adrenaline. the pure rush and the feeling of being on the end of a live wire, and GoGos' favorite feeling in the world whether it was riding her mag thrust bike through the streets, not caring about the red lights or the other cars. Why should she, her bike was the fasted, lights and most technologically advanced thing on the streets. Out of here group of nerd friends, Hiro, Wasbi, Fred, and Honey Lemon, She was definitely the adrenaline junky, she could fly through the streets without a fear in the world, but when she got around hiro she became jittery and overly excited. when she gets around Hiro she can feel something come over her even more powerful then the adrenaline she is so used.

(GoGos POV)

"Hey guys, hows it going" Hiro said as he walked out with baymax behind him "scanning" baymax said as saw the new people.

"Wasabi you are in good health, Honey Lemon you are as well, Jack you as well, GoGo you appear to have an elevated heart rate do to some-"

"I know baymax its ok." I say as i feel my cheeks flush red, i look over to see Hiro giving me a quizzical look, Honey Lemon gave me a knowing full node. "What, i'm fine?"

"Oh, nothing but Baymax is never wrong are you sure you're ok?"

"I'm fine." i say giving him a semi-mean look. It doesn't last long i can't stay mad a Hiro, i just blow a bubble in my gum and act annoyed.

"So time for school, i got to fine tune some new experiments" Wasabi said trying to diffuse the situation

"Owwwwwww what is it come on, what is it?" Honey Lemon cried with excitement

"Ya science, ahhhhh science." Fred said not caring at all.

"Cool i might get my mag thrust finished." I say happy that the subject changed from how i was feeling. At least Honey understood even if i hadn't told her, or anyone for that matter. I hope i can ask Hiro o-

"Gogo you are still having problems with your neural receptors and emotional transmitters, are you sure you are ok?"

"I'm fine baymax fine, please can you just drop it." I say with a sting to my voice. Wasabi gives me a strange look. something similar this has been happening for a few weeks now. I really like Hiro but I'm bad at hiding it, especially while baymax is around he's always scanning us. "bayman you don't have to scan me every 2 min." we all walk to school. It had been rebuilt and named after Hiros' brother tadashi, who died in the fire that also destroyed the building nearly a year ago. Hiro had his old office since it was built the exact same. when we get to the school everyone splits up to there own little area in the lab. i walk to my mag bike frame and do some more tests of it with different wheels but nothing is fast enough. After about 4 hours of working and 6 wheels later i call through the lab "anyone want a ride on my latest wheels" everyone just shutters and goes back to their work. Fine. Maybe Hiro wants a ride, I think as I walk to his door and knock. he opened it while putting on a windbreaker, "is that ride still open, i would love to."

"you bet, lets go." I say as a smile comes over me.

"Cool how fast have you got it."

"only 120 but i know i can get it faster"

"Maybe its a problem with your maglevs they could be causing so unknown amount of friction, I would be happy to take a look at it for you and run some tests when we get back."

"Really, I never thought of that before but it make perfect sense now that i hear it out loud." maybe this is my chance the thoughts start to roll into my head, thank god baymax wasn't around to scan me. we take the bike out to the street, and we jet through the streets, we actually leave the city and make it near the mountains. that surround one side of the city. there's a small stop to look over the edge of the mountain and look down at the city up near the top.

ask him. come on women up. no you can't do it. I can i know I can, i wobble the front of the bike and Hiro holds on tighter it feels really nice as i get the feelings rush through me and even overtake the adrenalin. As my body responds we make it to the small platform and i park the bike. "Did you feel that shake, what a rush right." trying to hide that it was deliberate.

"Ya the more i ride the more i feel like its in the maglevs rather than in the wheels."

"Do you think you could fix it." I say with a little flirt in my voice as we walk to the railing to look over san fransokoy, the words taste bile as they come out, like i would need bike help.

"ya it shouldn't be too hard."

"great and maybe we could ride again sometime" more flirt, more bile.

"is everything OK? you don't seem like yourself, and baymaxs' scan said something was wrong. Are you sure you're ok? i'm here if you need it." now's the time, don't choke

I can do this " actually Hiro there is."

"what's up?" he looks concerned

"I uh.. wanted to ask you if.. you wanted to hang out some time outside of school." the last words came out so fast I could hardly understand them. My heart is racing and beating so loud i thought the guys could hear it back in the lab.

"we hang out not during school all the time." he gave me a quizzical look. Oh come.

"No i mean just the 2 two of us maybe go see a movie or get something from the ice cream shop by the cafe." Hiro looked wide eyed at me at first then out over the city. shit he doesn't like me the same way. will he tell the guys. this is going to be he-.

"Sure, sounds like fun." my jaw fell open as he said it and the feeling in my stomach left me in a state of nothing but pure shock. He does like me. "What's wrong now?" he says with a sad look now.

"Nothing, i'm just surprised that's all." oh god, the others what are they going to think of this.