Eiichiro Oda owns One Piece
An Unexpected Package
"How're you feeling?" Law asked quietly when Nami stirred next him.
"So far, so good." She mumbled, then rolled onto her back to see how her stomach would react to the manoeuvre.
Law turned on his side and stretched an arm out to tug at Nami's hip, and pull her against his chest.
"Really?" Law smirked as he kissed her cheek, and let his fingers ghost across her abdomen, deciding to try his luck.
It had been a few weeks since he had last seen her. Law had hoped for a passionate reunion, but Nami had been too sick to let him anywhere near her.
"Ah!" Nami screamed, and shoved him away when he squeezed her breast. "There's no need to be that rough." She complained.
"I'm sorry, Nami-ya. I-" Law began to apologise, but Nami quickly interrupted him by getting out of bed. "Where're you going?"
"For a shower." She spat in a stormy tone, and slammed the bathroom door behind her.
Her voice brought forth the memory of when they first met, of the hateful insult she fired at him at the entrance to Caesar's Laboratory. 'Has she grown to despise me in my absence?' Law wondered to himself as he lay in bed, confused.
He had promised to not go long periods of time without seeing her, and he had kept his word. Six weeks, he counted. That was nothing compared to the five months he had once been separated from her.
With a heavy sigh he rolled over onto her side of the bed, buried his face into her pillow, then tried to fall back to sleep.
"Law?" Nami shouted to him from the bathroom. He could barely hear her voice over the sound of the downpour from the shower. "Law?"
"Yes?" He replied, lifting his head from her pillow so his voice wouldn't be muffled.
"Can you come here, please?"
To him, it sounded like there was a hint of worry in her voice. It made him shoot out of bed, and rush to the bathroom. "Is everything alright?" He inquired the second he got through the door.
"Get in." She invited.
Law smirked as he eyed her figure behind the frosted shower screen, relieved that she was finally seeming like her usual self.
He quickly climbed in behind her, and wrapped his arms around her waist and soon began kissing her shoulders and neck.
The water was hot, too hot almost, but he wasn't about to complain since he was finally about to get what he wanted. Law desperately needed quench his libido, so his affections quickly turned quite amorous as his hands started to roam her wet skin.
Law couldn't control the smile that crept onto his lips when Nami grabbed his wandering hands and slid them up her body to cup her breasts. He kept his touch gentle, kneading them softly, for fear of pushing his temperamental girlfriend into refusing him again.
"I'm not trying to have sex with you." Nami chided, then immediately removed his hands.
"Then why did you call me in here?" Law asked in a voice that was laced with a mixture of worry and anger. He couldn't understand what he'd done for her to be giving him the cold shoulder.
Law took a step back, and tried to pull his hands free from hers, but she held on to him tightly and interlocked their fingers, confusing him further.
"Didn't they feel different?" She asked quietly, then Law noticed she was trembling slightly.
She wasn't cold, she couldn't be. He wished it was a shiver he saw, but the water was so hot it had turned her skin pink. She was scared about something, and wanted him to confirm her fears.
"I don't know." He fretted, trying to hide the anxiety in his voice by giving her hands a reassuring squeeze. "What are you thinking?" Law asked as his mind began searching through its extensive medical knowledge in preparation for whatever affliction she might try and identify with.
Nami said nothing. She simply tugged his hands to force him to step forward, then wrapped his arms around her. When his chest was flush to her back, Nami relaxed into him, and turned her head to look up at him over her right shoulder.
"Nami-ya?" Law prompted. Her silence was agonising, but she soon replied by unlocking their fingers and placing his palms flat against her body. She continued to stare up at him as she slowly slid his right hand down to rest on her lower abdomen, then gently pressed his finger tips against her skin.
Law suddenly felt like the wind had been knocked out of him, and he was grateful for the shower beating down on his face, disguising any tears of joy that he was quite certain would be pooling in his eyes.
He pulled her closer with his left arm, while the fingers of his right hand clutched a little tighter at her skin. "Are you sure?"
"Pretty sure. I thought I'd better get a second opinion from a doctor, though." She said with a wary smile.
"How long?" Was all Law managed to ask. He was pretty shaken by the prospect of a child.
He was in love with Nami, and the idea of her having his baby was an overwhelmingly appealing one, but it was still a shock, they'd never even spoke of it. He wanted a family, but the idea still terrified him. All the memories of his mother and father, and Lamie, everything he endured; they all quickly rushed through him. Then, the struggles of them being pirates trying to raise a child, everything he and Nami would have to face together suddenly hit him in one go.
The pain of his memories was evidently plastered to his face. Nami's expression soon changed from cautious to downhearted, and she turned away from him.
"How long have you known? How far do you think you are?" He asked, quickly regaining his composure. He released the pressure of his right hand, and affectionately began to stroke the skin above where their child was growing.
"I was thinking that maybe I was so tender because I was due on my period, and then I realised that I'm late. All the signs point that way. I'm definitely more emotional, and less confrontational than usual, too." Nami paused then to take a few deep breaths. "I think I'm only about six or seven weeks, so it's not too late if-"
Law quickly, but carefully, spun her around, then sealed his lips to hers before she could finish that sentence.
"Don't even suggest such a thing." He said as he rested his forehead against hers. He smiled warmly at her as he witnessed her worry melt away. "That's our flesh and blood you're talking about, and I wouldn't want any harm to come to it."
"But you didn't look happy," Nami began to explain. "and it's not like we've ever spoken about it."
"I am happy." He promised. "A lot of memories just got dragged up, too." Law explained, turning off the water and showering her with kisses. "Are you unsure about what you want to do?"
"I couldn't bring myself to not keep it."
"Good." Law smiled, then offered a hand to help her out of the shower. "Come on. Let's get you properly checked out."
Originally posted on Tumblr 20th Nov 2014