Chapter 1: A New World
Gohan flew towards his mentor with a punch as if he was trying to take off his head. Piccolo ducked under the punch and aimed a knee to Gohans stomach. Gohan blocked it with both hands and used the momentum to front flip over his mentor. He aimed a kick at his back, but the namekian was expecting that. Gohans kick went through an after image. Piccolo reappeared behind his pupil and kicked him in the back. Gohan flew forward and did a forward handspring and landed back on his feet. He shot a few ki blast at an oncoming rushing Piccolo. Piccolo smacked the blasts away and chopped at his pupil only to go through an after image. He felt pain in his stomach as Gohan reappeared and buried his fist in Piccolos stomach. Gohan saw his opportunity and lifted his knee in Piccolos face making his teeth rattle. Gohan continued his assult by punching his mentor in the face breaking his nose and making blood and snot fly. Piccolo grabbed the arm of Gohan as soon as Gohans fist hit his nose. He pulled him in closely and gave him a vicsious knee to the stomach. He backhanded his pupil away and charged up a blast.
"LIGHT GRENADE!" Piccolo yelled as he sent the blast toward is pupil.
Gohan saw the blast coming and decided to send one of his own. He put both hands in front of each other over his head. "MASENKO HAAAAA!"
Both energy waves hit each other and exploded sending a bright light and smoke around the entire area. Piccolo was looking around trying to sense or see Gohan, but he couldn't find him at all. Piccolo finally sensed something behind him and turned around just in time to stop a blast. He put his hands up and the blast exploded in his hands not damaging him at all, but that was only the distraction. Gohan flew up and gave Piccolo a knee to the back. Piccolo cried out in pain. He felt as though his spin was going to crack. Gohan pushed his advantage and gave Piccolo a double axe handle to the head sending him crashing into the ground. Gohan charged up another attack.
"DEMON WAVE!" Gohan yelled as he threw the demon wave in the crater his mentor was in. The explosion went off sending dust, dirt, and rocks everywhere. When everything cleared up Piccolo was standing hunched over panting heavily. Sweat and blood was dripping down his face and he had one eye shut. He had bruises and cuts all over his body, but he took pride in the fact that his pupil was in no better shape. 'Gohans really come a long way in the last few years. We've been at this for hours and he can still go for a few more hours easily. Gohan might be a whole hell of a lot stronger than me, but at least I can match his super saiyan form blow for blow.'
Piccolo flew up to meet Gohan in the sky. "Come on Gohan its time to end this. One last attack!" Piccolo yelled.
Gohan nodded and cupped his hands to his side. "Kaaaaa Meeeee Haaaaaaa Meeeee..."
Piccolo smirked. 'I guess its time to use my new technique.'
Gohan threw both of his hands forward and yelled. "HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" A large Kamehameha wave surged towards Piccolo. Piccolo put his left arm out in front of him and grabbed the blast with it. It looked like Piccolo was absorbing the blast into his very body with one arm. Piccolo screamed in pain, but put his other arm out in front of him.
Gohan looked shocked. "What the hell is he doing?"
"HEAVENS RAGE!" Piccolo screamed as a large blast came out of his right hand. It looked exactly like the kamehameha wave but alot bigger.
Gohan saw the blast coming for him and knew he wouldn't be able to dodge it. He cut off his attack and powered up to his ascended super saiyan form. The blast hit him and exploded. A large cloud of dust, dirt, rocks and anything else in the area appeared. When everything clear Gohan was shown in the sky with his hair spiked up with one bang hanging over his face. He was panting hard and had blood, and sweat dripping down his face. He had cuts, lacerations, bruises, and gashes all over his body. He looked down at Piccolo and realized he could barely sense his energy. He rushed down to find his mentor on the ground face first. He had his eyes closed and was panting heavily.
"Hold on Piccolo i'm going to get you to dende." Gohan said as he hoised Piccolo in his arms and flew off.
