was the time to make things better. To fix things between her and Amy. And if she and Amy somehow managed to end up together in the future so be it. But now all that mattered was for Amy to know how much she cared for her.

The girl smiled at the thought of making it up to her best friend, so when she saw the front door to Amy's house cracked open slightly, the door knob only attached by a couple of screws, panic overwhelmed her. She tried to think of any alternative outcome to why this was like this, but she couldn't. Karma's mind thought of the worse, and a choked sob escaped her mouth as she put a hand out to cover it. The only thing running through her mind was, 'Amy!'

There we have it chapter 1. What did you guys think? Was it alright? Well anyways please leave a review and I'll see you all in the next one. :D