
How he ended up in a tree, Percy wasn't sure. He thought of the last thing he remembered, but came up blank. In fact, Percy couldn't remember anything, other than his name.

The tree he was in was bare, but full of branches. He sat up and groaned. Although his memories were gone, Percy had a feeling this wasn't the first time he woke up in a strange place.

He jumped down from the tree, and stretched. Nothing was broken, and he had no scratches, which Pery though was strange. The sharp branches had rubbed against his bare arms.

Suddenly, he staggered, his mind aching. A memory came through, sharp and clear. A girl, with curly blond hair and startling grey eyes. Annabeth, he thought, her name was Annabeth. He paused to see if any other memories came through, but none came.

When Percy finally paused to look at his surroundings, the sky was beginning to lighten. The only civilization ins sight was a single building, a castle maybe? He headed that way, but something stopped him.

He noticed a faint growling behind his head and saw a large dog the size of a car. Hellhound. By instinct, he reached into his pocket and pulled out a pen. He must've been crazy, but Percy decided he had nothing to lose. He followed his instincts.

He uncapped the pen and a bronze sword sprang out. He slashed at the monster. The hellhound leapt forward and raked its claws against Percy's chest. Percy stumbled back, and found his feet in a lake. Energy swirled into him, and he slashed at the monster again and this time connected. The monster crumbled to dust, leaving behind an sulfurous smell.

Percy glanced down at his chest, which should have been bleeding. Instead, he saw a torn up orange t shirt, but no marks on himself. A suspicion crept into Percy's mind, almost too crazy for words. Invincibility, at least partial.

Percy's feet swept out from underneath him, and he was pulled into the lake. Bubbles swirled around him, but he was breathing just fine. Percy hit his head on a rock, and black spots danced across his vision.

By the time his sight returned, he had stopped moving and his feet rested on the sandy bottom of the lake. The first thing he registered was a sword point resting against his throat.

Cliffhanger! Here is the multi-chapter story I've been meaning to write. If you haven't already, check out my Percy Jackson Oneshot "Summertime Sadness." Thanks! Read and review! -VW