A few minutes later Gohan landed on the lookout. "DENDE! WHERE ARE YOU! I NEED YOU OUT HERE PRONTO!" Another namekian just a little taller than Mr. Popo came out. "Hey Gohan whats wrong? Oh no Piccolo!" Dende yelled as he saw Piccolo wasn't moving. He put his hands over Piccolos still body with his hands glowing a bright orange. The cuts and bruises started to fade. After another minute Piccolo opened his eyes and stood up.
"Man Piccolo that was a close one. I thought you were going to die for sure. I'm glad you didn't though. I don't know what I would do without you." Gohan said as Dende started healing him as well
Piccolo ruffled the teenagers hair. "Sorry kid. I didn't mean to worry you."
"Any way what was that move you did. I probably would've died if I didn't transform into a super saiyan 2."
"Its a new move I've been working on. I call it Heavens Rage. Its a defensive move and a last strategy move." Piccolo explained.
Gohans eyes widened in interest. "Can you explan in more detail please."
Piccolo nodded. "To put it simply I just reflected your strongest blast at you. When your kamehameha wave hit my left arm I absorbed the attack. The attack went through my arm, traveled through my body and out of my other arm. I also added some of my own ki to make it bigger when I was shooting it out."
Gohan smiled wide. "Thats awesome. Sounds like it can end some pretty nasty villains, but why is it a last stratgy move?"
Piccolo frowned. "That much ki in your body can kill you. If it went a different direction instead of where I was leading it it can kill you. Imagine if it went to your heart. You would instantly die. This technique is dangerous Gohan."
Gohan frowned. "If its that dangerous then why did you use it in a spar?"
"I only tried to test it out. I've been working on it for months so I know what I'm doing."
"Okay I'll let you get away with it this one time."
Piccolo smirked. "Since when did you become my mentor?"
Gohan smiled. "Ever since you started being reckless."
Dende decided to jump in the conversation. "Hey Gohan you want something to eat. Piccolo and I don't eat, so I'm sure Mr. PoPo won't mind cooking for you."
Gohan smiled. "As much as I'd like to take you up on that offer I'm afraid I'll have to decline. You see I was suppose to be at my Grandp Ox's house a little while ago. If I can take a shower here that will be great."
Dende nodded. "Of course its okay Gohan. How's the Ox king doing?"
Gohans smile turned into a grimace. "Not to well Dende. He's still devestated about what happened a few years ago. To be honest I'm still not over it either.
Gohan was beaten to a pulp by Bojack and his teammates. No matter what he did he always got knocked back down.
Chi Chi was watching her son getting the beating of his life on the tv screen. "No! Gokus death was suppose to stop the threats from coming from earth."
Bulma smacked Chi Chi in the back of the head. "Chi Chi one persons death doesn't stop evil. There were attacks to earth before Goku was alive and there will be some after he dies. You all should've know this, but no. Instead of letting Gohan train you made him study and now he can't even defend himself."
Chi Chi started to cry and Bulma felt bad for her comment. "How come he didn't transform again? I know he can transform like he did when he beat Cell."
Bulma started thinking. "Well Krillin told me that Gohan snapped after he saw his friend Android 16 die. Maybe intense emotions trigger it, but how can we get him to transform.
"If it cost a life for my baby to transform and live then I will gladly sacrifice mine." Chi Chi said as she got up.
Bulma looked shocked. Her eyes widened. "Chi Chi there has to be another way! Please tell me your not serious!"
Chi Chi smiled sadly. "I have to help him Bulma and this is the only way I know how to. Don't let them wish me back with the dragonballs. This is my time to go. Please take care of Gohan for me in my absence."
Bulma nodded sadly and let some tears come to her face. She hugged Chi Chi. "I'm going to miss you Chi Chi. I don't know anyone strong enough to do what you're doing now."
Chi Chi hugged back. "Goodbye Bulma. I hope I don't see you where I'm going anytime soon."
Bulma laughed dryly "I hope so too Chi Chi."
Chi Chi walked over and to one of the pods that sent the other fighters where they were. She pulled Mr. Satan out of it and got in herself. She shot off inside the the ship and headed for Gohan. The ship was closing in and getting closer. It sped closer to Bojack. Bojack saw it at the last minute and vaporized it. The only thing that could be heard was Chi Chi's screams. Gohan knew it was his scream it was the instant he heard it. He saw her face through the window of the ship.
