CHAPTER 15- Mending Ending PART B


From atop a roof, hidden in the shadows of night, a young ninja warrior and her small entorage of Foot Bots, watch as their enemies have fun at thier humble dance party.

Karai spies through her binoculars. She sees everyone there, just not the one she's currently hunting. She gets Leonardo in her view. He's dancing with that lizard girl, who, at that moment, does a girly twirl. The hem of her bubbelgum gown lifts, showing a new tail swinging to the beat. Karai's eyes widen.

A Foot Bot chirps, requesting her orders.

"No, they are not on our adjenda for tonight. We will not be attacking them... besides are target is not among there. Let's go." She stands and keeps her eye on the cheerful, blue terrapin. "Leonardo." She whispers.


The song ends. Mona gives Leonardo a hug and walks towards Mikey. Leonardo turns away and tenses up. He looks into the shadows across the street and sees her staring back at him. Instead of reaching for his katana blades, he smiles at her and tilts his head back, inviting her to join the party. Knowing full well that she won't, he sees her step back into the darkness. He looks over his shoulder at Splinter who had also seen Karai. Leo shrugs and smiles at his father. His father returns his smile. They both hope, someday soon, all will be revealed and believed.

As Mikey is making Mona dizzy, April reaches for Splinter's hand and encourages him to dance. The next song starts up and Mona cuts in starting a simple waltz with the wise rat. April bows to Leo and they shuffle about the floor, laughing and talking quietly.

Casey, Raphael, and Donatello huddle around the snack table and graze on chips and punch like sulking saps. It's getting late, and it seems that the party is dying down. Casey wants to ask April to dance again, but she won't even look at him. Donnie is too nervous to go up to her and also anxious that he'll be the next one she asks. Raphael wants to jump off the roof. He thought he'd be cool when his turn came. But as thie list dwindle down, he realizes that all of his brothers have dances with Mona except him.

The next songs comes in, something about apples and cinnamon. Casey perks up and Donatello flushes when April and Mona walk up to them. Raphael turns to stone.

"It's your turn, handsome." Mona holds out her hand to Casey and drags him away.

"Come, on. You're next." April says to Raphael.

Raphael swallows hard. "I ain't never danced with..."

"So what? Me either, until tonight."

"Don't ya wanna dance with Donnie? He's right here." Raph squirms.

April looks at Donnie and then back at Raph. "Oh, I'll get to him."

Donnies face glows like a stoplight.

Yo're not scared, are you, Raph?" April teases him.

Raphael puffs out his chest and takes her hand. "Come on!"

Poor Donatello looks on. His anticipation is on TEN. She saved me for last.

Once he gets into it, it's not hard for Casey to loose his disapointment. Mona is charming. After all, he's dancing with the Queen of the Ball.

April guides Raphael slowly, trying not to mind when he steps on her toes or holds her hand too tightly. "Raph, cool it. It's just me... unless you're getting nervous for some other reason."

"Mona put this little game together didn't she? What's she up to?" Raph asks her.

April levels her eyelids at him. "I don't know. Maybe she just wanted to save you for the last dance because you're so delightful."

"Hmph..." Raphael looks away, finally calming down. He smirks at her. "Is that why you haven't danced with Donnie yet? Savin' my bro for your last dance of the evenin'?"

"What?" April blushes. "N-no. Mona filled out my dance card and..."

"You ain't complainin' about it." Raph jokes.

"Niether are you." April shoots back at him. The both decide to stop the teasing for now. "I think it's a crazy, brave thing she's doing, but I'm still going to miss her, aren't you?"

"Me? Miss Mona? Shell, I don't think we'll ever get rid of her. Sure, she says she's flyin' to the jungle tomorrow, but I guarantee once we all have breakfast tomorrow and she drowns in another stack of Mikey's pancakes, she'll stick around for a good while."

"And you're OK with that?" April asked him, surprised.

He rolls his eyes. "I guess... just so long as she keeps that squeally voice down."

Aprils giggles and looks over at Donatello. He waves back shyly and hold up his camera phone. She and Raphael pose, flexing thier biceps, more so his than hers, and the camera flashes.

Mona runs over to them and taps April on the shoulder.

"Well, looks like I've taken up enough of your time. You two enjoy yourselves!" April walks away, leaving Mona and Raphael staring at each other.

"So..." Mona says.

"So..." Raphael lifts of his left hand and then the other, trying to remember how he was dancing with April. He rests a hand on Mona's waist and takes her hand. He breathes deeply to settle his nerves.


Donatello gulps. April is finally standing in front of him. "Hi, Donnie-boy." She says.


