
"Young master, I'm begging you, please don't make me do this."

The boy leaned back in his tufted armchair and laughed, gazing at me as I stood at attention on the other side of his large mahogany desk. "Hmm," he smirked, his uncovered eye gleaming with devious amusement, "I never thought I'd hear you beg, Sebastian. It's most enjoyable."

I couldn't help but retaliate, as I felt like an innocent man being falsely imprisoned upon charges of murder, but obligated to serve the sentence nonetheless. Yet the fate to which I was regretfully bound was a slim shinigami with crimson hair, who was clinging roughly to my right arm and gazing at me lustfully over red-rimmed glasses.

"I'm sure you remember that we made a deal with Grell in exchange for his assistance with our last assignment," Ciel smiled again, "you haven't forgotten, have you, Sebastian?"

"Of course not, bocchan," I muttered reluctantly, though internally I was resisting the urge to smite the smug expression of enjoyment from my young master's face. His childish amusements often served to fulfill one of two purposes: either to make my job exponentially more difficult, or to torment me in deviously spiteful ways for his own enjoyment. Regardless of the fact that I have been by the boy's side for several years, serving him until the terms of our contract have been satisfied, does not imply that I have become indifferent to his treatment. While I go about my duties with the expectation of meeting each of my master's ridiculous demands, nothing can possibly make his disposition any less irksome. I have, admittedly, become somewhat fond of Ciel Phantomhive, but in predicaments such as this one, it becomes painfully difficult to suppress my disdain.

"Well then, off you go."

Grell responded to the order excitedly, attempting to drag me from the office, but managed to accomplish nothing aside from straining the threads of black wool in my tailcoat. Without so much as glancing in his direction, I aggressively slapped his hand from my sleeve, eliciting a yelp from his lips and painting his face with a horribly dramatic pout. "Bassy, how cruel! That's no way to treat a lady, let alone your lover!"

"How vulgar," I stated flatly.

The young earl laughed openly at Grell's obscenely theatrical exclamation, and I sighed heavily, attempting to suppress the anger that was now throbbing in my temples. "He's very right, Sebastian. You are in no way being a gentleman towards your lover," the final word was stressed so smoothly, yet I could hear the amusement in my master's honey voice. "This arrangement will be null after today, so I'm fairly certain that you can cope."

"A full day!" the red shinigami chirped with unsettling enthusiasm. "By midnight you'll never want to leave me," he purred, his tongue lightly tracing his lips as he gazed at me with luminescent green eyes. Standing on his toes and leaning in my direction, his attempted kiss was repelled by the aggressive shoving of my palm into his face.

"More vulgarity, most unsettling. And such behavior is certainly not suitable for a lady." I could hear his muffled retaliations from behind my hand, but I paid them no heed, as my mind was wholly occupied by the temptation to suffocate the idiot right there in my master's office, and thereby free myself from this cruel and unusual punishment. Reluctantly, I removed my hand from his face, and shuddered when I found that my crisp white gloves had been slightly dampened by his warm breath. Turning to face my master, I wiped my palm on Grell's red coat in irritable disgust. "Very well, bocchan. But I will not deny that this may very well be the most unpleasant and tedious day of my considerably long life."

The brat smiled again, "Sebastian, you are relieved of your duties for today. And Grell, do with him what you will."

The red-haired man squealed excitedly, once again clutching onto my arm and molding his body to mine, trying and ultimately failing to give me a sensual look. I eyed him with utter distaste and reluctantly admitted defeat. He promptly begin to skip out of the room and into the hall, dragging me behind him like a stubborn dog on a leash. "How painfully degrading," I mumbled, completely indifferent to the offended scoff that Grell loudly sent my direction.

"Bassy, your doting maiden would like to have lunch out in the garden, followed by a nice bout of kissing. With tongue," he requested loudly with a wink, launching himself in my direction and attempting once again to kiss me. I easily avoided his assault, letting him fall prostrate to the Oriental rug under my feet, then stepped over him as if he was a mere object that was blocking my path. Jeering and continuing to stride apathetically down the corridor, I did my best to ignore his whines as he stood and ran quickly back to my side.

He stopped suddenly in mid-stride, preventing me any further movement as he held roughly to my sleeve. "Bassy, my love," he began, "I have a proposition for you. We should have a competition."

I glared at him suspiciously, "Competition?"