"MOM!" Gohan flew over to where it landed and saw his mother dying. "MOM DON'T WORRY! I'LL GET YOU SOME HELP AND IF I CAN'T THE DRAGONBALLS WILL WISH YOU BACK.
"Sorry Gohan, but I don't think I will come back. I want to watch you grow up and be in your life, but I also believe that this is my time to go. I want you to be what ever you want to be. Don't be a scholar for me. I should've never pushed it on you. I should've just let you live your life. I know if I come back I'll just push you to study and make you do what I want you to do, but thats not what I want for you. I want you to be what you want to be, but I also want you to keep training. If I never stopped you from training after the cell games then you would've beat these creeps with no problem. I know your transformations are triggered by emotion so don't let my death be in vain. Transform for mommy and destroy these villians. This is my last wish for you. Don't blame yourself for my death. This is entirely on me. I love you Gohan and you've made me so proud." Chi Chi closed her eyes as she stopped breathing.
"NO MOM! MOM!" Gohan put his head down and let the tears run. "I'm sorry you had to die mom. You've done everything in your power to keep me safe. I love you mom and i will not fail you. I will not fail. I WILL NOT FAIL! AGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!
Gohans hair turned a darker shade of gold as it spiked up more. Electricity was crackling around his aura. His transformation finished. He looked at Bojack and his cronies and started walking towards them. Bido and Zangya flew at him with inhuman speed, but ended up being decapitated with one chop to the neck each. Gohan blasted Bujin away leaving nothing of him left.
Bojack transformed to his green skin and bulked up. "YOU ARE NOTHING TO ME! I WILL KILL...
Bojack was interrupted when a fist went through his stomach and out his back. Gohan pulled his fist out and kicked Bojack in the face almost breaking his neck. Gohan appeared behind Bojack kicked him up in the sky.
"ITS OVER KAMEHAMEHAAAAAAAAAAAA!" Gohans blast vaporized all of Bojack. After he was sure Bojack was dead he dropped the transformation and dropped on all fours. He let out all the tears he was holding in.
(Flash Back Over)
"I still have nightmares about that day." Gohan said in a depressed tone.
"I know this isn't how you expected your life to turn out, but are you happy living here with us?" Piccolo asked.
Gohan smiled. "Of course I am. Bulma offered me to stay with her, but I don't think I could live with Vegeta. I also didn't to be a burden on Bulma. Trunks is already more than enough for her to handle. Its also alot more peaceful here. Well I have to take a quick shower." Gohan said running off to his shower.
Piccolo smiled. "I can't believe he turns 16 next week. It seems like yesterday when I was training him for the saiyans arrival."
"Everyone grows up eventually Piccolo." Dende said.
(A half hour later)
Gohan was flying towards his Grandfathers house. He was wearing a replica of the same gi that he wore at the cell games along with the shoulder guards and cape. After he changed he grabbed a bag of senzu beans from Korin and took off. "I'm glad Piccolo taught me how to materialize clothes. I like being able to add weights to any clothing I wear." Gohan said to himself as he continued flying. Gohan saw the house and landed down gently outside of the door. He knocked on the door. "GRANDPA ITS ME GOHAN! I KNOW I'M LATE BUT COULD YOU OPEN THE DOOR? I FORGOT MY KEY AT THE LOOKOUT." Gohan cocked his head to the side. "Thats weird he would've opened the door by now. Maybe he's in the bathroom."
Gohan closed his eyes and tried to sense where he was only to discover no ki level from him. Gohan panicked and busted the door down.
"GRANPA OX! WHERE ARE YOU! GRANPAAA!" Gohan kicked down the door to the Ox Kings room to find him in the bed not breathing or moving. Gohan walked up to the body with shakey legs. He felt for a pulse and couldn't find one. "No. NO! GRANDPA NOT YOU TOO! I CAN'T LOSE YOU TOO! PLEASE! Gohan ran to a phone and called for an ambulance. They showed up in no time only to tell Gohan that the Ox King was dead and had been for a while. He died in his sleep peacefully. While they were carrying the body away Gohan flew off to the training ground where he first learned martial arts.
