Dean sat in his 'office', rubbing his temples. His head was pounding, and he was tired.
"Something wrong sir?" Harvey asked from his left side. Harvey was his personal assistant and a guide when he needed it. Dean was having a hard time adjusting to his new life. He sold his soul to Death in order to save Sammy nearly a year ago. Dean expected to return to the rack where he spent his time when he was in Hell previously. He was wrong, he was very wrong. Death decided that the balance between good and evil wasn't right after Lucifer had been caged for so long, and nothing was changing on Heaven's side. His brilliant solution was to name Dean the new Devil. Hell had a new King: Dean Winchester.
"No Harvey. I'm just tired," Dean answered his assistant.
"You know sir, you've yet to fulfill all of Death's requirements for your new position as our King," Harvey timidly reminded him. Sighing, Dean stood up and looked down at Harvey. His assistant was dressed in a maroon robe, very 'old fashioned' looking. He could only imagine how different it was serving him compared to Lucifer. Sometimes Harvey was a great, helping Dean adjust, but other times he was an annoying little pest. At the moment, he was being the latter.
"Yes Harvey, I'm aware," Dean snapped. His beautiful emerald eyes flashed red for a moment before returning to normal. Death had given Dean a sort of checklist to complete his debt. He had completed all the tasks except for one. He'd proven he could still torture souls amongst other things, and he also showed Death that he could maintain the necessary balance. The one thing he hadn't completed was finding a Queen for Hell. Death knew that since Dean was born human and lived a human life, that he would need companionship to perform best. The more time that passed, Dean was starting to understand the reason behind Death's requirement of a Queen. He was lonely.
"Bring some souls in later tonight. I have other…business…to take care of first," Dean instructed his assistant. Harvey nodded and scurried off.
Jo lifted her head; her once blonde hair now streaked red from blood. Her time in Hell was spent on the rack being tortured, day after day. After the events of Carthage, she'd been at Hell's mercy for over two top-side years. Not once did she see her mother, but she assumed that was because Ellen wasn't bitten by a hellhound. When the demon who was currently torturing her took her off the rack and held her up at eye level, she was sure more pain was on its way.
"It's your lucky day," the demon snarled and put handcuffs on Jo's wrists. Dragging her down a hallway, the demon threw Jo into a room that wasn't her cell. There were nine other women in the room with her, all handcuffed. Each of them looked like they were about to collapse. Jo wondered how many of them were on the rack, and how many were just being kept in cells full time. Before she had time to register anything else, a set of double doors opened and a man in a maroon robe approached them. Walking past the ten women in a line, he nodded his head and turned towards the doors expectantly. A minute later, a man in a black t-shirt and jeans walked through bickering at a demon next to him. Jo looked down, knowing better than to make eye contact with a demon.
"I don't care, deal with it!" the man's voice rang through the room. Jo found a sense of familiarity in his voice, but couldn't place it. She was too exhausted to focus on a distant memory or shred of hope.
"Sir, as you requested," the man in the maroon robe said to the black t-shirt man. Jo could hear footsteps approaching closer and closer. Finally, with her eyes to the floor she saw a pair of shoes in front of her. A hand reached out and grabbed her chin. Moving it upwards so she faced him, she saw the man in front of her. Uncontrollably gasping, she recognized Dean Winchester.
"D-Dean," she barely whispered. It caught his attention, and green eyes bore into her tired brown ones. The man in the maroon robe moved to strike Jo, but Dean held up his hand in protest.
"Jo?" Dean questioned, his gaze questioning. He looked closer at her, and then did something he hadn't done since he'd been named the new King of Hell. He smiled. Dean looked at Harvey and nodded his head. "Have her cleaned up and brought to me," he ordered and left Jo standing confused.
Dean was ecstatic. Maybe Death's requirement wasn't so bad. Up on Earth, lightning flashed across the sky and thunder roared. Dean was smiling downstairs, walking back to his office. When he entered, the smile disappeared. Seeing a lowly demon waiting for him was not what he wanted to deal with.
"There seems to be a problem sir," the demon said.
"What?" Dean snapped.
"He is still trying." Dean knew the demon was talking about Sam. Ever since he saved Sam, the younger Winchester wouldn't stop trying to find a way into Hell to save Dean. Little did Sam know that Dean wasn't just on the rack like before, he was the new ruler of Hell.
"I'll deal with it later. You're dismissed," Dean said, shooing the demon away.
Jo was brought into a different room, and healed by the man in the maroon robe. Once he left, two other demons came in and started touching and grabbing her in different places. They bathed her, fixed her hair, and made her presentable. Dressing her in a crazy red corset with a short black skirt, she thought she looked ridiculous. It reminded her of a slutty Halloween costume. After a long while of primping and being prodded, she was finally done. The man in the robe came back into the room again.
"Hello Jo," he greeted, with a smirk. "I'm Harvey. The Devil's assistant."
"The Devil?"
"Yes. You should consider yourself lucky, you're time on the rack is over," he added, and grabbed her arm harshly to lead her out of the room. She was soon brought to a different room, which had a couch and massive fireplace. She felt embarrassed by the outfit she was wearing, and had was trying to piece together the idea of the Devil and Dean's association with him.
"Jo," a familiar voice sounded throughout the room. Her attention flew to the entrance where Dean Winchester stood.