"Yes. If I am able to seduce you, you must do anything I want you to."

"Very well, I accept. I was hoping that it would be a battle of wits, because my victory would be instantaneous. But this challenge should be equally as easy, since your advances will be entirely futile." Scarcely before I could finish my insult, I found myself pinned aggressively to the corridor wall. Unfortunately, I was unable to conceal my surprise, and my shocked expression only served to encourage the crimson man's affections further. A thin finger grazed lightly over my lips, leaving in its wake a sensation much like the brushing of a down feather that had escaped from a pillow on my skin. Involuntarily, I shuddered at the touch, and cursed myself for finding it to be not unpleasant.

Standing on his toes, he pressed his lips carefully against mine, the palm of one hand resting on my cheek and the lithe fingers of the other weaving themselves into my glossy black hair. I stood in total stillness, my body becoming rigid like a mannequin, lips making no attempt to return the kiss. Grell ground his narrow hips against mine and caused me to gasp slightly, opening my mouth just enough to allow him to quickly graze his tongue over my lower lip before biting it roughly. I habitually began to return the kiss, our lips and tongues mimicking the other's movements in a heated pas de deux. As we parted for air I came to the sudden realization that I had yielded to the crimson shinigami's advances, and began to mentally curse myself for my complete and total idiocy. He stood pressed against my body and panted lightly, looking at me intensely with half-lidded luminescent eyes that were cloudy with lust. Leaning back slightly, his fingers trailed along my jawline, hands sliding down my chest and tightly grasping the lapels of my tailcoat.

"That's quite enough," I said as I pressed him away with a gentleness that surprised us both. Shouldering past him, I resumed my trek towards the hall and pushed through the swinging kitchen door, entirely indifferent to the fact that the door sprung back and smacked my pursuer in the face. I heard Grell yelp out in the hallway before storming into the room while spouting some nonsense about chivalry, mistreatment, and abuse. Turning my back to him, I sought out the blond chef, Bardroy, who was fanning wildly at a pan on the stove filled with something that was at one point considered food, but now appeared to be nothing but charcoal and carcinogens.

I approached the man, clearing my throat, "Bardroy." He froze instantaneously, slowly pivoting to face me, his features plastered with an expression reminiscent of terror as the cigarette held between his lips fell to the tiled floor. "Care to explain what exactly is happening in this kitchen?"

Bard stood, scratching the back of his head as he did everything possible to avoid meeting my eyes. "Well, ya know… Mister Sebastian… I was… um… cooking?" He fidgeted with his apron nervously, scrunching the white cloth in his fists, "Since you're not workin' today and all, I was going to cook lunch for the young master."

"Well, this certainly won't do," I replied before quickly assembling a sampling of bread, fine cheeses, and fresh salad of arugula and dandelion greens. "This should do for the young master's luncheon, and I'll take the rest for Grell and myself. For his afternoon tea, use the spiced Indian chai and the apple torte that I prepared yesterday. Even you must be capable of that much," I smiled, a menacing aura swelling up around me. "And please tell Mey Rin to be careful with the china, I'm getting quite tired of ordering new sets because of her negligence."

The chef nodded violently, shrinking back against the cabinetry as he stammered, "Yes sir, Mister Sebastian."

"I'm glad that I've made myself clear. Now come along, Grell," I said over my shoulder at the red-haired man who had been standing in the corner, attempting to not suffocate due to the smoke that was billowing freely from the catastrophe on the stove top. Gathering our lunch, we made our way to the edge of the garden, to a small grove of maples that had remarkably remained unscathed by Finnian, the young gardener, whose inhuman physical strength had been the demise of numerous trees on the grounds.

I was scarcely able to sit down before I was pounced upon by the crimson shinigami, who grabbed my tie roughly and wrestled me into a desperate kiss. Without realizing, I closed my eyes, my lips and tongue participating enthusiastically in a sensual battle of wills. The intimacy of the interaction caused a predatory neediness to surface, a desire for deeper contact and sexual release. Despite this, I stubbornly refused to concede, wholeheartedly insisting that I would never admit defeat to the man who loomed above me, his long red locks tumbling over my shoulders and coiling into crimson pools on my chest. I felt nimble fingers beginning to pry at the buttons on my vest and easily unknotting the black tie under my collar.

"Do you surrender, Bassy?"

