Author's Note: My first Big Hero 6 fic! Yeah! I'm finally starting it! This is also Alive!Tadashi, but it's not necessarily the center part. But it is a vital part of the story though. Enjoy!


On top of the world, on top of it all

Trying to feel invincible

But I'm dying on top of the world

It doesn't matter if you're the best, if you're the greatest... When you're not happy. It was better to be average while happily contented than to be a prodigy but discontendly lonesome.

But sometimes, life demands you to be a little bit more than average.

Hiro Hamada, a child genius graduated high school in the age of thirteen. He had a lot of promise, a lot of potential. But he wastes all his time on betting on bot fights, betting on himself. He's not a complete jerk, but that knucklehead was going to get himself into serious trouble with his arrogance.

He had to find better use of his time. And then, there was Baymax. This is the story of my brother, and my robot who became his best friend.

It's a story of being a hero,

Authort's note: Just a short intro. It'll get interesting, I promise. Read and review. Shoutout to are awesome! Go BayDasHiro! This won't necessarily be narrated by Tadashi all through out. Just this chapter and the last one. Which is an epilogue.