This is it, the end. I hope everyone like this because this what felt right for the story to me. As for everyone that stuck it out with me here I hope it was enjoyable to read as it was to write. You guys are great and I appreciate everyone of you who hung around. A big thanks goes to Haitus80- if it wasn't for her I wouldn't have posted this at all.
Carol couldn't help the laugh that bubbled up at the sound of bare feet slapping the hardwood that had heavy work boots chasing right behind them. She turned and leaned against the counter waiting to see which of them it was. Just as the sound of the front door slapping shut echoed Lynn shot around the corner, her pigtails streaming behind her.
Ellie snorted from somewhere behind her and Carol smiled. Daryl was there suddenly catching his niece up in his arms and causing her to erupt with peels of laughter. She watched him as warmth enveloped her, it always did watching him with his niece or with Ellie. He had Lynn thrown up over his shoulder and marched right into the kitchen. Carol got a good look at him then and cracked a smile at his soaked appearance.
"Who bought her balloons?" Daryl questioned.
Ellie slid off the counter then. She was fifteen now and still just as close to Daryl as ever. It was no shock though after Jess passed away. Ellie naturally gravitated to the person she was the closest to after her father died. She had her own room living with them after behind with them for so many years.
"She asked nicely." Ellie smiled at him, her eyes were bright and held a quality gleam to them that Merle himself would envy. "It's almost her birthday, who would I be to deny her."
Daryl scowled at her but Carol could see him fighting the smile. Mac walked in then and she grinned seeing Sarah just behind him. She beamed at Carol and her eyes immediately went to her daughter still over Daryl's shoulder.
"You'd be nice." Daryl muttered.
"Oh and Daryl..." Ellie batted her eyelashes at him and looked far too serene. "You paid for them."
He huffed but otherwise said nothing. Carol knew he wouldn't when the girl told her what she'd done. Ellie always was like Daryl's own kid and the girl done no wrong. She felt sorry for her though when she decided to start dating. That poor soul that pursued her was going to have a hell of a time on their hands dealing with the Dixon men.
"DAD!" Lynn cheered.
Daryl turned then and Mac pulled her off him. She climbed around on Mac like a little monkey and was on his shoulders. She was looking down on Daryl haughtily and Carol laughed.
"Is everything already done?" Sarah asked, her voice was still just as soft and quiet.
Carol looked over and swiped at her face. The heat was starting to get to her despite the air condition being on. She'd been on the move all day and had to keep up with Lynn at the same time while getting the party together. Sarah wanted to help but she'd had a doctors appointment today and Carol was just as excited as her.
"Just need tables moved." Carol nodded to Daryl and Mac. "They can get that."
Sarah clasped her hand and smiled, "Thank you, I appreciate you doing this. I know how tired you are and I wish I could have gotten my appointment changed but Mac couldn't get any other day off."
Carol waved her away and moved to grab some chairs. Daryl's eyes shot to her and he shook his head i warning. Carol scowled at him but he stared at her. She was pregnant- not a cripple! Sarah laughed lightly next to her and nudged Carol out of the way. Lynn was trailing Mac and Daryl now as they moved the rest of the tables and chairs.
It wasn't long before her mom and Will showed up with Merle in tow. Andrea wasn't far behind and Carol grinned at her. Andrea raised her hand flipping her off. Carol couldn't help laughing and that got attention. Daryl raised a brow at her and she beamed at him. Mum was the word until Andrea decided to talk.
Danielle was buzzing around them and Carol watched silently. Seeing her mother after ten years free of Marcus was still like a shock at times. After growing up to see the shell of a woman her mother use to be it was a completely world altering change to the woman before her. She didn't look a bit different, maybe a little softer and a little grayer but still just as beautiful. Will though looked like he was the same age and Carol huffed because she knew Daryl was going to be the same. Even at thirty two he looked like he was in his early twenties.
Will pulled her into a hug and lead her out to her and Daryl's backyard. "Feeling better?"
Carol yawned but nodded, "I think I'm done with morning sickness."
Will smiled at her and she mirrored him. When she found out she was pregnant she wasn't honestly shocked. She'd wanted a child and told Daryl. He raised a brow and took what she wanted and gave her just that. After that night she'd thrown all her birth control out and he'd succeeded in getting her pregnant within four months of being off of them. When they told their parents that she was pregnant Daryl nearly had a panic attack at the amount of crying her mother done. Him and WIll both escaped soon after that and she was left to talk to her mother.
Andrea was already on the swing out there and Carol walked over taking a seat with her. Merle was throwing Lynn into the air with Sarah scowling at him. Mac was attempting to get Daryl in a chokehold but Daryl kept avoiding him. Ellie was talking animatedly to Danielle and Will was watching them. They were waiting on a few more people before Lynn's birthday party could really start. The stack of presents for the littlest Dixon was almost alarmingly tall. They'd all went overboard but then that was how they were.
