Hello readers, thank you for choosing Talisman Airlines and we'll be arriving Japan in just about 20 minutes.

Maki: Wait what? I came into this fanfic and I see you acting like a pilot! What the hell is going on?!

Airin: She's making the start of your story Maki.

Maki: Shouldn't that be later in the REAL story and not here?

Nope, I'm just playing around. Anyway, ready to start doctor Nishikino?

Maki: Y-Yeah... But where are the others?

Noelle: Do you mean us?

Maki: Actually I meant the Love Live cast... Sorry.

Megumi: It's fine, the rest has gone to prepare for the story. You better fasten your seat belts before the plane lands.

Thank you for choosing Talisman Airlines, the time now is 2112. Have a pleasant day in Tokyo!

Maki: F*ck this.

Haha... I don't own Love Live.


"Are you lost nya?" An orange-haired woman asked Maki, who was fumbling with a scrap of paper.

"N-Not really... But just to be sure, where's the Nishikino Family Clinic?" Maki asked, slightly embarrassed that she's lost.

"Nya~ Rin knows where it is, follow me nya!" The orange haired woman beckoned Maki to follow her.


"No problem nya~ By the way, are you from around here nya? You don't sound like a Japanese nya!"

"I-I'm a Japanese... Just that I was raised in Singapore due to some family issues..."

"Rin understands nya! Rin's name is Rin Hoshizora nya! I'm a tour guide nya!"

"Nice to meet you Hoshizora-san."

"What's your name nya?"


"Maki-chan nya~ Such a pretty name nya~"

"N-Not really..." By this time, Maki was embarrassed by Rin's compliments.

"We're here nya!" Rin pointed to a building that made Maki stare in wonder.

"T-This is a clinic? It looks more like a shopping mall!"

"Eh~ Shopping malls are much bigger than this clinic nya!"

"I-Is that so...? W-Well, thank you for your help Hoshizora-san." Maki said before entering the clinic, Rin followed in after her which perplexed Maki. "Um... W-Why are you here with me?"

"Rin needs to be here nya! Maki-chan, once you're done with your appointment, do you want to tour around Tokyo with Rin nya?"

"I-I can't. B-But if you can wait for two more hours I think I can come along..."

"Okay nya! Touring with Maki-chan begins at 9.00 pm nya!" Rin enthusiastically shouted, surprising some of the patients there. Unbeknownst to Rin, Maki has already disappeared and is nowhere to be seen. "Maki-chan? Oh well, I better get my ticket to see the doctor nya!" Rin went over to collect a ticket for her doctor's appointment.

"Rin Hoshizora. You may see the doctor now." The receptionist said.

"Thanks nya!" Rin thanked the receptionist and went inside the doctor's room.

"So what seems to be the problem?" Maki said without looking at her patient. Only when the patient remained silent did she decided to look up.

"M-Maki-chan is a doctor nya?!"

"H-Hoshizora-san?! You're my patient?"

"Y-You're the previous doctor's daughter nya?"

"Y-Yeah... Anyway, what seems to be the problem?"

"I injured my right wrist nya!" Rin seemed to be nervous and looked down constantly, something that Maki disliked.

"Hey, is the tour thing still on? I really don't know how Japan's like and I need you to show me around." Maki said, attempting to lighten the tense atmosphere. Thankfully, Rin's mood was lightened.

"Of course nya!"

"Great, your wrist is fine but refrain from carrying heavy stuff."

"W-Wow... You managed to check my wrist despite the two of talking?"

"Yep. Let's go then." Maki said, shrugging off her doctor's coat and hanging it on a clothes rack.

"Uh... What about your job nya?"

"It's 9.00 pm, see?" Maki held up her wristwatch to let Rin see the time.

"You're right nya! Let's go, I'll show you the places I like to visit nya!" Rin said, holding Maki's hand and bursting out of the clinic.


"First stop, Minami's Patisserie! I'll introduce to my friends here!" Rin said while opening the door.

"Welcome!" A woman with brown hair and violet eyes greeted. Half framed spectacles adorned her smiling face.

"Kayo-chin~ Meet the new doctor at the Nishikino Family Clinic nya!"

"It's nice to meet you! What's your name if I may ask?"

"M-Maki. Maki Nishikino." Maki replies hesitantly, shy from talking to someone that she just met.

"Well hello then Nishikino-san! My name is Hanayo Koizumi and I actually want to die..."

"Why do you say that Kayo-chin?!"

"I-I'm not good at making friends Rin-chan..." Maki then realised that the woman in front of her was actually in the same plight as her and immediately patted her back.

"I-It's fine. We're in the same boat Koizumi-san."

"Nishikino-san..." Those two would have stared each other the whole day if not for another person's arrival.

"Hanayo-chan, how are you doing?" A grey-haired woman with amber orbs asked.

"Kotori-chan~ How are you nya?" Rin immediately hugged the woman.

"Ah! Rin-chan's here too! Who's the red-haired lady?"

"That's Maki Nishikino nya! I met her today nya!"

