A/N: More fluff here I guess? Thanks for the reviews, it helps me a lot actually :)

Haruki woke up on her bed to a very pleasant sight, one which she would gladly wake up early to see. Isuke had a small smile on her face, not intimidating and actually contented for once. The pink-haired girl snuggled under her, making her smile widely and her heart swell.

"Oh man...I don't want to wake her up at all..." Haruki murmured as she combed some strands of hair behind Isuke's ear, taking in the angelic sight before all hell unleashes when she awakens from her slumber.

After a moment of staring lovingly at Isuke, she unconsciously placed a small kiss on the girl's forehead, then cringing at her own actions afterwards. It resulted in stirring Isuke up, who merely blinked at her and faced away, yawning and stretching like a cat.

Haruki laughed at the humorous and different side of Isuke in the morning. "You know, Isuke sama..."

"Hah...?" the girl raised an eyebrow, both eyes still closed from sleepiness. She sat cross-legged on the bed, not bothering about how unglamorous she looked, especially with only underwear on.

"You taste like strawberry pocky, funny, isn't it?" Haruki grinned, twirling with the girl's pink locks, "Even your lips, well, both your lips..." she winked playfully.

"Pervert~" Isuke stuck her tongue out and jumped onto the girl, forcing her to lie on her back on the bed.

"How ironic," the red-head snickered as Isuke trailed kisses down her neck and onto her collarbone, one hand already on her butt.

Haru ordered curry for lunch that day, just so that she can have the opportunity to feed Tokaku. Apparently, after watching some dramas, she had that strong urge to do what the character did with her loved one.

"C'mon Tokaku-san! Just one bite! Ahh~" she insisted with a sweet smile, one that even the stoic Tokaku can never resist.

However, even after feeding one spoon of curry to Tokaku, Haru continued to give spoonful after spoonful, which led the stoic girl to return the favour, worried because her girl friend hadn't eaten anything yet.

"Ah...someone's whipped~" Isuke snickered, which earned a death glare from Tokaku. Haruki was sitting next to her, nibbling on strawberry pocky. (She just felt like eating that flavour instead of chocolate. You know why, heh.)

"Isuke-sama!" the pink-haired girl spun her head, only to have a pocky stick shoved into her lips.

"What the hell are you doing~?" Isuke asked with a killer smile (literally), though not removing the biscuit from her mouth.

"Sharing my food." Haruki grinned, unfazed by the threatening stare her roommate was giving.

"Firstly, it's not food, idiot." Isuke muttered, "Second, don't just shove food in my mouth, it pisses me off."

Haruki chuckled and leaned towards her, breaking the pocky into two with her own lips and immediately giving Isuke a sweet kiss.

The pink-haired girl flushed red at the unexpected kiss, "W-Wha..."

Tokaku scoffed, looking away from the embarrassing sight before her. "Look who's whipped now..." Haru giggled and placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Does that piss you off, Isuke sama?" Haruki winked with a goofy grin.

"T-Tch," Isuke narrowed her eyes, stood up abruptly, and pulled Haruki harshly by the collar, "Come with me."

"Use protection!" Tokaku snarled a remark as they left the canteen hurriedly.

"Geez...I don't want to go back to class..." Isuke sighed heavily and brushed her ruffled pink hair as she stared at herself in the bathroom mirror.

Haruki helped her pull her skirt's zipper up and smirked. "Want to head back to our room? We can say one of us didn't feel well, knowing how dense sensei is..."

"Hm...Isuke's habits are rubbing of you," the girl hummed, twirling her curled lock with her finger and she smiled seductively, "I like that."

The red head rolled her eyes and shoved her hands into her pockets. "C'mon, let's leave before anyone sees us."

The thick silence was killing Haruki, making her fidget which each step as she glanced at the girl next to her, who was merely checking her nails like always.

"Say...Isuke-sama..." Haruki blurted without thinking, "Who am I to you?"

Isuke remained silent for a moment, her expression softened, "...You've been asking weird questions these days..."

"I'm just curious." Haruki laughed nervously, "And a little confused. But Isuke-sama doesn't have to answer, y'know?"

"Idiot, stop blabbering." Isuke muttered. They stopped in front of their door, Isuke's hand resting on the door knob. "Look, I know what you're saying, and here's the thing..."

Haruki's breath hitched. Her words, they weren't really a good sign. It gave her a dreadful feeling in her heart.

"I can't commit, or, I don't know if I can." Isuke sounded different, hence making Haruki a little more nervous.

"But I do like you a lot," she continued with a light blush, "A-As in a can tolerate you more than anyone, s-so..."

"Isuke sama," Haruki tried not to trip on her words, "You're blabbering too."

Isuke's lips formed a straight line, her ears had already turned a light shade a red. This side of Isuke made Haruki feel uneasy. Embarrassed? Flushed? They don't suit Isuke, but it does make her look cute.

"It's okay. I'm not asking for a real relationship with goo-goo mushy mushy stuff," Haruki grinned, "I just...want you as mine and mine only, but still with the feelings and all. Does that make sense?"

"No." Isuke replied flatly. "But Isuke's happy to obliged..." she flipped her hair flawlessly.

Seriously...at the time like this... Haruki rolled her eyes.

"But on one condition..." the pink haired girl opened the door and pushed her gently inside, smiling deviously, "I think you know what I mean."

"Oh ho, yes I do." Haruki smiled genuinely and happily.

They didn't show up for class the next day.

Aaand yeah...that's my first fanfiction here xD I'll try better next time (this fic is just a warm up heh) thanks for reading! :)