Twas the Night before Avatar Day, in Republic City,
Not A creature was stirring, not any to see,
With Asami in her kerchief and I in my cap
Had just settled in for a long winter's nap
But up on the rooftop there arose such a clatter
So I got on my Earth gloves to see what was the matter, but
O great bewildering great wonder has risen
At last that I saw it, a miniature sky bison
The Airbender in red with his hands at the Reins
Shouted at them and called them by name;
Now Jinora, now Opal, Now Kai and Ikki
On Meelo, On Ryu, On Otaku and Bumi!
Take to the sky and Heed to My Call,
Now Dash away, Dash Away, Dash Away All!
As leaves in the wind, like the legend had told,
They were the leaf, so brave and so bold
So up to the rooftop, the Airbenders flew
With the sleigh full of toys, and Tenzin too,
Then in a twinkling I heard to by relief
Meelo shouting "BE THE LEAF!"
As I turned my head for this time around,
Down the Chimney Tenzin came with a bound
He was dressed in red fur, from his head to his foot,
And his robes were all tarnished in ashes and soot,
A bundle of toys that he had on his back
And he looked like an Airbender just opening his pack
His eyes how they twinkled, his eyebrows, so merry,
And his tattoo was blue just like a blueberry,
His droll little mouth, as the legends had told,
And the beard on his chin was as black as coal,
He was quite the twig, like a jolly old elf,
But I laughed when I saw him, in spite of myself,
A twink of his eye, and a twist of his head,
Soon let me know he wouldn't air slice me to shreds,
He spoke not a word, but went straight to his work,
He filled all the stockings, then turned straight with a jerk,
And laying his finger on the side of his nose,
And giving a nod, up the chimney he rose,
He went to his bison, and called to his team
And away they all flew like a big puff of steam
I heard him exclaim as they drove out of sight,