The sky was gloomy with rain trickling down. Gohan looked up at the sky letting the rain fall off of his face.
"Its not fair. Its just not fair!" Gohan muttered over and over again.
"It never is fair Gohan. Come on lets get out of here." Piccolo said from above Gohan.
Gohan looked up at his mentor with his tear stained face. "How long have you been their Piccolo?"
Piccolo kept a stoic look on his face. "Not long now come on lets go before the rain picks up."
Gohan looked back up to the sky. "You go on ahead Piccolo. I want to be by myself right now."
Piccolo nodded and flew off. He didn't fly too far away though.
"Do you think he's going to explode namek?" A gruff voice behind Piccolo asked.
"Its likely Vegeta. I think this was the straw that broke the camels back." Piccolo answered without even turning around.
"Wow thats the first time I've heard you use an anology Piccolo. I'm impressed." Krillin said announcing his presence. His face when from a happy grin to a depressed frown. "So how bad do you think this is going to be?"
"Well he lost both his parents and grandfather in the last 5 years. He has no more blood family left in this world. How bad do you think its going to be baldy!" Vegeta snarled.
"Easy Vegeta we're not here to fight, but he is right Krillin. I'm afraid of what will happen. He has nothing left to live for right now." Piccolo said with a grim face.
"Well he still has you Piccolo. That should be enough to keep him around right?" Krillin asked.
"Who knows? Only time will tell." Everyone was quiet after that comment. There was nothing more to say between the three.
Gohan was still looking up in the sky with tears coming down his eyes as he burst into super saiyan.
"WHY? WHY IS EVERYTHING HAPPENING TO ME? WHAT HAVE I DONE TO DESERVE THIS." Gohan wiped his face of his tears but they still kept falling.
Gohan looked down and shuts his eyes as he continued to cry. "I tried so hard to take what you threw at me. I tried to overcome every obsticle. I tried to overcome the torment you put me through, but it only ends in pain." Gohan then started sobbing uncontrollably.
Krillin had to turn away from the sight. "Man this just breaks my heart. Its like everything in his life was taken from him. Poor kid doesn't deserve any of this."
Piccolo kept a serious look on his face.
"You have a right to be worried right now namek. Gohans at his limit and we all seen the things he can do when he's at his limit.
Gohan started shaking with rage. He floated up in the sky and looked up. "YOU TOOK EVERYTHING FROM ME! I HAVE NOTHING! I HAVE NOTHING LEFT! AGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Gohan blasted into super saiyan 2. He stood their bathed in his aura. His transformation was making the storm worse. Electricity crackled around him. Tears still fell down his face faster than the rain could wash it away. The wind picked up and was blowing anything nearby away, but Gohan kept raising his power.
Piccolo, Vegeta, and Krillin had their eyes wide open and mouths agape.
"What is this power? I never felt anything like it before." Krillin stuttered out.
"He's transforming again! Its another super saiyan level." Vegeta said astonished.
Piccolos face turned serious. "That doesn't matter right now. We have to stop him before he destroys the earth with that power." He powered up to his max and flew off towards his pupil.
Vegeta nodded and turned super saiyan. He closed his eyes and tried to bring out his Ascended super saiyan power. He thought of Frieza and Cell killing Bulma and Trunks. His eyes flew open with rage and he blasted into super saiyan 2. He flew off towards Gohan.
"Well here goes nothing. Please let me survive this." Krillin said as he blasted off towards Gohan as well.
Gohan was still powering up as far as he could go. He completed his new transformation but his emotions were ruling his body. He kept powering up as far as his body would go. Piccolo reached him first and attempted to get him to calm down.
Gohan continued to power up as though he was ignoring his mentor.
Piccolo grunted. "Why won't he listen!"
"The brats in his own world right now green bean. We have to knock him out to get him to stop!" Vegeta yelled over top Piccolo. He flew forward to Gohan only to run into a barrier Gohan unknowingly put around himself. Piccolo tried to get to his pupil only to end up like Vegeta. The barrier blasted them to the ground hard. Krillin saw what happened and decided to keep a distance.