Sarah set next to them and Carol and her both looked at Andrea waiting. Andrea scowled and sighed heavily. "Yes."
Two shrieks echoed around the back yard as both Sarah and Carol both grabbed Andrea in a hug. Andrea for her part was still scowling and talking about maiming Merle. When they let her go Carol flushed realizing everyone was watching them. Merle was intently and raised a brow at Andrea. She glared at him and bared her teeth. Carol chuckled and the nudged her. Andrea turned her eyes on to her and waited.
Sarah smiled at her instead, "It's the hormones."
"How far along are you?" Carol questioned quietly.
Andrea looked at her and finally the first sliver of a smile showed. "Thirteen weeks."
Carol and Sarah both beamed at her. Carol wasn't much further along than she was then. Saran was the furthest along being that she was twenty three weeks pregnant. All three of them smiled and planned out what to do for Andrea. Sarah kept nudging Carol telling her that it was all the same because she was going to be a first time mom with Andrea this time. Carol didn't consider that really the truth though because she'd already helped raise Ellie. The party went on around them and it wasn't long before Carol found herself half asleep against Daryl.
"You should just go lay down." He whispered to her.
"Are you?" Carol yawned.
Daryl snorted and she knew he wasn't. His brothers, niece, and their parents were still there. Everyone else already have left a few hours ago. Lynn was asleep in the middle of the floor sprawled over a nest of pillows. Ellie was passed out against Will with Danielle talking to the rest of them.
"No." He nudged her, "You're drooling on me."
Carol smiled sleepily against his shoulder. He opened her eyes though when he lifted her off the couch without warning. Everyone was looking at them but he ignored them. He walked out of the room and down the hall. When they got into the bedroom he put her on the bed and started stripping her. Carol didn't bother with fighting him but instead watched through hooded eyes. He was tossing her clothes towards the basket but of course missing it; like always. He started working a shirt over her head and she inhaled deeply smelling his distinct scent on it.
"I'll be back in a few." He smiled once he got her dressed for bed. Daryl leaned down kissing her forehead. Carol smiled at him and he stared at her for a second. "I love you."
"I know." Carol grinned. "You think she had a good birthday?"
"You know it." Daryl smiled. His face sobered though and he studied her. "What were you three whispering about earlier?"
Carol arched a brow, "We were discussing periods." Daryl made a face but she could tell he didn't believe her. "Or the lack thereof...she's pregnant."
Daryl went to his knees on the bed between her own and regarded her. A slow smile spreading over his face. "Andrea's pregnant?"
Carol nodded and he ran his hand down her arm. Carol felt warmth wrap around her again when he started playing with her wedding band. It was a habit of his that she wasn't even sure he was aware of. His hands were warm and rough and she felt asleep calling to her.
"You know..." Daryl interrupted. "I'm glad you came to check on me."
Carol blinked and looked up at him. "What?"
He flushed and looked down at her. He still the ability to get embarrassed even now after being with her for so long.
"When I fell off that fucking ladder. You came to the house and checked on me. Granted you dumped your drink all over me but if you hadn't we'd never been here right now." He leaned over her then and kissed her forehead again and then her lips. It was chaste and Carol tried to catch his lips. "My life without you would have been miserable."
Carol ran her hand up his throat and felt his pulse hammering. "I would have came looking for you anyways." At his looks she pulled him flush against her, he braced his arms on either side of her head. "When I met you at that stupid festival it was already too late for me where you were concerned. Even my mom knew it, ask her."
Daryl gave her a crooked smile and his eyes darkened. He pushed her hair back away from her face and studied her. Daryl kicked his boots off and leaned up jerking his shirt up and over his head. Carol watched him silently as he stripped out of his jeans. He walked over to the door and shut it the rest of the way before flipping the lights off. He was back on the bed then and dragging her into the warmth of his chest.
"What're you doing?"
"Going to bed with my wife." he laughed against the back of her neck.
"What about everyone out there?" Carol yawned and pressed against him even more. "We have guest, it's rude to just leave them out there."
Daryl kissed her shoulder and tightened his arm. "I never said I wasn't an asshole Carol." Daryl chuckled, "Besides Ellie's still out there and knows to lock up when everyone leaves."
Carol hummed at his words and felt his hand go to her stomach. The other had ahold of her other hand while keeping it pulled against her chest. His fingers still playing with her wedding band. His hand on her stomach traced patterns and his breathing started to deepen with sleep as it moved over him. All the while his hand stayed on her stomach, protective already over their child.