"This was a really nice party you threw for Mona and me. I appreciate it. Now I see what all the fuss was about. Dances can be fun." She holds out her hand to him. "Are you ready?"

"Uh... before that, might I say that you look very nice." That's a lie. he thinks she looks absolutely gorgeous.

"You think? It's so not me. It feels a bit much, but I guess the occasion calls for something special. I like your tie." She flicks the polka-dotted silk with her fingers.

"Yeah? I didn't do a great job tying it though. You don't think it looks silly?"

"Not as long as you don't laugh at my frilly dress."

Donnie take this opportunity to look her up and down without seming too creepy. "You won't catch me laughing."

She covers her mouth and giggles.

He almost keels over at the sound of her. "Would you like some punch? You've been dancing all night."

"Sure." She says.

"I'll get it for you." Donnie tries to keep his hands from trembling as he pours the red drink into the paper cup.

"Thanks." She sips and sighs, feeling refreshed. "Would you like to take a walk while I finish this?"

"I'd, I'd love to."

Donnie and April stroll away from the music and lights. The roof of the school isn't that big, but large enough to have a quiet conversation. As they round the first corner, Donnie is keenly aware that the only light shining down on April is coming from the stars above. To him, she looks heavenly.


Raphael was worried about his brother and Casey oogling him. He was worried about being put on display. But Splinter is dozing off, sitting in the copter, Leo and Casey are destroying the snack table, talking and laughing, Mikey has his earphones on singing to himself in his booth, probably thinking about his galactic girlfriend, and Donnie and April are no where in sight. So, enough of this awkward shuffling. Raphael clears his throat and steadies his eyes on Mona. "Are ya really flying to a different country in an invisible, garbage-powered helicopter? All by yourself?" He asks her as they sashay across the floor.

"As ridiculous as you try to make it sound, yes. That is exactly what I'm planning to do. And I don't mind going by myself. This will be an epic jounery, a chance to come into my own, seeing new sights, making discoveries. And if you're that worried, you could always come with me and protect me." She bats her eyes at him.

"Oh, please. I'm worried more about the wildlife than I am about you. You gonna be OK when the lizards don't talk back?" He jabs at her.

She pouts a little. "Heck, Raphie. I thought you'd be a little more broken up by me leaving."

"I'm tearin' up inside."

"Ooo!" She starts to push away.

But Rapahel pulls her close to him, a bit closer than they both expect. She holds the side of his face, running a finger against his bandana.


"You ain't gotta run away so fast. Not this time." He whispers. "I promise I won't tease ya anymore... well, not that much... if ya decide to hang around a lil' longer. At least stay til atfer dinner tomorrow."

Mona almost looses herself in his gaze, so much so, that her skin turns into the same deep color of his bandana.

Raphael's brain turns to pudding. "M-Mona...?" He squeaks.

"Yes?" She coos.

"I... I... I drank too much punch. Be right back!" And Raphael runs off the dance floor and down the steps into the school's top floor restroom.

She watches his quick retreat and looks down at her hands. She laughs to herself. She exhales and her ture green color returns. Mikey comes up to her. "I'll keep ya company til Romeo cools off."

"OK, Mikey, but if you spin me around like you did the last time, I swear I'll hurl!"


"So, Donnie, are you sure you want to give the most awsome thing you've ever invented to Mona?"

"Believe me, I didn't make that decision lightly. We hashed it out. I questioned her thouroughly on the inner and outer workings of the T-Copter and I must say that I am impressed. And if anything technical goes awry, I'm only a call away to assist her.

"She's changed a lot... and so have you."

"Me?" He stops walking and looks at her curiously.

She tursn and smiles at him. "Yes. You've really grown up over the past few months. I guess us treating you like a college professor helped. But, you're very good at what you do. And you seem to be good at so many things. You remind me of my dad in that way. You're able to see the world so differently yet you can also imagine a better world than we have now."

"Gosh, April, thanks." He laughs nervously and rubs the back of his neck.

April turns away and leans on the ledge of the building. She looks outs at the humming city below. Things seem peaceful now. The sky seems so big and the night so endless, it's as if anything is possible right now. But she's smarter than that.

Donnie leans next to her, wondering what's caught her attention. "What is it?"

"How long until we win the city back? How long until we rid our lives of the evil lurking out there?" She says softly.

Donnie hears the slight sadness in her voice. He's pondered the same thing. He has yet to find a solution.

She looks over at him and whispers. "How long do we have to wait?"