"GOHAN YOU HAVE TO SNAP OUT OF IT!" The monks yells fell on deaf ears.
"AAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Gohan continued to yell. He was too lost in his power to hear anyone around him. Gohans screams and powering up started to cause dimension rips all around him. (A/N: Imagine when super buu did this against vegeto.) Gohan kept pushing his power and kept screaming. The dimension rips were getting bigger and bigger and one formed right underneath of him. The super saiyan 3 form and all the energy being emitted from gohan started to take a toll on his body. His screams lowered as his hair and eyes turned black again. The dimension rips started to close and the earth stopped shaking. His eyes closed and he started falling to the ground. Piccolo went to grab him, but Gohan fell into the dimension rip that was formed underneath of him. The rip closed right before Piccolo's eyes and he couldn't sense Gohan anywhere on the planet.
Piccolo looked back at Krillin and Vegeta."Somethings wrong! I can't sense Gohan anywhere and we saw him fall in that hole. We have to find the dragon balls and quick."
Krillin nodded. "Lets go to Bulma and get the dragon radar." They all flew off towards capsule corps.
(Marvel world)
"Director Fury! We're picking up strange signals. Its the same kind of signal that the tesseract gave off. A hole is ripping open from the sky sir!" Agent Coulsen stated.
"Is anything coming out of it?" Fury said as he turned to face Coulsen.
"Not yet sir.
"Does it have anything to do with Loki, Thor, or any other asgardian?"
"Not that we know of sir. Wait! Something is coming out of the hole and the hole closed up as soon as that thing fell out of it."
Nick Fury had a face of total seriousness. "Agent Coulsen make sure you keep a track of whatever fell out. Agent Reid! Turn the helicarrier around and follow whatever fell out of that hole. Don't let it out of your sight."
Agent Reid nodded and turned the ship in the direction of the falling object.
(With Gohan )
Gohan was still unconcious while going through the dimension rip which is a good thing. The dimension rip is a brutal thing to go through. If it had not been for his tough and sturdy body he would've died before he even made it out the other side of the hole. The other end of the hole appeared high in the sky. Gohan fell out of it and was heading towards the ground. When he was in earths atmosphere he came falling like a shooting star. He had fire around him from the speed from which he was falling. He finally hit the ground causing a huge crater to form.
Not too long after wards the shield helicarrier landed by the crater.
Agent Coulsen got out with his gun in his hand. He walked closer to the crater and looked inside of it. "WE HAVE A BODY DOWN THERE! QUICK SOMEONE GET THIS KID OUT OF THERE!"
"WAIT! We don't know whats going on yet. For all we know he could be more powerful then Thor." Fury said as he stood beside Coulsen. We don't know where he came from or what he is. He could be a potential threat to the world.
"He could be harmless. He could be on the brink of death right now and instead of helping him we're sitting here talking. Personally I would rather help him and regret it than to not help him and let him die right here. We need to make a decision sir. Its your call."
Fury let out a deep sigh. "I know I'm going to regret this. Lets get this kid to the medical wing."
Coulsen smiled. "Yes sir."
The shield agents hauled the unconcious Gohan up and carried him to the medical wing on the helicarrier.
Piccolo and Krillin ran into capsule corps looking for Bulma. Vegeta walked off to the kitchen for some food. They found her in the garden watching Trunks play around with the animals. Krillin ran up to bulma.
"Bulma we need the dragon radar pronto."
Bulma was suprised to see them there. "Hi guys what do you need it for? Does it have to do with that earth quake we had earlier."
"That wasn't an earthquake Bulma. It was Gohan. He made a dimension tear with his power along with making the earth shake and he fell right into the tear. Now we can't sense him at all, so we're going to try to find the dragonballs to wish him back here." Krillin said.
To say Bulma was shocked was an understatement. She ran to her lab to grab it and came back in a flash. "Here it is. Hurry up and find them so we can get Gohan back here. Who knows what trouble he's gotten into."
Piccolo and Krillin nodded and flew off to get the dragonballs.
(A/N: Well thats chapter 1 done. I hope everyone likes it so far.)