OK people sorry for the long wait. if anyone cared. class and work take up a lot of my life. Once again i am very dyslexic and appreciate any help i can get. please let me know what mistakes i continue to make and feel free to tell me i am making some progress so i know this is not a waste of my time and effort.

WARRNING! this is a hard chapter to read! the chapters from here on out will be just as hard! please know this before you read.

I own nothing.

for those of you who have reviewed thank you so much. it is nice to know a few people like the nonsense i can type up in only two drafts. it is also nce to know that some of you are willing to help me get better at writing so i can become a better student. thank you for your help and encouragement

that is all.

Chapter Seven

This was nonsense! How dare the healer interfere with his and the half breeds interactions! It was none of his concern what he did to his property. For as long as the half breed was young and unmated he would be the lord of the west property and he could do as he wish with it. The healer had no say, even if he was the right hand of death himself. He had every right to drag the abomination from his lazy slumber and punish him for his shameful lack of strength against mere humans. To think that such a disgustingly weak creature shared his royal blood line was shameful at best, damaging at worst. No matter he would just wait for the healer to leave the filthy mongrels side and then he would teach the little abomination why he should never fall at the hands of mere humans.

It was ever the embarrassment to know that others not only saw his father's shame but added to it. He cared not for what the healer said or what death himself claimed would happen if he ignored the half breed. He as not playing their game, from his point of view he has done nothing wrong and it is the fault of the half breed that he was and is injured. He was lord of all the west and soon he would have what he needed from the mutt and could be rid of him for good. He just needed to wait for the lord of death to get bored. All powerful creatures got bored, soon as death was bored Sesshomaru would strike. He would break his half breed brother mind body and soul and when he was done he would be able to get inuyashas seed what out any complaint. After all what slave did not trust their master? Once he had the seed he would kill inuyasha and erase his father's shame once and for all.

Feeling satisfied with his new plan laid out he stood up and stalk out of his office. Leaving behind the piles of paper work he had finished he leisurely walked back into his room to prepare for bed. Once he had undressed and lay under a fur he closed his eyes and drifted off. The last though he had as of the words spoken by the healer earlier that day.

"Remember the words spoken by death. Only once you see inuyasha as he is and gain his trust will you be granted what you need. Until then you shall live the horrors of a past that should not have happened. Each day you go without healing that which is broken will be another night you suffer the old with a new."

He had no idea what the healer was trying to get at but Sesshomaru did not fear deaths games. Drifting off he wondered when death would lose interest.

He was running. He was running as fast as his little legs would allow him to. He tried pushing himself harder in the hopes that his little body would understand how badly he needed to be faster. He was running because he was scared, he had no idea what he had done to make them all so angry with him but whatever it was he was sorry. I am so sorry. He kept replaying the scene inside his head and all he could see was him asking the other kids if they would like to play with him. What did he do wrong? Whatever it was it must of been really really bad, otherwise the village men would not be so angry with him. He knew though that even if he said he was sorry it would not matter to them. They would still be angry and he did not want to know what they would do to him when they caught him. He needed to be faster. Just a little faster. They were catching up and he needed to be farther away. Just a bit.

Seeing that the he was coming up to the hill that was on the right side of his house he grew more determined. All he had to do was make it up over the hill and then through his moms garden and into the house. He could do this he just had to keep going. Do not stop. Do not stop. Don't stop. Keep going. Faster. Faster. Faster. It was no good he was too small and his little legs were not fast enough, they had caught up to him. Grabbing his left arm they pulled him to a sudden stop halfway up the hill. Pulling him into the ground and making him roll to the bottom where the others waited for him. He did not know what they had done to his left arm but he knew it was not supposed to hurt this much, ever. After coming to a stop at the base of the hill he felt some one stomp on his right leg. He tried to scream but no air was in his lungs. He did not understand why could he not breathe? He kept trying and trying but no air came in. he could not scream and every time he thought he would finally be able to breath normally someone would kick him in the chest and it would happen all over again . Why? Why? Why?

He was scared. He did not understand. Why? Why mom? Help? Please help. Someone help. Anyone. Please. Please. Please. Mom. Mom, I am scared. Mommy. Make it stop. I don't understand. He rolled onto his left side to try and protect himself and to keep the pressure off his throbbing right leg. Curling into a tight ball he waited for them to stop. He did not know how long he had been curled up but he knew the second someone had broken a bone, he did not know what bone they broke but he heard a snap at the same time a foot stomped on his right side just under his shoulder. It hurt too much, he tried screaming the whole time but nothing ever came out. All he could manage was a choked out sob on occasion. Uncurling as fast as he could and turning to be on his back he tried again and again, he tried to cover up what hurt to stop them from doing more hurt. He tried and tried but they kept kicking and punching and stomping. Until finally it stopped.