"I see! You must be the late doctor's daughter who is living overseas right?"

"Y-Yeah. But how do you know that?"

"Rin told them nya!" Maki simply stared at Rin in disbelief, not believing that her late father would reveal so much information about himself.

"Okay then... How may I address you miss...?" She asked Kotori, remembering that she didn't ask for her name.

"Kotori! Kotori Minami! I'm actually the owner of this patisserie and Hanayo-chan's my employee!" Kotori beamed, making Maki feel uncomfortable for some reason.

"Nya~ Kotori-chan, I'll take a strawberry cheesecake to go nya! Do you want anything Maki-chan? Kotori-chan's cheesecakes are well-known around this area nya!"

"I-I guess I'll take the apple pie..."

"Okay then! I'll wrap these up for you."

"How much is it nya?"

"Oh no, it's on the house as a welcome for Maki-chan!" Kotori said while handing the pastries to Maki.

"E-Enjoy them! Have a safe trip!" Hanayo said, waving goodbye to Maki and Rin as they left the patisserie.

"We can enjoy them at your place later Maki-chan nya!"

"You mean at the clinic? Sure, even though it's kind of a pain to go back..."

"You locked it nya?"

"Well, that's my own house. Of course I'll lock it, don't you?"

"Ehehe... Don't tell Kayo-chin this but I stay at the tour agency nya!"

"You're... homeless?"

"Couldn't pay the rent on time so I secretly sleep there nya..."

"I-I see... Where are we heading to now?"

"You'll see nya!"


"A... church?" Maki asked as she stared at the church in front of her.

"Yeah, I'm not a Christian but two of my friends are here nya! Let's go!" Rin replied, dragging Maki into the church.

"Oh is it isn't Rin. Who's the young lady behind you?" A blond-haired nun asked, cerulean eyes bore into amethyst eyes.

"I-I'm Maki Nishikino, I came to Japan a few hours ago."

"I see. I'm Eli Ayase, the sister of this church. It's nice to meet you Nishikino-san." Eli extended her hand for Maki to shake. Maki warily shook Eli's hand, still cautious of the nun's motive.

"Eli-chan~ Don't be so cold nya! You're scaring her nya!"

"O-Oh! I-I'm sorry, I'm not used to visitors other than my friends. Please excuse my behaviour..." Eli gave a small smile, scratching her head slightly.

"A-Ah, it's fine! B-By the way, who's that blue-haired woman at that statue?" Maki pointed to a blue-haired woman praying to a statue of Virgin Mary.

"That's Umi-chan! She comes here every day ever since that day nya~"

"What day?"

"It'll be best if you ask her yourself Nishikino-san." This sentence made Maki curious and she decided to satisfy her curiosity.

"E-Excuse me... May I ask for your name?"

"My... name? Oh sorry for spacing out, I'm Lieutenant Umi Sonoda. It's a pleasure to meet you, may I ask for yours?" Umi asked, saluting with her left hand. Maki noticed that Umi was saluting with her left instead of her right and decided to ask her.

"I'm Maki Nishikino. If you don't mind, why do you salute with your left instead of your right?" The moment she asked that question, she felt that she had opened Pandora's box. Her feeling was proven right when Umi turned her profile to face Maki.

"That's... because I've lost my right while I was protecting someone..." Umi replied with a wry smile. "Best part is that I failed to protect him... He died because of me..." Tears started to well up in Umi's eyes, unintentionally making Maki feel guilty about asking the question.

"I-I'm truly sorry..." Maki apologised, sincerely wishing that she had never asked about it in the first place.

"It's fine. In case you're wondering, I come here to pray is because I feel that I can gain forgiveness for not saving him..."

"Haa... Sonoda-san like I said, it's not your fault."


"Just calm down alright? His family forgave you, the police forgave you and God has forgiven you a long time ago. There's no need to beat yourself over what has happened years ago..." Maki wanted to burst out at Eli's comment but decided not to, fearing that Umi may cry if she opened her mouth again.

"Maki-chan, ready to go to the last stop nya?"

"Y-Yeah... Let's go Hoshizora-san..." Before Maki left the church, Umi said something that made Maki feel better.

"I'll be at the church for quite some time as I live here. If you want to have a chat with someone when Rin's working, you can find me here." Umi waved goodbye to the two of them before focusing her attention on Eli.


"Hey Hoshizora-san, why did Sonoda-san say that?"

"The police superintendent felt that Umi-chan needed a long break nya~ As her house was burnt down, she stays with Eli-chan nya!"

"I-I see... Your friends sure are unique..."

"The place we're going to will contain the most unique friends of all nya!" Rin said as she stopped in front of a bar.

"A... bar?" Maki asked but followed Rin inside anyway.

"Rin-chan's here, and with the late doctor's daughter!" A purple-haired woman with huge curves cheerily said, her turquoise eyes never leaving the cards she laid on the table.

"Nozomi-chan, meet Maki Nishikino! I met her near the fountain nya!" Rin introduced Maki to Nozomi.

