Title : My Boyfriend's True Face

Main Paring : Miyusawa

Thanks for all reviews and long wait


Eijun has moved to Tokyo to attend the University of art and music. He was suppose to live in the regular art student dorm but they were all full so now he has to live in the dorm called Four King but it's nothing like a dorm when he arrives. And only Tokyo's genuineness lives there. When Eijun arrives there he realize all the guys living there are good looking guys. And one of them seem to have fallen for him big time, but does Eijun swing that way or not. And what's behind that mask that boy who asked EIjun out have.

Chapter 16 - Care

The next day Eijun wasn't himself, how could he after what Rikuo had told him. He had stayed home and didn't go to school, he lied saying he was sick but Akira could probably see that he was lying but he didn't say anything about it. What was Eijun going to do about Rikuo, he was his former friend but it was also his fault he turned out that way.

"I brought you some tea." The door opened and Akira entered the room with a cup of tea for Eijun.


"You seemed troubled so here is some tea to help you think better." Akira smiled. Eijun took the tea and took a sip of it, the brunet could taste the honey and ginger in it.

"It's taste delicious." Eijun smiled in which Akira smiled back and had his tea as well.

"Nagao-senpai, what do you think is the right thing to do?" Akira turned to Eijun and waited for the brunet to continue. "Is it right to do what your friend says or do what is right for you?"

"Sawamura-kun, what do you think is important to you?" Akira asked looking straight at Eijun.

"What's important to me?"

"Yes. Think about it before you do anything. I don't know what's going on with you but you can always come to me or the others since we are your senpais and we are here to help you. And I'm sure Miyuki wants to help you more then anything."

"Thanks." Akira then help Eijun's room after they finished their tea.

The brunet didn't think about it before but what Akira said was true. He was thinking about what is good to make Rikuo happy in fact he didn't think of his own happiness. He had to talk to Rikuo and explain to him about everything and that way maybe Rikuo would understand as well.

Just as he was thinking that his phone rang.

"Where are you!"


"You're coming to the university, right."

Sawamura had planned not to go but that he had talked with Nagao about his problem maybe he should go and deal with Rikuo about it.

"Yea. I'm coming."

"Great since that friend of yours have been asking about you."

"Is he with you?"


"That makes things easier. I need to talk to him about something important."

Eijun quickly changed and started heading toward the door when he saw Nagao on the couch.

"Are you feeling better?" He asked.

"Yes. I'm going to the University and meet up with Raichi-kun for a bit."

"If you're not feeling well, call one of us or let Miyuki know because I think he's at the University."

"I got it."

Eijun had called Raichi to say that he had arrived. He was going to the place that he was going to meet them when he bumped into somebody.

"What's the rush?" It was no other Kamui.

"Sorry about that." Eijun apologized.

"I thought you were sick since you didn't show up for class."

"I was but then I decided come."

"Don't push yourself too much."

"No problem." But the problem was that Eijun wasn't really that sick to begin with.

"Eijun!" The brunet could hear his friend calling from across the room and he wasn't alone of course since Rikuo was him when he called earlier.

"I have to go." Eijun waved goodbye to Kamui and walked toward where Raichi and Rikuo was at.

In the end Raichi left early so he could go see Sanada leaving the two alone.

"Did you think about what I said to you?"

"I did. I understand that you love me but I can't love you back."

"What are you saying?" There was a bit was anger in Rikuo's face.

"I can't leave my boyfriend to be with you."

"Are you sure about that? I might do something horrible."

"Please understand that I don't want you to be hurt and maybe I hurt you in the past but I want you to be happy and find somebody new to be with."

"I can only be happy with you by my side."


"If your brothers hadn't inferred with us and just maybe I could have had you."

Eijun's words weren't working the way he had hoped but he manages to say how he felt which he was glad but still Rikuo didn't understand his words and he got angrier.

Rikuo lean forward and tried to kiss Eijun but the brunet moved back and that made Rikuo rage with anger. Rikuo had loved Eijun since the moment they had met yet the boy refuse to return his love back to him.