He looks down, trying to figure out what she means. When she places a hand on his forearm, he looks into her eyes and sees clearly what she means. It's not yet the right time, but he will do everything in hs power to make sure they get that chance. He places a hand over hers. "Whatever is on the other side of all this fighting, I know it'll be worth the wait." He stands up straight and holds out his hand to her. "Will you come back to the party and dance with me?"

She looks at him coyly. "No."

"Great... wait, What?"

"I can hear the music fine from here."

Donatello's jaw hangs open as April fits her hand into his. He places a shaky hand on her waist and they being to sway slowly under the stars. he could not be happier. The evening has turned out better than he had dreamt. The moments of April in his arms felt like an eternity and like such a short time all at once. It is just him and his April and the warm breeze bring light, slow music swirling around them.

The songs fades away and April they stop. She looks up at him and his eyes are closed. "Donnie? What are you doing?"

He looks down at her and smiles. "Making a wish."

There is a split second she thinks about doing it. She bounces on the tips of her toes, ready at that very moment to do it. She licks her lips, balls her fists, anticipating her next move, the next beat of her heart the next breath...

But then, the booming bass drops and Mikey's voice echoes of the vents Donnie and April unconciously secluded themselves among.

"Yo! Let's end this party right! Last dance call! Give it all you've got!" Mikey yells.

"Come on." Donnie says, breaking her from her trance. "We don't want to mis the dance with our friends."

She nods and takes his hand. "Ok, let's go!"

Raphael comes back to the party just in time for DJ Mikey's announcment. The last song blazes through the night and everyone let's loose of every care and concern for tomorrow. They are young, alive and have each other. Mikey turns up the volume and joins in with his teammates. The speakers quiver, feet are jumping, hands are raised, the loose asphalt of the roof quakes... and the nieghbors start to call the police.

Just as the last note breaks into the sky. The lights are taken down, all the balloons are popped, the trash is gathered in two big bags, the DJ booth is packed up, and everyone vanishes with ninja stealth. The cops come dashing up the stairs of the school and burst through the roof door, finding nothing but an uneaten brownie with a lit candle sticking out of its frosting.


In the wee hours of the morning, Raphael tosses in his bed. He opens his eyes; glad to be rid of whatever strange dream he was having, something about huge, pink balloons chasing him. He gets out of bed and heads to the bathroom. He usually tries to go back to sleep even when it's time to get up, but he drank too much punch at the party last night.

Oh, the party… he had a lot of fun last night, he admits to himself. Everyone was having a good time, the music Mikey played was awesome, and Mona looked amazing. And since everyone else was dancing, he was encouraged to dance too. And when it was his turn to dance with Mona… he can still feel her hands in his, her smooth, reptilian hands, the hands she chose to keep. He is very glad that she did. And when she turned into his sigature color...

He looks at his sleepy reflection in the sink mirror at that thought. He refuses to wonder about all the reasons why she decided to stay a mutant. He also refuses to wonder why it makes him so happy. He's afraid to know the reasons. He turns off the faucet and shakes the water off his hands "Oh, boy… Raph, don't do it Don't turn into Donnie." He warns himself.

He steps out of the bathroom and freezes mid-stride when he sees Mona at his bedroom door. He stays behind the corner and waits to see what she's doing. She knocks lightly once, twice, and finally a third time. Getting no response, she pulls out a small, folded piece of paper from her overly-stuffed bookbag. She holds the paper in her hands and sighs. She bends down and slips the paper under his door. She picks up her bookbag and hauls in onto her back. Before walking away, she touches his door and leans her head against it as well.

"Thank you." She whispers. She turns and walks away and down the steps.

Once she's gone, he goes to his room and opens the door. He picks up the slip of paper and opens it.

The letter reads: Dear Raphie, I will take all of the good memories of you with me wherever I go. There aren't a lot of good memories of you, so it should make my traveling that much lighter.

Raphael furrows his brow and twists his lips.

Even though we didn't always get along, I want you to know that, in some strange way, I think I am going to miss you the most. Why, you ask? Because, you were honest with me (brutally), and strong for me and protective over me. I've never had someone like that before. I like that about you. I like you, Raphael.

He frowns at the words on the paper and at the churning in his stomach.

I really, really hope that when I come back, that you'll pretend to give me a hard time and try not to smile at me. I know that it's just your way of telling me that you're happy to see me. I wouldn't have you any other way.

-Your Doll, Mona

P.S. The first new lizard I discover, I think I'll name it after you. Raphagrumpicus lacertillia. What do you think?

Raphael stashes the letter in his belt and dashes down the stairs. He runs towards the dim light in the garage and finds Mona, loading up the T-Copter with wooden crates filled with supplies. He sees a tent and ropes and two machetes. "What in the …"

Mona gasps and turns to see him at the door.

