A/N: As anyone who follows me on Twitter or Tumblr will know, after the Lost Girl Season 5 promo my head went to the funny place. A lot of people were asking who the woman was with Tamsin. I'm 99.9% sure that's Freya. People were saying what if Tamsin got with Freya. My mind went the other way. What if Freya is Tamsin's mother? Most of you will know that I also have this niggling mythology related thing in my brain about Odin being Bo's father. In different mythologies both Odin and Freya are mentioned, the main mythological stories have them either married or fighting. As Lost Girl are going down the Freya being the Queen of the Valkyrie's route, that would mean that in the mythology they are (vaguely) following, Odin and Freya have been in some kind of war for a very very long time. Imagine, if you will, Freya being Tamsin's mother, Odin being Bo's father and the two of them having been in a war that has raged for thousands of years. Interesting concept right. Enjoy!

Chapter One

Time and time again she watched Bo with Dyson or Lauren, but time and time again she was always there for the Succubus. Since they had lost Kenzi, something had changed within them all. The human had left a massive hole in their lives that nothing could ever fill. Tamsin and Bo both seemed to feel it more at night when they were alone. When the distractions of the world have gone to bed for the night. Tamsin had started off by dulling the pain through alcohol, finding herself in different Dark bars throughout the city on a nightly basis. Bo had also been going to bars, but for very different reasons. Many times when Tamsin had arrived back at the Clubhouse in the very early hours of the morning she had seen people leaving. Guys, girls, it didn't seem to matter to Bo. Anything to dull that ache she felt, even if it was only for a short amount of time.

This night was no different. Tamsin walked towards the door of the Clubhouse just in time to see a girl leaving. She was pretty enough, but wasn't anything special as far as Tamsin was concerned. Just another nameless Fae.

"Can you tell Bo…" she started to say to Tamsin.

"Don't hold your breath sweetheart," Tamsin said with a sigh walking past her, "she won't even remember your name in the morning."

The Valkyrie walked into the house, leaving the girl slightly shocked outside. Bo was grabbing a bottle of water as Tamsin walked in.

"And that was?" Tamsin asked, passing Bo in the kitchen as she went for the bottle of vodka.

"No idea," Bo replied, drinking some of the water, "Chrissie, Chloe… I don't know."

"So that's the fourth one this week that you don't remember the name of," Tamsin said, "and it's only Tuesday."

"I'm a Succubus," Bo said, almost glaring at Tamsin, "it's what we do."

Tamsin nodded a little, putting the bottle back and deciding on a bottle of water instead.

"Sure it is…" she said under her breath.

"Dyson called earlier," Bo said, either not hearing or not caring what Tamsin said, "he has a lead on that other shoe. Do you want to come with us?"

"Can't," Tamsin said, "got something else to do."

"Something that involves you getting better acquainted with a bottle of vodka?" Bo asked.

"Goodnight Bo…" Tamsin said, walking to the stairs.

She wasn't interested in getting into another argument with Bo about the Hel shoe. Tamsin knew that Bo thought it was the only way to get Kenzi back, and maybe it was, but it was what was going to come with it that bothered Tamsin. She had tried telling Dyson that they had to stop Bo getting the other shoe, but the wolf didn't seem to think with his big head when it came to the Succubus.

"Why are you so against me finding the shoe?" Bo asked, "I would have thought that you'd want to get Kenzi back."

Tamsin didn't say anything, nor did she turn around.

"Oh I get it," Bo said with a bitter laugh, "she's human and she's gone. Is that it Tamsin? Humans are weak right, they die, get over it?"

Tamsin clenched her jaw, breathing deeply to try and quell the anger that was now building within her.

"Is it really that easy for you to just let her go?" Bo asked.

Tamsin had heard enough, she turned to face Bo, the anger she was feeling clearly written on her face.

"That isn't it at all," she said, walking towards Bo, "I want to get Kenzi back just as much as you do; she raised me for fucks sake. But not like this. You have no idea what is going to happen if you find that other Hel shoe Bo; no good can come of it. Trust me on that."

"Someone's wound up a little too tightly here," Bo said with a smirk, her eyes flashing that unmistakeable blue, "need to let off some steam Valkyrie?"

"Goodnight Bo." Tamsin replied, turning around and walking up the stairs.

As the Valkyrie reached her bedroom, she could still hear Bo laughing.


When Tamsin woke up the following morning she headed downstairs to get some coffee. Dyson was already there. He and Bo were flirting up a storm in the kitchen.

"Don't mind me…" Tamsin said, grabbing her mug and pouring herself a coffee.

"You okay Tamsin?" Dyson asked with a little smile as he leaned back against the island in the kitchen.

"Top of the world." Tamsin replied.

"Are you coming with us today?" he asked.

"She has something else to do." Bo said, picking up her jacket, "she always has something else to do."

Tamsin didn't look at Bo as the Succubus walked out of the door.

"Are you sure you don't want to come with us?" Dyson asked, "I mean it seems like you and Bo are having a few issues…"

"It isn't my issues with Bo you should be worried about," Tamsin replied, picking up her coffee and heading to the stairs, "she's already on random Fae number four this week."

"Random Fae?" Dyson asked, "She's feeding randomly?"

