Hey everyone! You all ready for another Nizzy chapter? I didn't expect that many people to follow this and to that I say thank you! So you ready to find out who Noah will like for only a temporary period of time? Here it is!

I own nothing… if I did, the minor characters should receive more filming time in Total Drama… even just a cameo would be nice right?

"Izzy, for the last time, let me out!" cried Noah. I laughed inwardly to that. We've been friends for who knows how long and he still can't get used to my surprises. Big whoop – for him anyway!

"Ahaha, no can do, sweetheart!" As I ran, I could feel Noah protesting in the sack, tempting me to stop and just drop him off. I didn't.

"Izzy, do you want me to die? I'm losing my breath in here!"

"No, silly! I want you to live… till it hurts," I retorted. I heard his voice muffle a groan of defeat. "That's the spirit!"

"If I die, you stay away from my funeral," I heard him say. I ignored this and tried not to create a mental image of me unintentionally killing Noah and being told by everyone to let me stay away from his funeral. That would suck hardcore.

Right before everyone could head to class, I ran in first… with a bag on my back. What? Carrying a person with you and stuffing him inside a sack is legal right? If not, then the government really needs to change the law a little bit more.

"Gidday professor, how's life? I suppose you can't define it huh?" I joked. I remember him saying that life has no true meaning. Well to that I call bologna! Of course I wouldn't always believe the professor, he is Chris after all. He only gets information after his interns feed him lines and stuff. He's been teaching us for like two weeks.

See, because Chris wasn't allowed to make another season after the whole Parkimawhatsits island went down, so he begged the producers to give him a job that can still earn him more moolah rather than spending the rest of his days in prison. It so worked, and if I took a video footage of that, I'd be a millionaire without even having to make an effort! The only sad thing is, everybody stole my idea and it's all over the internet now. And it turns out, they, like, gave him a job to tour around every school that the Total Drama contestants go to and he, like, teaches them a random subject.

"Life is good thank you… and what's with the sack? We're not having an experiment today," he inquired.

"Aww… not even a demon sacrifice?"

"A what?" His shocking expression was even better than I hoped it would look. "This is science, Izzy, not a religious class."

"Yeah, you're right… either way, I'm totally not using Noah as my test monkey." I grabbed the bag behind me and released Noah.

"Izzy….!" He growled.

I giggled and knelt to meet his face. "Yes?" I gave him my hand and waited for him to take it.

"I hate you." Despite saying those fake words, he took my hand anyway and I helped him up.

Chris yelped and backed away from me slowly. Then he smiled and gave me a high five. "Now that's what I call an entrance!"

"Well, if it isn't our juvenile 'science' teacher," Noah greeted dryly, quoting the aspects of Chris as fraudulent… whatever that means!

"What can I say? I've still got a bit of Total Drama blood left in me. Say, is Chef here too?"

"You bet! He just arrived today and now he's on kitchen duty at the cafeteria. We should have gone to this school at the same time but I ditched him by throwing a fake wallet so he could catch his own ride. The funny thing was, it worked! He actually had to act like a street performer just to earn cash," he explained, trying to hide his laugh. More and more students entered the class, ignoring our conversation or otherwise not caring.

"Just as I thought you couldn't get any more devious," Noah rolled his eyes as he made such a sarcastic remark.

"AHAHAHA! That was awesome Chris. I'm so talking to him later. We're going to have one hell of a time together," I replied to Chris mischievously. He didn't get the idea of 'hell' that clearly but Noah sure did. I could tell after his response by huffing and smirking at the idea. When there's hell, there's fire. And when there's fire, that's when Explosivo comes in!

"Good luck with that. Now sit your formerly tortured butts down. I have a big announcement to make."

"What, are you going to 'host' this school now?" Noah asked dryly and yet threateningly.

"I sure wish I did but nope. I'm not staying here for long either," Chris replied. The cynic rolled his eyes and we both headed to our seats. Everyone paid their full attention to Chris. Believe me if we all didn't, ka-BOOM goes our reputation. Sadly… the producers didn't warn Chris about leaving the students unharmed. It's sad indeed… for them; meanwhile I'd kill for the pain!

"Okay victims- I mean students, are you ready to meet your new inmate- I mean new classmate?" Chris asked, with a grin plastered on his face. Noah and I looked at each other uneasily as everyone else did. Everyone nodded…. Not that it was their choice to anyway.