Thinking it had finally ended he started to take small puffs or air into his body. Finally he could breathe, if just a little. Then he felt someone sit on his tummy as they grabbed his head and held it still. Then he felt someone else's hand on top of his head. He could feel them trying to rip his ears off, this time he did scream. He screamed and begged and cried as they tugged, pulled ripped and then finally cut up one ear. When they finished with that one they moved on to the next and by this point he started trying to fight back even harder. Kicking his one good leg, and clawing at anything he could reach. As the men started cursing up a storm that the little demon trash was starting to show his true nature they grabbed his wrists and held them down as he struggled. Since he would not stop one man twisted his right wristed until it snapped in retaliation.

Not pausing for even a moment and letting the fear that gripped his mind, control and help his movements he clawed them with his left hand until it was held down. Getting fed up with all this the man on top of him jammed a knife into his left hip and dragged it all the way down. Down. Down. To his ankle. It was deep and he felt it hit his bone. He was running out of air again and his throat hurt. Everything hurt and he couldn't move as much anymore. He could feel the hands on his head again and then the tugging, ripping, and pulling started all over again. Finally it ended and the hands left his ears, everything throbbed and ached but at least they stopped. Crying out with broken sobs he just kept repeating "I am sorry, I am so so sorry." There was no curling up into a ball or moving he could only stay on his back and hope they just left him there to heal, or die.

He could hear them talking all around him but all he could pick out where snippets of words here and there. The most used were trash, demon brat, no good half-breed. The last thing he heard was "stay away from" right after that he left something hard connect with his face before screaming out and then everything just went black. What had he done to make them so angry?

The scene changed and he was no longer at the bottom of the hill. No he was in a field close to a herd of cattle, he was not sure why he was here surrounded by angry looking men and women. He was ask to come play here by the farmer's son so why were they angry? Before he could ask his question he was tackled and held to the ground, people were shouting awful things at him. Ugly things. Some of them he did not understand but he knew they were mean and meant to hurt him. Then he felt some one kick him and on other stab him in his right leg. Then he felt a pulling sensation and a pushing. Pull. Push. Pull. Push. Pain, pain, pain. They were cutting his leg off. Oh god they were cutting his leg off! He begged in between screams and cries. Pleaded and swore he was sorry. Nothing worked. It seemed to make them angrier and they said if he did not shut up they would make it worse for him. But he was young and could not stop and he was scared. Small and terrified. He was confused as well. All he could hear were the taunt and laughter in between his cries. One man yelled for him to stop his noise, said he deserved this for all he bad luck he brought the village. Blinded by rage the man grabbed his head and a tool and stuck it in his mouth. He did not know what was happening until he felt a pressure on his fang followed by a tug. Tug. Tug. Tug. Until his fang was ripped from his mouth. He could not hear any more. Could only see. His vision was going black but he could see them still. He was sure he fell asleep which he thought was silly. Who could sleep while terrible thing were happening to them? He could obviously. Blinking back to life outside his dreams he saw that they had pulled out his claws as well. they held them up in front of his face as they taunted him.

"wont be clawing any more innocent people to death now will you demon?"

What was the man talking about? Claw who to death? He had never clawed anyone, he only used his claws to climb trees that's it. he promised.




He didn't understand. He was so confused and in pain. So much pain. He was falling asleep again how funny. One of the men noticed this and got even angrier. Yelling more things hit him more. Nothing made the man happy though until he saw something shine in the sun next to him. Then he smiled he smiled and grabbed the shiny object then turned back to us. Back to me and as he raised his hand up he smiled more, then fast as I could see he stabbed the shiny object into my eye. Screaming was hard to do I could feel my throat was sore and scratchy. He also tasted blood. A lot of blood. Yet he screamed more. More. More. More. Pleading. Crying. Begging. As he did all of this one women walked towards him with something hot and round. He did not know what it was for but he knew hot things hurt and he wished she would stop walking towards him. She kept coming. Closer. Closer. Ever closer and then she push the round hot metal to my chest and laughed. Then they all stopped. Froze for a second before they all got up scared and ran. Dropping everything And ran as fast as they could. I don't know why and I did not care. No. I heard someone call my name though. Begging me this time, to be alive. To be ok. Telling me it was over. That they would help. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. So many sorrys and all for me.

" oh god they were cutting off his leg! We barely got here in time! They almost finished."

Then everything went black.



It was with a feral roar that he awoke in his bed, sweating and snarling at anything in site. Teeth long and sharp, claws at the ready. Eyes red as blood as they scan this way and that. seeing nothing was a threat he started to calm and as he did he remembered the dream. The pain the humiliation. Most of all he remembered the face he saw in the knife the human male stabbed into his eye. Just before the knife came down he saw his reflection but it was not that of inuyasha as a full grown pup. No it was that of four year old child. He was but a child. A terrified confused child. Not stopping to think about how It was disgusting and horrible that any child suffered so Sesshomaru got up and stormed out of his bed. Down the hall and to the inu-hanyou himself to rant his dissatisfaction at being made to suffer the terror that such a child hood trauma had caused. He did not want to see any more than this. He did not want to feel anymore. This was more than he thought it would be and he was not liking it one bit.