"Whoops…" Tamsin said, walking up the stairs back to her room.


Later that day Tamsin set about finding another way to take her mind off everything, she set up a punch bag in one of the unused rooms in the Clubhouse, deciding that taking her stress out that way would be better than constantly arguing with Bo. As she had one more bottle of vodka left she decided that she would start her new regime the following day. That night she ended up in yet another Dark Bar. The music was the kind of mindless noise that Tamsin paid no attention to, the people were the same. She finished her drink and was in the process of getting another when she sensed Bo walk up behind her.

"You just couldn't help yourself could you?" Bo asked.

Tamsin ignored her and caught the attention of the barman who wasted no time in making his way over to her.

"Same again." Tamsin said to him, motioning to her empty glass.

"Valkyrie," Bo said, "I'm talking to you."

"No," Tamsin replied, still not turning to look at Bo, "you're yelling at me."

"You had to tell Dyson didn't you." Bo continued, not as loudly, but the pair already had a lot of attention from the people in the bar.

"Tell Dyson what?" Tamsin asked, turning on her stool to look at Bo, "That you've been feeding from random Fae, or that you're onto your fourth this week? I thought the whole point of your little triangle love affair with the doctor and the wolf was so you didn't have to feed randomly. You profess to love them both, well actually you don't, you profess to love the doctor, Dyson is just convenient for you isn't he."

"Why does it matter to you?" Bo asked, "oh right, I forgot, you've got a thing for Dyson. He told me about that night you spent together."

Tamsin couldn't stop the laugh escaping her.

"If he told you about it, then you'd know that it meant nothing to either of us," Tamsin replied, "he's so hung up on you the hottest woman in the world could stand naked in front of him, offering him it on a plate, and he still wouldn't realise. That boy is whipped."

"He was hurting that night," Bo said, her eyes narrowing as she looked at the blonde, "I'd basically just told him that I could never love him in the way he wanted me to… he was drunk… what did you get out of it?"

"Stress relief." Tamsin said with a shrug.

"Do you actually have feelings for him?" Bo asked with a laugh.

Tamsin downed her drink and stood up, standing in front of Bo she used her height difference to its full advantage.

"Who mentioned anything about me having feelings for him." Tamsin said through gritted teeth.

"Hey," The barman said, "if you two are about to have it out, can you take it outside please, my insurance won't cover any damage caused."

"I'm just leaving." Tamsin replied, not taking her eyes off Bo, "you'll have fun here Succubus, it's certainly your kind of place."

Tamsin picked up her jacket and left. She knew Bo was following her before she started shouting at her before they reached the exit.

"Why are you so hung up on who I sleep with?" Bo asked, still walking behind Tamsin, "I guess a Succubus gets more action that a Valkyrie. Is that it Tamsin? Do you have an itch that needs to be scratched?"

"If I did," Tamsin called back, "I wouldn't be telling you."

"Are you jealous?" Bo said, "The little Valkyrie is all sad because it's not her I turn to."

Tamsin stopped in her tracks and turned to face Bo.

"Don't flatter yourself Bo," she said, "you have Lauren and Dyson wrapped around your little finger, you have two people who love you, yet here you are, yet again, in a Dark bar instead of being with one of them. This isn't you Bo; this isn't the person I…"

"The person you what?" Bo asked, now standing in front of the Valkyrie.

"Doesn't matter." Tamsin replied, turning around and walking out of the door that was now in front of her.

Still Bo followed her.

"Come on Tamsin," she called, "you're the one who said I need to talk about my feelings and shit."

"Go back inside Bo," Tamsin replied, "I'm sure you'll have an endless list of nameless victims. You actually have a lot more in common with your mother than you ever thought you did."

Tamsin groaned inwardly as the words left her lips. Bo was nothing like Aife. She felt a hand grab her arm. The next thing she knew she was been thrown into the wall next to the rubbish bin for the club. Bo was in front of her with her hand around her throat before Tamsin had the chance to refocus her eyes.

"Do you want to fight me Bo?" Tamsin asked, a smirk playing on her lips as she looked into the burning blue eyes of the Succubus.

"You have no idea." Bo replied.

The next thing Tamsin knew Bo's lips were on hers. She didn't even try to fight it as she felt Bo's tongue force its way into her mouth. She turned them around so Bo was up against the wall as the kiss continued. There was something almost violent in the kiss; Tamsin could taste blood in her mouth as Bo bit down on her lower lip. Tamsin backed out of the kiss and pushed herself away from Bo. She used the back of her hand to wipe the blood from her lip, as she watched Bo run her tongue over her own lips, smirk still in place, eyes burning the brightest blue in the darkness that surrounded them.

"I'm not interested in being your play-thing Succubus." Tamsin said, her jaw clenched and her breathing heavy, "go and find your pet wolf."

With that, Tamsin turned and walked away again, she had no idea where she was heading, nor did she really care. Back outside the club Bo was having a hard time steadying her breathing as she could still taste the Valkyrie's blood in her mouth. Somewhere deep inside her a voice was screaming at her, she had no idea why she had kissed Tamsin, she certainly had no idea why she was wanting it so rough, but she certainly knew that wouldn't be the last time she kissed the Valkyrie.