"I'm sorry." Eijun started to turn around and walk away but then Rikuo grabbed his hand and stopped him from going any farther then that.

"Do you know I would let you leave me again?" The grip in his arm was strong and it was hurting Eijun a lot.

Suddenly another hand came in contact and broke Eijun free.

"I would like it if you not touch my lover that way." The brunet looked up and saw Miyuki was the one who saved him.

"So you're the rumor boyfriend of his."

"The one and only. And who the hell might you be?"

"I'm the one who loved him way before you did."

"That is probably true but he's with me and I'm the one that loves him and is with." Miyuki was starting get annoyed with this guy, was Eijun a manic for trouble or what, first it was his two brothers now this guy.

"Miyuki." Eijun whispered.

"Don't worry I won't do anything to hurt him, well not too bad." Miyuki smirked. Before Miyuki had chance to do anything the other guy attacked him and threw him toward the ground. Miyuki had blood dripping down his face. He wiped the blood that on his lips away and stared at Rikuo. "You really shouldn't have done that?!" Miyuki eyes raged with anger, another side of him that Eijun had know about since he known him.

Miyuki didn't care anymore; he didn't care that he would injure the guy like the brothers did to him since this Rikuo guy was annoying the hell out of him. He comes back to Eijun saying he wants him like it's nothing and there is no way that Miyuki would allow the one he loves to be taken that easily.

"Is that all?" Rikuo laughed as he stared at Miyuki with laugher.

"I really want to kill you!" Miyuki was about to charged in but then a hand stopped him. Miyuki was surprised that it was one of Eijun's brother. "Soramaru."

"Let me deal with this." He said.

"Are you okay?" Utamaru appeared and looked at Eijun to see if he was okay.

"I'm okay but Miyuki."

"He won't die that easily." Uta said. Eijun ran toward Miyuki to see if he was hurt or not. He was already and smiled at his boyfriend.

"Soramaru and Utamaru!" Rikuo laughed, the guys that made him like this was standing there. "I really wanted to kill you two!" He yelled.

"I see you still have a thing for our little brother." Sora said. "We regret that we beat the crap out of you but that's what big brothers do and that's take care of our only little brother."

"You're different from Miyuki. Since Miyuki was strong enough to face us but you were a total coward." Sora said.

"What the hell do you know?"

"I know that you were scared of us." Sora said.

"Shut up!" Rikuo yelled.

Sora stepped closer to Rikuo and fear creeped inside Rikuo, he never like this guy and he would never forget how they had beat him up, he had to be in a hospital. He was finally let out but it was a long time for him.

"You took everything away from me. I was stuck in the hospital with nothing to do. My life ended with what you did."

"The truth is you loved our little brother but not anymore. All you cared about was bringing us out and to get your revenge."

"That's right!" Rikuo yelled, the guy the recalled the memoires of when he was stuck in the hospital even his own parents stopped caring about him since he couldn't move for some times. "It's all your fault!" Rikuo yelled along with tears that fell down his face.

"I brother didn't mean any harm." Eijun spoke. "My brothers always worry about me being the youngest so it's my fault for being weak."

"I can understand that but what happened to me can't be changed."

"It can't be how you learn to forgive them." Eijun said.

"How can I forgive you two?"

Rikuo's leg tripped and he fell but Sora and Uta manage to grab him before he fell to the ground. The two smiled at the boy. "We'll take care of you from now on."

"Huh?" Rikuo was confused.

"It probably won't make up for the things we did but we will try to help from now on." Sora said.

Rikuo didn't know what to say or do anymore but maybe he wanted somebody to care for him like that. He was sad the time when his parents abandon him all alone in that hospital and he thought Eijun had also abandon him but it was him that didn't let him in when he was in the hospital. He was scared of people seeing that face that he had.

"Fine." Rikuo said. "Just don't leave me alone."

Everybody smiled as things go resolved and everybody were happy but there something still in one's mind, that Rikuo was aided by somebody since Eijun recalled that Rikuo couldn't recover for a couple of years but here he was so who helped Eijun, and boy did the boy have a bad feeling about this.