He walks over to her, shocked. "Where did all of this stuff come from? Where'd you get the money for this? You're leavin' now?"

Mona places the box in the copter and smiles at him. "These boxes have been lining the side of the garage for more than a month. I had April take out all of the cash in my savings account about two weeks after I got here. I know that I'd need it for something someday. Donnie helped me order these supplies online and had them delivered to April's house. And though I had planned on leaving as a human, up until a few days ago, I had always wanted to go on an expedition to the Amazon. And now just seems like the best time." She crosses her arms and walks up to him. "Do you have a problem with that?"

"Yeah, a big problem." Raphael says without reservation. "You can't just go live in the jungle!"

"You seemed fine with the idea yesterday."

"What about wild boars and poisonous snakes and hunters and all those bugs?!"

"I know how to fly the copter, as long as I keep feeding old banana peels into the fuel tank and keep the cloaking device on, I'll be fine. There aren't any wild boars in the jungle, just little peccaries. There are more poisonous frogs than there are snakes, I promise not to make friends with the locals, get my photo taken by any other traveling scientists, or get trapped by poachers. I know my lizard skills will come in handy and only improve there… and I'm sure all the monkeys will take care of any pest problems I'll have."

Raphael puts up his hands. "But… why now, in the middle of the night so no one can stop ya?"

"Are you trying to stop me?"

"Were ya gonna give me a choice?" He pulls outthe letter she left for him.


"It'll be dangerous there. And it ain't just across the Brooklyn Bridge. How will you… how will I…"

Mona grins at him. "I will be just fine. I've been training a lot. Not in fighting, but I'm confident that my skills will be enough protection. You should be more worried if I was going out there alone as a human. But, Lisa is gone for good now."

Raphael lets his arms fall to his sides. "So is Mona, I guess."

She blinks at him, and then smiles broadly. "Oh, are you gonna miss me? Is my Raphie gonna miss his Mona?"

"You're my what?" He squeaks.

Mona squeals and throws her arms around him. "Don't worry, Raphie. I'm going to miss you too. But I'll be back before you know it!" She squeezes him.

"Don't. Do. That." He says flatly as his cheeks turn red against hers.

She pulls away and sighs. "I have all the latest communication equipment on board. Donnie can track the copter via satellite. I promise to let you all know when I've landed. And I promise to send a quick message every so often to let you all know how I'm doing." She steps away, puts the final box in the cabin, pushes it to the back and slides the door shut. She turns back to look at his big pouty face.

Raphael knows that this is her dream. He's just very surprised at how prepared she is to go. He thought he had, maybe, another month to be around her and make up for how badly he had treated her. But now it seems he's not getting that chance. "Wait, what about the others? Ain't ya gonna say bye to them?"

"I already did. I told everyone that I was leaving during the party."

Raphael had wondered why Mona hugged everyone after she danced with them. "Well, why didn't you tell me?"

"I guess… I was afraid to see the relief on your face for finally be rid of me, that you didn't care at all." She smirks. "Or tell me that I'm dumb for wanting to do this, but you've done none of those things." She hops into the cockpit and starts up the engine.

Raphael follows her to the door and stares at her. He doesn't know what to say. All he can do look into her big, brown eyes and hope she can decode his feelings better than he convey them.

She smiles warmly at him, leans over and gives him a big kiss on the nose. "I'll be back before you know it. This is my home after all." She winks at him and he allows her to shut the door. He steps back and watches the propellers whir silently and the black shape of the machine disappears and the sound of the copter trails off in a flash down the tunnel.

Raphael stands there, placing his fingers on his nose. He grins, knowing he had better take advantage of the peaceful days ahead before Mona returns. He slides his fingers down to lips and gives them a quick peck.

See you soon, Doll.

The End

A/N: YAY! So what do you think? Pretty sweet, huh? Thank you all for enjoying this story with me. Happy reading in the future!

And speaking of future readings, oh, gosh! I am so excited. You should be too. Why should we all be excited? Because the next story BLESSESD CURSE is the follow up to this one. Everyone's story continues: Mikey, Kala, Donnie, April, Raph, Mona, Leo and Karai, and a new character! I am so EXCITED! I loved writing Dimension X-Treme and Mona Mia. BUT they both needed to be written first in order to get BLESSED CURSE out! I've been working on Blessed Curse BEFORE I started writing Mona Mia. So FINALLY! I hope you stick around for the new story. I will be putting up its first chapter very soon. Remember: BLESSED CURSE, coming soon. Like, in a few days!