"It's nice to meet you Maki-chan! I'm Nozomi Tojo, owner of the Tarot Bar." Nozomi extended her hand which Maki shook.

"Maki-chan! There are three more I'll like you to meet nya!" Rin said while pointing to three woman seated at the table, two of them drunk while the last one was reading a few sheets of paper.

"Hello, I'm Tsubasa Kira. I'm a lawyer and you must be Maki Nishikino yes?" The sober brown-haired woman asked.

"Yeah, that's me. What are you doing here in this bar Kira-san?" Maki replied, curious to know why was a lawyer in a bar.

"I'm here to relieve some stress from work. Arguing isn't easy as you think."

"I see... And these two are...?" Maki pointed to the two drunk women who had their heads on the table.

"I'm Honoka Kosaka... I fight fire... but I burnt down Umi-chan's house by mistake!" A ginger-haired woman rose from the table, giving a peace sign before drinking some beer.

"Umi...? Oh, so you're the one who caused Sonoda-san to be homeless..." Maki silently remarked. Unfortunately for her, Honoka heard it.

"Hey! It wasn't my fault that my hose contained oxygen due to my colleagues' slip up!" Honoka retorted, clearly unhappy with the remark.

"It's your fault after all..." A petite raven-haired girl responded.

"H-Huh?! T-Tojo-san! There's a kid in here!" Maki exclaimed, to which Nozomi chuckled.

"Maki-chan, she's an adult you know..."

"E-Eh?!" Maki turned around to see the 'girl' giving her the middle finger.

"For your information, I'm a teacher in a goddamn high school!" The 'girl' spat out, pissed off that she was mistaken for a kid again.

"Calm down miss loli." Maki said, clearly to make the teacher angry.

"Damn you! You wanna fight b*tch?!" The teacher rolled up her sleeves and got into a boxing stance.

"Like you could beat me." Maki loosened her tie, preparing for the teacher's next move.

"Both of you stop it! Under Japanese law, fighting's not allowed and you may be charged in court!" Tsubasa said, hoping to end the impending fight.

"May? In Singapore, we'll go to jail after going to court." Maki commented before extending her hand for the teacher to shake.

"Hmph, Nico Yazawa." Nico said before shaking the doctor's hand.

"Maki Nishikino. By the way, what's a teacher doing here?"

"Drowning my sorrows of getting humiliated by my class which is full of assholes!" Nico downed her mug of beer before grabbing Tsubasa's.

"Noted. Hoshizora-san, do you want to get a drink while I wait for you?"

"Nope! Rin needs to go back to the tour agency to sleep nya!" Maki felt that her new friend's situation was pitiable and decided to lend a hand.

"You're sleeping with me from now on. I'm not going to let you sneak back to the agency just to get a few hours of sleep!" Maki declared, surprising everyone in the bar.

"Oh my... My cards never told me that Maki-chan's this aggressive~" Nozomi teased, holding up a tarot card.

"What do you mean? I can't let her sneak into the agency every single time!" Maki retorted, folding her arms as a form of defense.

"Nishikino-san, I'm not sure what inviting people to live with you permanently means overseas but in Japan, it kind of means that you're proposing..." Tsubasa said, looking away from Maki's surprised face.

"W-WHAT?!" Maki exclaimed, a blush slathered over her cheeks.

"M-Maki-chan... Now that you know what this act means, are you sure you want Rin to live there nya?" Rin asked, her face also in a blush that made everyone in the bar have one thought in their minds.


"Yeah! I don't mind at all! After all, you saved me at the fountain, it's the least I could do!"

"Really?! Then Rin will accept nya!" Maki inwardly groaned, fearing that Rin will bring her to a lot of experiences that she didn't want to experience.

"It's your fault you know. Take responsibility~" Nozomi sang. Maki wondered if the bar owner could read minds but decided not to ask and simply led Rin back to the clinic.


Oh man... I've lost touch on how to start a fan fiction!

Rin: You're doing great nya!

Nozomi: That's right, my cards are telling me that you'll be fine~

Thanks you two...

Umi: So I've lost my right arm huh? Guess it'll prove problematic...

Eli: It would seem so.

Maki: Enya-chan! Why must you write a story that features us from the job version in the SIF?!

Hanayo: She didn't make all of us from there...

That's because I've no idea what Nozomi's working as and I felt that you could be working along side Kotori!

Noelle: Enya, maybe you could list down their jobs?

Sure thing, here's the list.

Maki: Doctor at her family clinic, aged 25.

Rin: Tour guide for visitors, aged 25.

Hanayo: Cashier at Kotori's patisserie, aged 25.

Kotori: Pastry chef at her own patisserie, aged 26.

Umi: Police lieutenant, aged 26.

Honoka: Fire fighter, aged 26.

Tsubasa: Lawyer, aged 26.

Eli: A nun at the church, aged 27.

Nozomi: Bar owner of the Tarot Bar, aged 27.

Nico: Home economics teacher at a high school,aged 27.

Airin: See you next time. (If there's a next time that is)

I can read your thoughts though... But yes, I hope to see you guys next time.

All: Bye! *Waves*