I pressed my body upwards, shifting Grell into my lap, as I helped him shrug his coat from his shoulders, and loosening the red silk ribbon around his neck I allowed it to slither to the ground. "Never," I hissed, lips against his cheek, before tracing my tongue lightly along his jawline and biting the rim of his ear. I could feel him tremble, clutching my shoulders and exposing his neck to me with a carnal moan as I ground his narrow hips on my own. "I just want to prove to you, Grell," I began, stretching his name across my tongue like taffy, "that you will never best me."

He gasped at my sensual threat, pressing his palms against my chest to support his weight on wavering arms. Regaining what little composure that he still possessed, one hand began sliding down my chest, hurried digits fumbling with my shirt buttons while the other read the muscles of my chest like braille through the white linen. I couldn't help but smirk, watching him struggle in the frantic desperation that I had so easily induced; I scarcely needed to participate to reach my release, his desire enthusiastic enough for both of us.

The shinigami's fingers snaked beneath my belt, just as my patience and amusement with his anxious folly was beginning to wear dangerously thin. I could feel an impatient heat spreading through my stomach and pooling into my lap, and I cursed myself for conceding to the arousal inspired by his touch. Taking his chin between a thumb and forefinger, I forced Grell to look directly into my face, maintaining burning eye contact with him as I raised my other hand to my lips. I ran my tongue over the seam of my white glove, finally taking the fabric in between my teeth and peeling it away from my skin, revealing pale fingers and black nails. He was watching me intently as I let the glove fall into our laps, and removed the other in the same manner, unveiling the seal etched into the back of my hand, the manifestation of the contract that binds the fates of my master and myself.

Grabbing his collar, I pulled him into an aggressive kiss, lips never parting as my lithe fingers easily freed each of the buttons that bound his shirt to his narrow frame, one hand sliding beneath the light fabric and pressing gently into his lower back. As he arched himself against me, he inadvertently pressed his swelling arousal against my waiting palm, which closed around it through the cloth of his pants, eliciting a lewd moan. I slipped my tongue between his lips, coaxing his into a battle for dominance that I knew I would easily win. If this was how things were going to be, I was going to ensure that he knew, beyond any shadow of a doubt, exactly who was in charge of this situation.

I could feel his slender fingers faltering at my belt, so I grabbed a fistful of his long crimson hair, weaving my hand into the soft tresses and pulled roughly, jerking his chin upwards and exposing his pale jugular. Pressing my other palm even more roughly against the heat between his legs, I trailed my lips along his collarbone and up his neck, listening to the strained panting caused by my ministrations. "This is what you want, isn't it," my voice was low, "Grell?"

The shinigami tensed and swallowed a sharp gasp as I spoke his name. He nodded, attempting to stutter some sort of affirmative as my hand began messaging him more recklessly, his trousers becoming even more taught from my touch. I let my breath lightly tease his bare skin as I spoke, "If that's so, then why do you hesitate?" Placing a rough bite on his neck, I smoothly unfastened his belt and buttons, my fingers slipping beneath the bothersome fabric and along his length. He gasped again, his fingers jolting back into movement with frantic determination, placing his weight on top of me as I released him, leaning back and supporting myself on my elbows and forearms.

Grell shifted, his lips and tongue and fingers outlining every ridge of muscle along my exposed torso, attempting to commit each feature to memory like a cartographer. He soon finished exposing my arousal, which he took willingly into his mouth and tasted experimentally, his remarkably nimble tongue drawing patterns along my length. I couldn't help but allow my head to fall back with a moan as his teeth grazed my flesh, quickly followed with soft licks as fleeting as the stillness of a butterfly. He bobbed his head, lips moving around me with expert precision, his accuracy providing my body with pleasure that had been so long forgotten. I could feel my eyes flashing red as I pressed my hips up to meet him, surges of primitive desire throbbing through my body with each racing heartbeat. The restraint that I had been so easily preserving began to fade, the way the end of a wave never makes it back to the sea, but is instead soaked in by the sand of the beach. Like the sand, he had been absorbing my composure subtly, yet consistently, and now I was left with nothing but instinct.

