Hey! It's me, 99luftballonsx.o.x, and this announcement is for the PIC readers, I have two very important announcements to make!
Unfortunately, I have lost all muse for this story. *cries* I know, but I love it too much to delete it, so I'm giving it away. I'll let one of you adopt this story. (which basically means you take over and continue writing it). Once I find someone who will be willings to adopt this story, the story will be on their account, not mine, but my first 10 chapters will still be there.
Which brings me to my second announcement, if anyone is interested in continuing the Partners In Crime story, all you have to do is PM me (private message) and pitch in your idea for what you want to do with the rest of it.
Don't worry, I'll let you all know who the new author will be and everything, once I find another, so no need to worry.
This is me also saying farewell to PIC. *cries again*
**Remember, if you're interested, please PM me!**