*UPDATE* I started this story when I was fourteen and it was basically the first thing I'd ever written so please keep an open mind! I still do update it but just keep in mind that the early chapters will be short and perhaps have some mistakes. It's more of a fun story rather that a plot heavy story so don't take it to seriously. Either way I hope you enjoy it!
Well hello there! :) I got a request on my Tumblr for a drabble about the Sakamaki's having a younger sister so I figured I might as well post it here! It's set as if the girl is around 12 and it's just kind of simple!
So I hope you enjoy this and please leave reviews telling me what you think :) x
The day had been going on fairly normally inside the Sakamaki household for most of the brothers. Shu was sleeping, Reiji was in his lab, Laito was doing something that was probably inappropriate, Ayato was stealing Teddy from Kanato. The only one whose day wasn't going so normally was Subaru's.
He had been given the job of helping Mizuki with her homework. Why Reiji wasn't helping her was a mystery to him but since he cared about his younger sister he did his best to help her.
"What do you mean that's not how it's done?" Subaru said as his younger sister told him he was wrong. "That's damn stupid! Tch."
"It's not my fault you're bad at maths." Mizuki said as she rolled her eyes at her older brother.
"You da-" As Subaru stood up and began to yell he was interrupted.
"What's with all of this noise?" Questioned Reiji as he made his way into the room. "I could hear it all the way from my lab."
"Subaru's stupid and doesn't understand maths." Mizuki said with an innocent face. She just knew it would annoy him.
"Subaru is pretty stupid." Ayato said as he ran into the room with Teddy in his arms and Kanato hot on his trail. "Now hurry up and finish your homework so you can help me!"
"SHE WOULDN'T HELP YOU!" Yelled Kanato as he made his entrance. 'I'm her favourite!"
"Are you sure about that?" Laito said as he made his entrance. Walking up behind the young girl he popped his hat on her head. "I think she likes me the best."
As soon as the words left his mouth voices of disagreement erupted from the rest from the rest of the boys in the room, excluding Reiji of course. All of the noise being made awoke a certain lazy vampire from his sleep.
"All this noise is so bothersome." Shu said as he walked into room. "What's all of this about?"
"I'm proving that I'm Mizuki's favourite!" Kanato said as he hugged Teddy, who had somehow gotten back from Ayato.
"You wish you damn brat!" Ayato said as he once again took Teddy from Kanato.
"They're so loud." Mizuki mumbled as she gathered up her homework. Walking over to Reiji, they came to a silent agreement and left the room.
They could do her homework somewhere else.