"It better not be Justin… or Alejackass," Noah mumbled darkly. "Especially Justin…"

"What's the matter? Scared that they might steal the spotlight from you?" I joked.

"No… I just hate them. And to make feelings mutual, they hate me too. That's understandable enough."

As he opened the door, a female came in. I smiled knowing that Noah doesn't have to worry about reuniting with the people he hates. I don't seem to recognize her either.

She seems to have long hair, although it was tied around into a huge bun. Like mine, her hair was red… except the darker and yet brighter kind of red. She was wearing glasses and unlike any other girl, she looks good in them. From the looks of her uniform, I'd say she looks like a complete nerd too. She even gave everyone that shy look that every new student would give just to get attention.

"Attention everyone, this is Scarlett. She has recently been a member of the last season I hosted, Pahkitew Island. I'm sure you all know her."

While everyone kept murmuring incoherent words, Noah started whispering to me. "Hey, I remember my cousin joined that season. The only problem is he was afraid of dirt and came home a bald, broken hearted psycho."

"What's his name?"

"Dave… it gives me chills just thinking about it. He annoys and humiliates me a lot and I'm sick of it," he sighed in anger and kept his arms folded.

"Kinda like me," I reminded.

"Well… at least unlike you, I can't tolerate him too much," he muttered and looked away. "And to top it all off, he never told me how… pretty Scarlett was." My heart froze at that statement. The new girl? Pretty? He never called me pretty…

"Say what? Didn't you watch him?"

"I never bothered to… he down to earth annoys me even just by seeing him on television," he glowered. Then his expression softened, which was a rare sight. "But then again, I might watch the whole season just to see how Scarlett was like."

I refused to look at him in the eye now… could it be that Noah likes that new Scarlett girl? But unlike Noah, some of the people in our class were slightly intimidated by her.

"Zip it people! Scarlett, try making yourself a good student of this school. And I mean it this time. Not many people know who you are at this stage so try to make your greatest impression on everyone," I heard Chris whisper to her. I was the only one who heard it though. Ever since I quit Total Drama, I became a secret agent and I worked on my own since then! I even have my own gadgets, especially these supersonic earrings. They have the power to absorb sound no matter how weak it can be heard! This is what it feels like to be prepared.

But what I wasn't prepared for is… Noah likes Scarlett?

"What happened to the season she was at?" I asked.

"Oh it turns out the latest season I made was taken down by the government. So if you guys missed out on the show then too bad folks! Now you'll just have to find out the true personality of the cast yourselves," Chris answered with a smug grin on his face. "Scarlett, please find an empty seat so we can get this party started." Even though there were those who didn't want her to sit with them, Noah interrupted everyone. "There's a seat next to mine." The girl smiled and went over to him. I gave him a look of concern but he ignored it. Ever since she came, his gaze was set onto hers.

As she sat down, Noah gave a rare, genuine smile. "Hey, I'm Noah."

"Hi, I'm Scarlett. You must be a former contestant, am I right? I heard you've got smarts too."

"Indeed I do. Your name sounds interesting though. Care to tell me more about it?"

I kept watching as those two kept talking to each other. With every word Noah said to her, my heart would feel a gunshot go right through it. It's like… Noah found a smarter, saner and better version of me.

"Oh my name's nothing too special really… it's just derived by an English surname with an occupational meaning, mainly as a person who sells cloth. What about your name? I suppose it was derived by Bible topical name was it not?"

Noah chuckled and shrugged. "You could say that." For some reason, when he kept talking to her, there weren't any hints of his anti-sociality or his sarcasm remarks striking through. He was talking to her like a regular human being.

I sighed and sunk into my chair, ignoring Chris' lectures or anyone's voices for that matter. I kept wondering what it would be like if Noah liked someone else… someone that's not me… or someone who's exactly like me except… better.

My tear sack, which had never been used, started cracking up. But then I realized, I'm E-Scope dammit! After all, it is her first day here. I mean it's not like their feelings will become mutual in a matter of days.


CLIFFHANGER! Sorry, that's all I can give you for now. I don't know if you saw this coming and if you did… you ruined the moment!

And seriously, who else thinks that Scarlett and Noah have something in common? If I know one thing, it's their intelligence... except Scarlett's intelligent in the fields of science and Noah's pretty intelligent in the fields of vocabulary, although he has proven a bit of scientific intelligence. Basically they're both smart and we'll just leave it at that.

Anyways, I'm quite proud of this chapter and I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. Until then, the next chapter shall arrive soon!