The boy, who Gogo found out from her mother was most likely her son, didn't make it. Krei got a murder charge listed on his already long list of crimes. He was looking at a life in prison, or death. No amount of money could save him and no amount of bribery could change it. Everyone who krei captured was fully checked over by the doctors. Brain's still hanging out with the team. She really helps Gogo with her morning. After about 3 months of morning Hero and Gogo continued dating. It is some time after that, that our story takes place.

The trial is still going on, but everyone knows the verdict.

But something Strange is happening in San Francokyo. None of the group know about it till Hiro is approached in the night by a strange man wearing all black.

This is the last thing I'm posting on the mountain ride but I really need a title and I got nothing so if you post a title and I use it you will get all the credit for the name