I shoved him away and onto his back as I swiftly relieved him of the remainder of his clothing. Towering over the red-haired shinigami, I kissed him hungrily before slipping three fingers into his mouth, which he welcomed with his lithe tongue. I gazed down at him as if he was my prey, and I couldn't help but feel that he was indeed beautiful, his features pale and refined, crimson hair fanning beneath him like bloody wings of a broken angel. Coaxing my fingers free from his tongue, I grazed my thumb across his lips, his warm breaths heating my icy fingers. Kissing him again, I moved my hand towards his entrance, teasing him slowly with a single finger. His hands knitted themselves through my raven hair, pulling me tighter into the desperate kiss, his body silently begging for attention and release.

His hands knotted tightly into fists as I pressed two fingers into him, encouraging him to relax as I softened my kiss, gently biting his lips.

"Bassy," he stammered, "no, Sebastian." I paused at the sound of my name, the word sounding remarkably alluring as it rolled from his tongue, his voice low and raspy, dripping with desperation and lust. His luminescent green eyes looked directly into mine, releasing my hair and sliding his hands to my bare shoulders, he spoke with surprising authority, "I can't keep waiting. Take me. Now."

My face dropped momentarily, his tone causing my pulse to pound wildly, the red in my eyes becoming more reluctant to fade. I soon recovered with a smirk as I positioned myself before his entrance and began to press into him slowly, his fingers curling tensely into the flesh of my back and his eyes jerking shut with a gasp. He continued to pant as I rested my lips on his collar, my breath becoming as ragged and needy as his own as I resisted the urge to begin racing towards my own release. I could hear him mumbling his consent, encouraging me to move freely, though his body continued to exhibit anxious reluctance that clearly denied his words. I waited for a few moments longer, gracing his neck and shoulder with comforting kisses and licks before giving a harsh bite to distract him from my initial thrusts.

Unable to contain myself, I moaned at the stimulation, his body responding graciously to my touch and his face relaxing into a lewd expression of pleasure. His heavy breaths attempted to form my name with each exhale, his moans becoming more erotic as I move one hand to stroke him lightly in momentum with my movements. I shifted his hips and pressed into him again, striking a knot of nerves that caused his eyes to fly open as he drew in a shocked breath. I laughed and could not conceal my smirk as his eyes searched my face desperately for explanation.

"You like that, don't you?" I asked as I made the movement again, my question quickly answered with a shameless moan and a trembling body.

"I'm going to… Sebastian, please."

"No. You must wait, Grell."

Kissing him, I changed my position and thrust into him again, his voice whining in retaliation against my lips as I denied him the pleasure that he had begun to crave. I continued moving inside of him, resting my head on his chest as a searing tightness began to well up in my stomach, signaling my impending release. My panting breaths were blending into his own, our pleasure, desire and bodies melting into one. No longer certain of my remaining stamina, I permitted him to feel the stimulation that he desperately craved, shifting my body and striking the bundle of nerves again. Gasping, his hands wandered over my body, tracing each straining muscle and tendon that moved beneath my ivory skin, before pulling my face to meet his in a heated kiss.

Our lips and tongues blended into an erotic pas de deux, entwining together in synchronized chaos as we neared the apex of pleasure. With a final thrust, he spread warmth over our stomachs, his lean frame shuddering and gasping, muscles tightening. Soon after I found my own release, my limbs growing heavy as I held him tightly, trying desperately to savor the final fringes of orgasm. We laid there, unmoving, for several moments in a mindless tangle of pale limbs and flushed, heaving bodies, basking in the fading halo of our desire. I began to unweave our bodies, but his arms clutched around my frame, reluctant to abandon my warmth.

"Bassy, just stay for a moment," he begged, "please." Releasing an irritated sigh, I laid myself down beside him, and he snuggled against my still heaving chest, his face painted with blissful satisfaction as he closed his eyes. Before I could remove myself from him, he was asleep, his limbs relaxed against my frame and his breaths deep and regular. Gritting my teeth, I elected to refrain from waking him, since at least I could get a moment of peace. I sighed heavily and lightly closed my eyes.

"It could have been worse," I mumbled to myself.

"Don't forget that I have you until midnight, Bassy."

My body tensed when the man beside me spoke, his eyes never opening as he held me tighter. Surprise was quickly replaced by seething irritation as he sighed and laughed at my reaction.

"Damn you all."


Hey everyone! If you guys would like me to continue this little story, writing out the rest of the events that occur on the worst day of Sebastian's considerably long life, give me a shout and I'll see what I can do.

Ciao, meadie